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Tutti i messaggi di Spongio
RT @CassiniSaturn: On this #SaturnSaturday, we remember @ESA’s Huygens probe. Thirteen years ago tomorrow, it made the first-ever landing o…
RT @DepressedDarth: If this gets 10 thousand retweets, I'll run for President in 2020
OUR STORIES PART 1/4 Samuel I am concluding my undergraduate stu...
Bitches get your sleepy asses to the TV it s time for @RuPaulsDragRace and it s going to be fucking epic @Carlott48466874 @Sam_Yosef #shadyb
Dammit! I feel fucking nostalgic... I will have to play Pokémon White for the fifth time... Thank you @Shadypenguinn and your #SoulLink
@Sam_Yosef @Carlott48466874 Are you ready for @Rupal ? #AllStars2 #friends
@Carlott48466874 @Sam_Yosef Can't wait for the next episode of @RuPaulsDragRace I miss Santino and his deep voice though.@RuPaul #addicted
Radiazione di Maurizio Belpietro dall'Ordine dei Giornalisti @odglombardia @BelpietroTweet via @ChangeItalia
#SloohEclipse I love the way @paulcox talks about the eclipse, so enthusiastic and passionate, it's inspiring!