@therealzef I seriously think the writers at destructoid and Kotaku might be shitposters from /v/
@therealzef I seriously think the writers at destructoid and Kotaku might be shitposters from /v/
@lucahjin now that you have beaten Will, I can finally introduce you to the best japanese meme: https://t.co/0aJEbxIG7s
@SkyWilliams "I have a new sky and friends league video in the works" https://t.co/Y7fR0GJqDT
RT @Gyakuten_capcom: 【速報!!】ニンテンドー3DS『逆転裁判6』に綾里 真宵(あやさと まよい)の登場決定!!霊媒師のタマゴだった彼女もすっかりオトナに・・・なったかと思いきや、おちゃめなところは変わっていないようだ。 #逆転裁判6応援 https://t…
@therealzef I actually had to put an everstone on him. Though it was satisfying finally evolving him in postgame.