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miglior natura per i tre starter?

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Sprigatito: Allegra

Fuecoco: Modesta/Quieta

Qyaxly: Allegra/Decisa

Progetto Pokeleague:Sconfiggili tutti 

Capopalestra Drago 

IMG_1820.PNG.a88d57405f96976837c4e96afaad5099.PNGCapo Drago del progetto Pokeleague 2019 IMG_1820.PNG.a88d57405f96976837c4e96afaad5099.PNG


(PokéFusion by @Deku-)


6ZbXpk8.pngMedaglia Lóng


Chiudo! :)

"I was throwing my hands up in despair... and happened

to catch my hallowed bottle on the way. Pray, forgive the discourtesy"


                                                                                                                       ~ Barok van Zieks


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