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[Random] Il mio primo post di una lotta!


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hydreigon106 joined.

Fen PM joined.


Random Battle

Sleep Clause Mod: Limit one foe put to sleep

HP Percentage Mod: HP is reported as percentages

Battle between hydreigon106 and Fen PM started!

Go! Slaking!

Fen PM sent out Huntail! Turn 1

Slaking used Giga Impact!

The foe's Huntail lost 95% of its health!

The foe's Huntail used Return!

Slaking lost 16.6% of its health!

Slaking restored HP using its Leftovers! Turn 2

Slaking is loafing around!

The foe's Huntail used Hydro Pump!

Slaking lost 40.7% of its health!

Slaking restored HP using its Leftovers! Turn 3

Fen PM: Ma tu sei Hydreigon dello Staff?

Fen PM: o sei un altro? ò_ò

hydreigon106: Chi è hydreigon dello staff?

Fen PM withdrew Huntail!

Fen PM sent out Sableye!

Slaking used Sucker Punch!

But it failed!

Slaking restored HP using its Leftovers! Turn 4

Fen PM: uno col tuo stesso nick che modera

hydreigon106: No è Hydrogen

hydreigon106: quello

Slaking is loafing around!

The foe's Sableye used Seismic Toss!

Slaking lost 19.6% of its health!

Slaking restored HP using its Leftovers! Turn 5

Fen PM: lol, vero

Fen PM: confondo sempre il nick ;)

hydreigon106: mi avevi fatto prendere un colpo

hydreigon106: io sono supermod ma di un altro foro

Slaking used Sucker Punch!

The foe's Sableye lost 53% of its health!

The foe's Sableye used Seismic Toss!

Slaking lost 19.6% of its health!

Slaking restored HP using its Leftovers! Turn 6

Slaking is loafing around!

The foe's Sableye used Seismic Toss!

Slaking lost 19.6% of its health!

Slaking restored HP using its Leftovers! Turn 7

Slaking used Sucker Punch!

The foe's Sableye lost 47% of its health!

The foe's Sableye fainted!

Slaking restored HP using its Leftovers!

Fen PM sent out Herdier!

The foe's Herdier intimidates Slaking!

Slaking's Attack fell! Turn 8

Slaking is loafing around!

The foe's Herdier used Wild Charge!

Slaking lost 20.6% of its health!

The foe's Herdier is damaged by recoil!

Slaking restored HP using its Leftovers! Turn 9

hydreigon106: Era da tempo che non facevo una random

Slaking used Giga Impact!

The foe's Herdier lost 72% of its health!

The foe's Herdier used Wild Charge!

Slaking lost 11.6% of its health!

The foe's Herdier is damaged by recoil!

Slaking fainted!

Go! Krilowatt! Turn 10

Fen PM: Io faccio solo queste :/

hydreigon106: Ma che pokèmon è questo?

hydreigon106: mai visto

Fen PM: uno finto

hydreigon106: un fake?

Fen PM: sono di una tier a parte, ma ogni tanto capitano in random

Fen PM: esatto

Fen PM withdrew Herdier!

Fen PM sent out Medicham!

Krilowatt used Ice Beam!

The foe's Medicham lost 31% of its health! Turn 11

hydreigon106: ah e chi li fa?Qualcuno di PM?

Fen PM: no, li mette showdown credo

The foe's Medicham used Psycho Cut!

Krilowatt lost 37.7% of its health!

Krilowatt used Surf!

The foe's Medicham lost 44% of its health! Turn 12

hydreigon106: e chi è questo showdown?(scusa sono ignorante)

The foe's Medicham used Psycho Cut!

Krilowatt lost 40% of its health!

Krilowatt used Thunderbolt!

The foe's Medicham lost 25% of its health!

The foe's Medicham fainted!

Fen PM sent out Flareon! Turn 13

Fen PM: il sito proprietario di questo simulatore

hydreigon106: ah quindi non è vostro

hydreigon106: prorpio

hydreigon106: *proprio

Fen PM: quest'arena è di pokémon millennium, il simulatore ovviamente no

Krilowatt used Surf!

It's super effective! The foe's Flareon lost 59% of its health!

The foe's Flareon used Rest!

The foe's Flareon fell asleep!

The foe's Flareon slept and became healthy! Turn 14

hydreigon106: capit

Krilowatt used Surf!

It's super effective! The foe's Flareon lost 59% of its health!

The foe's Flareon is fast asleep.

The foe's Flareon used Sleep Talk!

The foe's Flareon used Facade!

Krilowatt lost 22.3% of its health!

Krilowatt fainted!

Go! Spiritomb!

Spiritomb is exerting its pressure! Turn 15

Fen PM withdrew Flareon!

Fen PM sent out Flygon!

Spiritomb used Dark Pulse!

The foe's Flygon lost 32% of its health! Turn 16

hydreigon106: Fen mi puoi fare un favor visto che sei mod?

The foe's Flygon used U-turn!

Spiritomb lost 26.9% of its health!

Fen PM: dimmi

The foe's Flygon went back to Fen PM!

Fen PM sent out Huntail!

Spiritomb used Dark Pulse!

The foe's Huntail lost 5% of its health!

The foe's Huntail fainted!

Fen PM sent out Flygon! Turn 17

hydreigon106: Nrella sezione ff e dintorni,nella mia ff sono apparsi deli strani codici,quelli dellHtml

hydreigon106: me li puoi togliere?

The foe's Flygon used Outrage!

Spiritomb lost 66.7% of its health!

Spiritomb used Dark Pulse!

The foe's Flygon lost 36% of its health! Turn 18

Fen PM: no, non ho poteri in quella sezione. Devi contattare Snorlax97 o un supermoderatore ;)

The foe's Flygon used Outrage!

Spiritomb lost 6.5% of its health!

Spiritomb fainted!

The foe's Flygon's rampage ended!

The foe's Flygon became confused!

hydreigon106: ah il fatto è che snorlax è off provo a vedere altri

Go! Meloetta! Turn 19

Fen PM withdrew Flygon!

Fen PM sent out Herdier!

The foe's Herdier intimidates Meloetta!

Meloetta's Attack fell!

Meloetta used Hyper Voice!

The foe's Herdier lost 16% of its health!

The foe's Herdier fainted!

Fen PM sent out Flygon! Turn 20

hydreigon106: Come si cambia colore al nick in arena?

The foe's Flygon used Outrage!

A critical hit! Meloetta lost 100% of its health!

Meloetta fainted!

Go! Muk! Turn 21

hydreigon106: ?

Battle timer is now ON: inactive players will automatically lose when time's up. (requested by hydreigon106)

Fen PM has 270 seconds left.

Fen PM: scusa, telefono

The foe's Flygon used Outrage!

Muk lost 60.1% of its health!

Muk used Brick Break!

The foe's Flygon lost 26% of its health!

The foe's Flygon was poisoned!

The foe's Flygon's rampage ended!

The foe's Flygon became confused!

The foe's Flygon was hurt by poison!

The foe's Flygon fainted!

Fen PM has 270 seconds left.

Fen PM: comunque non ricordo il codice, spiacente :/

hydreigon106: figurati

Fen PM sent out Flareon! Turn 22

You have 300 seconds to make your decision.

hydreigon106: ah

The foe's Flareon is fast asleep.

Muk used Brick Break!

A critical hit! The foe's Flareon lost 41% of its health!

The foe's Flareon fainted!

hydreigon106 won the battle!

hydreigon106: Vittoria

Fen PM: gg

hydreigon106: oki

Fen PM: alla prossima ;)

Fen PM left.

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