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Legende metropolitane e stranezze nei giochi (aka glitch?)


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oggi vorrei postare un tread speciale dedicato alle famose legende metropolitane che girano in internet e stranezze che si possano trovare nel gioco tramite glitch.


Postate qui tutto quello che trovate su internet le bizzarre legende che parlano direttamente nei giochi dei pokemon come il Famoso pokemon Luxor che in realta non esiste e molto altro.



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Comunque l' unica che mi ricordo adesso è quella che al 100° lancio del razzo di Verdeazzupoli andavi sulla Luna e trovi Deoxys che ti sfidava  :laugh:

Questa cosa mi ha fatto perdere come minimo 25 ore di gioco,non succedeva mai un capso,ovviamente. à§_à§

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la mia preferita e quella di jirachi per pokemon oro e argento. Ma non so sia vero


per far si che compaia il pokemon devi battere 100 volte la lega, poi bisogna avere uno strumento che si ottiene tramite glitch chiamato teru sama poi non mi ricordo molto.

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ecco era questa >-<


How to get Jirachi in Pokémon Gold/Silver (yes, for GBC).

For this trick to work, you will need a non-hacked cartridge (codes mess up the data in the game), a complete PokéDex (including Mew and Celebi), a level 99 male Clefairy in the 6th slot of your party, and 3 Moon Stones.

Make sure Clefairy is holding one of the Moon Stones, another Moon Stone is the first item in your Bag, and the other Moon Stone is in the 6th slot of the player’s PC.

With everything in order, go to Indigo Plateau and defeat the Elite 4, 270 times (you can save the game and turn it off in between, but don’t reorder your items or team until you’ve finished). You cannot use Clefairy in a battle (even if it doesn’t gain experience) – if you do, you’ll have get a new level 99 Clefairy and start battling all over again.

Once you have finished that successfully, go to the Day-Care Couple and let them raise Clefairy (still holding the Moon Stone) until it gains a level. When you go to take it back, for some reason, the Pokémon’s name will have changed into question marks and it will no longer be holding an item. If you check the Moon Stones in your Bag and PC, their names will have also changed to question marks and will have 0 showing as the number you have. These won’t go away by tossing them, selling them, using them, or giving them to Pokémon. However, you can sell these mysterious items infinitely and get lots of cash. When used (outside of battle only), it acts like Cut (cuts down skinny trees and grass).

Give one of these ‘question mark’ items to the level 100 Clefairy to hold, then put it in Day-Care again. When you leave, you may notice a glitchy sprite next to Clefairy. If you talk to it, it will result in a bunch of glitch symbols that make your game freeze.

Walk around or ride on your bike until you see the Day-Care Man standing outside. Talk to him and get the Egg. This egg will take about 3 hours to hatch, but it’s worth it. When it hatches, it will be a level 4 Jirachi (Rock/Flying-type) that knows Pound, Encore, and Powder Snow. It will be holding a Teru-Sama.

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ecco era questa >-<


How to get Jirachi in Pokémon Gold/Silver (yes, for GBC).

For this trick to work, you will need a non-hacked cartridge (codes mess up the data in the game), a complete PokéDex (including Mew and Celebi), a level 99 male Clefairy in the 6th slot of your party, and 3 Moon Stones.

Make sure Clefairy is holding one of the Moon Stones, another Moon Stone is the first item in your Bag, and the other Moon Stone is in the 6th slot of the player’s PC.

With everything in order, go to Indigo Plateau and defeat the Elite 4, 270 times (you can save the game and turn it off in between, but don’t reorder your items or team until you’ve finished). You cannot use Clefairy in a battle (even if it doesn’t gain experience) – if you do, you’ll have get a new level 99 Clefairy and start battling all over again.

Once you have finished that successfully, go to the Day-Care Couple and let them raise Clefairy (still holding the Moon Stone) until it gains a level. When you go to take it back, for some reason, the Pokémon’s name will have changed into question marks and it will no longer be holding an item. If you check the Moon Stones in your Bag and PC, their names will have also changed to question marks and will have 0 showing as the number you have. These won’t go away by tossing them, selling them, using them, or giving them to Pokémon. However, you can sell these mysterious items infinitely and get lots of cash. When used (outside of battle only), it acts like Cut (cuts down skinny trees and grass).

Give one of these ‘question mark’ items to the level 100 Clefairy to hold, then put it in Day-Care again. When you leave, you may notice a glitchy sprite next to Clefairy. If you talk to it, it will result in a bunch of glitch symbols that make your game freeze.

Walk around or ride on your bike until you see the Day-Care Man standing outside. Talk to him and get the Egg. This egg will take about 3 hours to hatch, but it’s worth it. When it hatches, it will be a level 4 Jirachi (Rock/Flying-type) that knows Pound, Encore, and Powder Snow. It will be holding a Teru-Sama.

JIRACHI. ROCK/FLYING. LOL Comunque sapevo di 'sta storia del Teru-sama.

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questo e vero ma non mi ricordo molto il passaggio, lo letto in internet tempo fa


Glitch: otttenere il numero dex 152 in pokemon rosso e blu


il passaggio e molto complicato devi ingannare il gioco, prima di tutto bisogna ottenere mew glitch poi dovrai cercare di corrompere il gioco per poi entrando nella lega, successivamente nel dex menu compare un numero aggiuntivo. MA il pokemon non e ancora esistente, si tratta di un pokemon proveniente dalla seconda gen?

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in pokemon oro argento e cristallo se andavi a mezzanotte nel bosco dei lecci e usavi profumino con un meganium al 100 si apriva il tempietto e usciva celebi XD

ce un modo alternativo per ottenere per davvero celebi in oro e argento senza cheat.

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Credo di averla già  scritta ma anyway, lessi 'sta cosa su OAC tempo fa.

Batti 100 volte la lega e, dopo aver completato il Pokédex, vai alla Torre Sprout. Un monaco ti darà  una chiave per aprire una porta invisibile della Torre dove dovrai affrontare un Victreebel di livello 100 che sa Fuocobomba. Uscendo dalla Torre Sprout, sintonizzati sull'ultima frequenza della radio: si scopre che Zapdos ha colpito la Centrale Elettrica. Vai allora alla Zona Safari che ha riaperto: troverai Zapdos, tutti Pokémon al livello 100 e 99 masterball.

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