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[OU]Lory vs TO_Genio


Post raccomandati


Ho vinto la wwar subito fg, errore col thunder a Landorus, poi boh.

Sono 25 turni, niente di che sisi.

Battle between Lo-ry and TO_Genio started!

Tier: BW OU

Mode: Singles

Variation: +27, -5

Rule: Rated

Rule: Sleep Clause

Rule: Freeze Clause

Rule: Species Clause

Rule: Wifi Battle

Rule: Self-KO Clause

Your team: Politoed / Haxorus / Rotom-W / Dugtrio / Scizor / Victini

Opponent's team: Tyranitar / Magnezone / Scizor / Celebi / Landorus / Gyarados

Lo-ry sent out Victini!

TO_Genio sent out Scizor!

Start of turn 1

TO_Genio called Scizor back!

TO_Genio sent out Tyranitar!

TO_Genio's Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!

Victini used Final Gambit!

Victini fainted!

TO_Genio's Tyranitar lost 100% of its health!

TO_Genio's Tyranitar fainted!

The sandstorm rages!

Lo-ry: Anche se alla fine vinci tu, permettimi un lol.

Lo-ry sent out Politoed!

TO_Genio sent out Gyarados!

TO_Genio's Gyarados intimidates Politoed!

Politoed's Attack fell!

Politoed's Drizzle made it rain!

Guardiano Master95 is watching the battle.

Guardiano Master95: alle16.15 ho l'esame di ecdl che palleee

Start of turn 2

Lo-ry called Politoed back!

Lo-ry sent out Rotom-W!

TO_Genio's Gyarados used Substitute!

TO_Genio's Gyarados made a substitute!

Rain continues to fall!

TO_Genio's Gyarados restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

TO_Genio: io mo

TO_Genio: devoo andare

TO_Genio: a farmi

TO_Genio: le scarpe

TO_Genio: XD

Start of turn 3

Rotom-W used Thunder!

It's super effective!

TO_Genio's Gyarados's substitute faded!

TO_Genio's Gyarados used Dragon Dance!

TO_Genio's Gyarados's Attack rose!

TO_Genio's Gyarados's Speed rose!

Rain continues to fall!

TO_Genio's Gyarados restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Guardiano Master95: XDD

TO_Genio: O_O

TO_Genio: thunfder?

Start of turn 4

TO_Genio called Gyarados back!

TO_Genio sent out Celebi!

Lo-ry called Rotom-W back!

Lo-ry sent out Politoed!

Rain continues to fall!

Start of turn 5

Lo-ry called Politoed back!

Lo-ry sent out Scizor!

TO_Genio's Celebi used Leaf Storm!

It's not very effective...

Scizor lost 63 HP! (18% of its health)

TO_Genio's Celebi's Sp. Att. sharply fell!

Rain continues to fall!

Chuck- is watching the battle.

Start of turn 6

TO_Genio's Celebi is being sent back!

Scizor used Pursuit!

It's super effective!

TO_Genio's Celebi lost 97% of its health!

TO_Genio called Celebi back!

TO_Genio sent out Gyarados!

TO_Genio's Gyarados intimidates Scizor!

Scizor's Attack fell!

Rain continues to fall!

TO_Genio's Gyarados restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 7

Lo-ry called Scizor back!

Lo-ry sent out Rotom-W!

TO_Genio's Gyarados used Substitute!

TO_Genio's Gyarados made a substitute!

Rain continues to fall!

TO_Genio's Gyarados restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 8

Rotom-W used Thunder!

It's super effective!

TO_Genio's Gyarados's substitute faded!

TO_Genio's Gyarados used Waterfall!

It's not very effective...

Rotom-W lost 99 HP! (40% of its health)

Rain continues to fall!

TO_Genio's Gyarados restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 9

TO_Genio called Gyarados back!

TO_Genio sent out Landorus!

Rotom-W used Thunder!

It had no effect!

Rain continues to fall!

Samos sage green is watching the battle.

Chuck-: fp

Start of turn 10

Lo-ry called Rotom-W back!

Lo-ry sent out Politoed!

TO_Genio's Landorus used Substitute!

TO_Genio's Landorus made a substitute!

Rain continues to fall!

TO_Genio's Landorus restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 11

TO_Genio's Landorus used Earthquake!

Politoed lost 231 HP! (60% of its health)

Chuck-: fgfg

Politoed used Hydro Pump!

It's super effective!

TO_Genio's Landorus's substitute faded!

Rain continues to fall!

TO_Genio's Landorus restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Chuck-: S;

TO_Genio: ho perso subito la war--

Start of turn 12

TO_Genio's Landorus used Substitute!

TO_Genio's Landorus made a substitute!

Politoed used Hydro Pump!

The attack of Politoed missed!

Rain continues to fall!

TO_Genio's Landorus restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Chuck-: fg

Start of turn 13

TO_Genio's Landorus used Smack Down!

Politoed lost 77 HP! (20% of its health)

Politoed used Hydro Pump!

It's super effective!

TO_Genio's Landorus's substitute faded!

Rain continues to fall!

TO_Genio's Landorus restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Chuck-: mienshao nella sand?

Start of turn 14

TO_Genio's Landorus used Earthquake!

Chuck-: ._.

Politoed lost 76 HP! (19% of its health)

Politoed fainted!

Rain continues to fall!

TO_Genio's Landorus restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

TO_Genio: che *censura*

TO_Genio: ma switcha

TO_Genio: in tom

Chuck-: fffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu

Lo-ry sent out Rotom-W!

Samos sage green stopped watching the battle.

Start of turn 15

TO_Genio called Landorus back!

TO_Genio sent out Magnezone!

Rotom-W used Hydro Pump!

TO_Genio's Magnezone lost 100% of its health!

TO_Genio's Magnezone fainted!

Rain continues to fall!

TO_Genio sent out Celebi!

Start of turn 16

Rotom-W used Hydro Pump!

It's not very effective...

TO_Genio's Celebi lost 2% of its health!

TO_Genio's Celebi fainted!

Rain continues to fall!

TO_Genio sent out Gyarados!

TO_Genio's Gyarados intimidates Rotom-W!

Rotom-W's Attack fell!

Start of turn 17

Lo-ry called Rotom-W back!

Lo-ry sent out Haxorus!

TO_Genio's Gyarados used Dragon Dance!

TO_Genio's Gyarados's Attack rose!

TO_Genio's Gyarados's Speed rose!

Rain continues to fall!

TO_Genio's Gyarados restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 18

TO_Genio's Gyarados used Substitute!

TO_Genio's Gyarados made a substitute!

Haxorus used Outrage!

TO_Genio's Gyarados's substitute faded!

Rain continues to fall!

TO_Genio's Gyarados restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 19

TO_Genio's Gyarados used Substitute!

TO_Genio's Gyarados made a substitute!

Haxorus used Outrage!

TO_Genio's Gyarados's substitute faded!

Rain continues to fall!

TO_Genio's Gyarados restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Start of turn 20

TO_Genio's Gyarados used Substitute!

TO_Genio's Gyarados made a substitute!

Haxorus used Outrage!

TO_Genio's Gyarados's substitute faded!

Haxorus calmed down!

Haxorus became confused!

Haxorus ate its Lum Berry!

Haxorus's status cleared!

Rain continues to fall!

TO_Genio's Gyarados restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Chuck-: à à 

Chuck-: :S

Start of turn 21

TO_Genio's Gyarados used Waterfall!

It's not very effective...

Haxorus lost 183 HP! (62% of its health)

Haxorus used Outrage!

TO_Genio's Gyarados lost 29% of its health!

TO_Genio's Gyarados fainted!

Rain continues to fall!

TO_Genio sent out Landorus!

Start of turn 22

TO_Genio's Landorus used Earthquake!

Haxorus lost 111 HP! (37% of its health)

Haxorus fainted!

Rain continues to fall!

TO_Genio's Landorus restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Lo-ry sent out Rotom-W!

TO_Genio: gg :\

Start of turn 23

Rotom-W used Hydro Pump!

It's super effective!

Lo-ry: gg

TO_Genio's Landorus lost 87% of its health!

TO_Genio's Landorus fainted!

Rain continues to fall!

TO_Genio sent out Scizor!

Start of turn 24

Rotom-W used Hydro Pump!

TO_Genio's Scizor lost 97% of its health!

TO_Genio's Scizor used U-turn!

Rotom-W lost 143 HP! (59% of its health)

Rotom-W fainted!

Rain continues to fall!

Lo-ry sent out Scizor!

Start of turn 25

Scizor used Bullet Punch!

It's not very effective...

TO_Genio's Scizor lost 2% of its health!

TO_Genio's Scizor fainted!

Lo-ry won the battle!

Lo-ry: Ciao ciao ciao.

The window was disabled due to one of the players closing the battle window.

  On 20/01/2012 at 16:21, Lory ha scritto:

Beh, sapere che l'avversario perda molto probabilmente un pokemon random è figoh


Usi Final Gambit anche se vedi Blissey nel team avversario? :)


V-Create, asd 180 bp:°D

No, cxx sto dicendo, se non vedo nel tim avversario nessun ghost ma un blisseychansey uso lo stesso final gambit, perchè le danneggia + del 50% , poi trapkillopursuitto con DugtrioScizor asd

cioè boh, dipende dalle situazioni sisi


Che razza di lotta è? XD

5 miss in 15 turni XD

Poi è pure finita 1-0, che normalmente si ha dopo diverse decine di turni, non dopo 15 ^^

Comunque, perché è senza Wi-Fi clause?

  On 20/01/2012 at 21:14, Lory ha scritto:

Vabbe marisio alla fine stavo trollando, quel pory l'avrei ucciso con molta meno fatica, asd

Se per "trollando" intendevi giocando a caso, anch'io sono andato a caso con il team, il primo che ho trovato ho usato, asd2


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