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Lotta con M i s t a k e


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Azelf mi aveva chiesto di fargli stabbare rattata in una lotta e poi avremmo potuto combattere normalmente, ecco quel che è successo 

Gianluke joined.

M i s t a k e joined.



Evasion Abilities Clause: Evasion abilities are banned

Sleep Clause: Limit one foe put to sleep

Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokemon

OHKO Clause: OHKO moves are banned

Moody Clause: Moody is banned

Evasion Moves Clause: Evasion moves are banned

Gianluke's team:

Politoed / Kingdra / Ludicolo / Toxicroak / Cloyster / Swampert

M i s t a k e's team:

Celebi / Smeargle / Rattata

M i s t a k e: \ò

M i s t a k e: *u*

Battle between Gianluke and M i s t a k e started!

Go! Ludicolo!

M i s t a k e sent out Fuka (Celebi)!

Turn 1

The foe's Fuka used Swords Dance!

The foe's Fuka's Attack sharply rose!

Ludicolo used Rain Dance!

It started to rain!

Turn 2

The foe's Fuka used Swords Dance!

The foe's Fuka's Attack sharply rose!

Ludicolo used Rain Dance!

Turn 3

TheRikuPower joined.

TheRikuPower: ftw

TheRikuPower: random

TheRikuPower: o cosa?

Paolino_92 joined.

M i s t a k e: no

M i s t a k e: voglio stabbare Rattata

M i s t a k e: e vedere che succede *u*

TheRikuPower: Ax.

TheRikuPower: fattelo dire

TheRikuPower: hai 3 pokèmon

TheRikuPower: almeno

The foe's Fuka used Swords Dance!

The foe's Fuka's Attack sharply rose!

Ludicolo used Rain Dance!

Turn 4

TheRikuPower: potevi mettere 3 rattatta.

M i s t a k e: Ma poi come stabbavo tutti gli altri?

M i s t a k e: comunque è un'idea

M i s t a k e: potrei farlo prossimamente xD

The foe's Fuka used Nasty Plot!

The foe's Fuka's Special Attack sharply rose!

Ludicolo used Rain Dance!

Turn 5

The foe's Fuka used Nasty Plot!

The foe's Fuka's Special Attack sharply rose!

Ludicolo used Rain Dance!

The rain stopped.

Turn 6

The foe's Fuka used Nasty Plot!

The foe's Fuka's Special Attack sharply rose!

Ludicolo used Rain Dance!

It started to rain!

Turn 7

The foe's Fuka used Baton Pass!

M i s t a k e sent out Giotto (Smeargle)!

Ludicolo used Rain Dance!

Turn 8

The foe's Giotto used Calm Mind!

The foe's Giotto's Special Defense rose!

Ludicolo used Rain Dance!

Turn 9

Gianluke: ho finito pioggiadanza

Ludicolo, come back!

Go! Cloyster!

The foe's Giotto used Calm Mind!

The foe's Giotto's Special Defense rose!

Turn 10

TheRikuPower: a cosa serve

Gianluke: lol

TheRikuPower: l' attacco speciale?

TheRikuPower: lol

Cloyster used Shell Smash!

Cloyster's Attack sharply rose!

Cloyster's Special Attack sharply rose!

Cloyster's Speed sharply rose!

Cloyster's Defense fell!

Cloyster's Special Defense fell!

The foe's Giotto used Calm Mind!

The foe's Giotto's Special Defense rose!

The rain stopped.

Turn 11

M i s t a k e: voglio stabbarlo in tutto ll

M i s t a k e: lòl

Paolino_92: Manu, con Bulk up e quiver dance facevi prima

Cloyster used Shell Smash!

Cloyster's Attack sharply rose!

Cloyster's Special Attack sharply rose!

Cloyster's Speed sharply rose!

Cloyster's Defense fell!

Cloyster's Special Defense fell!

The foe's Giotto used Calm Mind!

The foe's Giotto's Special Defense rose!

Turn 12

M i s t a k e: lòl

M i s t a k e: beh, erano le prime mosse che c'erano nell'elenco xD

Cloyster used Shell Smash!

Cloyster's Attack sharply rose!

Cloyster's Special Attack sharply rose!

Cloyster's Speed sharply rose!

Cloyster's Defense fell!

Cloyster's Special Defense fell!

The foe's Giotto used Calm Mind!

The foe's Giotto's Special Defense rose!

Turn 13

TheRikuPower: ma quando diventa potentissimo

TheRikuPower: inziate una lotta seria

TheRikuPower: o?

M i s t a k e: sì

M i s t a k e: o almeno così dovrebbe lòl

Cloyster used Shell Smash!

Cloyster's Defense fell!

Cloyster's Special Defense fell!

The foe's Giotto used Calm Mind!

The foe's Giotto's Special Defense rose!

Turn 14

Cloyster used Shell Smash!

Cloyster's Defense fell!

Cloyster's Special Defense fell!

The foe's Giotto used Agility!

The foe's Giotto's Speed sharply rose!

Turn 15

Cloyster used Shell Smash!

Cloyster's Defense fell!

Cloyster's Special Defense fell!

The foe's Giotto used Agility!

The foe's Giotto's Speed sharply rose!

Turn 16

Cloyster used Shell Smash!

The foe's Giotto used Agility!

The foe's Giotto's Speed sharply rose!

Turn 17

M i s t a k e: Ho paura per Rattata contro Cloyster. :c

M i s t a k e: Manca solo la difesa! \ò

Cloyster used Shell Smash!

The foe's Giotto used Defense Curl!

The foe's Giotto's Defense rose!

Turn 18

Cloyster used Shell Smash!

The foe's Giotto used Defense Curl!

The foe's Giotto's Defense rose!

Turn 19

Cloyster used Shell Smash!

The foe's Giotto used Defense Curl!

The foe's Giotto's Defense rose!

Turn 20

Paolino_92: iron defense era meglio

TheRikuPower: dovevi trollarlo

Cloyster, come back!

Go! Toxicroak!

The foe's Giotto used Defense Curl!

The foe's Giotto's Defense rose!

Turn 21

TheRikuPower: con un tipo spettro.

TheRikuPower: asd

M i s t a k e: cavolo era la prima mossa che mi era venuta in mente lòl

Gianluke: ho cannato

Toxicroak, come back!

Go! Cloyster!

The foe's Giotto used Baton Pass!

M i s t a k e sent out Rattaké (Rattata)!

Turn 22

M i s t a k e: Oddio non ho aumentato al massimo la difesa >o<

TheRikuPower: vabbeh

The foe's Rattaké used Flame Wheel!

Cloyster lost 40% of its health!

Cloyster used Shell Smash!

Cloyster's Attack sharply rose!

Cloyster's Special Attack sharply rose!

Cloyster's Speed sharply rose!

Cloyster's Defense fell!

Cloyster's Special Defense fell!

Turn 23

TheRikuPower: tanto è scarso

TheRikuPower: lo stesso.

M i s t a k e: che schifo oddio lòl

The foe's Rattaké used Bite!

Cloyster lost 60% of its health!

Cloyster fainted!

Gianluke: ho sbagliato a cambiare pokemon

Go! Kingdra!

Turn 24

TheRikuPower: ma vai di return

TheRikuPower: òwò

M i s t a k e: muoio à§_à§

The foe's Rattaké used Reversal!

Kingdra lost 19% of its health!

Kingdra used Clear Smog!

The foe's Rattaké lost 15% of its health!

The foe's Rattaké's stat changes were removed!

Turn 25

TheRikuPower: se lo scarfavi

TheRikuPower: con return

TheRikuPower: era bestiale.

Gianluke: loooooooooooool

M i s t a k e: fuka à§_à§

M i s t a k e: non vale :c

Kingdra used Hidden Power!

The foe's Rattaké lost 75% of its health!

The foe's Rattaké used Last Resort!

Kingdra lost 50% of its health!

Turn 26

M i s t a k e: ma.. ma...

M i s t a k e: à§_à§

TheRikuPower: ti ha trollato

Paolino_92: .-.

TheRikuPower: lol

M i s t a k e: è la stessa cosa che feci io con Dany lòl

M i s t a k e: E mo'?

M i s t a k e: à§oà§

Kingdra used Hidden Power!

The foe's Rattaké lost 10% of its health!

The foe's Rattaké fainted!

M i s t a k e sent out Fuka (Celebi)!

Turn 27

Kingdra used Ice Beam!

A critical hit! It's super effective! The foe's Fuka hung on using its Focus Sash!

The foe's Fuka lost 98% of its health!

The foe's Fuka used Giga Drain!

Kingdra lost 31% of its health!

Kingdra had its energy drained!

Kingdra fainted!

Go! Toxicroak!

Turn 28

M i s t a k e: Non valeee à§_à§

Toxicroak used Sucker Punch!

It's super effective! The foe's Fuka lost 13% of its health!

The foe's Fuka fainted!

TheRikuPower: non hai detto

M i s t a k e sent out Giotto (Smeargle)!

Turn 29

Toxicroak used Drain Punch!

It's super effective! The foe's Giotto hung on using its Focus Sash!

The foe's Giotto lost 98% of its health!

The foe's Giotto used Defense Curl!

The foe's Giotto's Defense rose!

Turn 30

TheRikuPower: che non ti doveva togliere i level-up.

TheRikuPower: ùwù

M i s t a k e: beh, era sottointeso à§_à§

Gianluke: se vuoi rifacciamo seriamente

TheRikuPower: nope-

Paolino_92: poi faccio io se vuoi Manu

M i s t a k e: okè! però aspetta che metto mosse migliori a smeragle

M i s t a k e: sennò non finiamo più

M i s t a k e: lòl

M i s t a k e: Certo Poli! Rattata contro tutti xD

M i s t a k e: good vado \ò



Ax sl con tre pike???!!

Quindi dovete rifare la lota?


dOmzoQR.png      The Ice Dragon!


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