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[OU] Dat hax.


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Skie joined.

AshachuPM joined.


Rated battle
Evasion Abilities Clause: Evasion abilities are banned
Sleep Clause Mod: Limit one foe put to sleep
Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokemon
OHKO Clause: OHKO moves are banned
Moody Clause: Moody is banned
Evasion Moves Clause: Evasion moves are banned
HP Percentage Mod: HP is reported as percentages
AshachuPM's team:Politoed / Tentacruel / Kyurem / Landorus-Therian / Jirachi / Latias
Skie's team:Espeon / Meloetta / Hariyama / Politoed / Braviary / Weavile
Battle between Skie and AshachuPM started!
Skie sent out Espeon!
Go! Jirachi!
Turn 1
The foe's Espeon used Calm Mind!
The foe's Espeon's Special Attack rose!
The foe's Espeon's Special Defense rose!
Jirachi used Iron Head!
The foe's Espeon lost 49% of its health!
Turn 2
The foe's Espeon used Calm Mind!
The foe's Espeon's Special Attack rose!
The foe's Espeon's Special Defense rose!
Jirachi used Iron Head!
The foe's Espeon lost 51% of its health!
The foe's Espeon fainted!
Skie: :/
Skie sent out Meloetta!
Turn 3
The foe's Meloetta used Calm Mind!
The foe's Meloetta's Special Attack rose!
The foe's Meloetta's Special Defense rose!
Jirachi used Iron Head!
The foe's Meloetta lost 33% of its health!
Turn 4
The foe's Meloetta used Calm Mind!
The foe's Meloetta's Special Attack rose!
The foe's Meloetta's Special Defense rose!
Jirachi used Iron Head!
The foe's Meloetta lost 35% of its health!
Turn 5
The foe's Meloetta used Psychic!
A critical hit! It's not very effective... Jirachi lost 35.9% of its health!
Jirachi used Iron Head!
The foe's Meloetta lost 32% of its health!
The foe's Meloetta fainted!
Jirachi restored HP using its Leftovers!
Skie sent out Hariyama!
Turn 6
Jirachi used Iron Head!
The foe's Hariyama lost 23% of its health!
The foe's Hariyama flinched and couldn't move!
Jirachi restored HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Hariyama restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 7
Jirachi used Iron Head!
The foe's Hariyama lost 23% of its health!
The foe's Hariyama used Close Combat!
Jirachi lost 53.5% of its health!
The foe's Hariyama's Defense fell!
The foe's Hariyama's Special Defense fell!
Jirachi restored HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Hariyama restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 8
Jirachi used Protect!
Jirachi protected itself!
The foe's Hariyama used Close Combat!
Jirachi protected itself!
Jirachi restored HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Hariyama restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 9
Skie: Ho sbagliato poke lol
Jirachi used Iron Head!
The foe's Hariyama lost 35% of its health!
The foe's Hariyama used Close Combat!
Jirachi lost 35.4% of its health!
The foe's Hariyama's Defense fell!
The foe's Hariyama's Special Defense fell!
Jirachi fainted!
The foe's Hariyama restored HP using its Leftovers!
Go! Latias!
Turn 10
Latias used Psyshock!
It's super effective! The foe's Hariyama lost 43% of its health!
The foe's Hariyama fainted!
Skie sent out Braviary!
Turn 11
Latias, come back!
Go! Kyurem!
Kyurem is exerting its pressure!
The foe's Braviary used Rock Slide!
A critical hit! It's super effective! Kyurem lost 93.6% of its health!
Kyurem restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 12
Kyurem used Roost!
Kyurem regained health!
The foe's Braviary used U-turn!
A critical hit! Kyurem lost 45.5% of its health!
The foe's Braviary went back to Skie!
Skie sent out Weavile!
The foe's Weavile is exerting its pressure!
Kyurem restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 13
AshachuPM: Quanto critti, eh :|
The foe's Weavile used Ice Punch!
Kyurem lost 23.3% of its health!
Kyurem fainted!
Skie: Non è colpa mia
Skie: Perdonami
Skie: D:
AshachuPM: Perdonato.
Go! Landorus-T (Landorus-Therian)!
Landorus-T intimidates the foe's Weavile!
The foe's Weavile's Attack fell!
Turn 14
The foe's Weavile used Swords Dance!
The foe's Weavile's Attack sharply rose!
Landorus-T used U-turn!
It's super effective! The foe's Weavile lost 58.0% of its health!
Landorus-T went back to AshachuPM!
Go! Politoed!
Politoed's Drizzle made it rain!
The foe's Weavile restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 15
Politoed used Encore!
The foe's Weavile received an encore!
The foe's Weavile used Swords Dance!
The foe's Weavile's Attack sharply rose!
The foe's Weavile restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 16
Politoed, come back!
Go! Landorus-T (Landorus-Therian)!
Landorus-T intimidates the foe's Weavile!
The foe's Weavile's Attack fell!
The foe's Weavile used Swords Dance!
The foe's Weavile's Attack sharply rose!
The foe's Weavile restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 17
The foe's Weavile used Swords Dance!
The foe's Weavile's Attack sharply rose!
Landorus-T used Stone Edge!
It's super effective! The foe's Weavile lost 60% of its health!
The foe's Weavile fainted!
Skie sent out Politoed!
Turn 18
mikele96 joined.
Skie: al posto di poli dovevo avere lilligant
Skie: comunque
Skie: lol
Landorus-T, come back!
Go! Tentacruel!
The foe's Politoed used Ice Beam!
It's not very effective... Tentacruel lost 8.8% of its health!
Tentacruel's Rain Dish heals it!
Tentacruel restored HP using its Black Sludge!
Turn 19
mikele96 left.
Tentacruel used Scald!
It's not very effective... The foe's Politoed lost 14.0% of its health!
The foe's Politoed used Psychic!
It's super effective! Tentacruel lost 32.8% of its health!
Tentacruel's Rain Dish heals it!
Tentacruel restored HP using its Black Sludge!
Turn 20
Tentacruel, come back!
Go! Latias!
The foe's Politoed used Hypnosis!
Latias avoided the attack!
Turn 21
Latias used Draco Meteor!
The foe's Politoed lost 57.0% of its health!
Latias's Special Attack harshly fell!
The foe's Politoed used Ice Beam!
It's super effective! Latias lost 37.9% of its health!
Latias was frozen solid!
Turn 22
AshachuPM: Non ti perdono più. :|
Latias, come back!
Go! Politoed!
The foe's Politoed used Ice Beam!
A critical hit! It's not very effective... Politoed lost 25.5% of its health!
Politoed was frozen solid!
Turn 23
Skie:  :(
AshachuPM:  :(
AshachuPM: ODDIO.
Skie: Cioè ma è una sfiga
Skie:  XD
Politoed, come back!
Go! Tentacruel!
The foe's Politoed used Ice Beam!
It's not very effective... Tentacruel lost 9.9% of its health!
Tentacruel's Rain Dish heals it!
Tentacruel restored HP using its Black Sludge!
Turn 24
AshachuPM: Frozzami ancora dai. :(
AshachuPM: Rendiamola epica-
Skie:  XD
Tentacruel used Scald!
It's not very effective... The foe's Politoed lost 13% of its health!
The foe's Politoed used Hypnosis!
Tentacruel fell asleep!
Tentacruel's Rain Dish heals it!
Tentacruel restored HP using its Black Sludge!
Turn 25
Skie: Vedremo
AshachuPM: Oddio Hypnosis che va a segno T.T
Tentacruel is fast asleep.
The foe's Politoed used Psychic!
A critical hit! It's super effective! Tentacruel lost 67.8% of its health!
Tentacruel's Rain Dish heals it!
Tentacruel restored HP using its Black Sludge!
Turn 26
Skie: Sbrigati però x3
AshachuPM: altro crit :|
Tentacruel, come back!
Go! Landorus-T (Landorus-Therian)!
Landorus-T intimidates the foe's Politoed!
The foe's Politoed's Attack fell!
The foe's Politoed used Psychic!
Landorus-T lost 24.0% of its health!
Landorus-T restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 27
AshachuPM: Tu sei l'arceus degli haxer<3
Skie: lol
Landorus-T used Earthquake!
The foe's Politoed lost 15% of its health!
The foe's Politoed fainted!
Landorus-T restored HP using its Leftovers!
Skie sent out Braviary!
Turn 28
Landorus-T used Stone Edge!
A critical hit! It's super effective! The foe's Braviary lost 100% of its health!
The foe's Braviary fainted!
AshachuPM won the battle!
Ladder updating...
Skie's rating: 1007 → 965

(-42 for losing)

AshachuPM's rating: 1421 → 1424

(+3 for winning)

Skie:  :(
Skie: Rivincita
AshachuPM: C'è. XD
Skie: Aspettami
Skie left.
AshachuPM: Ho chiuso in bellezza XD


ScarletSnow ha perso il suo trono, sorry. :(

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Sono pochi,io al giorno ne subisco migliaglia.La media di hax che ho in una lotta è:

9/10 (e a volte di piu) critical

6/7 (e a volte di piu) mosse che missano


e alcune volte:

mi flinchano con dark pulse

mi bruciano con lanciafiamme

mi congelano con ice beam

mi paralizzano con thunderbolt


e molti altri hax

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@Skie98 ti lamenti che gli altri "usano i leggendari" e poi anche tu giochi Meloetta, viva la coerenza.


Detto ciò, limitatevi a commentare la battle perché indipendentemente dal fatto che vi haxino o no durante il giorno all'autore del topic non può fregar nulla se non che commentiate i logs. (infatti è uno degli scopi principali della sezione)

Comunque Asha, originale quel team, è tuo?

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uhm, mi ispira Hariyama...c'è, guts/sheer force 144 base hp e 120 base atk, già già .

btw Skie (se leggerai mai questo topic), se vuoi tanto usare Meloetta assegnale Focus Blast e, se vuoi, Hp Fire.

Politoed con Psychic è figo, dai

Devo capire qual è il comando per mettere la freeze-clause attiva :v

@Skie, un consiglio: il tuo team punta troppo su boosters che si sfanuclizzano con il primo encore/roar/whirlwind/perish/ecc, cambia qualcosetta.

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@Skie98 ti lamenti che gli altri "usano i leggendari" e poi anche tu giochi Meloetta, viva la coerenza.


Detto ciò, limitatevi a commentare la battle perché indipendentemente dal fatto che vi haxino o no durante il giorno all'autore del topic non può fregar nulla se non che commentiate i logs. (infatti è uno degli scopi principali della sezione)

Comunque Asha, originale quel team, è tuo?

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