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[Random]Gli One-Shot Di CM E-Arceus UwU


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Ecco come il dio dei pokèmon mantiene la sua fama XD (con l'aiuto di Dw Subken)

Akayuki joined.

Superyle99 joined.


Random Battle

Rated battle

Sleep Clause: Limit one foe put to sleep

Battle between Akayuki and Superyle99 started!

Akayuki sent out Golurk!

Go! Blaziken!

Turn 1

Blaziken used Protect!

Blaziken protected itself!

The foe's Golurk used Stealth Rock!

Pointed stones float in the air around your team!

Blaziken's Speed Boost raised its Speed!

Turn 2

Blaziken used Substitute!

Blaziken put in a substitute!

Blaziken lost 25% of its health!

The foe's Golurk used Stone Edge!

Blaziken's substitute faded!

Blaziken restored HP using its Leftovers!

Blaziken's Speed Boost raised its Speed!

Turn 3

Rikymaru joined.

Blaziken used Substitute!

Blaziken put in a substitute!

Blaziken lost 25% of its health!

The foe's Golurk used Stone Edge!

Blaziken's substitute faded!

Blaziken restored HP using its Leftovers!

Blaziken's Speed Boost raised its Speed!

Turn 4

Rikymaru: Blaziken!

Blaziken used Protect!

Blaziken protected itself!

The foe's Golurk used Stone Edge!

Blaziken protected itself!

Blaziken restored HP using its Leftovers!

Blaziken's Speed Boost raised its Speed!

Turn 5

Blaziken used Substitute!

Blaziken put in a substitute!

Blaziken lost 25% of its health!

The foe's Golurk used Stone Edge!

Blaziken's substitute faded!

Blaziken restored HP using its Leftovers!

Blaziken's Speed Boost raised its Speed!

Turn 6

Akayuki withdrew Golurk!

Akayuki sent out Starmie!

Blaziken used Protect!

Blaziken restored HP using its Leftovers!

Blaziken's Speed Boost raised its Speed!

Turn 7

Blaziken used Substitute!

Blaziken put in a substitute!

Blaziken lost 25% of its health!

The foe's Starmie used Trick!

But it failed!

Blaziken restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 8

Akayuki withdrew Starmie!

Akayuki sent out Crobat!

Blaziken used Protect!

Blaziken restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 9

Blaziken used Baton Pass!

Go! Arceus-Electric!

Pointed stones dug into Arceus-Electric!

The foe's Crobat used Nasty Plot!

The foe's Crobat's Special Attack sharply rose!

Turn 10

Arceus-Electric used Calm Mind!

Arceus-Electric's Special Attack rose!

Arceus-Electric's Special Defense rose!

The foe's Crobat used Heat Wave!

Arceus-Electric's substitute faded!

The foe's Crobat lost some of its HP!

Turn 11

Arceus-Electric used Judgment!

It's super effective! The foe's Crobat lost 90% of its health!

The foe's Crobat fainted!

Akayuki sent out Golurk!

Turn 12

Arceus-Electric used Ice Beam!

It's super effective! The foe's Golurk lost 56% of its health!

The foe's Golurk used Stone Edge!

Arceus-Electric lost 29% of its health!

Turn 13

Arceus-Electric used Ice Beam!

It's super effective! The foe's Golurk lost 44% of its health!

The foe's Golurk fainted!

Akayuki sent out Primeape!

Turn 14

Arceus-Electric used Recover!

Arceus-Electric regained health!

The foe's Primeape used Stone Edge!

Arceus-Electric avoided the attack!

Turn 15

Arceus-Electric used Calm Mind!

Arceus-Electric's Special Attack rose!

Arceus-Electric's Special Defense rose!

The foe's Primeape used Stone Edge!

Arceus-Electric lost 21% of its health!

Turn 16

Arceus-Electric used Calm Mind!

Arceus-Electric's Special Attack rose!

Arceus-Electric's Special Defense rose!

The foe's Primeape used Stone Edge!

Arceus-Electric avoided the attack!

Turn 17

Arceus-Electric used Judgment!

The foe's Primeape lost 100% of its health!

The foe's Primeape fainted!

Akayuki sent out Clefairy!

Turn 18

Superyle99: Cm arceus Power! XD

Arceus-Electric used Judgment!

A critical hit! The foe's Clefairy lost 100% of its health!

The foe's Clefairy fainted!

Akayuki sent out Furret!

The foe's Furret frisked its target and found one Zap Plate!

Turn 19

The foe's Furret used Sucker Punch!

Arceus-Electric lost 17% of its health!

Arceus-Electric used Judgment!

The foe's Furret lost 100% of its health!

The foe's Furret fainted!

Akayuki sent out Starmie!

Turn 20

Arceus-Electric used Judgment!

It's super effective! The foe's Starmie lost 100% of its health!

The foe's Starmie fainted!

Superyle99 won the battle!

Ladder updating...

Akayuki's rating: 1591 → 1581

(-10 for losing)

Superyle99's rating: 1376 → 1440

(+64 for winning)

Akayuki left.

Rikymaru: Brutale...


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