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    PP 20.00

Lance94 ha vinto l'ultima volta il 30 aprile 2016

Lance94 quel giorno ha ottenuto più mi piace di tutti gli altri!

Informazioni su Lance94

  • Compleanno 08/10/1994

Titolo Utente

  • Detective Matematico

Informazioni del Profilo

  • Genere
  • Interessi e passioni
    ∂ Matematica
    ∂ Manga
    ∂ Gialli
  • Pokémon Preferito

Visitatori recenti del profilo

52.744 visite profilo

Obiettivi di Lance94

Aggiornamento di stato singolo

Vedi tutti gli aggiornamenti di Lance94

  1. "Do you know why you tilt your head in that way? It's an involuntary reflex in your physiology. It changes the angle at which sound waves hit the eardrum, allowing in more stimuli. Like a lizard. I've studied them, too. Intriguing character's Their brains have evolved over 320 million years, yet for all their evolution, they form no bonds. Love does not exist for them. they are incapable of dreaming, of contemplating beauty, of knowing something greater than themselves, not un...

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    1. Lance94


      not unlike your kind. The experiments we conducted right here in this lab yielded a surprising result, because for all your years of evolution, you inadvertently developed and honed primitive instincts that we moved beyond long ago. So in reality, you're the animal."

    2. Lilon


      Così disse Nina Sharp

    3. Lance94
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