Lory Inviato 20 gennaio, 2012 Inviato 20 gennaio, 2012 Ho vinto la wwar subito fg, errore col thunder a Landorus, poi boh.Sono 25 turni, niente di che sisi.Battle between Lo-ry and TO_Genio started!Tier: BW OUMode: SinglesVariation: +27, -5Rule: RatedRule: Sleep ClauseRule: Freeze ClauseRule: Species ClauseRule: Wifi BattleRule: Self-KO ClauseYour team: Politoed / Haxorus / Rotom-W / Dugtrio / Scizor / VictiniOpponent's team: Tyranitar / Magnezone / Scizor / Celebi / Landorus / GyaradosLo-ry sent out Victini!TO_Genio sent out Scizor!Start of turn 1TO_Genio called Scizor back!TO_Genio sent out Tyranitar!TO_Genio's Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!Victini used Final Gambit!Victini fainted!TO_Genio's Tyranitar lost 100% of its health!TO_Genio's Tyranitar fainted!The sandstorm rages!Lo-ry: Anche se alla fine vinci tu, permettimi un lol.Lo-ry sent out Politoed!TO_Genio sent out Gyarados!TO_Genio's Gyarados intimidates Politoed!Politoed's Attack fell!Politoed's Drizzle made it rain!Guardiano Master95 is watching the battle.Guardiano Master95: alle16.15 ho l'esame di ecdl che palleeeStart of turn 2Lo-ry called Politoed back!Lo-ry sent out Rotom-W!TO_Genio's Gyarados used Substitute!TO_Genio's Gyarados made a substitute!Rain continues to fall!TO_Genio's Gyarados restored a little HP using its Leftovers!TO_Genio: io moTO_Genio: devoo andareTO_Genio: a farmiTO_Genio: le scarpeTO_Genio: XDStart of turn 3Rotom-W used Thunder!It's super effective!TO_Genio's Gyarados's substitute faded!TO_Genio's Gyarados used Dragon Dance!TO_Genio's Gyarados's Attack rose!TO_Genio's Gyarados's Speed rose!Rain continues to fall!TO_Genio's Gyarados restored a little HP using its Leftovers!Guardiano Master95: XDDTO_Genio: O_OTO_Genio: thunfder?Start of turn 4TO_Genio called Gyarados back!TO_Genio sent out Celebi!Lo-ry called Rotom-W back!Lo-ry sent out Politoed!Rain continues to fall!Start of turn 5Lo-ry called Politoed back!Lo-ry sent out Scizor!TO_Genio's Celebi used Leaf Storm!It's not very effective...Scizor lost 63 HP! (18% of its health)TO_Genio's Celebi's Sp. Att. sharply fell!Rain continues to fall!Chuck- is watching the battle.Start of turn 6TO_Genio's Celebi is being sent back!Scizor used Pursuit!It's super effective!TO_Genio's Celebi lost 97% of its health!TO_Genio called Celebi back!TO_Genio sent out Gyarados!TO_Genio's Gyarados intimidates Scizor!Scizor's Attack fell!Rain continues to fall!TO_Genio's Gyarados restored a little HP using its Leftovers!Start of turn 7Lo-ry called Scizor back!Lo-ry sent out Rotom-W!TO_Genio's Gyarados used Substitute!TO_Genio's Gyarados made a substitute!Rain continues to fall!TO_Genio's Gyarados restored a little HP using its Leftovers!Start of turn 8Rotom-W used Thunder!It's super effective!TO_Genio's Gyarados's substitute faded!TO_Genio's Gyarados used Waterfall!It's not very effective...Rotom-W lost 99 HP! (40% of its health)Rain continues to fall!TO_Genio's Gyarados restored a little HP using its Leftovers!Start of turn 9TO_Genio called Gyarados back!TO_Genio sent out Landorus!Rotom-W used Thunder!It had no effect!Rain continues to fall!Samos sage green is watching the battle.Chuck-: fpStart of turn 10Lo-ry called Rotom-W back!Lo-ry sent out Politoed!TO_Genio's Landorus used Substitute!TO_Genio's Landorus made a substitute!Rain continues to fall!TO_Genio's Landorus restored a little HP using its Leftovers!Start of turn 11TO_Genio's Landorus used Earthquake!Politoed lost 231 HP! (60% of its health)Chuck-: fgfgPolitoed used Hydro Pump!It's super effective!TO_Genio's Landorus's substitute faded!Rain continues to fall!TO_Genio's Landorus restored a little HP using its Leftovers!Chuck-: S;TO_Genio: ho perso subito la war--Start of turn 12TO_Genio's Landorus used Substitute!TO_Genio's Landorus made a substitute!Politoed used Hydro Pump!The attack of Politoed missed!Rain continues to fall!TO_Genio's Landorus restored a little HP using its Leftovers!Chuck-: fgStart of turn 13TO_Genio's Landorus used Smack Down!Politoed lost 77 HP! (20% of its health)Politoed used Hydro Pump!It's super effective!TO_Genio's Landorus's substitute faded!Rain continues to fall!TO_Genio's Landorus restored a little HP using its Leftovers!Chuck-: mienshao nella sand?Start of turn 14TO_Genio's Landorus used Earthquake!Chuck-: ._.Politoed lost 76 HP! (19% of its health)Politoed fainted!Rain continues to fall!TO_Genio's Landorus restored a little HP using its Leftovers!TO_Genio: che *censura*TO_Genio: ma switchaTO_Genio: in tomChuck-: fffffffffffffffuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuLo-ry sent out Rotom-W!Samos sage green stopped watching the battle.Start of turn 15TO_Genio called Landorus back!TO_Genio sent out Magnezone!Rotom-W used Hydro Pump!TO_Genio's Magnezone lost 100% of its health!TO_Genio's Magnezone fainted!Rain continues to fall!TO_Genio sent out Celebi!Start of turn 16Rotom-W used Hydro Pump!It's not very effective...TO_Genio's Celebi lost 2% of its health!TO_Genio's Celebi fainted!Rain continues to fall!TO_Genio sent out Gyarados!TO_Genio's Gyarados intimidates Rotom-W!Rotom-W's Attack fell!Start of turn 17Lo-ry called Rotom-W back!Lo-ry sent out Haxorus!TO_Genio's Gyarados used Dragon Dance!TO_Genio's Gyarados's Attack rose!TO_Genio's Gyarados's Speed rose!Rain continues to fall!TO_Genio's Gyarados restored a little HP using its Leftovers!Start of turn 18TO_Genio's Gyarados used Substitute!TO_Genio's Gyarados made a substitute!Haxorus used Outrage!TO_Genio's Gyarados's substitute faded!Rain continues to fall!TO_Genio's Gyarados restored a little HP using its Leftovers!Start of turn 19TO_Genio's Gyarados used Substitute!TO_Genio's Gyarados made a substitute!Haxorus used Outrage!TO_Genio's Gyarados's substitute faded!Rain continues to fall!TO_Genio's Gyarados restored a little HP using its Leftovers!Start of turn 20TO_Genio's Gyarados used Substitute!TO_Genio's Gyarados made a substitute!Haxorus used Outrage!TO_Genio's Gyarados's substitute faded!Haxorus calmed down!Haxorus became confused!Haxorus ate its Lum Berry!Haxorus's status cleared!Rain continues to fall!TO_Genio's Gyarados restored a little HP using its Leftovers!Chuck-: à à Chuck-: :SStart of turn 21TO_Genio's Gyarados used Waterfall!It's not very effective...Haxorus lost 183 HP! (62% of its health)Haxorus used Outrage!TO_Genio's Gyarados lost 29% of its health!TO_Genio's Gyarados fainted!Rain continues to fall!TO_Genio sent out Landorus!Start of turn 22TO_Genio's Landorus used Earthquake!Haxorus lost 111 HP! (37% of its health)Haxorus fainted!Rain continues to fall!TO_Genio's Landorus restored a little HP using its Leftovers!Lo-ry sent out Rotom-W!TO_Genio: gg :\Start of turn 23Rotom-W used Hydro Pump!It's super effective!Lo-ry: ggTO_Genio's Landorus lost 87% of its health!TO_Genio's Landorus fainted!Rain continues to fall!TO_Genio sent out Scizor!Start of turn 24Rotom-W used Hydro Pump!TO_Genio's Scizor lost 97% of its health!TO_Genio's Scizor used U-turn!Rotom-W lost 143 HP! (59% of its health)Rotom-W fainted!Rain continues to fall!Lo-ry sent out Scizor!Start of turn 25Scizor used Bullet Punch!It's not very effective...TO_Genio's Scizor lost 2% of its health!TO_Genio's Scizor fainted!Lo-ry won the battle!Lo-ry: Ciao ciao ciao.The window was disabled due to one of the players closing the battle window.
treecko96 Inviato 20 gennaio, 2012 Inviato 20 gennaio, 2012 Wow, sono esterrefatto dal sacrificio di victini per supportare il team :OComunque gg, non c'è nulla da dire v.v
Lory Inviato 20 gennaio, 2012 Autore Inviato 20 gennaio, 2012 Beh, sapere che l'avversario perda molto probabilmente un pokemon random è figoh
Gimmy Inviato 20 gennaio, 2012 Inviato 20 gennaio, 2012 On 20/01/2012 at 16:21, Lory ha scritto: Beh, sapere che l'avversario perda molto probabilmente un pokemon random è figohUsi Final Gambit anche se vedi Blissey nel team avversario?
Lory Inviato 20 gennaio, 2012 Autore Inviato 20 gennaio, 2012 V-Create, asd 180 bp:°DNo, cxx sto dicendo, se non vedo nel tim avversario nessun ghost ma un blisseychansey uso lo stesso final gambit, perchè le danneggia + del 50% , poi trapkillopursuitto con DugtrioScizor asdcioè boh, dipende dalle situazioni sisi
Gimmy Inviato 20 gennaio, 2012 Inviato 20 gennaio, 2012 On 20/01/2012 at 19:27, Lory ha scritto: V-Create, asd 180 bp:°DAppunto! XD
Kait Inviato 20 gennaio, 2012 Inviato 20 gennaio, 2012 Okkei, posto questa in cui l'hax ha davvero dominato LOOOOL.http://pokemon.aesoft.org/replay-Lo-ry-vs-PMMarisio--20-gennaio-2012-at-20h24Le Idropompe Missate, il Power Whip e il finale da WTF!? puro :°D
Gimmy Inviato 20 gennaio, 2012 Inviato 20 gennaio, 2012 Che razza di lotta è? XD5 miss in 15 turni XDPoi è pure finita 1-0, che normalmente si ha dopo diverse decine di turni, non dopo 15 Comunque, perché è senza Wi-Fi clause?
Kait Inviato 20 gennaio, 2012 Inviato 20 gennaio, 2012 Va bè conta che già abbiamo perso due Pokémon al primo turno XD
Lory Inviato 20 gennaio, 2012 Autore Inviato 20 gennaio, 2012 Vabbe marisio alla fine stavo trollando, quel pory l'avrei ucciso con molta meno fatica, asd
Kait Inviato 21 gennaio, 2012 Inviato 21 gennaio, 2012 On 20/01/2012 at 21:14, Lory ha scritto: Vabbe marisio alla fine stavo trollando, quel pory l'avrei ucciso con molta meno fatica, asdSe per "trollando" intendevi giocando a caso, anch'io sono andato a caso con il team, il primo che ho trovato ho usato, asd2
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