“Mega†Pokemon; These new supercharged versions of their previous ones are NOT traditional evolutions or forms, but happen through a “Mega Evolution†process. Getting ‘Mega’ versions are: Blaziken, Lucario, Ampharos (Electric/DRAGON, ability: Mold Breaker), Mawile (Steel/Fairy), Mewtwo (ability: Insomnia) and Absol. More could be revealed!Mega evolutions are only accessible during battleA “Megastone†seems to be a collective term for the held items used to Mega-evolve each Pokémon. In the case of Blaziken, its Megastone is called “Blazikeniteâ€.One of the gym leaders, Coruni, hold the key to these new Mega-lutions.Le megavoluzioni sono accessibili solo in battaglia. E quindi sono reversibili .... Fiuuuu. tiro un respiro di solievo. Sono molto belle, e il fatto che non siano correlate al normale tipo di evoluzione o cambiamento di forma mi tira su.