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[cerco] aiuto per una discussione in inglese (sono una frana XD)


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A mio parere dovresti scrivere almeno una bozza che hai prodotto tu, per vari motivi: primo, si nota quando un lavoro lo ha fatto qualcun'altro per te; secondo, non imparerai mai così e rimarrai una frana in inglese xD

Quindi scrivi una bozza, anche se fa schifo e poi ti possiamo aiutare a correggere gli errori e a sistemare le frasi ^^

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Scuola: ho scelto questa scuola perchè mi piace molto la matematica. qui ho fatto molte amicizie e conoscenze, inoltre ci sono circa 3-4 materie nuove che mi piacciono abbastanza... questa scuola mi è stata consigliata da quasi tutti i miei familiari e devo dire che hanno avuto proprio ragione, perchè mi trovo davvero bene.

School: I chose this school because I really like math. here I have made many friends and acquaintances, also there are about 3-4 new materials that I like enough ... this school I was recommended by almost all my family and I have to say that they had their own reason, because I find it really well .

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Vado al pc e ti aiuto meglio ^^ dammi due secondi xD

grazie ;)

sport: My favorite sport is swimming. I started my "career" in about six years. since I was born I have always liked the water and when I was bathing (XD) I never wanted to exit the 'water but I used to cry davvere strong. connection to the family: When I was little I was always in arms or especially to my grandmother or my sister whose love you very much. My family consists of my mother, my father, my brother and me. we want all very well and we are very close between us because my parents made me miss anything

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Allora, visto che vuoi ampliare un po' la produzione, io scriverei al posto della frase iniziale "I decided to go to this school because I really like math/ because math is one of my favourite subjects."

"Here I have made some new friends and acquaintaces and there are three or four new subjects that I really enjoy studying, for example (e metti almeno due materie di quelle nuove che ti piacciono)."

"This school was recommended to me by most of my relatives (magari qui metti perché ti hanno consigliato questa scuola) and I must admit that they made a good choice and helped me a lot because I think that it's perfect for me"

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sport: My favourite sport's swimming. I started my "career" in about six years. Since I was born I've always liked the water and when I was bathing (XD) I never wanted to exit the water but I used to cry really strong. Connection to the family: When I was little I was always in arms or especially to my grandmother or my sister who love me very much (non ho capito molto di questa frase, ma penso tu intendessi "mia nonna e mia sorella che mi vogliono tanto bene"). My family consists of my mum, my dad, my brother and me. we want all very well ? and we're very close between us because my parents never made me miss anything.

Allora, visto che vuoi ampliare un po' la produzione, io scriverei al posto della frase iniziale "I decided to go to this school because I really like math/ because math is one of my favourite subjects."

"Here I have made some new friends and acquaintaces and there are three or four new subjects that I really enjoy studying, for example (e metti almeno due materie di quelle che nuove che ti piacciono)."

"This school was recommended to me by most of my relatives (magari qui metti perché ti hanno consigliato questa scuola) and I must admit that they made a good choice and helped me a lot because I think that it's perfect for me"

*Maths, con maiuscola e al plurale :'D

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sport: My favourite sport's swimming. I started my "career" in about six years. Since I was born I've always liked the water and when I was bathing (XD) I never wanted to exit the water but I used to cry really strong. Connection to the family: When I was little I was always in arms or especially to my grandmother or my sister who love me very much (non ho capito molto di questa frase, ma penso tu intendessi "mia nonna e mia sorella che mi vogliono tanto bene"). My family consists of my mum, my dad, my brother and me. we want all very well ? and we're very close between us because my parents never made me miss anything.


mamma mia quanti errori che ho fatto XD ;)

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mamma mia quanti errori che ho fatto XD ;)

Che intendevi con "We want all very well"? Comunque le contrazioni ed il "never" sono facoltativi (caldamente consigliati, ma facoltativi) xD

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