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[VGC2013] Poor Roxas :(


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SolBlaze` joined.
Roxas0000 joined.
Doubles VGC 2013 (dev)
Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokemon
Item Clause: Limit one of each item
SolBlaze`'s team: Chandelure / Conkeldurr / Cresselia / Metagross / Thundurus / Hydreigon
Roxas0000's team: Tyranitar / Excadrill / Thundurus / Garchomp / Cresselia / Gastrodon
[DEBUG] cutting down to 4.
Battle between SolBlaze` and Roxas0000 started!
Go! MoonRainbow (Cresselia)!
Go! Ralph (Conkeldurr)!
Roxas0000 sent out TTar (Tyranitar)!
Roxas0000 sent out Ruspa (Excadrill)!
The foe's TTar's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
Turn 1
Roxas0000 withdrew TTar (Tyranitar)!
Roxas0000 sent out Thundukill (Thundurus)!
MoonRainbow used Helping Hand!
MoonRainbow is ready to help Ralph!
The foe's Ruspa used Rock Slide!
[DEBUG] Spread modifier: 0.75.
A critical hit! MoonRainbow lost 31% of its health!
[DEBUG] Spread modifier: 0.75.
It's not very effective... Ralph lost 10% of its health!
Ralph flinched and couldn't move!
[DEBUG] p1: Ralph move interrupted; movedThisTurn: false.
The sandstorm rages.
[DEBUG] natural immunity.
[DEBUG] weather immunity.
The foe's Thundukill is buffeted by the sandstorm!
MoonRainbow is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Ralph is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Ralph restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 2
MoonRainbow used Helping Hand!
MoonRainbow is ready to help Ralph!
The foe's Ruspa used X-Scissor!
It's super effective! MoonRainbow lost 40% of its health!
MoonRainbow ate its Sitrus Berry!
MoonRainbow restored HP using its Sitrus Berry!
The foe's Thundukill used Discharge!
[DEBUG] natural immunity.
It doesn't affect the foe's Ruspa...
[DEBUG] Spread modifier: 0.75.
MoonRainbow lost 21% of its health!
[DEBUG] Spread modifier: 0.75.
Ralph lost 44% of its health!
The foe's Thundukill lost some of its HP!
Ralph used Rock Slide!
The foe's Thundukill avoided the attack!
[DEBUG] Boosting from Helping Hand.
[DEBUG] Spread modifier: 0.75.
It's not very effective... The foe's Ruspa lost 10% of its health!
The sandstorm rages.
[DEBUG] natural immunity.
[DEBUG] weather immunity.
The foe's Thundukill is buffeted by the sandstorm!
MoonRainbow is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Ralph is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Ralph restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 3
SolBlaze`: c'è
MoonRainbow used Helping Hand!
MoonRainbow is ready to help Ralph!
Ralph used Mach Punch!
[DEBUG] Iron Fist boost.
[DEBUG] Boosting from Helping Hand.
It's super effective! The foe's Ruspa lost 90% of its health!
The foe's Ruspa fainted!
The foe's Thundukill used Discharge!
[DEBUG] Spread modifier: 0.75.
MoonRainbow lost 21% of its health!
[DEBUG] Spread modifier: 0.75.
Ralph lost 46% of its health!
The foe's Thundukill lost some of its HP!
Ralph fainted!
The sandstorm rages.
The foe's Thundukill is buffeted by the sandstorm!
MoonRainbow is buffeted by the sandstorm!
MoonRainbow fainted!
Roxas0000: .-.
Go! Zeus (Thundurus)!
Go! Catching Fire (Chandelure)!
Roxas0000 sent out TTar (Tyranitar)!
Turn 4
Zeus used Protect!
Zeus protected itself!
The foe's Thundukill used Thunder Wave!
Zeus protected itself!
Catching Fire used Heat Wave!
The Fire Gem strengthened Heat Wave's power!
[DEBUG] Spread modifier: 0.75.
The foe's Thundukill lost 63% of its health!
[DEBUG] Spread modifier: 0.75.
It's not very effective... The foe's TTar lost 13% of its health!
The foe's Thundukill fainted!
The foe's TTar used Rock Slide!
Zeus protected itself!
[DEBUG] Spread modifier: 0.75.
It's super effective! Catching Fire lost 75% of its health!
The sandstorm rages.
Zeus is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Catching Fire is buffeted by the sandstorm!
[DEBUG] natural immunity.
[DEBUG] weather immunity.
Roxas0000 sent out Cresselia!
Turn 5
Zeus used Thunder Wave!
The foe's TTar is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!
The foe's Cresselia used Ice Beam!
It's super effective! Zeus lost 63% of its health!
Catching Fire used Shadow Ball!
It's super effective! The foe's Cresselia lost 56.0% of its health!
The foe's Cresselia ate its Sitrus Berry!
The foe's Cresselia restored HP using its Sitrus Berry!
The foe's TTar used Rock Slide!
Zeus avoided the attack!
Catching Fire avoided the attack!
The sandstorm rages.
Zeus is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The foe's Cresselia is buffeted by the sandstorm!
Catching Fire is buffeted by the sandstorm!
[DEBUG] natural immunity.
[DEBUG] weather immunity.
Turn 6
SolBlaze`: sks
Zeus used Protect!
Zeus protected itself!
The foe's Cresselia used Psyshock!
Zeus protected itself!
Catching Fire used Shadow Ball!
It's super effective! The foe's Cresselia lost 63% of its health!
The foe's TTar used Rock Slide!
Zeus protected itself!
[DEBUG] Spread modifier: 0.75.
It's super effective! Catching Fire lost 15% of its health!
Catching Fire fainted!
The sandstorm rages.
Zeus is buffeted by the sandstorm!
The foe's Cresselia is buffeted by the sandstorm!
[DEBUG] natural immunity.
[DEBUG] weather immunity.
The foe's Cresselia fainted!
Turn 7
Roxas0000: gg
Zeus used Thunderbolt!
The Electric Gem strengthened Thunderbolt's power!
The foe's TTar lost 40% of its health!
The foe's TTar is paralyzed! It can't move!
[DEBUG] p2: TTar move interrupted; movedThisTurn: false.
The sandstorm rages.
Zeus is buffeted by the sandstorm!
[DEBUG] natural immunity.
[DEBUG] weather immunity.
Turn 8
SolBlaze`: LOL
Roxas0000: ezsrxdtcfyvgubh
Zeus used Thunderbolt!
A critical hit! The foe's TTar lost 48% of its health!
The foe's TTar fainted!
SolBlaze` won the battle!
Roxas0000: MADDAI
SolBlaze`: EPICITA'
SolBlaze`: ALLO
SolBlaze`: STATO
SolBlaze`: PURO
SolBlaze`: :°DDDD

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