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[Random]Voglio Klinklang tra gli uber


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ash1 joined.
The Wolf1 joined.
Random Battle
Rated battle
Sleep Clause: Limit one foe put to sleep
Battle between ash1 and The Wolf1 started!
Go! Klinklang!
The Wolf1 sent out Aerodactyl!
The foe's Aerodactyl is exerting its pressure!
Turn 1
Darken PM joined.
Battle timer is now ON: inactive players will automatically lose when time's up. (requested by The Wolf1)
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
The foe's Aerodactyl used Aqua Tail!
Klinklang lost 25% of its health!
Klinklang used Shift Gear!
Klinklang's Attack rose!
Klinklang's Speed sharply rose!
Turn 2
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
The Wolf1 withdrew Aerodactyl!
The Wolf1 sent out Caterpie!
Klinklang used Shift Gear!
Klinklang's Attack rose!
Klinklang's Speed sharply rose!
Turn 3
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
SuperTomas99 joined.
Klinklang used Wild Charge!
The foe's Caterpie lost 73% of its health!
Klinklang is damaged by recoil!
The foe's Caterpie used Electroweb!
Klinklang lost 10% of its health!
Klinklang's stats were not lowered! (placeholder)
Turn 4
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
Klinklang used Gear Grind!
The foe's Caterpie lost 27% of its health!
Hit 1 time(s)!
The foe's Caterpie fainted!
The Wolf1 sent out Prinplup!
Turn 5
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
Klinklang used Wild Charge!
A critical hit! It's super effective! The foe's Prinplup lost 100% of its health!
Klinklang is damaged by recoil!
The foe's Prinplup fainted!
The Wolf1 sent out Illumise!
Turn 6
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
Klinklang used Return!
A critical hit! The foe's Illumise lost 100% of its health!
The foe's Illumise fainted!
The Wolf1 sent out Azurill!
Turn 7
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
Klinklang used Return!
The foe's Azurill lost 83% of its health!
The foe's Azurill used Encore!
Klinklang received an encore!
The foe's Azurill restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 8
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
ash1: il mio klinklang powah
Klinklang used Return!
The foe's Azurill lost 23% of its health!
The foe's Azurill fainted!
The Wolf1 sent out Aerodactyl!
The foe's Aerodactyl is exerting its pressure!
Turn 9
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
Klinklang used Return!
It's not very effective... The foe's Aerodactyl lost 35% of its health!
The foe's Aerodactyl used Aqua Tail!
Klinklang lost 19% of its health!
Klinklang fainted!
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
Go! Boldore!
Boldore floats in the air with its Air Balloon!
Turn 10
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
The Wolf1: finalmente!
The foe's Aerodactyl used Aqua Tail!
It's super effective! Boldore lost 40% of its health!
Boldore's Air Balloon popped!
Boldore used Stone Edge!
The foe's Aerodactyl avoided the attack!
Turn 11
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
The foe's Aerodactyl used Aqua Tail!
Boldore avoided the attack!
Boldore used Stone Edge!
It's super effective! The foe's Aerodactyl lost 65% of its health!
The foe's Aerodactyl fainted!
ash1: nuooo
The Wolf1 sent out Fraxure!
The foe's Fraxure breaks the mold!
Turn 12
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
The foe's Fraxure used Swords Dance!
The foe's Fraxure's Attack sharply rose!
Boldore used Explosion!
The foe's Fraxure lost 96% of its health!
Boldore fainted!
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
Go! Ferrothorn!
Turn 13
You have 150 seconds to make your decision.
The foe's Fraxure used Superpower!
A critical hit! It's super effective! Ferrothorn lost 100% of its health!
The foe's Fraxure is hurt by Ferrothorn's Iron Barbs!
Ferrothorn fainted!
The foe's Fraxure fainted!
ash1 won the battle!
Ladder updating...
ash1's rating: 1386 → 1401
(+15 for winning)
The Wolf1's rating: 1645 → 1599
(-46 for losing)


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