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[OU]Epic toed


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ash1 joined.
Allenatore Max joined.
Evasion Abilities Clause: Evasion abilities are banned
Sleep Clause Mod: Limit one foe put to sleep
Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokemon
OHKO Clause: OHKO moves are banned
Moody Clause: Moody is banned
Evasion Moves Clause: Evasion moves are banned
HP Percentage Mod: HP is reported as percentages
ash1's team:Politoed / Whiscash / Tornadus / Toxicroak / Thundurus-Therian / Lucario
Allenatore Max's team:Ninjask / Espeon / Scizor / Vaporeon / Metagross / Hydreigon
PMGhesisect joined.
Allenatore Max: gl
PMGhesisect: wa ash1 da quanto non ti vedevo x°D
Allenatore Max: ...
Allenatore Max: ci 6?
Allenatore Max: ..........
Battle between ash1 and Allenatore Max started!
Go! Cielo Tonante (Politoed)!
Allenatore Max sent out Vaporeon!
Cielo Tonante's Drizzle made it rain!
Turn 1
ash1: scusa
Cielo Tonante used Hidden Power!
It's super effective! The foe's Vaporeon lost 33% of its health!
The foe's Vaporeon used Acid Armor!
The foe's Vaporeon's Defense sharply rose!
The foe's Vaporeon restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 2
Cielo Tonante used Hidden Power!
It's super effective! The foe's Vaporeon lost 35% of its health!
The foe's Vaporeon used Baton Pass!
Allenatore Max sent out Espeon!
Turn 3
The foe's Espeon used Calm Mind!
The foe's Espeon's Special Attack rose!
The foe's Espeon's Special Defense rose!
Cielo Tonante used Hydro Pump!
The foe's Espeon lost 64% of its health!
The foe's Espeon restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 4
The foe's Espeon used Baton Pass!
Allenatore Max sent out Scizor!
Cielo Tonante used Hydro Pump!
The foe's Scizor avoided the attack!
Turn 5
Cielo Tonante used Hydro Pump!
The foe's Scizor lost 70% of its health!
The foe's Scizor used Swords Dance!
The foe's Scizor's Attack sharply rose!
Turn 6
PMGhesisect: fregato lol
Allenatore Max: questo team
Allenatore Max: naa
Allenatore Max: non va
Cielo Tonante used Hydro Pump!
The foe's Scizor lost 30% of its health!
The foe's Scizor fainted!
ash1: se ha pure lui bp ti strozzo
Allenatore Max sent out Vaporeon!
Turn 7
Cielo Tonante used Hidden Power!
It's super effective! The foe's Vaporeon lost 38% of its health!
The foe's Vaporeon fainted!
Allenatore Max sent out Espeon!
Turn 8
Allenatore Max: se ha pure lui bp ti strozzo?
Allenatore Max: che significa?
The foe's Espeon used Calm Mind!
The foe's Espeon's Special Attack rose!
The foe's Espeon's Special Defense rose!
Cielo Tonante used Hydro Pump!
The foe's Espeon lost 42% of its health!
The foe's Espeon fainted!
Allenatore Max sent out Ninjask!
Turn 9
The foe's Ninjask used Protect!
The foe's Ninjask protected itself!
Cielo Tonante used Ice Beam!
The foe's Ninjask protected itself!
The foe's Ninjask's Speed Boost raised its Speed!
Turn 10
The foe's Ninjask used Substitute!
The foe's Ninjask put in a substitute!
The foe's Ninjask lost 24% of its health!
Cielo Tonante used Ice Beam!
It's super effective! The foe's Ninjask's substitute faded!
The foe's Ninjask restored HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Ninjask's Speed Boost raised its Speed!
Turn 11
PMGhesisect: zomg toed ti fa 6-0 qui
PMGhesisect: xD
ash1: se aveva pure scizor bp lo strozzavo appena lo rimettevi in campo
The foe's Ninjask used Swords Dance!
The foe's Ninjask's Attack sharply rose!
Cielo Tonante used Hydro Pump!
The foe's Ninjask lost 82% of its health!
The foe's Ninjask fainted!
Allenatore Max: gg
Allenatore Max sent out Metagross!
Turn 12
Cielo Tonante used Hydro Pump!
The foe's Metagross lost 93% of its health!
The foe's Metagross used ThunderPunch!
It's super effective! Cielo Tonante lost 81.3% of its health!
The foe's Metagross lost some of its HP!
The foe's Metagross fainted!
ash1: lol
Allenatore Max sent out Hydreigon!
Turn 13
Allenatore Max: ?
The foe's Hydreigon used Dragon Pulse!
Cielo Tonante lost 18.8% of its health!
Cielo Tonante fainted!
PMGhesisect: fai log
PMGhesisect: epic oed sweep
Go! Machediamineè2 (Thundurus-Therian)!
Turn 14
Machediamineè2 used Thunder!
It's not very effective... The foe's Hydreigon lost 38% of its health!
The foe's Hydreigon used Dragon Pulse!
Machediamineè2 lost 68% of its health!
Turn 15
Machediamineè2 used Thunder!
It's not very effective... The foe's Hydreigon lost 37% of its health!
The foe's Hydreigon is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!
The foe's Hydreigon used Dragon Pulse!
Machediamineè2 lost 32% of its health!
Machediamineè2 fainted!
Go! Rana Velenosa (Toxicroak)!
Turn 16
Rana Velenosa used Drain Punch!
A critical hit! It's super effective! The foe's Hydreigon lost 25% of its health!
The foe's Hydreigon fainted!
ash1 won the battle!
Allenatore Max: gg
Allenatore Max left.
ash1: gg


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