Axelf Inviato 11 maggio, 2013 Inviato 11 maggio, 2013 EPICITà SIGNORI.M i s t a k e joined.MaxerDany joined.Format: OUEvasion Abilities Clause: Evasion abilities are bannedSleep Clause: Limit one foe put to sleepSpecies Clause: Limit one of each PokemonOHKO Clause: OHKO moves are bannedMoody Clause: Moody is bannedEvasion Moves Clause: Evasion moves are bannedM i s t a k e's team:Ninetales / Cloyster / Venusaur / Rotom-Wash / Dugtrio / DarmanitanMaxerDany's team:Smeargle / Gorebyss / Scizor / Lunatone / Ambipom / WeedlePaolino_92 joined.Battle between M i s t a k e and MaxerDany started!Go! Kuccia (Ninetales)!MaxerDany sent out Smeargle!Kuccia's Drought intensified the sun's rays!Kuccia floats in the air with its Air Balloon! Turn 1MaxerDany: La cosa sta diventando ridicola ahahahaaKuccia used Will-O-Wisp!The foe's Smeargle was burned!The foe's Smeargle used Belly Drum!The foe's Smeargle lost 50.0% of its health!The foe's Smeargle cut its own HP and maximized its Attack!The foe's Smeargle restored HP using its Leftovers!The foe's Smeargle was hurt by its burn! Turn 2M i s t a k e: lòlM i s t a k e: davvero :°DKuccia, come back!Go! PalmaPower (Venusaur)!The foe's Smeargle used Baton Pass!M i s t a k e: Paolì eccoti qui :°DMaxerDany sent out Gorebyss! Turn 3PalmaPower used Growth!PalmaPower's Attack sharply rose!PalmaPower's Special Attack sharply rose!The foe's Gorebyss used Shell Smash!The foe's Gorebyss's Special Attack sharply rose!The foe's Gorebyss's Speed sharply rose!The foe's Gorebyss's Defense fell!The foe's Gorebyss's Special Defense fell!The foe's Gorebyss restored its status using its White Herb! Turn 4PalmaPower used Growth!PalmaPower's Attack sharply rose!PalmaPower's Special Attack sharply rose!The foe's Gorebyss used Baton Pass!MaxerDany sent out Scizor! Turn 5PalmaPower used Growth!PalmaPower's Attack sharply rose!PalmaPower's Special Attack sharply rose!The foe's Scizor used Agility!The foe's Scizor's Speed sharply rose! Turn 6M i s t a k e: oddio à§_à§M i s t a k e: mi sono appena accorto di una cosaPaolino_92: ?PalmaPower used Sleep Powder!The foe's Scizor avoided the attack!The foe's Scizor used Iron Defense!The foe's Scizor's Defense sharply rose! Turn 7M i s t a k e: frullo diventerà più veloce di me :cPalmaPower used Sleep Powder!The foe's Scizor fell asleep!The foe's Scizor is fast asleep. Turn 8MaxerDany: NoMaxerDany: MaxerDany: Ma cosPalmaPower used Growth!The foe's Scizor woke up!The foe's Scizor used Agility!The foe's Scizor's Speed sharply rose! Turn 9M i s t a k e: Ne avevo vogliaM i s t a k e: lòlM i s t a k e: non ho più mosse da usare sennò ti trucido :°)The foe's Scizor used Baton Pass!MaxerDany sent out Lunatone!PalmaPower used Growth! Turn 10The foe's Lunatone used Cosmic Power!The foe's Lunatone's Defense rose!The foe's Lunatone's Special Defense rose!PalmaPower used Growth! Turn 11The foe's Lunatone used Cosmic Power!The foe's Lunatone's Defense rose!The foe's Lunatone's Special Defense rose!PalmaPower used Growth! Turn 12The foe's Lunatone used Cosmic Power!The foe's Lunatone's Defense rose!The foe's Lunatone's Special Defense rose!PalmaPower used Growth! Turn 13The foe's Lunatone used Cosmic Power!The foe's Lunatone's Defense rose!The foe's Lunatone's Special Defense rose!PalmaPower used Growth! Turn 14The foe's Lunatone used Cosmic Power!The foe's Lunatone's Special Defense rose!PalmaPower used Growth! Turn 15M i s t a k e: ce la facciamo?The foe's Lunatone used Cosmic Power!The foe's Lunatone's Special Defense rose!PalmaPower used Growth! Turn 16MaxerDany: MaybeThe foe's Lunatone used Baton Pass!M i s t a k e: eccoMaxerDany sent out Ambipom!PalmaPower used Growth! Turn 17Paolino_92: yesPaolino_92: noM i s t a k e: pure??Paolino_92: maybeM i s t a k e: ma quale altra stat vuoi aumentare x4?? à§_à§The foe's Ambipom used Nasty Plot!The foe's Ambipom's Special Attack sharply rose!PalmaPower used Growth! Turn 18MaxerDany: Si. <3Paolino_92: i don't knowM i s t a k e: Ma a Weedle non frega un emerito ca-cchio dell'attacco speciale à§_à§The foe's Ambipom used Nasty Plot!The foe's Ambipom's Special Attack sharply rose!PalmaPower used Growth! Turn 19MaxerDany: Ma non è vero.Paolino_92: vabbè ManuMaxerDany: AND NOWM i s t a k e: ora puoi mandare in campo Weedle? :°)MaxerDany: IT'S THE TIMEM i s t a k e: LOLM i s t a k e: VAIIIMaxerDany: OF THE MOST EPIC POKEMONM i s t a k e: EVAHMaxerDany: IN THE WORLDPaolino_92: it's the final countdownM i s t a k e: TU BATON PASSA E TACIM i s t a k e: DAIIM i s t a k e: LOOOLPaolino_92: *sottofondo musicale*M i s t a k e: :°DMaxerDany: WEEEEEDLEEEEEThe foe's Ambipom used Baton Pass!M i s t a k e: *trombe*MaxerDany sent out Weedle!PalmaPower used Hidden Power!It's super effective! The foe's Weedle lost 100.0% of its health!PalmaPower lost some of its HP!The foe's Weedle fainted!M i s t a k e: looooooooooooooooooooooooooolM i s t a k e: epic failM i s t a k e: EEEEEEEEEEEEEPICMaxerDany: ROTFLLMALOLOLOLOLOLM i s t a k e: FAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAILPaolino_92: lolM i s t a k e: LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOLPaolino_92: asdMaxerDany: AHAHAHAHAHM i s t a k e: ti giuro sto per cadere dalla sedia :°DMaxerDany: Tutto sto casino per nienteMaxerDany: AHAHAHAM i s t a k e: magariM i s t a k e: seM i s t a k e: non avessi usatoM i s t a k e: venuM i s t a k e: avrebbe funzonato :°DPaolino_92: maxer fatelo in hackmonsM i s t a k e: funzionato*MaxerDany: VENUSAUR E' INFAMEM i s t a k e: E IO SONO INFAME INSIEME A LUIM i s t a k e: <3MaxerDany: Andrebbe salvata sta partita. :°DM i s t a k e: sì salviamola! :°DMaxerDany: YEAH! X°DM i s t a k e: voglio il replayM i s t a k e: finiamola dai! :OM i s t a k e: manda in campo qualcunoMaxerDany: Come si fa? :°DM i s t a k e: bisogna finirlaMaxerDany sent out Smeargle! Turn 20M i s t a k e: :CMaxerDany: Dai, eliminami. X°DM i s t a k e: lòòòlM i s t a k e: x°DPalmaPower used Giga Drain!The foe's Smeargle lost 44.0% of its health!The foe's Smeargle had its energy drained!PalmaPower lost some of its HP!The foe's Smeargle fainted!M i s t a k e: Paolì, in Hackons? XDMaxerDany: HO ANCORA UNA CHANCEMaxerDany sent out Scizor! Turn 21M i s t a k e: CERTO CHE CE L'HAI :°PalmaPower used Hidden Power!It's super effective! The foe's Scizor hung on using its Focus Sash!The foe's Scizor lost 98.0% of its health!PalmaPower lost some of its HP!The foe's Scizor used Iron Defense!The foe's Scizor's Defense sharply rose! Turn 22Paolino_92: così puoi dargli 252 evs in ogni statPalmaPower used Hidden Power!It's super effective! The foe's Scizor lost 2.0% of its health!PalmaPower lost some of its HP!The foe's Scizor fainted!Paolino_92: maxerM i s t a k e: serio???Paolino_92: yesMaxerDany sent out Lunatone! Turn 23M i s t a k e: figooooM i s t a k e: lòlMaxerDany: WOWOPalmaPower used Giga Drain!A critical hit! It's super effective! The foe's Lunatone lost100.0% of its health!The foe's Lunatone had its energy drained!PalmaPower lost some of its HP!The foe's Lunatone fainted!Paolino_92: puoi dargli qualsiasi mossaPaolino_92: e abilità M i s t a k e: VENU TRUCIDA TUTTI CON UN SOLO ATTACCOM i s t a k e: POWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHMaxerDany sent out Ambipom! Turn 24M i s t a k e: Figooooooooo! *^*PalmaPower used Giga Drain!The foe's Ambipom lost 100.0% of its health!The foe's Ambipom had its energy drained!PalmaPower lost some of its HP!The foe's Ambipom fainted!MaxerDany sent out Gorebyss! Turn 25PalmaPower used Giga Drain!It's super effective! The foe's Gorebyss lost 100.0% of its health!The foe's Gorebyss had its energy drained!PalmaPower lost some of its HP!The foe's Gorebyss fainted!M i s t a k e won the battle!M i s t a k e: ECCO :°DPaolino_92: figo finche non ti trovi spiritomb wonder guardM i s t a k e: LOOOLMaxerDany: C'ERO QUASIM i s t a k e: Paolì, ma no à§_à§M i s t a k e: FRULLO, QUASIM i s t a k e: io ora mi guardo il replay :°MaxerDany: Come faccio per il replay? :°DM i s t a k e: Share Replay devi premereM i s t a k e: :°DMaxerDany: Share o Leave?M i s t a k e: SHAREMaxerDany: Instant*M i s t a k e: Leave è lascia à§_à§M i s t a k e: SHAREpalkia124 joined.MaxerDany: Hio sbagliato. X°MaxerDany: Ho*M i s t a k e: INSTANT te lo riguardi tu oraMaxerDany: E share salvaMaxerDany: no?M i s t a k e: mahM i s t a k e: loolM i s t a k e: scriviamoM i s t a k e: duranteM i s t a k e: il replayM i s t a k e: lolM i s t a k e: SHARE SALVApalkia124: sono curioso chi vincera?M i s t a k e: tuttiMaxerDany: Non succede nulla. M i s t a k e: IOMaxerDany: Ma è finita da mezz'ora rotflM i s t a k e: LOLM i s t a k e: questo è un replay Palkia :°DM i s t a k e: Frullo,M i s t a k e: diceM i s t a k e: cheM i s t a k e: èM i s t a k e: invalidoM i s t a k e: l'IDM i s t a k e: eM i s t a k e: quindiM i s t a k e: nonM i s t a k e: siM i s t a k e: puòM i s t a k e: salvareM i s t a k e: :cMaxerDany: NUOpalkia124: sono un idiotaaaaaaaaaM i s t a k e: LOLM i s t a k e: PalkiaMaxerDany: Vabbè, i LOGM i s t a k e: comunqueM i s t a k e: guardaM i s t a k e: ce epicità M i s t a k e: negli occhiM i s t a k e: di WeedleMaxerDany: E subito su PM. LMAOM i s t a k e: *^*M i s t a k e: LOLM i s t a k e: la faccio io la discussione Frullo!MaxerDany: No, io. MaxerDany: Sono io il failer. lmaoM i s t a k e: MAH à§_à§M i s t a k e: OKèM i s t a k e: Ma mettiM i s t a k e: inM i s t a k e: risaltoM i s t a k e: l'epicità M i s t a k e: di VEnUM i s t a k e: à§_à§MaxerDany: Ok. :°MaxerDany: Dici che è meglio il Bar Utenti? :°DM i s t a k e: èOéM i s t a k e: Sì BAR!M i s t a k e: Anzi la BAT CAVERNA (?)M i s t a k e: Vai al bar :°DMaxerDany: VOLO
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