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Scambio: due codici charizard gamestop tedeschi e due codici magmar ed electabuzz evento non usati, riscattabili


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I am new here and only could speak english or german ;)


I am from German and search for a Jessies Wobuffet it is important that the wobuffet is uncloned and untouched? i also want proof pictures pls!


would offer 2 german unused gamestop charizard codes and 2 unused magmar/electabuzz codes  :)


and really hope i will find here some nice trader, who also speak english 


nice regards,



Vengo dalla Germania e sto cercando Wobbuffet di Jessie (evento), possibilmente non clonato. Vorrei anche delle immagini che dimostrino la legittimità  prima di procedere allo scambio!


in cambio offro due codici gamestop inutilizzati per charizard e due codici gamestop inutilizzati per Magmar e electabuzz


Spero di fare ottimi scambi qui con voi :)





ps: sono tedesco e posso parlare solo tedesco e inglese, ma in questo caso Wonder ha tradotto per me.


If you're going to stay here for a long time, you may create a topic there to introduce yourself; so users can understand who you are :)

Anyway you can also post here, looking for the Jessie's Wobbuffet ;)

ok maybe i will do this ;)


do u know if the jessie wobuffet uncloned is rare in this forum? 


u r mod right? could u change my title? forhot german charizard i forgot the charizard ^^


I don't think so, a lot of people were at the PokémonDay in Italy this year. I have one, but it's for my collection xD

You can search it in other topic here:

Usually in the 1st post of the 1st page you can find the list of the pokémon the user is going to offer ;)


I don't think so, a lot of people were at the PokémonDay in Italy this year. I have one, but it's for my collection xD

You can search it in other topic here:

Usually in the 1st post of the 1st page you can find the list of the pokémon the user is going to offer ;)

so u have one uncloned? omg i also want :/ can u maybe help me to transfer this post to people on this forum who r event collector? 

done :)

also translated it into Italian

thank u very much is there a "i like button" 


so u have one uncloned? omg i also want :/ can u maybe help me to transfer this post to people on this forum who r event collector? 

thank u very much is there a "i like button" 


Sorry I don't trade my Wobbuffet xD

You're in the right section, so you only need to wait until someone contact you for the trade ;)


The "Like" button is out of service at the moment xD We're doing something new for the forum and we need to remove it for a while.


Sorry I don't trade my Wobbuffet xD

You're in the right section, so you only need to wait until someone contact you for the trade ;)


The "Like" button is out of service at the moment xD We're doing something new for the forum and we need to remove it for a while.

maybe u can  get a second one and u can trade it with me? ^^ and is it also uncloned ur wobbuffet? 


another question: u have picutres there and the dude with the gray hair ...what does that mean pokemonday 2014? does this man mean u were on the pokemon day? cause the other mod also has this gray dude?


another question: u have picutres there and the dude with the gray hair ...what does that mean pokemonday 2014? does this man mean u were on the pokemon day? cause the other mod also has this gray dude?


Under the avatar there are some dolls. The grey hair dolls is for the one who were at this year PokémonDay ;)

I didn't take picture when I receive the Wobbuffet, because I was a staff member at the PokémonDay, so I have to go back to work after the download xD


Under the avatar there are some dolls. The grey hair dolls is for the one who were at this year PokémonDay ;)

I didn't take picture when I receive the Wobbuffet, because I was a staff member at the PokémonDay, so I have to go back to work after the download xD

a okay thx for the information and if u find something who want 2 german charizard codes and 2 magmaer /electabuzz codes notify me kay? 


Hi mike.

It's not easy to find someone with an uncloned Jessie's Wobbufett

I've got one but it's cloned...actually I want to ask u question... Do you have another gamestop14 Charizard code... I can offer up to 4 of my 6 gen event (8 event for 2code)...If not can you please provide me one...i think it's easier 4 you to find one than me cuz u are from Germany...Thank You


Hi mike.

It's not easy to find someone with an uncloned Jessie's Wobbufett

I've got one but it's cloned...actually I want to ask u question... Do you have another gamestop14 Charizard code... I can offer up to 4 of my 6 gen event (8 event for 2code)...If not can you please provide me one...i think it's easier 4 you to find one than me cuz u are from Germany...Thank You

hey kenSingh.


jeah i can try to get another code but pls can u also try to get an uncloned jessies wobbuffet with proof? it is easier for u like it is easier for me to get a charizard code^^


maybe u know some people who were on the pokemonday :)


what gen 6 events would it be and r these events uncloned?


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