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[OU]Finale Torneo PM -Lory vs TheOne-


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Ecco a voi.

Battle between Lory and [PM]TheOnez started!

Tier: BW OU

Mode: Singles

Rule: Unrated

Rule: Sleep Clause

Rule: Freeze Clause

Rule: Wifi Battle

Rule: Self-KO Clause

Your team: Politoed / Scizor / Haxorus / Dugtrio / Jirachi / Rotom-W

Opponent's team: Scizor / Tyranitar / Jellicent / Gliscor / Excadrill / Espeon

luxor33 is watching the battle.

SamuStar is watching the battle.

Lory: come cominiciava?

Lory: LOL

HyperSamurott is watching the battle.

[PM]TheOnez: Haxorus

Lory: no

Lory: haxorus

Lory: era in suic

[PM]TheOnez: no

Lory: ah si

[PM]TheOnez: Scizor

Lory: io scizor

Lory: tu jelli

[PM]TheOnez sent out Jellicent!

Lory sent out Scizor!

[PM]TheOnez: fatto

[PM]Nightmare97 is watching the battle.

Lory: scalda

[PM]TheOnez: ora Haxo

Start of turn 1

Lory called Scizor back!

Lory sent out Haxorus!

Haxorus has Mold Breaker!

The foe's Jellicent used Scald!

It's not very effective...

Haxorus lost 59 HP! (20% of its health)

Haxorus was burned!

Haxorus ate its Lum Berry!

Haxorus's status cleared!

Lory: bene

Lory: LOL

[PM]Nightmare97: lol

[PM]TheOnez: uguale

Lory: ora

luxor33: lui sub tu zor

Lory: io subbo

Lory: tu zor

Start of turn 2

[PM]TheOnez called Jellicent back!

[PM]TheOnez sent out Scizor!

Haxorus used Substitute!

Haxorus made a substitute!

HyperSamurott: se esce critical?

luxor33: bpunch quake

[PM]TheOnez: boh

luxor33: the game

Lory: ora tu bpunch

Lory: io quake

Lory: lol

[PM]TheOnez: si

Start of turn 3

The foe's Scizor used Bullet Punch!

Haxorus's substitute faded!

Haxorus used Earthquake!

The foe's Scizor lost 42% of its health!

Lory: ora

luxor33: switch a chi lui

luxor33: tu punch

[PM]TheOnez: si

Start of turn 4

Lory called Haxorus back!

Lory sent out Jirachi!

The foe's Scizor used Bullet Punch!

It's not very effective...

Jirachi lost 90 HP! (22% of its health)

Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Lory: ora io thunder

luxor33: lui il pulse

Lory: no pulse

luxor33: tu il back a scizor

[PM]TheOnez: io cor

Lory: sàƒÂ¬

Start of turn 5

[PM]TheOnez called Scizor back!

[PM]TheOnez sent out Gliscor!

Jirachi used Water Pulse!

It's super effective!

The foe's Gliscor lost 32% of its health!

Jirachi restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

The foe's Gliscor's Toxic Orb activated!

The foe's Gliscor was poisoned!

Lory: ora io thunder

luxor33: ora tu thunder

luxor33: elui jelli

Lory: fino a ucciderti

Lory: jellicent

[PM]TheOnez: no

Lory: se non muore rocovera

luxor33: si, coem nella precendente

[PM]TheOnez: mandi Rotom

Lory: e lasciala morire

Lory: no

luxor33: fp

Lory: thundero

Lory: e ch

luxor33: ma gli leggete il log



luxor33: lui sub

[PM]TheOnez: guarda che l'ho salvato

luxor33: tu tom lui sub

[PM]TheOnez: si

Lory: ?

luxor33: switcha a tm

[PM]TheOnez: tom e Sub

luxor33: lui subba

[PM]PrimeapeIII is watching the battle.

Lory: Non mi pare

Lory: tu Eq

[PM]TheOnez: si, mandavi tom

Lory: Ah si

Lory: Si

[PM]TheOnez: poi usavo Fnag

Lory: giusto

Lory: Sisi

[PM]TheOnez: *Fang

Start of turn 6

Lory called Jirachi back!

Lory sent out Rotom-W!

The foe's Gliscor used Substitute!

The foe's Gliscor made a substitute!

The foe's Gliscor restored HP using its Poison Heal!

[PM]TheOnez: Pump e Fang

Start of turn 7

Rotom-W used Hydro Pump!

It's super effective!

The foe's Gliscor's substitute faded!

Rotom-W is hurt by its Life Orb!

The foe's Gliscor used Ice Fang!

It's not very effective...

Rotom-W lost 26 HP! (10% of its health)

The foe's Gliscor restored HP using its Poison Heal!

Lory: ora fatti uccide

Lory: re

[PM]TheOnez: jelli

Lory: jellicent

Start of turn 8

[PM]TheOnez called Gliscor back!

[PM]TheOnez sent out Jellicent!

Rotom-W used Thunder!

It's super effective!

The foe's Jellicent lost 81% of its health!

Rotom-W is hurt by its Life Orb!

The foe's Jellicent restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

Lory: fattelo uccidere

[PM]TheOnez: recovero

[PM]Nightmare97: ?_?

Lory: lo stesso

Lory: sàƒÂ¬

Start of turn 9

Rotom-W used Thunder!

It's super effective!

The foe's Jellicent lost 24% of its health!

The foe's Jellicent fainted!

Rotom-W is hurt by its Life Orb!

Lory: ora

[PM]TheOnez: peràƒ²

[PM]TheOnez: hai due recoil anzichàƒÂ¨ uno

HyperSamurott: c'àƒÂ¨ ugualmente il time up se non erro! HS

Lory: Fa niente

[PM]TheOnez: Eon

[PM]TheOnez sent out Espeon!

Lory: ;D

Lory: ora me lo uccidi

luxor33: ora ti killa

[PM]TheOnez: si

Start of turn 10

The foe's Espeon used Psychic!

[PM]Nightmare97: non ci capisco piàƒ¹ niente

Rotom-W lost 144 HP! (59% of its health)

Rotom-W fainted!

Lory: ora ti fai uccidere

[PM]Nightmare97: ma state recitando?

[PM]TheOnez: zor

[PM]Nightmare97: XD

Lory: da scizor?

[PM]TheOnez: no

[PM]TheOnez: resistevo

Lory: sàƒÂ¬

Lory: in 2 turni

[PM]TheOnez: 1 volta a bpunch

Lory: mi pare

[PM]Nightmare97: resisteva

[PM]TheOnez: poi switchavo

Lory sent out Scizor!

luxor33: zor vs espeon

Lory: ma c'àƒÂ¨ possibilitàƒ

luxor33: tu psychic

[PM]TheOnez: si

Lory: che non resisti

luxor33: lui bpunch

Lory: missàƒ

Lory: lol

[PM]TheOnez: speriamo

Start of turn 11

Scizor used Bullet Punch!

The foe's Espeon lost 93% of its health!

The foe's Espeon used Psychic!

It's not very effective...

Scizor lost 149 HP! (43% of its health)

[PM]TheOnez: ok

Lory: benissimo

luxor33: switch scor

Lory: ora manda gliscor

luxor33: lui bpunch

Start of turn 12

[PM]TheOnez called Espeon back!

[PM]TheOnez sent out Gliscor!

Scizor used Bullet Punch!

The foe's Gliscor lost 40% of its health!

The foe's Gliscor restored HP using its Poison Heal!

HyperSamurott: e gliscor schiatta! HS

luxor33: di nuovo

[PM]TheOnez: quake

[PM]TheOnez: prima

[PM]TheOnez: di morire

Lory: gliscor muore

luxor33: come fa fg

Lory: muore prima

Lory: ma vabbe

[PM]TheOnez: usava un quake

Lory: non ci riesci

Lory: lol

[PM]TheOnez: speriam

Start of turn 13

Scizor used Bullet Punch!

The foe's Gliscor lost 38% of its health!

The foe's Gliscor fainted!

[PM]TheOnez: cax

Lory: te l'ho detto

[PM]Nightmare97: non ha protect?

luxor33: vabàƒÂ¨

[PM]TheOnez: no

luxor33: il gioco

[PM]Nightmare97: cavolo

luxor33: riprende da ora

Lory: vabàƒÂ¨ solo questo

Lory: sai che roba

Lory: da ora

Lory: si gioca

Lory: seri

[PM]Nightmare97: cambia

Lory: ok?

[PM]TheOnez: ok

[PM]TheOnez sent out Scizor!

Lory: manda chi vuoi

[PM]Nightmare97: scizor aveva poca vita

HyperSamurott: pronti?! viaaaaaaaa! HS

[PM]TheOnez: si

[PM]TheOnez: fa niente

Start of turn 14

Scizor used Bullet Punch!

It's not very effective...

The foe's Scizor lost 25% of its health!

The foe's Scizor used Superpower!

Scizor lost 192 HP! (56% of its health)

Scizor fainted!

The foe's Scizor's Attack fell!

The foe's Scizor's Defense fell!

Lory: me lo lascio uccidere dai

[PM]Nightmare97: one,ma prima non ne avevi solo 1 ko?

[PM]TheOnez: no

Lory: cosàƒÂ¬ non cambia nulla

[PM]TheOnez: erano 2

[PM]Nightmare97: ah

Lory sent out Dugtrio!

[PM]Nightmare97: one se ce l'ho fatta io non puoi farti battere da lory!XD

[PM]TheOnez: Night

Lory: fp

[PM]TheOnez: àƒÂ¨ n'altra storia

[PM]Nightmare97: sàƒÂ¬?

[PM]Nightmare97: lol

Lory: Night, mica giocavo serio

Lory: asd

Start of turn 15

Dugtrio used Earthquake!

The foe's Scizor lost 32% of its health!

The foe's Scizor fainted!

[PM]TheOnez sent out Espeon!

[PM]Nightmare97: peràƒ² hai perso comunque!XD

Start of turn 16

Dugtrio used Sucker Punch!

It's super effective!

The foe's Espeon lost 6% of its health!

The foe's Espeon fainted!

SamuStar: Dugtrio outspedda

luxor33: lose

luxor33: gg

[PM]TheOnez: gg

[PM]TheOnez sent out Tyranitar!

The foe's Tyranitar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!

[PM]Nightmare97: bravo lory

Lory: bellissima battle

Lory: o.o

luxor33: nah

[PM]TheOnez: -.-

Start of turn 17

Dugtrio used Reversal!

It's super effective!

The foe's Tyranitar lost 15% of its health!

The foe's Tyranitar used Dragon Tail!

Dugtrio lost 110 HP! (52% of its health)

Haxorus was dragged out!

Haxorus has Mold Breaker!

The sandstorm rages!

Haxorus is buffeted by the sandstorm!

The foe's Tyranitar restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

luxor33: per niente bella o.o

Lory: anche no?

luxor33: cavolo fai lory

[PM]TheOnez: boh

[PM]Nightmare97: ma àƒÂ¨ la finale o la semifinale?

[PM]TheOnez: final

SamuStar: finale

Lory: finale

Lory: bo

Start of turn 18

Haxorus used Outrage!

The foe's Tyranitar lost 54% of its health!

The foe's Tyranitar used Dragon Tail!

It's super effective!

Haxorus lost 138 HP! (46% of its health)

Dugtrio was dragged out!

The sandstorm rages!

The foe's Tyranitar restored a little HP using its Leftovers!

luxor33: fg

Start of turn 19

Dugtrio used Earthquake!

It's super effective!

The foe's Tyranitar lost 41% of its health!

The foe's Tyranitar fainted!

The sandstorm rages!

[PM]PrimeapeIII: Eq

[PM]TheOnez sent out Excadrill!

[PM]TheOnez: gg

[PM]Nightmare97: talpa contro talpa!XD

HyperSamurott: finish! HS

Lory: gg

[PM]PrimeapeIII: TheOne, X-Scissor

[PM]Power is watching the battle.

[PM]TheOnez: àƒÂ¨ uguale

Start of turn 20

The foe's Excadrill used Earthquake!

Dugtrio lost 101 HP! (47% of its health)

Dugtrio fainted!

The foe's Excadrill is hurt by its Life Orb!

The sandstorm rages!

[PM]Nightmare97: lol

Lory sent out Politoed!

Politoed's Drizzle made it rain!

[PM]TheOnez: quake o scissor

[PM]PrimeapeIII: dovesti outspeedarlo

[PM]Nightmare97: ormai

[PM]TheOnez: a men che non sia Scarfer

[PM]PrimeapeIII: ahia

[PM]Nightmare97: scizor

[PM]Nightmare97: forse

[PM]TheOnez: sicuramente

[PM]TheOnez: lo àƒÂ¨

[PM]TheOnez: XD

luxor33: ma non c'entra

Start of turn 21

The foe's Excadrill used Earthquake!

Politoed lost 307 HP! (79% of its health)

HyperSamurott: one secondo me àƒÂ¨ finita

luxor33: ha perso comunque

luxor33: gg

[PM]Nightmare97: lol

The foe's Excadrill is hurt by its Life Orb!

Politoed used Hydro Pump!

It's super effective!

luxor33 stopped watching the battle.

Lory: gg

The foe's Excadrill lost 80% of its health!

The foe's Excadrill fainted!

Lory won the battle!

Lory: .

Lasciate stare le parole fino a circa la metà , la stavamo riprendendo con le stesse mosse per un malinteso XD


  On 13/02/2012 at 22:42, Antonella95 ha scritto:

Bravo Lory :D Così impara TheOne a passare antiteam agli altri per battermi -.-''

In realtà  a Skrafty non ho passato nessun Antiteam u.u..


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