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[Uber] Giratina è troppo uber!


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Talpr0ne joined.
Roxas0000 joined.
Sleep Clause: Limit one foe put to sleep
Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokemon
Moody Clause: Moody is banned
OHKO Clause: OHKO moves are banned
Roxas0000's team: Kyogre / Manaphy / Forretress / Lugia / Giratina / Arceus-*
Talpr0ne's team: Groudon / Ho-Oh / Blaziken / Palkia / Venusaur / Forretress
Roxas0000: gl
Battle between Talpr0ne and Roxas0000 started!
Talpr0ne sent out Dragondildo (Palkia)!
Go! Luxor33 (Giratina)!
The foe's Dragondildo is exerting its pressure!
Luxor33 is exerting its pressure!
Turn 1
Luxor33, come back!
Go! Zerkrom2000 (Forretress)!
The foe's Dragondildo used Spacial Rend!
It's not very effective... Zerkrom2000 lost 48% of its health!
Zerkrom2000 restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 2
The foe's Dragondildo used Fire Blast!
It's super effective! Zerkrom2000 lost 58.0% of its health!
Zerkrom2000 fainted!
Go! Roxas0000 (Kyogre)!
Roxas0000's Drizzle made it rain!
Turn 3
Roxas0000 used Thunder!
The foe's Dragondildo lost 40% of its health!
The foe's Dragondildo used Spacial Rend!
Roxas0000 lost 54% of its health!
Turn 4
Roxas0000, come back!
Go! Luxor33 (Giratina)!
Luxor33 is exerting its pressure!
The foe's Dragondildo used Spacial Rend!
It's super effective! Luxor33 lost 85% of its health!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 5
Talpr0ne withdrew Dragondildo (Palkia)!
Talpr0ne sent out Guscio color cacca (Forretress)!
Luxor33 used Double Team!
Luxor33's evasiveness rose!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 6
Talpr0ne: Che ca...
Luxor33 used Substitute!
Luxor33 put in a substitute!
Luxor33 lost 25% of its health!
The foe's Guscio color cacca used Spikes!
Spikes were scattered all around the feet of your team!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 7
Luxor33 used Double Team!
Luxor33's evasiveness rose!
The foe's Guscio color cacca used Spikes!
Spikes were scattered all around the feet of your team!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 8
Luxor33 used Double Team!
Luxor33's evasiveness rose!
The foe's Guscio color cacca used Spikes!
Spikes were scattered all around the feet of your team!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 9
Talpr0ne: Ma non era bannata Double team?
Roxas0000: no
Roxas0000: in Uber no
Roxas0000: solo in OU
Luxor33 used Double Team!
Luxor33's evasiveness rose!
The foe's Guscio color cacca used Volt Switch!
It's not very effective... The substitute took damage for Luxor33!
The foe's Guscio color cacca went back to Talpr0ne!
Talpr0ne sent out Verde vomito (Groudon)!
The foe's Verde vomito's Drought intensified the sun's rays!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 10
Talpr0ne: Ricordo benissimo che vigeva in tutte le tier :/
Luxor33 used Double Team!
Luxor33's evasiveness rose!
The foe's Verde vomito used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around your team!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 11
Roxas0000: a boh
Roxas0000: io l' sempre usata
Roxas0000: uìin uber
Roxas0000: *in
Luxor33 used Double Team!
Luxor33's evasiveness rose!
The foe's Verde vomito used Earthquake!
Luxor33 avoided the attack!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 12
Talpr0ne: Però è da infami :(
Talpr0ne withdrew Verde vomito (Groudon)!
Talpr0ne sent out Fiore giallo (Venusaur)!
Luxor33 used Dragon Tail!
The foe's Fiore giallo lost 31% of its health!
Dragondildo (Palkia) was dragged out!
The foe's Dragondildo is exerting its pressure!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 13
Roxas0000: I know
Roxas0000: ma se lo usano in 6215869128592 sul server ufficiale
Roxas0000: che posso farci
Roxas0000: pensa che li non c'è la sleep clause
The foe's Dragondildo used Spacial Rend!
Luxor33 avoided the attack!
Luxor33 used Dragon Tail!
A critical hit! It's super effective! The foe's Dragondildo lost 60% of its health!
The foe's Dragondildo fainted!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
Talpr0ne: Lo so. Uno mi ha ownato il team
Talpr0ne: con assist Liepard
Roxas0000: con spore?
Roxas0000: ah no
Talpr0ne sent out Fiore giallo (Venusaur)!
Turn 14
Roxas0000: io lo frego tutti con giratina
Talpr0ne: aveva Breloom e Parasect in squadra
The foe's Fiore giallo used Giga Drain!
It's not very effective... The substitute took damage for Luxor33!
Luxor33 had its energy drained!
Luxor33 used Dragon Tail!
The foe's Fiore giallo lost 29.0% of its health!
Verde vomito (Groudon) was dragged out!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 15
The foe's Verde vomito used Earthquake!
Luxor33's substitute faded!
Luxor33 used Dragon Tail!
The foe's Verde vomito avoided the attack!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 16
Luxor33 used Substitute!
Luxor33 put in a substitute!
Luxor33 lost 25% of its health!
The foe's Verde vomito used Dragon Tail!
Luxor33 avoided the attack!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 17
The foe's Verde vomito used Earthquake!
Luxor33 avoided the attack!
Luxor33 used Dragon Tail!
The foe's Verde vomito lost 13% of its health!
Guscio color cacca (Forretress) was dragged out!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 18
The foe's Guscio color cacca used Gyro Ball!
Luxor33 avoided the attack!
Luxor33 used Dragon Tail!
The foe's Guscio color cacca avoided the attack!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 19
The foe's Guscio color cacca used Gyro Ball!
The substitute took damage for Luxor33!
Luxor33 used Dragon Tail!
It's not very effective... The foe's Guscio color cacca lost 6% of its health!
Fiore giallo (Venusaur) was dragged out!
The foe's Fiore giallo restored HP using its Black Sludge!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 20
The foe's Fiore giallo used Giga Drain!
It's not very effective... Luxor33's substitute faded!
Luxor33 had its energy drained!
Luxor33 used Dragon Tail!
The foe's Fiore giallo lost 27% of its health!
Fuckin' birdman (Blaziken) was dragged out!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 21
The foe's Fuckin' birdman used Protect!
The foe's Fuckin' birdman protected itself!
Luxor33 used Substitute!
Luxor33 put in a substitute!
Luxor33 lost 25% of its health!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Fuckin' birdman's Speed Boost raised its Speed!
Turn 22
The foe's Fuckin' birdman used Blaze Kick!
Luxor33 avoided the attack!
Luxor33 used Dragon Tail!
The foe's Fuckin' birdman lost 33% of its health!
Verde vomito (Groudon) was dragged out!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Verde vomito restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 23
The foe's Verde vomito used Earthquake!
Luxor33's substitute faded!
Luxor33 used Dragon Tail!
The foe's Verde vomito lost 13% of its health!
Fuckin' birdman (Blaziken) was dragged out!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 24
Luxor33 used Substitute!
Luxor33 put in a substitute!
Luxor33 lost 25% of its health!
The foe's Fuckin' birdman used Blaze Kick!
Luxor33 avoided the attack!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Fuckin' birdman's Speed Boost raised its Speed!
Turn 25
The foe's Fuckin' birdman used Blaze Kick!
Luxor33 avoided the attack!
Luxor33 used Dragon Tail!
The foe's Fuckin' birdman lost 33% of its health!
Guscio color cacca (Forretress) was dragged out!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Guscio color cacca restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 26
Luxor33 used Rest!
Luxor33 fell asleep!
Luxor33 slept and became healthy!
The foe's Guscio color cacca used Volt Switch!
Luxor33 avoided the attack!
The foe's Guscio color cacca restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 27
The foe's Guscio color cacca went back to Talpr0ne!
Talpr0ne sent out Ciuffo da vecchio (Ho-Oh)!
Luxor33 is fast asleep.
Turn 28
The foe's Ciuffo da vecchio used Sacred Fire!
It's not very effective... Luxor33's substitute faded!
The foe's Ciuffo da vecchio lost some of its HP!
Luxor33 is fast asleep.
Turn 29
The foe's Ciuffo da vecchio used Sacred Fire!
It's not very effective... Luxor33 lost 33% of its health!
The foe's Ciuffo da vecchio lost some of its HP!
Luxor33 woke up!
Luxor33 used Dragon Tail!
A critical hit! The foe's Ciuffo da vecchio lost 35% of its health!
Fuckin' birdman (Blaziken) was dragged out!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 30
Luxor33 used Substitute!
Luxor33 put in a substitute!
Luxor33 lost 25% of its health!
The foe's Fuckin' birdman used Blaze Kick!
Luxor33 avoided the attack!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Fuckin' birdman's Speed Boost raised its Speed!
Turn 31
Talpr0ne: Fg rifacciamola ma dai una move diversa a giratina.
The foe's Fuckin' birdman used Blaze Kick!
It's not very effective... Luxor33's substitute faded!
The foe's Fuckin' birdman lost some of its HP!
Luxor33 used Dragon Tail!
The foe's Fuckin' birdman lost 23% of its health!
The foe's Fuckin' birdman fainted!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
Talpr0ne sent out Ciuffo da vecchio (Ho-Oh)!
Turn 32
Roxas0000: uai?
Roxas0000: xD
The foe's Ciuffo da vecchio used Sacred Fire!
It's not very effective... Luxor33 lost 33% of its health!
The foe's Ciuffo da vecchio lost some of its HP!
Luxor33 used Dragon Tail!
A critical hit! The foe's Ciuffo da vecchio lost 40% of its health!
Guscio color cacca (Forretress) was dragged out!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 33
The foe's Guscio color cacca used Volt Switch!
Luxor33 avoided the attack!
Luxor33 used Dragon Tail!
It's not very effective... The foe's Guscio color cacca lost 8% of its health!
Ciuffo da vecchio (Ho-Oh) was dragged out!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 34
Luxor33 used Substitute!
Luxor33 put in a substitute!
Luxor33 lost 25% of its health!
The foe's Ciuffo da vecchio used Sacred Fire!
Luxor33 avoided the attack!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 35
Roxas0000: ono non ho più dragon tail
Luxor33 used Rest!
Luxor33 fell asleep!
Luxor33 slept and became healthy!
The foe's Ciuffo da vecchio used Brave Bird!
Luxor33 avoided the attack!
Turn 36
Talpr0ne withdrew Ciuffo da vecchio (Ho-Oh)!
Talpr0ne sent out Fiore giallo (Venusaur)!
Luxor33 is fast asleep.
The foe's Fiore giallo restored HP using its Black Sludge!
Turn 37
The foe's Fiore giallo used Growth!
The foe's Fiore giallo's Attack sharply rose!
The foe's Fiore giallo's Special Attack sharply rose!
Luxor33 is fast asleep.
The foe's Fiore giallo restored HP using its Black Sludge!
Turn 38
Talpr0ne: se è per questo ho finito sacred fire
The foe's Fiore giallo used Growth!
The foe's Fiore giallo's Attack sharply rose!
The foe's Fiore giallo's Special Attack sharply rose!
Luxor33 woke up!
Luxor33 used Substitute!
Luxor33 already has a substitute!
The foe's Fiore giallo restored HP using its Black Sludge!
Turn 39
CorradoFred joined.
The foe's Fiore giallo used Growth!
The foe's Fiore giallo's Attack sharply rose!
The foe's Fiore giallo's Special Attack sharply rose!
Luxor33 used Substitute!
Luxor33 already has a substitute!
The foe's Fiore giallo restored HP using its Black Sludge!
Turn 40
The foe's Fiore giallo used Giga Drain!
Luxor33 avoided the attack!
Luxor33 used Substitute!
Luxor33 already has a substitute!
The foe's Fiore giallo restored HP using its Black Sludge!
Turn 41
The foe's Fiore giallo used Sleep Powder!
But it failed!
Luxor33 used Substitute!
Luxor33 already has a substitute!
The foe's Fiore giallo restored HP using its Black Sludge!
Turn 42
The foe's Fiore giallo used Giga Drain!
Luxor33 avoided the attack!
Luxor33 used Substitute!
Luxor33 already has a substitute!
The foe's Fiore giallo restored HP using its Black Sludge!
Turn 43
The foe's Fiore giallo used Giga Drain!
Luxor33 avoided the attack!
Luxor33 used Substitute!
Luxor33 already has a substitute!
The foe's Fiore giallo restored HP using its Black Sludge!
Turn 44
The foe's Fiore giallo used Growth!
Luxor33 used Substitute!
Luxor33 already has a substitute!
The foe's Fiore giallo restored HP using its Black Sludge!
Turn 45
The foe's Fiore giallo used Giga Drain!
It's not very effective... Luxor33's substitute faded!
Luxor33 had its energy drained!
Luxor33 used Double Team!
Turn 46
The foe's Fiore giallo used Giga Drain!
Luxor33 avoided the attack!
Luxor33 used Substitute!
Luxor33 put in a substitute!
Luxor33 lost 25% of its health!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 47
The foe's Fiore giallo used Growth!
Luxor33 used Double Team!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 48
Talpr0ne: Il tuo Giratina mi ricorda il jirachi di Gabis.
The foe's Fiore giallo used Earthquake!
Luxor33 avoided the attack!
Luxor33 used Double Team!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 49
The foe's Fiore giallo used Growth!
Luxor33 used Substitute!
Luxor33 already has a substitute!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 50
Roxas0000: why?
The foe's Fiore giallo used Growth!
Luxor33 used Double Team!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 51
Talpr0ne: Mi è successa una cosa simile.
The foe's Fiore giallo used Growth!
Luxor33 used Double Team!
Turn 52
Roxas0000: lol
The foe's Fiore giallo used Earthquake!
Luxor33's substitute faded!
Luxor33 used Double Team!
Turn 53
The foe's Fiore giallo used Earthquake!
Luxor33 lost 48% of its health!
Luxor33 used Substitute!
Luxor33 put in a substitute!
Luxor33 lost 25% of its health!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 54
The foe's Fiore giallo used Earthquake!
Luxor33's substitute faded!
Luxor33 used Rest!
Luxor33 fell asleep!
Luxor33 slept and became healthy!
Turn 55
The foe's Fiore giallo used Growth!
Luxor33 is fast asleep.
Turn 56
The foe's Fiore giallo used Earthquake!
Luxor33 avoided the attack!
Luxor33 is fast asleep.
Turn 57
The foe's Fiore giallo used Earthquake!
Luxor33 avoided the attack!
Luxor33 woke up!
Luxor33 used Double Team!
Turn 58
The foe's Fiore giallo used Earthquake!
Luxor33 avoided the attack!
Luxor33 used Double Team!
Turn 59
Roxas0000: ono non ho più mosse
The foe's Fiore giallo used Earthquake!
Luxor33 lost 44% of its health!
Luxor33 used Double Team!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 60
The foe's Fiore giallo used Sleep Powder!
Luxor33 avoided the attack!
Luxor33 used Rest!
Luxor33 fell asleep!
Luxor33 slept and became healthy!
Turn 61
The foe's Fiore giallo used Giga Drain!
Luxor33 avoided the attack!
Luxor33 is fast asleep.
Turn 62
Talpr0ne withdrew Fiore giallo (Venusaur)!
Talpr0ne sent out Ciuffo da vecchio (Ho-Oh)!
Luxor33 is fast asleep.
Turn 63
Luxor33 woke up!
Luxor33 used Rest!
But it failed!
The foe's Ciuffo da vecchio used Earthquake!
Luxor33 lost 29.0% of its health!
The foe's Ciuffo da vecchio lost some of its HP!
Luxor33 restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 64
Luxor33 used Rest!
Luxor33 fell asleep!
Luxor33 slept and became healthy!
The foe's Ciuffo da vecchio used Earthquake!
Luxor33 avoided the attack!
Turn 65
Talpr0ne withdrew Ciuffo da vecchio (Ho-Oh)!
Talpr0ne sent out Guscio color cacca (Forretress)!
Luxor33 is fast asleep.
The foe's Guscio color cacca restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 66
Luxor33, come back!
Go! Keysoul (Arceus)!
Keysoul is hurt by the spikes!
Pointed stones dug into Keysoul!
The foe's Guscio color cacca used Gyro Ball!
Keysoul lost 21% of its health!
The foe's Guscio color cacca restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 67
Keysoul used Recover!
Keysoul regained health!
The foe's Guscio color cacca used Volt Switch!
Keysoul lost 8% of its health!
The foe's Guscio color cacca went back to Talpr0ne!
Talpr0ne sent out Verde vomito (Groudon)!
The foe's Verde vomito restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 68
Keysoul used Swords Dance!
Keysoul's Attack sharply rose!
The foe's Verde vomito used Earthquake!
Keysoul lost 40% of its health!
The foe's Verde vomito restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 69
Keysoul used Recover!
Keysoul regained health!
The foe's Verde vomito used Earthquake!
Keysoul lost 40% of its health!
The foe's Verde vomito restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 70
Keysoul used Swords Dance!
Keysoul's Attack sharply rose!
The foe's Verde vomito used Earthquake!
Keysoul lost 44% of its health!
The foe's Verde vomito restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 71
Keysoul used Recover!
Keysoul regained health!
The foe's Verde vomito used Earthquake!
Keysoul lost 44% of its health!
Turn 72
Keysoul used ExtremeSpeed!
The foe's Verde vomito lost 98% of its health!
Keysoul lost some of its HP!
The foe's Verde vomito used Dragon Tail!
Keysoul lost 8% of its health!
Keysoul fainted!
The foe's Verde vomito restored HP using its Leftovers!
Roxas0000: FU.
Go! Roxas0000 (Kyogre)!
Roxas0000 is hurt by the spikes!
Pointed stones dug into Roxas0000!
Roxas0000's Drizzle made it rain!
Turn 73
Roxas0000 used Ice Beam!
It's super effective! The foe's Verde vomito lost 8% of its health!
The foe's Verde vomito fainted!
Talpr0ne sent out Ciuffo da vecchio (Ho-Oh)!
Turn 74
Roxas0000 used Ice Beam!
The foe's Ciuffo da vecchio lost 23% of its health!
The foe's Ciuffo da vecchio used Earthquake!
Roxas0000 lost 8% of its health!
The foe's Ciuffo da vecchio lost some of its HP!
Roxas0000 fainted!
Go! SoraXIII (Manaphy)!
Pointed stones dug into SoraXIII!
SoraXIII is hurt by the spikes!
Turn 75
Talpr0ne withdrew Ciuffo da vecchio (Ho-Oh)!
Talpr0ne sent out Fiore giallo (Venusaur)!
SoraXIII used Rest!
SoraXIII fell asleep!
SoraXIII slept and became healthy!
SoraXIII woke up!
Turn 76
Talpr0ne withdrew Fiore giallo (Venusaur)!
Talpr0ne sent out Guscio color cacca (Forretress)!
SoraXIII used Tail Glow!
SoraXIII's Special Attack drastically rose!
Turn 77
SoraXIII used Tail Glow!
SoraXIII's Special Attack drastically rose!
The foe's Guscio color cacca used Gyro Ball!
It's not very effective... SoraXIII lost 17% of its health!
SoraXIII restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 78
SoraXIII used Surf!
The foe's Guscio color cacca held on thanks to Sturdy!
The foe's Guscio color cacca lost 98% of its health!
The foe's Guscio color cacca used Volt Switch!
It's super effective! SoraXIII lost 21% of its health!
The foe's Guscio color cacca went back to Talpr0ne!
Talpr0ne sent out Ciuffo da vecchio (Ho-Oh)!
SoraXIII restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 79
SoraXIII used Surf!
It's super effective! The foe's Ciuffo da vecchio lost 100% of its health!
The foe's Ciuffo da vecchio fainted!
SoraXIII restored HP using its Leftovers!
Talpr0ne sent out Fiore giallo (Venusaur)!
Turn 80
SoraXIII used Ice Beam!
It's super effective! The foe's Fiore giallo lost 100% of its health!
The foe's Fiore giallo fainted!
SoraXIII restored HP using its Leftovers!
Talpr0ne sent out Guscio color cacca (Forretress)!
Turn 81
Roxas0000: gg
Talpr0ne: Colpa del tuo giratinaù
SoraXIII used Ice Beam!
It's not very effective... The foe's Guscio color cacca lost 2% of its health!
The foe's Guscio color cacca fainted!
Roxas0000 won the battle!

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