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[VGC2013] Il team di Rizzo viene arato da un Krookodile incacchiato


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TanukiVincy joined.
PMGhesisect joined.
Doubles VGC 2013
Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokemon
Item Clause: Limit one of each item
PMGhesisect's team: Krookodile / Delibird
TanukiVincy's team: Cresselia / Metagross / Hydreigon / Garchomp / Rotom-Wash / Tyranitar
werez joined.
Battle between TanukiVincy and PMGhesisect started!
TanukiVincy sent out Sasha Grey (Cresselia)!
TanukiVincy sent out MetalBeast (Metagross)!
Go! Krookodile!
Go! Delibird!
Turn 1
werez left.
The foe's MetalBeast used Protect!
The foe's MetalBeast protected itself!
Delibird used Frost Breath!
Krookodile maxed its Attack!
A critical hit! It's super effective! Krookodile lost 84.7% of its health!
Krookodile ate its Salac Berry!
The Salac Berry raised Krookodile's Speed!
Krookodile used Crunch!
It's super effective! The foe's Sasha Grey lost 100% of its health!
The foe's Sasha Grey fainted!
TanukiVincy sent out Chuck Norris (Tyranitar)!
The foe's Chuck Norris's Sand Stream whipped up a sandstorm!
Turn 2
Krookodile used Earthquake!
It doesn't affect Delibird...
It's super effective! The foe's Chuck Norris lost 100% of its health!
It's super effective! The foe's MetalBeast lost 100% of its health!
The foe's Chuck Norris fainted!
The foe's MetalBeast fainted!
Delibird used Frost Breath!
But there was no target...
The sandstorm rages.
Delibird is buffeted by the sandstorm!
TanukiVincy: ma come hai fatto a fare 2 mosse in un turno??
TanukiVincy sent out HammerTime (Garchomp)!
Turn 3
PMGhesisect: eq
PMGhesisect: lul
Krookodile used Earthquake!
It doesn't affect Delibird...
The foe's HammerTime lost 100% of its health!
The foe's HammerTime fainted!
PMGhesisect won the battle!
TanukiVincy: cos e eq
TanukiVincy: remach
TanukiVincy left.



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chi è rizzo?

E' il  3 Volte Campione mondiale di Pokémon(Ha vinto nel 2010,2011 e 2012, questo è il suo team del 2012)


Scommetto che era il solito *censoried by poppo* di turno che voleva usare il team di Rizzo fg. Se usato bene è powa.

Non scommettere, è così xD

Il team di Rizzo è molto Powa, ma se non si è un minimo esperti il team va a farsi benedire(?).

Anche io quando iniziai a lavorare per un team VGC usavo questo team, Poi lo modificai a poco a poco, finché non diventò un team (quasi) Perfetto ♥

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