Lory Inviato 4 dicembre, 2011 Inviato 4 dicembre, 2011 La mia prima battle contro marisio, della seconda non ho i Log, la posta lui, e.e Non so usare quel programma strano, accontentatevi di questi, dura veramente poco la battle.Battle between [PM] Marisio and Loryllo started!Rule: UnratedRule: Sleep ClauseRule: Freeze ClauseRule: Wifi BattleYour team: Politoed / Latios / Rotom-W / Jirachi / Deoxys-S / MetagrossOpponent's team: Dragonite / Politoed / Tornadus / Starmie / Jolteon / DugtrioLoryllo sent out Politoed![PM] Marisio sent out Dragonite!Politoed's Drizzle made it rain!Loryllo: Oh la la, chi si rivede-Loryllo: Il capopalestra acqua di pm sono io, quindi se è scrivi che è occupato. (-non dateci caso-)Loryllo: lol.Start of turn 1[PM] Marisio called Dragonite back![PM] Marisio sent out Politoed!Politoed used Ice Beam!It's not very effective...The foe's Politoed lost 21% of its health!Rain continues to fall![PM] Marisio: Non entravo su PO da tempo, ora per la Lega tutti a sfidarmi stanno :°DLoryllo: C'è molta gente di PM qui?Loryllo: Penso siano tutti nabbi. (-non dateci caso-)Start of turn 2Loryllo called Politoed back!Loryllo sent out Jirachi!The foe's Politoed used Hidden Power!It's not very effective...Jirachi lost 35 HP! (8% of its health)Rain continues to fall!Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers![PM] Marisio: Direi di sì Loryllo: ah, lol.Start of turn 3[PM] Marisio called Politoed back![PM] Marisio sent out Jolteon!Jirachi used Substitute!Jirachi made a substitute!Rain continues to fall!Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!Start of turn 4The foe's Jolteon used Substitute!The foe's Jolteon made a substitute!Jirachi used Calm Mind!Jirachi's Sp. Att. rose!Jirachi's Sp. Def. rose!Rain continues to fall!Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!Start of turn 5The foe's Jolteon used Baton Pass![PM] Marisio called Jolteon back![PM] Marisio sent out Dugtrio!Jirachi used Water Pulse!It's super effective!The foe's Dugtrio's substitute faded!Rain continues to fall!Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!Start of turn 6The foe's Dugtrio used Earthquake!It's super effective!Jirachi's substitute faded!Jirachi used Water Pulse!It's super effective!The foe's Dugtrio lost 99% of its health!The foe's Dugtrio hung on using its Focus Sash!Rain continues to fall!Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!Start of turn 7The foe's Dugtrio used Earthquake!It's super effective!Jirachi lost 282 HP! (69% of its health)Jirachi used Water Pulse!It's super effective!The foe's Dugtrio lost 0% of its health!The foe's Dugtrio fainted!Rain continues to fall!Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers![PM] Marisio sent out Tornadus!Start of turn 8The foe's Tornadus used Focus Blast!The attack of the foe's Tornadus missed!Jirachi used Thunder!It's super effective!The foe's Tornadus lost 100% of its health!The foe's Tornadus fainted!Rain continues to fall!Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers![PM] Marisio sent out Starmie!Loryllo: Umpf, avevo poca vita, ti saresti dovuto dare sul sicuro.Start of turn 9The foe's Starmie used Hydro Pump!Jirachi lost 161 HP! (39% of its health)Jirachi fainted!Rain continues to fall!Loryllo sent out Latios!Start of turn 10The foe's Starmie used Ice Beam!It's super effective!Latios lost 162 HP! (53% of its health)Latios used Draco Meteor!The attack of Latios missed!Rain continues to fall!Start of turn 11Loryllo called Latios back!Loryllo sent out Rotom-W!The foe's Starmie used Ice Beam!It's not very effective...Rotom-W lost 45 HP! (18% of its health)Rain continues to fall!Start of turn 12Rotom-W used Hydro Pump!It's not very effective...The foe's Starmie lost 61% of its health!The foe's Starmie used Hidden Power!It's super effective!Rotom-W lost 140 HP! (57% of its health)Rain continues to fall!The foe's Starmie restored a little HP using its Leftovers!Start of turn 13[PM] Marisio called Starmie back![PM] Marisio sent out Politoed!Rotom-W used Hydro Pump!It's not very effective...The foe's Politoed lost 46% of its health!Rain continues to fall!Start of turn 14Rotom-W used Hydro Pump!It's not very effective...The foe's Politoed lost 31% of its health!The foe's Politoed fainted!Rain continues to fall![PM] Marisio sent out Dragonite!Start of turn 15Loryllo called Rotom-W back!Loryllo sent out Politoed!The foe's Dragonite used Dragon Claw!Politoed lost 145 HP! (37% of its health)Rain continues to fall!Loryllo: qui rischio.Start of turn 16The foe's Dragonite used Substitute!The foe's Dragonite made a substitute!Politoed used Ice Beam!It's super effective!The foe's Dragonite's substitute faded!Rain continues to fall!The foe's Dragonite restored a little HP using its Leftovers!Loryllo: Salvati i log, magari li postiamo.Start of turn 17[PM] Marisio called Dragonite back![PM] Marisio sent out Starmie!Politoed used Ice Beam!It's not very effective...The foe's Starmie lost 29% of its health!Rain continues to fall!The foe's Starmie restored a little HP using its Leftovers!Start of turn 18The foe's Starmie used Hidden Power!It's super effective!Politoed lost 132 HP! (34% of its health)Politoed used Ice Beam!It's not very effective...The foe's Starmie lost 21% of its health!The foe's Starmie fainted!Rain continues to fall![PM] Marisio sent out Jolteon!Start of turn 19The foe's Jolteon used Thunder!It's super effective!Politoed lost 107 HP! (27% of its health)Politoed fainted!Rain continues to fall!Loryllo sent out Rotom-W!Start of turn 20Rotom-W used Hydro Pump!The foe's Jolteon lost 75% of its health!The foe's Jolteon fainted!Rain continues to fall![PM] Marisio sent out Dragonite!Start of turn 21Loryllo called Rotom-W back!Loryllo sent out Deoxys-S!Deoxys-S is exerting its Pressure!The foe's Dragonite used Dragon Claw!Deoxys-S lost 141 HP! (58% of its health)Rain continues to fall!The foe's Dragonite restored a little HP using its Leftovers!Loryllo: ggStart of turn 22Deoxys-S used Ice Beam!It's super effective!The foe's Dragonite lost 87% of its health!The foe's Dragonite fainted!Deoxys-S is hurt by its Life Orb!Loryllo won the battle!Loryllo: .[PM] Marisio: Oh, NO! T.TNon date caso ai (-non dateci caso-), per il resto, gg.
Lory Inviato 4 dicembre, 2011 Autore Inviato 4 dicembre, 2011 ---Messaggio Inutile, il commento era per l'altra battle---
Hikari Inviato 4 dicembre, 2011 Inviato 4 dicembre, 2011 Muori -.-' C'è io ti faccio i complimenti e tu te ne esci così? Hai dimenticato tutto ciò che abbiamo passato insieme? Le trollate e le trollate.. lol.
Lory Inviato 4 dicembre, 2011 Autore Inviato 4 dicembre, 2011 Ma cosa muori, cattivona <3, avevo scritto veramente un messeggio inutile, caprah:DComunque ti segnalo per troll, sei una flamearronna !121!11!1!!1!1!11!!!!
Lory Inviato 4 dicembre, 2011 Autore Inviato 4 dicembre, 2011 thnx Luxor1!!1!!!! La gentaglia come lei non dovrebbe mettere piede nel forum! (Anyo <3)
Kait Inviato 5 dicembre, 2011 Inviato 5 dicembre, 2011 Bravo Lory :°DE ricorda: TIZIANO RULLA u.ùCmq nell'altra che posterò appena troverò i log fra i millemila salvati ho avuto sfortuna su Latias, pensavo di outspeedare
Lory Inviato 5 dicembre, 2011 Autore Inviato 5 dicembre, 2011 Nuo, Tiziano era la nostra distrazione nella seconda battle! :°D
Kait Inviato 5 dicembre, 2011 Inviato 5 dicembre, 2011 On 05/12/2011 at 14:18, Lory ha scritto: Nuo, Tiziano era la nostra distrazione nella seconda battle! :°DHai visto la finale di Supercoppa? Big bang, Big Bang, Big Bang Boateng! XD
Lory Inviato 5 dicembre, 2011 Autore Inviato 5 dicembre, 2011 Viva l'OT! Comunque devi vederti il video dove chiede scusa a Noce! Rino! Huahahahahaahahahahah
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