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Da questo articolo su una legislazione recentemente approvata dall'Unione Europea contro le pratiche monopolistiche da parte dei giganti della tecnologia:
SpoilerTo prevent unfair business practices, those designated as gatekeepers will have to:
- allow third parties to inter-operate with their own services, meaning that smaller platforms will be able to request that dominant messaging platforms enable their users to exchange messages, send voice messages or files across messaging apps. This will give users greater choice and avoid the so-called “lock-in” effect where they are restricted to one app or platform;
- allow business users to access the data they generate in the gatekeeper’s platform, to promote their own offers and conclude contracts with their customers outside the gatekeeper’s platforms.
Gatekeepers can no longer:
- Rank their own services or products more favourably (self-preferencing) than other third parties on their platforms;
- Prevent users from easily un-installing any pre-loaded software or apps, or using third-party applications and app stores;
- Process users’ personal data for targeted advertising, unless consent is explicitly granted.
Si gode pesantemente, finalmente l'UE si e' decisa a difendere i diritti dei suoi cittadini e delle sue aziende tech non multimiliardarie. Non vedo l'ora di avere Whatsapp, Telegram e Signal in una sola app e di rimuovere il Facebook preinstallato che occupa solo spazio dal mio telefono, oltre che di vedere la Apple che frigna come una bambina perche' non puo' piu' impedire ai suoi utenti di usare il loro telefono secondo le sue potenzialita'.