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Quale personaggio della Nintendo sei?


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La Nintendo ha rilasciato un quiz sulla pagina facebook ufficiale del Nintendo Club.

Grazie al test scoprirete quale personaggio della Nintendo

Il test è semplice e veloce, e si concluderà  dopo cinque domande, ma è inglese.

Secondo le mie risposte il mio personaggio è Yoshi. Qual è il vostro? postate sotto il risultato

Clicca qui per andare sulla pagina ufficiale del Nintendo Club

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Based on your choices, you are


You’re a serious genius and often misunderstood. People don’t give you the credit you deserve because they simply don’t understand the power of your mental capacity. Blah—those people should be turned into blocks anyway.

Che gran figata :°D

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Based on your choices, you are MARIO


We don’t know how you do it, but somehow you always manage to save the day. Whether it’s rescuing a princess or saving a kingdom, you, like Mario, are goal-oriented, loyal and resourceful. You’re a likeable character so it’s not hard for you to rally up friends to help you through your missions.

Sono Mario °-°(Il mio personaggio preferito..)

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You are selfless, generous, and strong. People may sometimes underestimate you because of your pleasant manner and charm—but appearances can be deceiving. You’re not just a damsel in distress in need of rescuing. You’re resourceful, smart and have been known to save the day on more than one occasion.

Peach :3

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