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Convertire i blocchi del 3DS in Mega?


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Leggi, è in inglese (spero tu lo capisca):

Each save block on the system takes up 128KB of data. The amount of space available on the a card will vary depending on the size and on files already stored on the card. For example, a 1GB card should have a little over 8,000 blocks available, but there may already be some files stored on the card.


How to check how much a DSiware/Wiiware/VC game takes up?

Find out how many blocks the game takes up. There are two ways. One is you can check in the Settings via Data Management, and they will tell you how many blocks the software takes up. Or, you can check from here or search from the Internet.

If you want to convert your save blocks to bytes/kilobytes/megabytes/gigabytes/etc, check out the second paragraph at the next question.

How can I check how many blocks equate to how many (KB,MB,GB)? (And vice versa?)

Let's say you want to find out 2GB equals to how many save blocks, convert your 2GB to KB first, and the same for MB to KB. You could check this site out for fast conversions. So as 2GB equals to 2097152KB, you should divide 2097152KB by 128KB. So the result is 16384 blocks.

If you want to find how much data does 10 save blocks equate to, just multiply 10 save blocks and 128KB! Simple right?

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