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Ash Vs Paul


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Hackuo23 PM joined.
Latios1`PM joined.
Pokebank OU (beta)
Sleep Clause Mod: Limit one foe put to sleep
Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokemon
Moody Clause: Moody is banned
OHKO Clause: OHKO moves are banned
Evasion Moves Clause: Evasion moves are banned
HP Percentage Mod: HP is reported as percentages
Hackuo23 PM's team:Pikachu / Infernape / Torterra / Gliscor / Staraptor / Gible
Latios1`PM's team:Electivire / Aggron / Gastrodon / Drapion / Ninjask / Froslass
Hackuo23 PM: Questi pike usava Paul?
Hackuo23 PM: Non aveva Torterra :C
PM Max joined.
Latios1`PM: nei quarti di finale si
Latios1`PM: mettiti il nick Ash :D
PM Max: eccoloo
PM Max: sì usava sti pike mi ricordo
Hackuo23 PM: E' registrato come nick :C
Latios1`PM: à§_à§
Latios1`PM: vabbe iniziamo :D
Ash Ketchum Sinnoh:  :D
Paul Sinnoh: vai aggron
Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: Chi uso all'inizio?
PM Max: guarda il video
Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: Vai Pikachu
Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: !
Battle between Ash Ketchum Sinnoh and Paul Sinnoh started!
Go! Pikachu!
Paul Sinnoh sent out Aggron!

Turn 1

Pikachu used Iron Tail!
The opposing Aggron lost 27% of its health!
The opposing Aggron used Metal Claw!
It's not very effective... Pikachu lost 35.1% of its health!
The opposing Aggron is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

Turn 2

Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: Le stesse mosse però
Paul Sinnoh: io le ho
Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: Dico usa quelle
Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: ora ritiralo
Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: A no
Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: io devo ritirarlo :C
Paul Sinnoh: giochiamo normalmente
Pikachu, come back!
Go! Infernape!
The opposing Aggron used Double-Edge!
Infernape lost 55.6% of its health!
The opposing Aggron is damaged by recoil!

Turn 3

Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: No :C
PM Max: no non normale :(
Infernape used Mach Punch!
It's super effective! The opposing Aggron lost 54% of its health!
The opposing Aggron fainted!
PM Max: 
Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: Vabbè mo dovrebbe resistere ma dettagli :C
Paul Sinnoh sent out Gastrodon!

Turn 4

Infernape, come back!
Go! Staraptor!
Staraptor intimidates the opposing Gastrodon!
The opposing Gastrodon's Attack fell!
The opposing Gastrodon used Muddy Water!
Staraptor avoided the attack!

Turn 5

Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: Gastrodon ha l'altra forma
Paul Sinnoh: qui non c'è à§_à§
Staraptor used Brave Bird!
The opposing Gastrodon lost 72% of its health!
Staraptor is damaged by recoil!
The opposing Gastrodon used Ice Beam!
It's super effective! Staraptor lost 67.6% of its health!
Staraptor fainted!
Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: :C
Go! Torterra!

Turn 6

Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: Giochiamo nomrale
Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: :C
Torterra used Leaf Storm!
It's super effective! The opposing Gastrodon lost 28.0% of its health!
Torterra's Special Attack harshly fell!
The opposing Gastrodon fainted!
Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: (Non troppo)
Paul Sinnoh sent out Ninjask!

Turn 7

Paul Sinnoh: via ninjask
Paul Sinnoh: usa agilità 
The opposing Ninjask used Agility!
The opposing Ninjask's Speed sharply rose!
Torterra used Energy Ball!
It's not very effective... The opposing Ninjask lost 9% of its health!
The opposing Ninjask's Speed Boost raised its Speed!

Turn 8

PM Max: via?lol
Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: Torterra ENERGISFERRA
Paul Sinnoh: *vai
The opposing Ninjask used Agility!
The opposing Ninjask's Speed sharply rose!
Torterra used Rock Climb!
The opposing Ninjask lost 65% of its health!
The opposing Ninjask's Speed Boost raised its Speed!

Turn 9

PM Max left.
PM Max joined.
The opposing Ninjask used Giga Drain!
Torterra lost 10.7% of its health!
Torterra had its energy drained!
Torterra used Rock Climb!
The opposing Ninjask lost 34% of its health!
The opposing Ninjask fainted!
Paul Sinnoh sent out Drapion!

Turn 10

The opposing Drapion used Toxic Spikes!
Poison spikes were scattered all around the feet of your team!
Torterra used Leaf Storm!
It's not very effective... The opposing Drapion lost 17% of its health!
Torterra's Special Attack harshly fell!

Turn 11

Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: Verde BUFERA
The opposing Drapion used Toxic Spikes!
Poison spikes were scattered all around the feet of your team!
Torterra used Rock Climb!
The opposing Drapion lost 20% of its health!

Turn 12

Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: SCALAROCCIA
Paul Sinnoh withdrew Drapion!
Paul Sinnoh sent out Froslass!
Torterra, come back!
Go! Gliscor!

Turn 13

Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: Vabbene cosi
Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: avanti Gliscor
The opposing Froslass used Ice Beam!
It's super effective! Gliscor lost 100% of its health!
Gliscor fainted!
Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: Rientra!
Go! Infernape!
Infernape was badly poisoned!

Turn 14

Paul Sinnoh withdrew Froslass!
Paul Sinnoh sent out Electivire!
Infernape used Flare Blitz!
A critical hit! The opposing Electivire lost 100% of its health!
Infernape is damaged by recoil!
The opposing Electivire fainted!
Infernape was hurt by poison!
Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: Confido in te, Infernape usa Fuococarica!
Paul Sinnoh sent out Froslass!

Turn 15

Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: Ha sconfitto il suo rivale :D
The opposing Froslass used Ice Shard!
It's not very effective... Infernape lost 5.5% of its health!
Infernape fainted!
Paul Sinnoh: à§_à§
Paul Sinnoh: non è finita
Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: Rientra!
InfermieraJoySinno: poi curate i vostri pokemon <3
InfermieraJoySinno: LOL
Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: D:
Go! Torterra!
Torterra was badly poisoned!

Turn 16

The opposing Froslass used Ice Beam!
It's super effective! Torterra lost 89.3% of its health!
Torterra fainted!
Go! Gible!
Gible was badly poisoned!

Turn 17

Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: Vai Gible!
Paul Sinnoh withdrew Froslass!
Paul Sinnoh sent out Drapion!
Gible used Dragon Pulse!
The opposing Drapion lost 19% of its health!
Gible was hurt by poison!

Turn 18

Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: DragoPulsar!
The opposing Drapion used Pin Missile!
Gible lost 16.3% of its health!
Gible lost 16.3% of its health!
Hit 2 time(s)!
Gible used Draco Meteor!
The opposing Drapion lost 26% of its health!
Gible's Special Attack harshly fell!
Gible was hurt by poison!

Turn 19

Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: Usa Dragobolide!!!!!!
InfermieraJoySinno: che putenza
The opposing Drapion used Poison Fang!
It's not very effective... Gible lost 26.9% of its health!
Gible used Rock Smash!
The opposing Drapion lost 9% of its health!
The opposing Drapion's Defense fell!
Gible was hurt by poison!

Turn 20

Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: Infene spaccaroccia!
Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: infine*
Paul Sinnoh withdrew Drapion!
Paul Sinnoh sent out Froslass!
Gible used Dragon Pulse!
The opposing Froslass lost 9% of its health!
Gible was hurt by poison!
Gible fainted!
InfermieraJoySinno: volevo dire: ora curo i tuoi pokemon dammeli per un attimo
Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: DracoPulsar!
Go! Pikachu!
Pikachu was badly poisoned!

Turn 21

Paul Sinnoh withdrew Froslass!
Paul Sinnoh sent out Drapion!
Pikachu used Iron Tail!
The opposing Drapion lost 9% of its health!
The opposing Drapion fainted!
Pikachu was hurt by poison!
Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: Codacciaio!
Paul Sinnoh sent out Froslass!

Turn 22

Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: Pikachu non mi deludere!
The opposing Froslass used Hail!
It started to hail!
Pikachu used Iron Tail!
The opposing Froslass avoided the attack!
The hail crashes down.
Pikachu is buffeted by the hail!
Pikachu was hurt by poison!

Turn 23

Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: No!
The opposing Froslass used Hail!
But it failed!
Pikachu used Iron Tail!
The opposing Froslass avoided the attack!
The hail crashes down.
Pikachu is buffeted by the hail!
Pikachu was hurt by poison!

Turn 24

Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: Pikachu perfavore
The opposing Froslass used Hail!
But it failed!
Pikachu used Iron Tail!
It's super effective! The opposing Froslass lost 91% of its health!
The opposing Froslass fainted!
Ash Ketchum Sinnoh won the battle!
InfermieraJoySinno: ma il finale non era infernape vs electivire?
Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: Siiiiiiiiii
Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: E' la rivincità  :C
InfermieraJoySinno left.
Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: Froslass non è più
Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: in grado di combattere
Ash Ketchum Sinnoh: La vittoria va ad ASH!
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