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[OU]HyperSamurott Vs PrimeapeIII


Post raccomandati


Battle between PrimeapeIII and [PM]HyperSamurott started!

Tier: BW OU

Mode: Singles

Rule: Unrated

Rule: Sleep Clause

Rule: Freeze Clause

Rule: Species Clause

Rule: Wifi Battle

Rule: Self-KO Clause

Your team: Ninetales / Charizard / Infernape / Volcarona / Darmanitan / Sceptile

Opponent's team: Dusclops / Reuniclus / Magcargo / Conkeldurr / Exeggutor / Porygon2

PrimeapeIII sent out Porygon2!

[PM]HyperSamurott sent out Ninetales!

Ninetales is floating on a balloon!

Ninetales's Drought intensified the sun's rays!

PrimeapeIII's Porygon2's Download activates!

PrimeapeIII's Porygon2's Attack rose!

Start of turn 1

Ninetales used Fuocobomba!

PrimeapeIII's Porygon2 lost 44% of its health!

PrimeapeIII's Porygon2 used Distortozona!

PrimeapeIII's Porygon2 twisted the dimensions!

The sunlight is strong!

Start of turn 2

Ninetales used Protezione!

Ninetales protected itself!

PrimeapeIII's Porygon2 used Ripresa!

PrimeapeIII's Porygon2 regained health!

The sunlight is strong!

Start of turn 3

PrimeapeIII's Porygon2 used Fulmine!

Ninetales lost 110 HP! (38% of its health)

Ninetales's Air Balloon popped!

Ninetales used Lanciafiamme!

PrimeapeIII's Porygon2 lost 39% of its health!

PrimeapeIII's Porygon2 was burned!

The sunlight is strong!

PrimeapeIII's Porygon2 is hurt by its burn!

[PM]HyperSamurott: questa l'ho persa

Start of turn 4

PrimeapeIII's Porygon2 used Ripresa!

PrimeapeIII's Porygon2 regained health!

Ninetales used Lanciafiamme!

PrimeapeIII's Porygon2 lost 36% of its health!

The sunlight is strong!

PrimeapeIII's Porygon2 is hurt by its burn!

Start of turn 5

PrimeapeIII called Porygon2 back!

PrimeapeIII sent out Magcargo!

PrimeapeIII's Magcargo is floating on a balloon!

Ninetales used Protezione!

But if failed!

The sunlight is strong!

The twisted dimensions returned to normal!

Start of turn 6

Ninetales used Solarraggio!

PrimeapeIII's Magcargo lost 35% of its health!

PrimeapeIII's Magcargo's Air Balloon popped!

PrimeapeIII's Magcargo used Forzantica!

It's super effective!

Ninetales lost 132 HP! (45% of its health)

PrimeapeIII's Magcargo's Attack rose!

PrimeapeIII's Magcargo's Defense rose!

PrimeapeIII's Magcargo's Sp. Att. rose!

PrimeapeIII's Magcargo's Sp. Def. rose!

PrimeapeIII's Magcargo's Speed rose!

The sunlight is strong!

Start of turn 7

Ninetales used Lanciafiamme!

It's not very effective...

PrimeapeIII's Magcargo lost 9% of its health!

PrimeapeIII's Magcargo used Forzantica!

It's super effective!

Ninetales lost 45 HP! (15% of its health)

Ninetales fainted!

The sunlight is strong!

[PM]HyperSamurott sent out Darmanitan!

Start of turn 8

Darmanitan used Troppoforte!

It's super effective!

PrimeapeIII's Magcargo lost 55% of its health!

PrimeapeIII's Magcargo fainted!

Darmanitan's Attack fell!

Darmanitan's Defense fell!

Darmanitan is hurt by its Life Orb!

The sunlight is strong!

PrimeapeIII sent out Reuniclus!

Start of turn 9

Darmanitan used Lanciafiamme!

PrimeapeIII's Reuniclus lost 33% of its health!

PrimeapeIII's Reuniclus used Distortozona!

PrimeapeIII's Reuniclus twisted the dimensions!

The sunlight is strong!

[PM]HyperSamurott: ma sheer force non dovrebbe annullare gli effetti di troppoforte?

Start of turn 10

PrimeapeIII's Reuniclus used Psichico!

Darmanitan lost 316 HP! (90% of its health)

Darmanitan fainted!

The sunlight is strong!

[PM]HyperSamurott sent out Volcarona!

Start of turn 11

PrimeapeIII called Reuniclus back!

PrimeapeIII sent out Dusclops!

PrimeapeIII's Dusclops is exerting its Pressure!

Volcarona used Ronzio!

It's not very effective...

A critical hit!

PrimeapeIII's Dusclops lost 29% of its health!

The sunlight is strong!

[PM]HyperSamurott: GG(è finita)

PrimeapeIII: ?

Start of turn 12

PrimeapeIII's Dusclops used Ombra Notturna!

Volcarona lost 100 HP! (32% of its health)

Volcarona used Lanciafiamme!

Volcarona's Fire Gem raised Lanciafiamme's power!

PrimeapeIII's Dusclops lost 70% of its health!

PrimeapeIII's Dusclops fainted!

The sunlight is strong!

[PM]HyperSamurott: ho perso

PrimeapeIII sent out Conkeldurr!

Start of turn 13

PrimeapeIII's Conkeldurr used Assorbipungo!

It's not very effective...

Volcarona lost 103 HP! (33% of its health)

Volcarona had its energy drained!

Volcarona used Vampata!

PrimeapeIII's Conkeldurr lost 100% of its health!

PrimeapeIII's Conkeldurr fainted!

Volcarona's Sp. Att. sharply fell!

The sunlight is strong!

The twisted dimensions returned to normal!

PrimeapeIII: purtroppo no

PrimeapeIII: lòl

PrimeapeIII sent out Porygon2!

PrimeapeIII's Porygon2's Download activates!

PrimeapeIII's Porygon2's Attack rose!

[PM]HyperSamurott: sono fortunato

Start of turn 14

Volcarona used Lanciafiamme!

PrimeapeIII's Porygon2 lost 24% of its health!

PrimeapeIII's Porygon2 used Fulmine!

Volcarona lost 102 HP! (32% of its health)

Volcarona is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

The sunlight is strong!

PrimeapeIII's Porygon2 is hurt by its burn!

Start of turn 15

PrimeapeIII's Porygon2 used Fulmine!

A critical hit!

Volcarona lost 7 HP! (2% of its health)

Volcarona fainted!

The sunlight is strong!

PrimeapeIII's Porygon2 is hurt by its burn!

[PM]HyperSamurott sent out Sceptile!

Start of turn 16

Sceptile used Energipalla!

PrimeapeIII's Porygon2 lost 0% of its health!

PrimeapeIII's Porygon2 fainted!

The sunlight is strong!

PrimeapeIII sent out Reuniclus!

[PM]HyperSamurott: addio prode porygon

Start of turn 17

Sceptile used Solarraggio!

PrimeapeIII's Reuniclus lost 57% of its health!

PrimeapeIII's Reuniclus used Psichico!

Sceptile lost 258 HP! (91% of its health)

The sunlight is strong!

Start of turn 18

PrimeapeIII called Reuniclus back!

PrimeapeIII sent out Exeggutor!

Sceptile used Gigassorbimento!

It's not very effective...

PrimeapeIII's Exeggutor lost 33% of its health!

PrimeapeIII's Exeggutor had its energy drained!

Sceptile's shell bell restored its HP a little!

The sunlight is strong!

Start of turn 19

Sceptile used Solarraggio!

It's not very effective...

PrimeapeIII's Exeggutor lost 38% of its health!

Sceptile's shell bell restored its HP a little!

PrimeapeIII's Exeggutor ate its Sitrus Berry!

PrimeapeIII's Exeggutor restored some HP!

PrimeapeIII's Exeggutor used Psichico!

Sceptile lost 125 HP! (44% of its health)

Sceptile fainted!

The sunlight is strong!

PrimeapeIII's Exeggutor's gained a Sitrus Berry thanks to its Harvest!

[PM]HyperSamurott sent out Charizard!

Start of turn 20

Charizard used Lanciafiamme!

It's super effective!

Charizard's Fire Gem raised Lanciafiamme's power!

PrimeapeIII's Exeggutor lost 52% of its health!

PrimeapeIII's Exeggutor fainted!

The sunlight is strong!

PrimeapeIII sent out Reuniclus!

Start of turn 21

Charizard used Solarraggio!

PrimeapeIII's Reuniclus lost 8% of its health!

PrimeapeIII's Reuniclus fainted!

[PM]HyperSamurott won the battle!


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