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prima ho chiesto i compiti al mio compagno di classe, continuava a dirmi esercizi che in realtà  non c'erano ._.

e anche delle gite, due volte ._.

menomale che poi diceva che scherzava, sennò lo strozzavo ._.

ma lol

crawling in my skin 

these wounds they will not heal 

fear is how i fall 

confusing what is real 

there's something inside me that pulls beneath the surface 


this lack of self-control i fear is never ending 

controlling/i can't seem 

to find myself again 

my walls are closing in 

(without a sense of confidence and i'm convinced that there's just too much pressure to take) 

i've felt this way before 

so insecure 

discomfort,endlessly has pulled itself upon me 


against my will i stand beside my own reflection 

it's haunting how i can't seem... 

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