TheBlackWolf Inviato 5 giugno, 2017 Condividi Inviato 5 giugno, 2017 Quali giochi vorreste per la console ibrida di Nintendo? Di seguito alcuni rumor: First Party Animal Crossing Eternal Darkness: Sanity's Requiem F-Zero Metroid Prime 4 (Retro Studios) Mother 3 Pikmin 4 (Q4 2017/2018) Star Fox Super Smash Bros. Deluxe Third Party Assassin's Creed Origins The Banner Saga 3 Batman: The Telltale Series Bayonetta 3 Beyond Good & Evil 2 Bravely Default game Call of Duty: WWII (developed by Beenox) Code Vein (2018) Cosmic Star Heroine Darksiders 3 (2018) Final Fantasy VII Remake Final Fantasy XIV FlatOut 4: Total Insanity Formula Fusion Frostpunk Get Even Hearthstone HuniePop Inazuma Eleven Ares Injustice 2 Just Dance 2018 Kingdom Hearts 3 LawBreakers Legrand Legacy Metal Gear Solid: Twin Snakes Middle-earth: Shadow of Mordor (maybe in the future) Monster Hunter 5 Nidhogg 2 NieR: Automata Overwatch Research and Destroy Resident Evil 7: Biohazard Rocket League The Surge Salt and Sanctuary Star Wars: Battlefront 2 Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 Song of the Deep Super Meat Boy Forever Tamagotchi game Tekken 7 Tekken X Street Fighter Trails in the Sky 3rd Trails of Cold Steel World to the West WRC 7 WWE 2K18 Zero Escape game Il Nintendo Spotlight verrà trasmesso alle ore 18:00 del 13 giugno. Link al commento Condividi su altre piattaforme Più opzioni di condivisione...
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