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Errore 52000 - Problema di connessione

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Ciao a tutti, allora ho un portatile Acer, il nintendo ds lite, il router digicom michelangelo wave, ho impostato la connessione wep, ho fatto di tutto, sono giorni che provo a collegarmi ma niente, esce sempre lo stesso problema, ovvero quel maledetto errore 52000, non trova l'access point, cercando in rete ho visto che molti hanno questo problema, mi pare anche di aver letto che il router digicom non è compatibile, però qualcuno mi ha detto che è riuscito a collegarsi lo stesso, non so più come fare, anche perchè la chiavetta nintendo non si trova più, mi tocca spendere soldi per un router nuovo? Se qualcuno può aiutarmi mi fa un favore, ma scrivendo passo dopo passo quello che devo fare perchè non sono esperto di queste cose.

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il nintendo customer service, se non l'hai già  visto, dice così. non so se può esserti realmente d'aiuto.

Error Code: 52000

Unable to connect to your wireless network

Likely cause: It appears that the security settings entered into the Nintendo DS are not the same as what your wireless router is set to allow, or your router is not able to assign the Nintendo DS an IP address.

How to fix: Make sure the security key and security type are entered into the Nintendo DS exactly as they appear in your router's settings; manually assign an IP address to the Nintendo DS.

  1. Don't know how to find your router's security key?

    Let us help! Select the brand of your router below and we'll show you how to access your router's settings.

    1. Once you have entered the correct WEP or WPA key into your system, try the connection test again. If the problem persists, keep reading this page.
    Additional information:

    • Using an Actiontec or 2Wire router? The default security key is often found on a sticker located on the router.
    • Security keys are case-sensitive.
    • WEP keys contain numbers 0 through 9, and only letters A through F.


Manually assign an IP address to your Nintendo DS.

Assigning an IP address to your Nintendo DS is easy!

Nintendo DSi and Nintendo DSi XL

  1. From the Nintendo DSi settings, select "Internet,"and choose the connection file you currently use (will have a red border around it).
  2. Choose "Manual Setup."
  3. Click the right arrow three times to reach the "Auto-Obtain IP Address" screen and choose "No."
  4. Select "Detailed setup" and tap into IP Address field, and type in the IP address below for your router brand. Skip down to step 5.

Nintendo DS and Nintendo DS Lite

IP addresses to enter by router brand:

If the test was successful, then your Nintendo DS is now connected online. If you received error code 52130, please call 1-800-255-3700 so that we may assist you further.

  1. Access the Nintendo Wi-Fi Connection feature for the game you are attempting to play.
  2. Choose "Manual Setup."
  3. Click the right arrow three times to reach the "Auto-Obtain IP Address" screen and choose "No."
  4. Select "Detailed setup" and tap into IP Address field, and type in the IP address below for your router brand.
    Don't see your router brand listed? Click here for help with finding an IP address to enter.
    • Linksys - enter:
    • Netgear - enter:
    • Belkin - enter:
    • D-Link - enter:
    • Apple - enter:
    • 2Wire - enter:
    • Actiontec - enter:
    • SMC Networks - enter:

[*]Next, for the Subnet Mask, enter and select "OK."

[*]Select the "Gateway Box" box. You will need to enter the defail gateway address for your router brand. Look at the brand of your router, and enter the gateway address listed below into the field.

Don't see your router brand listed? Click here for help with finding an IP address to enter.

  • Linksys - enter:
  • Netgear - enter:
  • Belkin - enter:
  • D-Link - enter:
  • Apple - enter:
  • 2Wire - enter:
  • Actiontec - enter:
  • SMC Networks - enter:

[*]Edit the "Primary DNS" field and enter:

[*]Edit the "Secondary DNS" field and enter:

Please note: These are public DNS's provided by Google and are subject to Google's Terms of Service. If you prefer to not use this service, doing an Internet search for "public DNS" will provide you with several other options you can use.

[*]Select "Test connection" at the top right side of the screen.

[*]Other suggestions:

  • Did this connection used to work but has suddently stopped? "Power cycle" your router by unplugging it from the power outlet. Wait a few minutes, and plug the router back in. Wait a couple of minutes for it to initialize, and try to connect the Nintendo DS online and test for proper response.

  • Check for wireless interference, which can affect the signal strength to the Nintendo DS. To help minimize wireless interference, try the following:
    • Make sure other wireless devices such as cordless phones or wireless speakers are turned off, and that the Nintendo DS is an open area without objects or electronics blocking the signal.
    • Change your router's channel setting to 1 or 11. By default, most routers broadcast on channel 6, which overlaps with other channels and may be weaker. For help doing this, click here and select your router brand and model (if available). The information you need is found in the "Broadcast Channel:" area.

Still stuck? We can help! We have an easy-to-follow guide that will walk you through the process of finding creating a new connection file and starting from scratch. Even if you're sure you've entered the correct security key, we suggest following our guide to create a new connection file and start over. If at the end you still need help, you'll find contact information to reach our specially-trained representatives.

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Ciao, ti ringrazio ma alla fine ci sono riuscito seguendo un video in spagnolo su Youtube, pensa te, alla fine bastava modificare l'ip, ad esempio da a, quindi aumentando di 10 nell'ultimo spazio, spero che questo possa servire a tutti quelli che hanno questo problema.

Quindi l'indirizzo ip va aumentato di 10 nell'ultimo spazio.

Inserire Subnet Mask e Gateway copiandoli uguali dal pc.

Per DNS primario e secondario basta inserire lo stesso codice del Gateway.

Questo per il problema 52000 e 52100.

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Ciao, ti ringrazio ma alla fine ci sono riuscito seguendo un video in spagnolo su Youtube, pensa te, alla fine bastava modificare l'ip, ad esempio da a, quindi aumentando di 10 nell'ultimo spazio, spero che questo possa servire a tutti quelli che hanno questo problema.

Quindi l'indirizzo ip va aumentato di 10 nell'ultimo spazio.

Inserire Subnet Mask e Gateway copiandoli uguali dal pc.

Per DNS primario e secondario basta inserire lo stesso codice del Gateway.

Questo per il problema 52000 e 52100.

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