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[Random]La potenza di Celebi


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ash1 joined.

riolu<3 joined.
Random Battle
Sleep Clause: Limit one foe put to sleep
Battle between ash1 and riolu<3 started!
Go! Pachirisu!
riolu<3 sent out Vullaby!
Turn 1
riolu<3: leggedari 0 :(
Pachirisu used Volt Switch!
It's super effective! The foe's Vullaby lost 38% of its health!
ash1: io 1
Pachirisu went back to ash1!
Go! Shuckle!
The foe's Vullaby used Brave Bird!
Shuckle lost 29.0% of its health!
The foe's Vullaby is damaged by recoil!
Turn 2
The foe's Vullaby used Toxic!
Shuckle was badly poisoned!
Shuckle used Rollout!
It's super effective! The foe's Vullaby lost 8% of its health!
Shuckle was hurt by poison!
Turn 3
The foe's Vullaby used Dark Pulse!
Shuckle lost 17% of its health!
Shuckle flinched and couldn't move!
Shuckle was hurt by poison!
Turn 4
riolu<3 withdrew Vullaby!
riolu<3 sent out Bastiodon!
The foe's Bastiodon floats in the air with its Air Balloon!
Shuckle used Rollout!
It's not very effective... The foe's Bastiodon lost 2% of its health!
The foe's Bastiodon's Air Balloon popped!
Shuckle was hurt by poison!
Turn 5
riolu<3: to XD
riolu<3: sbrigati XD
Battle timer is now ON: inactive players will automatically lose when time's up. (requested by riolu<3)
You have 290 seconds to make your decision.
ash1 has 270 seconds left.
ash1 has 240 seconds left.
The foe's Bastiodon used Fire Blast!
Shuckle avoided the attack!
Shuckle used Rollout!
The foe's Bastiodon avoided the attack!
Shuckle was hurt by poison!
Shuckle fainted!
You have 240 seconds to make your decision.
Go! Pachirisu!
Turn 6
You have 240 seconds to make your decision.
riolu<3 has 270 seconds left.
riolu<3: guarda chi c'o XD
riolu<3 withdrew Bastiodon!
riolu<3 sent out Haxorus!
The foe's Haxorus breaks the mold!
Pachirisu used Super Fang!
The foe's Haxorus avoided the attack!
Turn 7
You have 240 seconds to make your decision.
Pachirisu used Super Fang!
The foe's Haxorus lost 50% of its health!
The foe's Haxorus used Superpower!
Pachirisu lost 50% of its health!
The foe's Haxorus's Attack fell!
The foe's Haxorus's Defense fell!
The foe's Haxorus lost some of its HP!
Turn 8
You have 240 seconds to make your decision.
Pachirisu used Super Fang!
The foe's Haxorus lost 21% of its health!
The foe's Haxorus used Superpower!
Pachirisu lost 38% of its health!
The foe's Haxorus's Attack fell!
The foe's Haxorus's Defense fell!
The foe's Haxorus lost some of its HP!
Turn 9
You have 240 seconds to make your decision.
riolu<3 has 240 seconds left.
riolu<3 withdrew Haxorus!
riolu<3 sent out Croconaw!
Pachirisu used Super Fang!
The foe's Croconaw lost 50% of its health!
Turn 10
You have 240 seconds to make your decision.
The foe's Croconaw used Aqua Jet!
Pachirisu lost 13% of its health!
The foe's Croconaw lost some of its HP!
Pachirisu fainted!
You have 240 seconds to make your decision.
Go! Celebi!
Turn 11
You have 240 seconds to make your decision.
Celebi used Nasty Plot!
Celebi's Special Attack sharply rose!
The foe's Croconaw used Superpower!
It's not very effective... Celebi lost 21% of its health!
The foe's Croconaw's Attack fell!
The foe's Croconaw's Defense fell!
The foe's Croconaw lost some of its HP!
Celebi restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 12
You have 240 seconds to make your decision.
riolu<3 withdrew Croconaw!
riolu<3 sent out Golett!
Celebi used Earth Power!
The foe's Golett lost 50% of its health!
Celebi restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 13
You have 240 seconds to make your decision.
Celebi used Hidden Power!
It's super effective! The foe's Golett lost 50% of its health!
The foe's Golett fainted!
Celebi restored HP using its Leftovers!
riolu<3 sent out Nosepass!
The foe's Nosepass floats in the air with its Air Balloon!
Turn 14
You have 240 seconds to make your decision.
Celebi used Hidden Power!
The foe's Nosepass lost 31% of its health!
The foe's Nosepass's Air Balloon popped!
The foe's Nosepass used Stone Edge!
Celebi lost 31% of its health!
Celebi restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 15
You have 240 seconds to make your decision.
ash1 has 210 seconds left.
Celebi used Earth Power!
It's super effective! The foe's Nosepass lost 69% of its health!
The foe's Nosepass fainted!
Celebi restored HP using its Leftovers!
riolu<3: ....
riolu<3 sent out Croconaw!
Turn 16
You have 220 seconds to make your decision.
The foe's Croconaw used Aqua Jet!
It's not very effective... Celebi lost 10% of its health!
The foe's Croconaw lost some of its HP!
Celebi used Earth Power!
The foe's Croconaw lost 21% of its health!
The foe's Croconaw fainted!
Celebi restored HP using its Leftovers!
riolu<3 has 210 seconds left.
riolu<3 sent out Haxorus!
The foe's Haxorus breaks the mold!
Turn 17
You have 220 seconds to make your decision.
Celebi used Hidden Power!
It's super effective! The foe's Haxorus lost 10% of its health!
The foe's Haxorus fainted!
Celebi restored HP using its Leftovers!
riolu<3 sent out Vullaby!
Turn 18
You have 220 seconds to make your decision.
ash1: devo già  dirti gg?
Celebi used Hidden Power!
It's super effective! The foe's Vullaby lost 48% of its health!
The foe's Vullaby fainted!
Celebi restored HP using its Leftovers!
riolu<3: si
riolu<3 sent out Bastiodon!
Turn 19
You have 220 seconds to make your decision.
ash1: GG
Celebi used Earth Power!
It's super effective! The foe's Bastiodon lost 98% of its health!
The foe's Bastiodon fainted!
ash1 won the battle!
riolu<3: XD

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