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[Random] Dat Struggle.


Post raccomandati

AshachuPM joined.

Electivire23 joined.


Random Battle

Rated battle

Sleep Clause: Limit one foe put to sleep

Battle between AshachuPM and Electivire23 started!

Go! Zebstrika!

Electivire23 sent out Amoonguss!

Turn 1

Gary Oak~PM joined.

Electivire23 withdrew Amoonguss!

Electivire23 sent out Magmortar!

Zebstrika used Overheat!

It's not very effective... The foe's Magmortar lost 17% of its health!

Zebstrika's Special Attack harshly fell!

The foe's Magmortar restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 2

Zebstrika, come back!

Go! Clefable!

The foe's Magmortar used Substitute!

The foe's Magmortar put in a substitute!

The foe's Magmortar lost 25% of its health!

The foe's Magmortar restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 3

mikele96 joined.

The foe's Magmortar used Focus Blast!

Clefable avoided the attack!

Clefable used Calm Mind!

Clefable's Special Attack rose!

Clefable's Special Defense rose!

The foe's Magmortar restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 4

The foe's Magmortar used Focus Blast!

It's super effective! Clefable lost 46% of its health!

Clefable used Calm Mind!

Clefable's Special Attack rose!

Clefable's Special Defense rose!

The foe's Magmortar restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 5

The foe's Magmortar used Fire Blast!

Clefable lost 27% of its health!

Clefable used Softboiled!

Clefable regained health!

The foe's Magmortar restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 6

The foe's Magmortar used Fire Blast!

Clefable lost 27% of its health!

Clefable used Calm Mind!

Clefable's Special Attack rose!

Clefable's Special Defense rose!

The foe's Magmortar restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 7

The foe's Magmortar used Fire Blast!

Clefable lost 23% of its health!

Clefable used Softboiled!

Clefable regained health!

The foe's Magmortar restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 8

The foe's Magmortar used Fire Blast!

Clefable lost 21% of its health!

Clefable used Calm Mind!

Clefable's Special Attack rose!

Clefable's Special Defense rose!

Turn 9

The foe's Magmortar used Fire Blast!

Clefable lost 17% of its health!

Clefable used Calm Mind!

Clefable's Special Attack rose!

Clefable's Special Defense rose!

Turn 10

Fire BlastFireSpecialPower



810% chance to burn the target.

AshachuPM: E poi fire blast che worka sempre... :°

The foe's Magmortar used Fire Blast!

Clefable lost 17% of its health!

Clefable used Softboiled!

Clefable regained health!

Turn 11

Battle timer is now ON: inactive players will automatically lose when time's up. (requested by AshachuPM)

The foe's Magmortar used Focus Blast!

It's super effective! Clefable lost 21% of its health!

Clefable used Calm Mind!

Clefable's Special Attack rose!

Clefable's Special Defense rose!

Turn 12

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

The foe's Magmortar used Fire Blast!

Clefable lost 15% of its health!

Clefable was burned!

Clefable used Softboiled!

Clefable regained health!

Turn 13

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

The foe's Magmortar used Fire Blast!

Clefable lost 13% of its health!

Clefable used Thunderbolt!

The foe's Magmortar's substitute faded!

Turn 14

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Electivire23 withdrew Magmortar!

Electivire23 sent out Vibrava!

Clefable used Softboiled!

Clefable regained health!

Turn 15

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

The foe's Vibrava used Superpower!

It's super effective! Clefable lost 63% of its health!

The foe's Vibrava's Attack fell!

The foe's Vibrava's Defense fell!

Clefable used Hyper Voice!

The foe's Vibrava lost 100% of its health!

The foe's Vibrava fainted!

Magic GuardThis Pokemon can only be damaged by direct attacks.

mikele96 left.

Electivire23 has 120 seconds left.

Electivire23 sent out Karrablast!

Turn 16

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

The foe's Karrablast used Return!

A critical hit! Clefable lost 38% of its health!

Clefable fainted!

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Electivire23: scusa

AshachuPM: :O

AshachuPM has 120 seconds left.

Go! Azelf!

Turn 17

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Azelf used Fire Blast!

It's super effective! The foe's Karrablast lost 94% of its health!

The foe's Karrablast used Megahorn!

It's super effective! Azelf lost 100% of its health!

Azelf fainted!

The foe's Karrablast restored HP using its Leftovers!

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Go! Umbreon!

Turn 18

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon, come back!

Go! Zebstrika!

The foe's Karrablast used Megahorn!

Zebstrika lost 65% of its health!

The foe's Karrablast restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 19

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Zebstrika used Wild Charge!

The foe's Karrablast lost 17% of its health!

Zebstrika is damaged by recoil!

The foe's Karrablast fainted!

Electivire23 sent out Seismitoad!

Turn 20

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Zebstrika used Hidden Power!

It's super effective! The foe's Seismitoad lost 81% of its health!

The foe's Seismitoad used Earth Power!

It's super effective! Zebstrika lost 31% of its health!

The foe's Seismitoad lost some of its HP!

Zebstrika fainted!

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Go! Spoink!

Turn 21

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Spoink used Psychic!

The foe's Seismitoad lost 8% of its health!

The foe's Seismitoad fainted!

Electivire23 sent out Gothita!

Turn 22

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Spoink used Psychic!

It's not very effective... The foe's Gothita lost 21% of its health!

The foe's Gothita used Trick!

The foe's Gothita switched items with its target!

Spoink obtained one Choice Scarf.

The foe's Gothita obtained one Choice Scarf.

Turn 23

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Spoink used Psychic!

It's not very effective... The foe's Gothita lost 23% of its health!

The foe's Gothita used Thunderbolt!

Spoink lost 19% of its health!

Turn 24

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Spoink used Psychic!

It's not very effective... The foe's Gothita lost 23% of its health!

The foe's Gothita used Thunderbolt!

Spoink lost 19% of its health!

Turn 25

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Spoink used Psychic!

It's not very effective... The foe's Gothita lost 23% of its health!

The foe's Gothita used Thunderbolt!

Spoink lost 19% of its health!

Spoink is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

Turn 26

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

The foe's Gothita used Thunderbolt!

Spoink lost 21% of its health!

Spoink is paralyzed! It can't move!

Turn 27

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

The foe's Gothita used Thunderbolt!

Spoink lost 19% of its health!

Spoink used Psychic!

It's not very effective... The foe's Gothita lost 10% of its health!

The foe's Gothita fainted!

Electivire23 sent out Magmortar!

Turn 28

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

AshachuPM: Ha 0.1% di healt.

The foe's Magmortar used Hidden Power!

Spoink lost 2% of its health!

Spoink fainted!

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Go! Kyurem-White!

Kyurem-White is radiating a blazing aura!

Turn 29

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

The foe's Magmortar used Substitute!

The foe's Magmortar put in a substitute!

The foe's Magmortar lost 25% of its health!

Kyurem-White used Earth Power!

It's super effective! The foe's Magmortar's substitute faded!

The foe's Magmortar restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 30

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

The foe's Magmortar used Focus Blast!

It's super effective! Kyurem-White lost 71% of its health!

Kyurem-White used Earth Power!

It's super effective! The foe's Magmortar lost 81% of its health!

The foe's Magmortar fainted!

Electivire23 sent out Amoonguss!

Turn 31

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Kyurem-White, come back!

Go! Umbreon!

The foe's Amoonguss used Spore!

Umbreon fell asleep!

Turn 32

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon is fast asleep.

The foe's Amoonguss used Clear Smog!

Umbreon lost 13% of its health!

Umbreon's stat changes were removed!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 33

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon is fast asleep.

The foe's Amoonguss used Clear Smog!

Umbreon lost 13% of its health!

Umbreon's stat changes were removed!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 34

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon woke up!

Umbreon used Toxic!

The foe's Amoonguss used Clear Smog!

Umbreon lost 15% of its health!

Umbreon's stat changes were removed!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 35

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Electivire23 has 120 seconds left.

Umbreon used Toxic!

The foe's Amoonguss avoided the attack!

The foe's Amoonguss used Clear Smog!

Umbreon lost 13% of its health!

Umbreon's stat changes were removed!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 36

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

AshachuPM: Oggi sono troppo sfortunato :\

Umbreon used Toxic!

The foe's Amoonguss avoided the attack!

The foe's Amoonguss used Clear Smog!

Umbreon lost 13% of its health!

Umbreon's stat changes were removed!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 37

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

AshachuPM: Ok.

Electivire23 has 120 seconds left.

Electivire23: cmq amoonguss è di tipo veleno quindi nn può essere avveenato

Electivire23: avvelenato

Umbreon used Toxic!

The foe's Amoonguss used Clear Smog!

Umbreon lost 13% of its health!

Umbreon's stat changes were removed!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 38

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

AshachuPM: Il tuo Fire blast ha workato 8/8 :o

AshachuPM: à§_à§

AshachuPM: vero mi ricordavo che

AshachuPM has 120 seconds left.

AshachuPM: non era immune a veleno però :O

Electivire23: si hai ragione sono stato fortunato

Electivire23: boh

Electivire23: ma tanto hai vinto lo stesso

Umbreon used Payback!

The foe's Amoonguss lost 13% of its health!

The foe's Amoonguss used Clear Smog!

Umbreon lost 13% of its health!

Umbreon's stat changes were removed!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

The foe's Amoonguss restored HP using its Black Sludge!

Turn 39

You have 140 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Payback!

The foe's Amoonguss lost 13% of its health!

The foe's Amoonguss used Clear Smog!

Umbreon lost 15% of its health!

Umbreon's stat changes were removed!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

The foe's Amoonguss restored HP using its Black Sludge!

Turn 40

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

AshachuPM: Nah, non ho vinto

Umbreon used Moonlight!

Umbreon regained health!

The foe's Amoonguss used Clear Smog!

Umbreon lost 13% of its health!

Umbreon's stat changes were removed!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

The foe's Amoonguss restored HP using its Black Sludge!

Turn 41

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Electivire23 has 120 seconds left.

Electivire23: l' unico attacco che ha è clear smog

Umbreon used Payback!

The foe's Amoonguss lost 15% of its health!

The foe's Amoonguss used Clear Smog!

Umbreon lost 13% of its health!

Umbreon's stat changes were removed!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

The foe's Amoonguss restored HP using its Black Sludge!

Turn 42

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Payback!

The foe's Amoonguss lost 13% of its health!

The foe's Amoonguss used Clear Smog!

Umbreon lost 15% of its health!

Umbreon's stat changes were removed!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

The foe's Amoonguss restored HP using its Black Sludge!

Turn 43

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Payback!

The foe's Amoonguss lost 13% of its health!

The foe's Amoonguss used Clear Smog!

Umbreon lost 15% of its health!

Umbreon's stat changes were removed!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

The foe's Amoonguss restored HP using its Black Sludge!

Turn 44

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Payback!

The foe's Amoonguss lost 13% of its health!

The foe's Amoonguss used Clear Smog!

Umbreon lost 13% of its health!

Umbreon's stat changes were removed!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

The foe's Amoonguss restored HP using its Black Sludge!

Turn 45

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Electivire23 has 120 seconds left.

Umbreon used Payback!

The foe's Amoonguss lost 15% of its health!

The foe's Amoonguss used Clear Smog!

Umbreon lost 15% of its health!

Umbreon's stat changes were removed!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

The foe's Amoonguss restored HP using its Black Sludge!

Turn 46

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

AshachuPM has 120 seconds left.

Umbreon used Payback!

The foe's Amoonguss lost 13% of its health!

The foe's Amoonguss used Synthesis!

The foe's Amoonguss regained health!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

The foe's Amoonguss restored HP using its Black Sludge!

Turn 47

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Payback!

The foe's Amoonguss lost 13% of its health!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

The foe's Amoonguss restored HP using its Black Sludge!

Turn 48

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Payback!

A critical hit! The foe's Amoonguss lost 25% of its health!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It can't move!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

The foe's Amoonguss restored HP using its Black Sludge!

Turn 49

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Electivire23: che stupido

Umbreon used Payback!

The foe's Amoonguss lost 13% of its health!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It can't move!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

The foe's Amoonguss restored HP using its Black Sludge!

Turn 50

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

AshachuPM: chi io? :o

Umbreon used Payback!

A critical hit! The foe's Amoonguss lost 25% of its health!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It can't move!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

The foe's Amoonguss restored HP using its Black Sludge!

Turn 51

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Electivire23: no io che ho usto stn spore

Electivire23: stun spore

Umbreon used Payback!

The foe's Amoonguss lost 13% of its health!

The foe's Amoonguss used Clear Smog!

Umbreon lost 13% of its health!

Umbreon's stat changes were removed!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

The foe's Amoonguss restored HP using its Black Sludge!

Turn 52

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon is paralyzed! It can't move!

The foe's Amoonguss used Clear Smog!

Umbreon lost 13% of its health!

Umbreon's stat changes were removed!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

The foe's Amoonguss restored HP using its Black Sludge!

Turn 53

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Electivire23: ma secondo te io offendo così la gente XD

Umbreon used Payback!

The foe's Amoonguss lost 13% of its health!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It can't move!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

The foe's Amoonguss restored HP using its Black Sludge!

Turn 54

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

AshachuPM: No xD

Umbreon is paralyzed! It can't move!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It can't move!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

The foe's Amoonguss restored HP using its Black Sludge!

Turn 55

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon is paralyzed! It can't move!

The foe's Amoonguss used Synthesis!

The foe's Amoonguss regained health!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 56

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

AshachuPM: non finirà  maiù

Umbreon used Payback!

The foe's Amoonguss lost 15% of its health!

The foe's Amoonguss used Clear Smog!

Umbreon lost 13% of its health!

Umbreon's stat changes were removed!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

The foe's Amoonguss restored HP using its Black Sludge!

Turn 57

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Payback!

The foe's Amoonguss lost 13% of its health!

The foe's Amoonguss used Clear Smog!

Umbreon lost 13% of its health!

Umbreon's stat changes were removed!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

The foe's Amoonguss restored HP using its Black Sludge!

Turn 58

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Clear SmogPoisonSpecialPower



24Eliminates the target's stat changes.

Umbreon, come back!

Go! Kyurem-White!

Kyurem-White is radiating a blazing aura!

The foe's Amoonguss used Clear Smog!

Kyurem-White lost 17% of its health!

Kyurem-White's stat changes were removed!

The foe's Amoonguss restored HP using its Black Sludge!

Turn 59

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Gary Oak~PM left.

Electivire23 has 120 seconds left.

Kyurem-White used Fusion Flare!

It's super effective! The foe's Amoonguss lost 77% of its health!

The foe's Amoonguss used Clear Smog!

A critical hit! Kyurem-White lost 13% of its health!

Kyurem-White's stat changes were removed!

Kyurem-White fainted!

The foe's Amoonguss restored HP using its Black Sludge!

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Go! Umbreon!

Turn 60

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Moonlight!

Umbreon regained health!

The foe's Amoonguss used Synthesis!

The foe's Amoonguss regained health!

The foe's Amoonguss restored HP using its Black Sludge!

Turn 61

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Moonlight!

But it failed!

The foe's Amoonguss used Synthesis!

The foe's Amoonguss regained health!

Turn 62

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Moonlight!

But it failed!

The foe's Amoonguss used Clear Smog!

Umbreon lost 13% of its health!

Umbreon's stat changes were removed!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 63

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Moonlight!

Umbreon regained health!

The foe's Amoonguss used Clear Smog!

Umbreon lost 13% of its health!

Umbreon's stat changes were removed!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 64

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

AshachuPM: fai presto

AshachuPM: =)

k-one2 joined.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Clear Smog!

A critical hit! Umbreon lost 29.0% of its health!

Umbreon's stat changes were removed!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 65

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

AshachuPM: gg

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It can't move!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 66

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Clear Smog!

Umbreon lost 13% of its health!

Umbreon's stat changes were removed!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 67

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Electivire23: oddio finiti i clear smog e mo'?

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Spore!

But it failed!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 68

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

AshachuPM: a me sono finiti i payback

AshachuPM: xD

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Spore!

But it failed!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 69

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon is paralyzed! It can't move!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon is already paralyzed.

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 70

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

AshachuPM: dai fai presto xD

AshachuPM: tanto

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon avoided the attack!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 71

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

AshachuPM: aspettiamo il primo che fa scontro xD

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It can't move!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 72

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Electivire23: ma nn c'è n modo per fare patta

Umbreon used Toxic!

But it failed!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon avoided the attack!

Turn 73

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Toxic!

The foe's Amoonguss avoided the attack!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It can't move!

Turn 74

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

AshachuPM: no

Umbreon used Toxic!

The foe's Amoonguss avoided the attack!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon is already paralyzed.

Turn 75

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Toxic!

The foe's Amoonguss avoided the attack!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon avoided the attack!

Turn 76

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Toxic!

But it failed!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It can't move!

Turn 77

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Toxic!

But it failed!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon is already paralyzed.

Turn 78

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon is paralyzed! It can't move!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It can't move!

Turn 79

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Toxic!

But it failed!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It can't move!

Turn 80

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

AshachuPM: baton pass ha troppi pp :\

Umbreon used Toxic!

The foe's Amoonguss avoided the attack!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon is already paralyzed.

Turn 81

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Electivire23: stun spore ne ha 48

Umbreon used Toxic!

But it failed!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It can't move!

Turn 82

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Electivire23: xd

AshachuPM: bp 64

AshachuPM: xD

Umbreon used Toxic!

But it failed!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon is already paralyzed.

Turn 83

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Toxic!

But it failed!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon avoided the attack!

Turn 84

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

AshachuPM: la battaglia più lunga mai fatta **

Umbreon used Toxic!

But it failed!

The foe's Amoonguss used Spore!

But it failed!

Turn 85

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It can't move!

Turn 86

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

k-one2: mscrociere

Umbreon is paralyzed! It can't move!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It can't move!

Turn 87

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon is already paralyzed.

Turn 88

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

k-one2: e sti *censura* nn ce li metti

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It can't move!

Turn 89

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Spore!

But it failed!

Turn 90

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It can't move!

Turn 91

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

AshachuPM: quanti pp hai ancora in tutto di tutte le mosse? xD

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon is already paralyzed.

Turn 92

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

k-one2: 11423432435

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon is already paralyzed.

Turn 93

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Electivire23: 5

Electivire23: 59

k-one2: 45454

Electivire23: tu?

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon is already paralyzed.

Turn 94

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

k-one2: 85295

AshachuPM: io 52

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon is already paralyzed.

Turn 95

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

AshachuPM: ma bisogna vedere se mi paralizzo sempre xD

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon avoided the attack!

Turn 96

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon is paralyzed! It can't move!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It can't move!

Turn 97

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon avoided the attack!

Turn 98

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon is already paralyzed.

Turn 99

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

k-one2: vice......

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon is already paralyzed.

Turn 100

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon is already paralyzed.

Turn 101

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

k-one2: vince....

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon is already paralyzed.

Turn 102

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

k-one2: sto *censura*

Umbreon is paralyzed! It can't move!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It can't move!

Turn 103

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon is paralyzed! It can't move!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon is already paralyzed.

Turn 104

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon is already paralyzed.

Turn 105

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

k-one2 left.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It can't move!

Turn 106

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon avoided the attack!

Turn 107

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon is paralyzed! It can't move!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon avoided the attack!

Turn 108

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It can't move!

Turn 109

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It can't move!

Turn 110

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon is already paralyzed.

Turn 111

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon avoided the attack!

Turn 112

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It can't move!

Turn 113

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It can't move!

Turn 114

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon is already paralyzed.

Turn 115

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon avoided the attack!

Turn 116

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon is paralyzed! It can't move!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon is already paralyzed.

Turn 117

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon is paralyzed! It can't move!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon is already paralyzed.

Turn 118

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon is already paralyzed.

Turn 119

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon is paralyzed! It can't move!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It can't move!

Turn 120

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon is already paralyzed.

Turn 121

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon is already paralyzed.

Turn 122

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon is already paralyzed.

Turn 123

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon is already paralyzed.

Turn 124

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon is paralyzed! It can't move!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon is already paralyzed.

Turn 125

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon avoided the attack!

Turn 126

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon is already paralyzed.

Turn 127

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It can't move!

Turn 128

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It can't move!

Turn 129

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

AshachuPM: quanti ancora?

AshachuPM: xD

Umbreon is paralyzed! It can't move!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon is already paralyzed.

Turn 130

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

AshachuPM: io 25

Electivire23: 31

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It can't move!

Turn 131

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon avoided the attack!

Turn 132

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon avoided the attack!

Turn 133

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It can't move!

Turn 134

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon is paralyzed! It can't move!

The foe's Amoonguss used Spore!

But it failed!

Turn 135

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon is paralyzed! It can't move!

The foe's Amoonguss used Spore!

But it failed!

Turn 136

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Spore!

But it failed!

Turn 137

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon is paralyzed! It can't move!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon is already paralyzed.

Turn 138

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Moonlight!

But it failed!

The foe's Amoonguss used Spore!

But it failed!

Turn 139

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

AshachuPM: dai x3

Umbreon used Moonlight!

But it failed!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It can't move!

Turn 140

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon is paralyzed! It can't move!

The foe's Amoonguss used Spore!

But it failed!

Turn 141

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Spore!

But it failed!

Turn 142

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon is paralyzed! It can't move!

The foe's Amoonguss used Spore!

But it failed!

Turn 143

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Spore!

But it failed!

Turn 144

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It can't move!

Turn 145

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon is paralyzed! It can't move!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon is already paralyzed.

Turn 146

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon avoided the attack!

Turn 147

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon is already paralyzed.

Turn 148

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon avoided the attack!

Turn 149

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

AshachuPM: io ancora 12 @.@

Umbreon is paralyzed! It can't move!

The foe's Amoonguss used Stun Spore!

Umbreon is already paralyzed.

Turn 150

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Electivire23: 15

Umbreon is paralyzed! It can't move!

The foe's Amoonguss used Spore!

But it failed!

Turn 151

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Spore!

But it failed!

Turn 152

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon is paralyzed! It can't move!

The foe's Amoonguss used Spore!

But it failed!

Turn 153

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon is paralyzed! It can't move!

The foe's Amoonguss used Spore!

But it failed!

Turn 154

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Spore!

But it failed!

Turn 155

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Spore!

But it failed!

Turn 156

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon is paralyzed! It can't move!

The foe's Amoonguss used Spore!

But it failed!

Turn 157

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It can't move!

Turn 158

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

AshachuPM: quanto paralyzed xD

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Spore!

But it failed!

Turn 159

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

AshachuPM: -6

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Spore!

But it failed!

Turn 160

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

AshachuPM: à§_à§

Electivire23: 6

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Spore!

But it failed!

Turn 161

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It can't move!

Turn 162

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

AshachuPM: 4

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Spore!

But it failed!

Turn 163

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

AshachuPM: 3

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Synthesis!

But it failed!

Turn 164

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Umbreon used Baton Pass!

The foe's Amoonguss used Synthesis!

But it failed!

Turn 165

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

AshachuPM: 2

Umbreon used Moonlight!

But it failed!

The foe's Amoonguss used Synthesis!

But it failed!

Turn 166

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Electivire23: 1

AshachuPM: Scontro! :)

Umbreon has no moves left!

Umbreon used Struggle!

The foe's Amoonguss lost 8% of its health!

Umbreon lost 25% of its health!

The foe's Amoonguss used Synthesis!

The foe's Amoonguss regained health!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 167

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

AshachuPM: oddio :o Di questo pasto muoio io xD

Umbreon has no moves left!

Umbreon used Struggle!

The foe's Amoonguss lost 8% of its health!

Umbreon lost 25% of its health!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It can't move!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

The foe's Amoonguss restored HP using its Black Sludge!

Turn 168

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

AshachuPM: gg xD

Umbreon has no moves left!

Umbreon used Struggle!

The foe's Amoonguss lost 8% of its health!

Umbreon lost 25% of its health!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It can't move!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

The foe's Amoonguss restored HP using its Black Sludge!

Turn 169

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

AshachuPM: naaah xD

Umbreon has no moves left!

Umbreon used Struggle!

The foe's Amoonguss lost 8% of its health!

Umbreon lost 25% of its health!

The foe's Amoonguss is paralyzed! It can't move!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

The foe's Amoonguss restored HP using its Black Sludge!

Turn 170

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

AshachuPM: eh vabbè xd

Umbreon is paralyzed! It can't move!

The foe's Amoonguss has no moves left!

The foe's Amoonguss used Struggle!

Umbreon lost 10% of its health!

The foe's Amoonguss lost 25% of its health!

Umbreon restored HP using its Leftovers!

The foe's Amoonguss restored HP using its Black Sludge!

Turn 171

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Electivire23: ma che schifo di mossa scontro

Umbreon has no moves left!

Umbreon used Struggle!

The foe's Amoonguss lost 8% of its health!

Umbreon lost 19% of its health!

Umbreon fainted!

Electivire23 won the battle!

Ladder updating...

AshachuPM's rating: 1507 ? 1504

(-3 for losing)

Electivire23's rating: 1687 ? 1688

(+1 for winning)

AshachuPM: Infatti xD Che lotta!

AshachuPM: **

Electivire23: gg XD , ciao :)

AshachuPM: La più lunga della mia vita xD

Okkei, i log non sono il massimo perché gli ho salvati su Blocco Note. xD

Da notare solo "l'utilità " di Struggle(Scontro) e la lunghezza della battle. 

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