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[Unrated]Lotta contro Oshawott


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Ecco la mia lotta conbtro Oshawott su PO:

Battle between [PM]Empoleon and [PM]Oshawot started!

Rule: Unrated

[PM]Empoleon sent out Empoleon!

[PM]Oshawot sent out Rhyperior!

[PM]Oshawot: auguri

[PM]Empoleon: Grazie osha

Start of turn 1

Empoleon used Idrocannone!

It's super effective!

[PM]Oshawot: prego

[PM]Oshawot's Rhyperior lost 100% of its health!

[PM]Oshawot's Rhyperior fainted!

[PM]Oshawot sent out Zekrom!

[PM]Oshawot's Zekrom has Teravolt!

Start of turn 2

[PM]Oshawot's Zekrom used Incrotuono!

It's super effective!

Empoleon lost 321 HP! (100% of its health)

Empoleon fainted!

[PM]Empoleon: Ora via al combattimento!

[PM]Oshawot: 5-5

[PM]Empoleon sent out Ditto!

Ditto transformed into Zekrom!

Ditto has Teravolt!

Start of turn 3

Ditto used Dragobolide!

It's super effective!

[PM]Oshawot's Zekrom lost 100% of its health!

[PM]Oshawot's Zekrom fainted!

Ditto's Sp. Att. sharply fell!

[PM]Oshawot sent out Arceus!

Start of turn 4

[PM]Oshawot's Arceus used Vampata!

It's not very effective...

Ditto lost 68 HP! (22% of its health)

[PM]Oshawot's Arceus's Sp. Att. sharply fell!

Ditto used Dragartigli!

[PM]Oshawot's Arceus lost 32% of its health!

Start of turn 5

[PM]Oshawot's Arceus used Vampata!

It's not very effective...

Ditto lost 30 HP! (10% of its health)

[PM]Oshawot's Arceus's Sp. Att. sharply fell!

Ditto used Incrotuono!

[PM]Oshawot's Arceus lost 34% of its health!

Start of turn 6

[PM]Oshawot's Arceus used Vampata!

It's not very effective...

Ditto lost 20 HP! (6% of its health)

[PM]Oshawot's Arceus's Sp. Att. sharply fell!

Ditto used Incrotuono!

[PM]Oshawot's Arceus lost 33% of its health!

[PM]Oshawot's Arceus fainted!

[PM]Oshawot sent out Mewtwo!

[PM]Oshawot's Mewtwo is exerting its Pressure!

[PM]Empoleon: Addio arceus!

Start of turn 7

[PM]Oshawot's Mewtwo used Iper Raggio!

A critical hit!

[PM]Oshawot: addio zekrom

Ditto lost 182 HP! (60% of its health)

Ditto fainted!

[PM]Empoleon: Ditto vorrai dire

[PM]Empoleon sent out Mewtwo!

Mewtwo is exerting its Pressure!

[PM]Oshawot: si

Start of turn 8

Mewtwo used Psicobotta!

It's not very effective...

[PM]Oshawot's Mewtwo lost 31% of its health!

[PM]Oshawot's Mewtwo must recharge!

[PM]Oshawot: scusa

[PM]Empoleon: Forza mewtwo

[PM]Oshawot: ma e ditto

Start of turn 9

Mewtwo used Energisfera!

[PM]Oshawot's Mewtwo lost 24% of its health!

[PM]Oshawot's Mewtwo used Iper Raggio!

Mewtwo lost 193 HP! (54% of its health)

[PM]Empoleon: no , questo no

Start of turn 10

Mewtwo used Energisfera!

[PM]Oshawot's Mewtwo lost 26% of its health!

[PM]Oshawot's Mewtwo must recharge!

Start of turn 11

Mewtwo used Energisfera!

[PM]Oshawot's Mewtwo lost 17% of its health!

[PM]Oshawot's Mewtwo fainted!

[PM]Oshawot sent out Groudon!

[PM]Oshawot's Groudon's Drought intensified the sun's rays!

Start of turn 12

Mewtwo used Energipalla!

It's super effective!

[PM]Oshawot's Groudon lost 75% of its health!

[PM]Oshawot's Groudon used Terremoto!

Mewtwo lost 160 HP! (45% of its health)

Mewtwo fainted!

The sunlight is strong!

[PM]Empoleon: noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

[PM]Oshawot: si

[PM]Empoleon: ora mi arrabbio

[PM]Empoleon sent out Hydreigon!

[PM]Oshawot: nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo

Start of turn 13

Hydreigon used Oltraggio!

[PM]Oshawot's Groudon lost 24% of its health!

[PM]Oshawot's Groudon fainted!

The sunlight is strong!

[PM]Oshawot sent out Haxorus!

Start of turn 14

Hydreigon used Oltraggio!

It's super effective!

[PM]Oshawot's Haxorus lost 100% of its health!

[PM]Oshawot's Haxorus fainted!

Hydreigon calmed down!

Hydreigon became confused!

[PM]Empoleon won the battle!

[PM]Empoleon: Lo sapevo che vincevo , ma è stata una bella lotta

[PM]Oshawot: si lo so


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