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[Progetto] PokéShot | Beta 0.2.0


Post raccomandati



"Ciao! Sono Violetta, capopalestra di tipo Coleottero e fotografa professionista. Nel tempo libero, mi piace fotografare e catturare ogni dettaglio di un Pokémon Coleottero: ali variopinte, lunghe antenne e piccoli occhietti. Per questo vorrei condividere la mia passione annunciando un piccolo concorso fotografico! Mi sono ispirata alla Gara Pigliamosche della regione di Johto.

Dovrete fare le foto a tutti i Pokémon coleottero (e non!) nella vostra zona, chissà forse riuscirete a trovare Pokémon rari e fare meravigliosi scatti! Io valuterò le vostre foto dandogli un punteggio; chissà se sarete i migliori fotografi!

Utilizzate l'app qua sotto per fare le foto, in questo modo potrò valutarle istantaneamente. Vi aspetto in molti... buona caccia e fotografateli tutti!"


È un minigioco che utilizza la tecnologia della realtà aumentata in cui dovrete fotografare ogni Pokémon che potrete incontrare. 

Lista Pokémon presenti (Aggiornamento ver. 0.2.0)

- Giorno -

  • Butterfree
  • Beautifly
  • Hoppip
  • Skiploom 
  • Jumpluff NEW!
  • Vivillon (Motivo Prato)
  • Vivillon (Motivo Giardinfiore) 
  • Vivillon (Motivo Marino) NEW!
  • Vivillon (Motivo Sbarazzino) NEW!
  • Vivillon (Motivo Solare) NEW!
  • Combee NEW!
  • Vespiquen NEW!
  • Beedrill NEW!

- Notte - 

  • Venomoth
  • Dustox
  • Zubat
  • Golbat
  • Crobat NEW!
  • Floette (Fiore blu) 
  • Floette (Fiore arancione)
  • Floette (Fiore giallo) NEW!
  • Floette (Fiore bianco) NEW!
  • Floette (Fiore rosso) NEW!
  • Illumise NEW!
  • Volbeat NEW!
  • Scyther NEW!


Lista Obiettivi presenti (Aggiornamento ver. 0.2.0)

  • Percorso 1 = Devi fotografare almeno una volta i primi Pokémon diurni o notturni che appaiono! Premio: Batteria Lvl.2. Incrementare la longevità della batteria ti permette di estendere la tua sessione fotografica... chissà forse riesci a scovare nuovi Pokémon!
  • Perfezione!!! = Esegui una foto perfetta. Devi ottenere il giudizio 'Perfect' durante uno scatto.
  • Altro upgrade = Devi fotografare almeno due tipi di Vivillon o Floette diversi. Premio: Batteria Lvl.3. NEW!
  • Aghi e lame = Nessuna informazione trovata. Premio: Memoria+.  Incrementa il numero di foto da fare in una sessione fotografica. NEW!
  • Apicoltura = Fai almeno 20 foto a Combee e/o Vespiquen. Premio: Esca Beedrill. Permette lo spawn di un Beedrill molto speciale durante una sessione fotografica. NEW!
  • Spettacolo luminoso = Fai almeno 20 foto a Illumise e/o Volbeat. Premio: Esca Scyther. Permette lo spawn di un Scyther molto speciale durante una sessione fotografica. NEW!
  • Richiesta di Violetta = Fai una foto ad un Vivillon cromatico. NEW!


:Stelline:Metodo Shiny Hunting:Stelline:

Per aumentare le probabilità di catturare uno shiny, bisogna fare almeno 50 foto a specie. Inoltre, eseguendo una catena di foto con lo stessa specie di Pokémon, la probabilità aumenterà ulteriormente. Buona caccia! 


Questo progetto è ancora in beta e in fase di sviluppo.



Ver. 0.2.0 NEW!

- Aggiunto menu principale

- Implementazione sistema "Shiny Hunting"

- Nuovi pokémon inseriti

- Nuovi obiettivi inseriti

- Nuovi upgrade inseriti


Ver. 0.1.0

- Cambio UI per versione Desktop

- Implementazione sistema 'Obiettivi'

- Nuovi pokémon inseriti

- Implementazione 'Upgrades'


Beta (0.2.0) Versione Android 



Richiede "Google Play Services per AR" e il tuo dispositivo deve essere compatibile con Google ARCore. 


Beta (0.2.0) Versione Desktop (per chi non ha il dispositivo compatibile)




  • SPACE/Tasto sinistro mouse - Tasto 'foto'
  • ALT Sinistro/Tasto destro mouse - Tasto 'flash' (per far fuggire i Pokémon)
  • F - Aumentare la velocità del tempo di gioco (solo quando il timer raggiunge lo zero!)















Che bello questo progetto. Speriamo che la Nintendo non sia crudele nell'rimuoverlo.



Almeno è meglio di Snap.

17 minuti fa, Michisco ha scritto:


Grazie per i complimenti! :smile3: In effetti, è un bel rischio!


Ti capisco, tutti vogliono avere una loro interpretazione di Pokémon anche con i rischi legati ad essi, Nintendo dovrebbe concedere vie legali per avere un prodotto dai fan gratuiti e alla portata di tutti.


ciao. è davvero un bel progetto, ma provando a scaricarlo sul mio cellulare il file apk non parte e mi appare il messaggio "errore durante l'analisi del pacchetto". c'è un modo per risolvere il problema?

EvolutionsCyndaquil.gifbellissima Gif della linea di Typhlosion fatta da @Alemat <3 la partita più divertente della mia vita contro @LouisanneCorvette

ru5XTLZ.png image.png.bf22fcfa749fa591fc23131dcb950017.png250px-Gilda_di_Wigglytuff_Membri.png

Agente Perico, polizia                                   |    Il mio artwork in memoria del gdr                |   E UNO, DUE E TRE!

internazionale (non chiedete storia       |  "pokemon mystery dungeon: il regno           |  UNO! LAVORARE NON FA MALE!

lunga)                                                                    |   parallelo", creato anche per la                        |  DUE! A CHI SCAPPA NIENTE PAPPA!

                                                                                |   locanda dell'esploratore                                    |  TRE! OGNI SORRISO VA CONDIVISO!

                                                                                |                                                                                           |  URRÀ!

“We do have a lot in common.
The same air, the same Earth, the same sky.
Maybe if we started looking at what's the same instead of always looking at what's different,

...well, who knows?”
8 ore fa, Ilperico ha scritto:

ciao. è davvero un bel progetto, ma provando a scaricarlo sul mio cellulare il file apk non parte e mi appare il messaggio "errore durante l'analisi del pacchetto". c'è un modo per risolvere il problema?


Grazie per i complimenti! :blush: Allora ti posto sotto la lista dei dispositivi supportati da Google ARCore e, inoltre, ho dimenticato di scrivere che l'app è compatibile con il sistema operativo Android 7.0 Nougat o superiore.

Se è tutto in regola, vedremo quali potrebbero essere gli altri problemi! :occhiolino:


Qua puoi vedere la lista dei dispositivi compatibili:

Asus ROG Phone  
Asus ROG Phone II  
Asus Zenfone 6  
Asus Zenfone AR  
Asus Zenfone ARES  
General Mobile GM 9 Plus  
Google Nexus 5X Requires Android 8.0 or later
Not currently included in the CSV provided by the Google Play Console
Google Nexus 6P Requires Android 8.0 or later
Google Pixel  
Google Pixel XL  
Google Pixel 2 Supports 60 fps camera capture frame rate on the rear-facing camera
Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Google Pixel 2 XL Supports 60 fps camera capture frame rate on the rear-facing camera
Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Google Pixel 3 Supports 60 fps camera capture frame rate on the rear-facing camera
When 60 fps camera capture mode is active, the camera uses fixed focus
Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Google Pixel 3 XL Supports 60 fps camera capture frame rate on the rear-facing camera
When 60 fps camera capture mode is active, the camera uses fixed focus
Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Google Pixel 3a Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Google Pixel 3a XL Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Google Pixel 4 Supports 60 fps camera capture frame rate on the rear-facing camera on Android 10 Dec 2019 OTA or later
Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Google Pixel 4 XL Supports 60 fps camera capture frame rate on the rear-facing camera on Android 10 Dec 2019 OTA or later
Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
HMD Global Nokia 6 (2018) Also known as Nokia 6.1
HMD Global Nokia 6.1 Plus  
HMD Global Nokia 6.2 Requires Android 10.0 or later
HMD Global Nokia 7 Plus  
HMD Global Nokia 7.1  
HMD Global Nokia 7.2 Requires Android 10.0 or later
HMD Global Nokia 8 Requires Android 8.0 or later
HMD Global Nokia 8 Sirocco  
HMD Global Nokia 8.1  
Huawei Honor 8X  
Huawei Honor 10 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1440x1080, 1280x960, 480p
Huawei Honor View 10 Lite  
Huawei Honor V20 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1440x1080, 1280x960, 480p
Huawei Mate 20 Lite  
Huawei Mate 20  
Huawei Mate 20 Pro  
Huawei Mate 20 X  
Huawei Nova 3 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1440x1080, 1280x960, 480p
Huawei Nova 3i  
Huawei Nova 4 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1440x1080, 1280x960, 480p
Huawei P20 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1440x1080, 1280x960, 480p
Huawei P20 Pro Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1440x1080, 1280x960, 480p
Huawei P30 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1440x1080, 1280x960, 480p
Huawei P30 Pro Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 2048x1536, 1280x960, 480p
Huawei Porsche Design Mate RS  
Huawei Porsche Design Mate 20 RS  
Huawei Y9 2019  
Infinix Mobile Note 6  
Infinix Mobile Note 7  
Kyocera Torque G04  
LG G6 Requires Android 8.0 or later
LG G7 Fit  
LG G7 One  
LG G7 ThinQ ARCore uses the wide angle fixed focus rear facing camera for AR tracking
LG G8 ThinQ Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
LG G8S ThinQ  
LG G8X ThinQ  
LG G Pad 5 10.1 FHD  
LG Q6 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
LG Q70  
LG Q8  
LG style2 ARCore uses the wide angle fixed focus rear facing camera for AR tracking
LG Stylo 5  
LG V30 Requires Android 8.0 or later
ARCore uses the wide angle fixed focus rear facing camera for AR tracking
LG V30+ Requires Android 8.0 or later
ARCore uses the wide angle fixed focus rear facing camera for AR tracking
LG V30+ JOJO Requires Android 8.0 or later
ARCore uses the wide angle fixed focus rear facing camera for AR tracking
LG LG Signature Edition 2017 Requires Android 8.0 or later
ARCore uses the wide angle fixed focus rear facing camera for AR tracking
LG V35 ThinQ ARCore uses the wide angle fixed focus rear facing camera for AR tracking
LG LG Signature Edition 2018 ARCore uses the wide angle fixed focus rear facing camera for AR tracking
LG V40 ThinQ ARCore uses the wide angle fixed focus rear facing camera for AR tracking
LG V50 ThinQ Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
LG V60 ThinQ 5G Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Motorola moto g⁵ˢ plus Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Motorola moto g⁶ Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Motorola moto g⁶ plus Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Motorola moto g⁷  
Motorola moto g⁷ play  
Motorola moto g⁷ plus  
Motorola moto g⁷ power  
Motorola moto g⁷ play  
Motorola moto g⁸ Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Motorola moto g⁸ play Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Motorola moto g⁸ plus Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Motorola moto g⁸ power Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Motorola moto g stylus Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Motorola motorola one  
Motorola motorola one action  
Motorola motorola one hyper Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Motorola motorola one macro  
Motorola motorola one power  
Motorola motorola one vision  
Motorola motorola one zoom  
Motorola moto x⁴ Requires Android 8.0 or later
Motorola moto z² force Requires Android 8.0 or later
Motorola moto z³  
Motorola moto z³ play  
Motorola moto z⁴  
OnePlus OnePlus 3T Requires Android 8.0 or later
OnePlus OnePlus 5  
OnePlus OnePlus 5T  
OnePlus OnePlus 6 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
OnePlus OnePlus 6T Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
OnePlus OnePlus 7 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
OnePlus OnePlus 7 Pro Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
OnePlus OnePlus 7 Pro 5G Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
OnePlus OnePlus 7T Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
OnePlus OnePlus 7T Pro Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
OnePlus OnePlus 8  
OnePlus OnePlus 8 Pro  
Oppo F11 Pro  
Oppo F15  
Oppo Find X2  
Oppo Find X2 Pro  
Oppo K3 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1440x1080, 1280x960, 480p
Oppo K5 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Oppo R17 Pro  
Oppo realme 5  
Oppo realme 5 Pro  
Oppo realme Q  
Oppo realme X  
Oppo realme X Lite  
Oppo realme XT  
Oppo realme X2  
Oppo realme X2 Pro  
Oppo Reno  
Oppo Reno2 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1440x1080, 1280x960, 480p
Oppo Reno2 F  
Oppo Reno2 Z Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Oppo Reno3 Pro  
Oppo Reno 10x Zoom Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1440x1080, 1280x960, 480p
Oppo Reno A Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Oppo Reno Z  
Samsung Galaxy A3 (2017) Requires Android 8.0 or later
ARCore always runs with auto focus mode enabled on the rear facing camera
Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy A5 (2017) Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1440x1080, 960x720, 480p
Samsung Galaxy A6 (2018)  
Samsung Galaxy A7 (2017) Some models only support OpenGL ES 3.0 and earlier
Samsung Galaxy A7 (2018) Some models only support OpenGL ES 3.0 and earlier
Requires Android 9.0 or later
Samsung Galaxy A8  
Samsung Galaxy A8+ (2018)  
Samsung Galaxy A30  
Samsung Galaxy A40  
Samsung Galaxy A50 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy A50s Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy A51  
Samsung Galaxy A51 5G  
Samsung Galaxy A60  
Samsung Galaxy A70  
Samsung Galaxy A70s Requires Android 10 or later
Samsung Galaxy A71  
Samsung Galaxy A71 5G  
Samsung Galaxy A80  
Samsung Galaxy A90 5G  
Samsung Galaxy Fold  
Samsung Galaxy J5 (2017) SM-J530 models
Some models only support OpenGL ES 3.0 and earlier
Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 960x720, 480p
Samsung Galaxy J5 Pro SM-J530 models
Some models only support OpenGL ES 3.0 and earlier
Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 960x720, 480p
Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017) SM-J730 models
Some models only support OpenGL ES 3.0 and earlier
Certain models only support OpenGL ES 3.1 and earlier
Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro SM-J730 models
Some models only support OpenGL ES 3.0 and earlier
Certain models only support OpenGL ES 3.1 and earlier
Samsung Galaxy M21  
Samsung Galaxy M30s  
Samsung Galaxy M31  
Samsung Galaxy Note8 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy Note9  
Samsung Galaxy Note10 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy Note10 5G Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy Note10+ Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy Note10+ 5G Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy Note10 Lite  
Samsung Galaxy S7 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy S7 edge Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy S8 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy S8+ Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy S9 Exynos Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy S9 Qualcomm Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 2048x1536, 1280x960, 480p
Samsung Galaxy S9+ Exynos Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy S9+ Qualcomm Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 2048x1536, 1280x960, 480p
Samsung Galaxy S10e Exynos Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy S10e Qualcomm Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1440x1080, 1280x960, 480p
Samsung Galaxy S10 Exynos Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy S10 Qualcomm Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1440x1080, 1280x960, 480p
Samsung Galaxy S10+ Exynos Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy S10+ Qualcomm Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1440x1080, 1280x960, 480p
Samsung Galaxy S10 5G Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy S10 Lite  
Samsung Galaxy Tab Active Pro  
Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 ARCore always runs with auto focus mode enabled on the rear facing camera
Samsung Galaxy Tab S4 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1440x1080, 960x720, 480p
Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e  
Samsung Galaxy Tab S6  
Samsung Galaxy XCover Pro  
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip  
Sharp AQUOS R3  
Sharp AQUOS sense3  
Sharp AQUOS sense3 basic  
Sharp AQUOS sense3 plus  
Sharp AQUOS zero2  
Sharp S7  
Sony Xperia XZ Premium Requires Android 8.0 or later
Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Sony Xperia XZ1 Requires Android 8.0 or later
Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact Requires Android 8.0 or later
Sony Xperia XZ2 Requires Android 8.0 or later with software update after Aug 2018 (security patch level 2018-08-05 or later)
Sony Xperia XZ2 Compact Requires Android 8.0 or later with software update after Aug 2018 (security patch level 2018-08-05 or later)
Sony Xperia XZ2 Premium Requires Android 8.0 or later with software update after Aug 2018 (security patch level 2018-08-05 or later)
Sony Xperia XZ3  
Sony Xperia 1  
Sony Xperia 1 Professional Edition  
Sony Xperia 5  
Tecno Camon 12 Pro  
Tecno Phantom 9  
Vivo Nex 3 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1440x1080, 1280x960, 480p
Vivo Nex 3 5G Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1440x1080, 1280x960, 480p
Vivo NEX S  
Vivo NEX Dual Display Edition  
Wiko View 3 Pro  
Xiaomi Mi 8  
Xiaomi Mi 8 SE  
Xiaomi Mi 9  
Xiaomi Mi 9 SE  
Xiaomi Mi A3  
Xiaomi Mi Mix 2S Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1920x1440, 1280x960, 480p
Xiaomi Mi Mix 3  
Xiaomi Pocophone F1  
Xiaomi Redmi K20  
Xiaomi Redmi K20 Pro  
Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 Pro  
Xiaomi Redmi Note 8  
Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro  
Xiaomi Redmi Note 8T  
Zebra TC52 WLAN Touch Computer  
Zebra TC57 WWAN Touch Computer  
Zebra TC72 WLAN Touch Computer  
Zebra TC77 WWAN Touch Computer


13 minuti fa, Michisco ha scritto:


Grazie per i complimenti! :blush: Allora ti posto sotto la lista dei dispositivi supportati da Google ARCore e, inoltre, ho dimenticato di scrivere che l'app è compatibile con il sistema operativo Android 7.0 Nougat o superiore.

Se è tutto in regola, vedremo quali potrebbero essere gli altri problemi! :occhiolino:


Qua puoi vedere la lista dei dispositivi compatibili:

  Nascondi contenuto
Asus ROG Phone  
Asus ROG Phone II  
Asus Zenfone 6  
Asus Zenfone AR  
Asus Zenfone ARES  
General Mobile GM 9 Plus  
Google Nexus 5X Requires Android 8.0 or later
Not currently included in the CSV provided by the Google Play Console
Google Nexus 6P Requires Android 8.0 or later
Google Pixel  
Google Pixel XL  
Google Pixel 2 Supports 60 fps camera capture frame rate on the rear-facing camera
Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Google Pixel 2 XL Supports 60 fps camera capture frame rate on the rear-facing camera
Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Google Pixel 3 Supports 60 fps camera capture frame rate on the rear-facing camera
When 60 fps camera capture mode is active, the camera uses fixed focus
Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Google Pixel 3 XL Supports 60 fps camera capture frame rate on the rear-facing camera
When 60 fps camera capture mode is active, the camera uses fixed focus
Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Google Pixel 3a Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Google Pixel 3a XL Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Google Pixel 4 Supports 60 fps camera capture frame rate on the rear-facing camera on Android 10 Dec 2019 OTA or later
Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Google Pixel 4 XL Supports 60 fps camera capture frame rate on the rear-facing camera on Android 10 Dec 2019 OTA or later
Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
HMD Global Nokia 6 (2018) Also known as Nokia 6.1
HMD Global Nokia 6.1 Plus  
HMD Global Nokia 6.2 Requires Android 10.0 or later
HMD Global Nokia 7 Plus  
HMD Global Nokia 7.1  
HMD Global Nokia 7.2 Requires Android 10.0 or later
HMD Global Nokia 8 Requires Android 8.0 or later
HMD Global Nokia 8 Sirocco  
HMD Global Nokia 8.1  
Huawei Honor 8X  
Huawei Honor 10 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1440x1080, 1280x960, 480p
Huawei Honor View 10 Lite  
Huawei Honor V20 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1440x1080, 1280x960, 480p
Huawei Mate 20 Lite  
Huawei Mate 20  
Huawei Mate 20 Pro  
Huawei Mate 20 X  
Huawei Nova 3 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1440x1080, 1280x960, 480p
Huawei Nova 3i  
Huawei Nova 4 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1440x1080, 1280x960, 480p
Huawei P20 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1440x1080, 1280x960, 480p
Huawei P20 Pro Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1440x1080, 1280x960, 480p
Huawei P30 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1440x1080, 1280x960, 480p
Huawei P30 Pro Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 2048x1536, 1280x960, 480p
Huawei Porsche Design Mate RS  
Huawei Porsche Design Mate 20 RS  
Huawei Y9 2019  
Infinix Mobile Note 6  
Infinix Mobile Note 7  
Kyocera Torque G04  
LG G6 Requires Android 8.0 or later
LG G7 Fit  
LG G7 One  
LG G7 ThinQ ARCore uses the wide angle fixed focus rear facing camera for AR tracking
LG G8 ThinQ Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
LG G8S ThinQ  
LG G8X ThinQ  
LG G Pad 5 10.1 FHD  
LG Q6 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
LG Q70  
LG Q8  
LG style2 ARCore uses the wide angle fixed focus rear facing camera for AR tracking
LG Stylo 5  
LG V30 Requires Android 8.0 or later
ARCore uses the wide angle fixed focus rear facing camera for AR tracking
LG V30+ Requires Android 8.0 or later
ARCore uses the wide angle fixed focus rear facing camera for AR tracking
LG V30+ JOJO Requires Android 8.0 or later
ARCore uses the wide angle fixed focus rear facing camera for AR tracking
LG LG Signature Edition 2017 Requires Android 8.0 or later
ARCore uses the wide angle fixed focus rear facing camera for AR tracking
LG V35 ThinQ ARCore uses the wide angle fixed focus rear facing camera for AR tracking
LG LG Signature Edition 2018 ARCore uses the wide angle fixed focus rear facing camera for AR tracking
LG V40 ThinQ ARCore uses the wide angle fixed focus rear facing camera for AR tracking
LG V50 ThinQ Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
LG V60 ThinQ 5G Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Motorola moto g⁵ˢ plus Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Motorola moto g⁶ Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Motorola moto g⁶ plus Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Motorola moto g⁷  
Motorola moto g⁷ play  
Motorola moto g⁷ plus  
Motorola moto g⁷ power  
Motorola moto g⁷ play  
Motorola moto g⁸ Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Motorola moto g⁸ play Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Motorola moto g⁸ plus Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Motorola moto g⁸ power Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Motorola moto g stylus Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Motorola motorola one  
Motorola motorola one action  
Motorola motorola one hyper Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Motorola motorola one macro  
Motorola motorola one power  
Motorola motorola one vision  
Motorola motorola one zoom  
Motorola moto x⁴ Requires Android 8.0 or later
Motorola moto z² force Requires Android 8.0 or later
Motorola moto z³  
Motorola moto z³ play  
Motorola moto z⁴  
OnePlus OnePlus 3T Requires Android 8.0 or later
OnePlus OnePlus 5  
OnePlus OnePlus 5T  
OnePlus OnePlus 6 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
OnePlus OnePlus 6T Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
OnePlus OnePlus 7 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
OnePlus OnePlus 7 Pro Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
OnePlus OnePlus 7 Pro 5G Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
OnePlus OnePlus 7T Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
OnePlus OnePlus 7T Pro Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
OnePlus OnePlus 8  
OnePlus OnePlus 8 Pro  
Oppo F11 Pro  
Oppo F15  
Oppo Find X2  
Oppo Find X2 Pro  
Oppo K3 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1440x1080, 1280x960, 480p
Oppo K5 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Oppo R17 Pro  
Oppo realme 5  
Oppo realme 5 Pro  
Oppo realme Q  
Oppo realme X  
Oppo realme X Lite  
Oppo realme XT  
Oppo realme X2  
Oppo realme X2 Pro  
Oppo Reno  
Oppo Reno2 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1440x1080, 1280x960, 480p
Oppo Reno2 F  
Oppo Reno2 Z Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Oppo Reno3 Pro  
Oppo Reno 10x Zoom Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1440x1080, 1280x960, 480p
Oppo Reno A Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Oppo Reno Z  
Samsung Galaxy A3 (2017) Requires Android 8.0 or later
ARCore always runs with auto focus mode enabled on the rear facing camera
Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy A5 (2017) Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1440x1080, 960x720, 480p
Samsung Galaxy A6 (2018)  
Samsung Galaxy A7 (2017) Some models only support OpenGL ES 3.0 and earlier
Samsung Galaxy A7 (2018) Some models only support OpenGL ES 3.0 and earlier
Requires Android 9.0 or later
Samsung Galaxy A8  
Samsung Galaxy A8+ (2018)  
Samsung Galaxy A30  
Samsung Galaxy A40  
Samsung Galaxy A50 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy A50s Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy A51  
Samsung Galaxy A51 5G  
Samsung Galaxy A60  
Samsung Galaxy A70  
Samsung Galaxy A70s Requires Android 10 or later
Samsung Galaxy A71  
Samsung Galaxy A71 5G  
Samsung Galaxy A80  
Samsung Galaxy A90 5G  
Samsung Galaxy Fold  
Samsung Galaxy J5 (2017) SM-J530 models
Some models only support OpenGL ES 3.0 and earlier
Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 960x720, 480p
Samsung Galaxy J5 Pro SM-J530 models
Some models only support OpenGL ES 3.0 and earlier
Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 960x720, 480p
Samsung Galaxy J7 (2017) SM-J730 models
Some models only support OpenGL ES 3.0 and earlier
Certain models only support OpenGL ES 3.1 and earlier
Samsung Galaxy J7 Pro SM-J730 models
Some models only support OpenGL ES 3.0 and earlier
Certain models only support OpenGL ES 3.1 and earlier
Samsung Galaxy M21  
Samsung Galaxy M30s  
Samsung Galaxy M31  
Samsung Galaxy Note8 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy Note9  
Samsung Galaxy Note10 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy Note10 5G Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy Note10+ Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy Note10+ 5G Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy Note10 Lite  
Samsung Galaxy S7 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy S7 edge Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy S8 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy S8+ Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy S9 Exynos Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy S9 Qualcomm Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 2048x1536, 1280x960, 480p
Samsung Galaxy S9+ Exynos Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy S9+ Qualcomm Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 2048x1536, 1280x960, 480p
Samsung Galaxy S10e Exynos Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy S10e Qualcomm Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1440x1080, 1280x960, 480p
Samsung Galaxy S10 Exynos Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy S10 Qualcomm Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1440x1080, 1280x960, 480p
Samsung Galaxy S10+ Exynos Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy S10+ Qualcomm Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1440x1080, 1280x960, 480p
Samsung Galaxy S10 5G Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Samsung Galaxy S10 Lite  
Samsung Galaxy Tab Active Pro  
Samsung Galaxy Tab S3 ARCore always runs with auto focus mode enabled on the rear facing camera
Samsung Galaxy Tab S4 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1440x1080, 960x720, 480p
Samsung Galaxy Tab S5e  
Samsung Galaxy Tab S6  
Samsung Galaxy XCover Pro  
Samsung Galaxy Z Flip  
Sharp AQUOS R3  
Sharp AQUOS sense3  
Sharp AQUOS sense3 basic  
Sharp AQUOS sense3 plus  
Sharp AQUOS zero2  
Sharp S7  
Sony Xperia XZ Premium Requires Android 8.0 or later
Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Sony Xperia XZ1 Requires Android 8.0 or later
Sony Xperia XZ1 Compact Requires Android 8.0 or later
Sony Xperia XZ2 Requires Android 8.0 or later with software update after Aug 2018 (security patch level 2018-08-05 or later)
Sony Xperia XZ2 Compact Requires Android 8.0 or later with software update after Aug 2018 (security patch level 2018-08-05 or later)
Sony Xperia XZ2 Premium Requires Android 8.0 or later with software update after Aug 2018 (security patch level 2018-08-05 or later)
Sony Xperia XZ3  
Sony Xperia 1  
Sony Xperia 1 Professional Edition  
Sony Xperia 5  
Tecno Camon 12 Pro  
Tecno Phantom 9  
Vivo Nex 3 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1440x1080, 1280x960, 480p
Vivo Nex 3 5G Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1440x1080, 1280x960, 480p
Vivo NEX S  
Vivo NEX Dual Display Edition  
Wiko View 3 Pro  
Xiaomi Mi 8  
Xiaomi Mi 8 SE  
Xiaomi Mi 9  
Xiaomi Mi 9 SE  
Xiaomi Mi A3  
Xiaomi Mi Mix 2S Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1920x1440, 1280x960, 480p
Xiaomi Mi Mix 3  
Xiaomi Pocophone F1  
Xiaomi Redmi K20  
Xiaomi Redmi K20 Pro  
Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 Supports multiple GPU texture resolutions - 1080p, 720p, 480p
Xiaomi Redmi Note 7 Pro  
Xiaomi Redmi Note 8  
Xiaomi Redmi Note 8 Pro  
Xiaomi Redmi Note 8T  
Zebra TC52 WLAN Touch Computer  
Zebra TC57 WWAN Touch Computer  
Zebra TC72 WLAN Touch Computer  
Zebra TC77 WWAN Touch Computer


ok grazie, io ho un lg x power con android 6.0 marshmellow, quindi il problema è quello purtroppo. Magari lo installo sul pc per provarlo e ti dico com'è. Comunque una compatibilità così ristretta è un pò un peccato, perchè il gioco promette bene da come l'hai presentato...

EvolutionsCyndaquil.gifbellissima Gif della linea di Typhlosion fatta da @Alemat <3 la partita più divertente della mia vita contro @LouisanneCorvette

ru5XTLZ.png image.png.bf22fcfa749fa591fc23131dcb950017.png250px-Gilda_di_Wigglytuff_Membri.png

Agente Perico, polizia                                   |    Il mio artwork in memoria del gdr                |   E UNO, DUE E TRE!

internazionale (non chiedete storia       |  "pokemon mystery dungeon: il regno           |  UNO! LAVORARE NON FA MALE!

lunga)                                                                    |   parallelo", creato anche per la                        |  DUE! A CHI SCAPPA NIENTE PAPPA!

                                                                                |   locanda dell'esploratore                                    |  TRE! OGNI SORRISO VA CONDIVISO!

                                                                                |                                                                                           |  URRÀ!

“We do have a lot in common.
The same air, the same Earth, the same sky.
Maybe if we started looking at what's the same instead of always looking at what's different,

...well, who knows?”
1 ora fa, Ilperico ha scritto:

ok grazie, io ho un lg x power con android 6.0 marshmellow, quindi il problema è quello purtroppo. Magari lo installo sul pc per provarlo e ti dico com'è. Comunque una compatibilità così ristretta è un pò un peccato, perchè il gioco promette bene da come l'hai presentato...

Sì ho creato la versione desktop per chi non ha il dispositivo compatibile! Anche se in effetti non rende bene come la versione per smartphone! 

Purtroppo è così ristretta perché la tecnologia di Google ARCore richiede Android 7.0 o superiore! :oopsie:



Che figata questo progetto :cuore: Sembra un nuovo Pokémon Snap, adoravo quel gioco.


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