Sol Inviato 25 aprile, 2013 Condividi Inviato 25 aprile, 2013 :°°Format:Doubles VGC 2013Rated battleSpecies Clause: Limit one of each PokemonItem Clause: Limit one of each itemmelevin9's team: Hydreigon / Garchomp / Kingdra / Zapdos / Politoed / HitmontopSolBlaze's team: Garchomp / Terrakion / Thundurus / Cresselia / Hydreigon / MetagrossBattle between melevin9 and SolBlaze started!Go! Kingdra!Go! Politoed!SolBlaze sent out Terrakion!SolBlaze sent out Thundurus!Politoed's Drizzle made it rain! Turn 1The foe's Terrakion used Protect!The foe's Terrakion protected itself!Kingdra used Blizzard!The foe's Terrakion protected itself!The foe's Thundurus ate its Yache Berry!A critical hit! It's super effective! The foe's Thundurus lost 73.5% of its health!Politoed used Blizzard!The foe's Terrakion protected itself!It's super effective! The foe's Thundurus lost 26.5% of its health!The foe's Thundurus fainted!SolBlaze sent out Cresselia! Turn 2Kingdra used Hydro Pump!It's super effective! The foe's Terrakion hung on using its Focus Sash!The foe's Terrakion lost 99.4% of its health!Politoed used Blizzard!The foe's Terrakion lost 0.6% of its health!The foe's Cresselia lost 16.1% of its health!The foe's Terrakion fainted!The foe's Cresselia used Psychic!Kingdra lost 38.4% of its health!SolBlaze sent out Garchomp! Turn 3The foe's Garchomp used Protect!The foe's Garchomp protected itself!Kingdra used Blizzard!The foe's Garchomp protected itself!The foe's Cresselia lost 15.7% of its health!Politoed used Blizzard!The foe's Garchomp protected itself!The foe's Cresselia avoided the attack!The foe's Cresselia used Ice Beam!A critical hit! Kingdra lost 52.3% of its health! Turn 4Kingdra used Blizzard!The foe's Garchomp avoided the attack!The foe's Cresselia avoided the attack!Politoed used Blizzard!It's super effective! The foe's Garchomp lost 100.0% of its health!The foe's Cresselia lost 16.6% of its health!The foe's Garchomp fainted!The foe's Cresselia used Psychic!Politoed lost 35.9% of its health! Turn 5Kingdra used Blizzard!The foe's Cresselia avoided the attack!Politoed used Blizzard!The foe's Cresselia avoided the attack!The foe's Cresselia used Psychic!Kingdra lost 9.3% of its health!Kingdra fainted!melevin9: damn haxGo! Hitmontop! Turn 6The foe's Cresselia used Protect!The foe's Cresselia protected itself!Hitmontop used Fake Out!The foe's Cresselia protected itself!Politoed used Blizzard!The foe's Cresselia protected itself! Turn 7Hitmontop used Sucker Punch!It's super effective! The foe's Cresselia lost 28.7% of its health!The foe's Cresselia ate its Sitrus Berry!The foe's Cresselia restored HP using its Sitrus Berry!Politoed used Blizzard!The foe's Cresselia avoided the attack!The foe's Cresselia used Psychic!A critical hit! It's super effective! Hitmontop lost 100.0% of its health!Hitmontop fainted!Go! Garchomp! Turn 8Garchomp used Protect!Garchomp protected itself!The foe's Cresselia used Protect!The foe's Cresselia protected itself!Politoed used Blizzard!The foe's Cresselia protected itself! Turn 9Politoed has no moves left!Politoed used Struggle!The foe's Cresselia lost 6.3% of its health!Politoed lost 24.6% of its health!Garchomp used Dragon Claw!The foe's Cresselia lost 33.6% of its health!Garchomp lost some of its HP!The foe's Cresselia used Ice Beam!It's super effective! Garchomp lost 90.2% of its health!Garchomp fainted! Turn 10The foe's Cresselia used Protect!The foe's Cresselia protected itself!Politoed has no moves left!Politoed used Struggle!The foe's Cresselia protected itself! Turn 11Politoed has no moves left!Politoed used Struggle!The foe's Cresselia lost 5.4% of its health!Politoed lost 24.6% of its health!The foe's Cresselia used Psychic!Politoed lost 14.4% of its health!Politoed fainted!SolBlaze won the battle!Ladder updating... Link al commento Condividi su altre piattaforme Più opzioni di condivisione...
CLA Inviato 28 aprile, 2013 Condividi Inviato 28 aprile, 2013 Fantastico.Politoed con o Stolascelta che usa Bora ? Kingdra con Bora in una Rain?... Be', si meritava di perdere, così impara a "spammare" Bora senza la grandine. Link al commento Condividi su altre piattaforme Più opzioni di condivisione...
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