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[OTHER] Fan Made: Pokémon Generations

Post raccomandati


Come si combatte???

Fai uscire il tuo pokemon dalla pokèball (non mi ricordo con che tasto ma lo puoi vedere qundo lo avvii) clicchi sul pokemon avversario e selezioni una delle mosse premendo un tasto(1,2,3,o4). Inoltre lo puoi muovere come il tuo personaggio.




Ciao oggi sono qui per parlarvi di questo gioco ambientato nel mondo Pokemon ma creato da fan come noi.

Ecco qualche video di gameplay del gioco:

Qualche immagine:







Ho aperto questo topic perché non ho trovato nessun altro topic che parlasse di questo gioco.


è bellissimo.


Mi esce una schermata.Quanto devo aspettare?La schermata è nera e sopra c'è scritto

The file you have selected (PokeGen.rar) is not available via any mirrors. Please check back shortly as our servers update every 5 minutes. To access more download mirrors we encourage you to join the community, otherwise please be patient and keep trying.

Se inizio il gioco e poi voi lo continuate io poi cosa devo fare per farlo andare avanti?Devo scaricare la nuova versione?Poi non perdo tutto? 


Mi esce una schermata.Quanto devo aspettare?La schermata è nera e sopra c'è scritto

The file you have selected (PokeGen.rar) is not available via any mirrors. Please check back shortly as our servers update every 5 minutes. To access more download mirrors we encourage you to join the community, otherwise please be patient and keep trying.

Se inizio il gioco e poi voi lo continuate io poi cosa devo fare per farlo andare avanti?Devo scaricare la nuova versione?Poi non perdo tutto? 


Ho premuto download now ed esce una schermata nera e sopra scritto

The file you have selected (PokeGen.rar) is not available via any mirrors. Please check back shortly as our servers update every 5 minutes. To access more download mirrors we encourage you to join the community, otherwise please be patient and keep trying.

Cosa devo fare?


Sembra carino, ora lo scarico e lo provo


non riesco a catturare i pokémon, quando clicco sulla pokèball non mi fa niente :(


aahh ora ho capito, era l'unico che ancora non avevo spippolato xD


Le novità  dell'ultimo aggiornamento:

Multiplayer Temporarily Disabled

I wanted to make sure that this update was released on time, but there was a bug with multiplayer that was more or less game breaking, so I've temporarily disabled it.

It will be back in the future, and most likely in a patch prior to the next scheduled update, but you'll have to bear the next few days or weeks in single player as we tidy things up.

New Models

Charmander has been given a visual upgrade and entirely new animations/effects.

New rocks & stone platforms have been created to better fit the game's art direction.

Terrains have been varied up slightly, and will be done even more so in the future.

Pikachu has been cleaned up even further to better represent his anime counterpart.

Move Changes

Withdraw has been redesigned to now parry physical attacks and block ranged attacks. It can now be used more instinctively with a more focused purpose.

Leech Seed has been given a lower stamina cost, but now drains less times to keep it balanced. The goal here was to make it more spammable instead of only having to hit it once to win a fight.

Sand Attack & Smokescreen have been given slowing effects, Quick Attack will halt any movement impairing effect on your Pokemon.

Ember now slightly takes distance into account and has more effects to show you its pathing.

Gameplay Changes

All Pokemon can now jump, and moves will affect your jump differently.

Swimming and targeting while swimming has been made easier.

The AI has been drastically improved, to be both smarter and more fun in terms of its fighting style.

New Map

You can now enter Oak's Lab through his fancy new doors.

It's an unfinished map, but the plan is to make the bare structure of all maps first, and then add the interior/exterior additive objects afterwards.

This is a good example of how traversing between said maps will work.

That's about it for this update. Really sorry we had to cut multiplayer temporarily, but hopefully Single Player will keep you guys entertained enough. Behind the scenes, there's actually quite a lot that's been done, but I'll wait to debut those in future updates.

As always, it's a safe precaution to reset your save files once you start a new update.


Scusate ma come si lanciano le pokeball?Io non c'è le ho forse.Come funziona questo gioco

Per lanciare le pokèball devi usare il tasto che usi per cancellare, poi col tasto sinistro del mouse clicchi il pokèmon che vuoi prendere.


Ora la faccio io una domanda, ma lo spazio di gioco è solo quello, nel senso possiamo girare solo nel giardino di Oak?


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