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Mimikyu Song Lyrics


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Pikachu? Nope, I’m Mimikyu
The lonely and friendless Mimikyu
Sunlight and brightness is what I fear
Shade and darkness is where I’ll appear


Lonely and sad, I just want to have friends
And that’s why I choose to pretend
A Pikachu disguise, does it look good?
I made it myself, weren’t you nearly fooled?
But don’t take it off, oh no, don’t try!
You could get cursed, or worse, even die!


Pikachu? Nope, I’m Mimikyu
A monster? No, I’m just Mimikyu


My claws will protect you from any danger
My thunderbolt will always help my trainer
A loyal Pokemon that will follow you to the end
Come on now, won’t you be my friend?


Pikachu? Nope, I’m Mimikyu
Let’s be friends, I’m Mimikyu!

Pikachu? Nope, it’s Mimikyu
The lonely and friendless Mimikyu


Pikachu? Nope, I’m Mimikyu
A monster? No, I’m just Mimikyu

Pikachu? Nope, I’m Mimikyu
Let’s be friends, I’m Mimikyu!

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