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[Ou] Sighy For PRESIDENT!1!1!1!


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SuperStyle99 joined.

dragon lucario pm joined.


Rated battle

Evasion Abilities Clause: Evasion abilities are banned

Sleep Clause Mod: Limit one foe put to sleep

Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokemon

OHKO Clause: OHKO moves are banned

Moody Clause: Moody is banned

Evasion Moves Clause: Evasion moves are banned

HP Percentage Mod: HP is reported as percentages

SuperStyle99's team: Politoed / Serperior / Lapras / Rotom-Wash / Sigilyph / Latios

dragon lucario pm's team: Kyurem-Black / Latios / Dragonite / Lucario / Garchomp / Hydreigon

TogeOnix joined.

00Solar00 joined.

TogeOnix: Vediamo come se la cava il futuro webmaster nel battling ;C

dragon lucario pm: lol

Battle between SuperStyle99 and dragon lucario pm started!

Go! Politoed!

dragon lucario pm sent out Kyurem-Black!

The foe's Kyurem-Black is radiating a bursting aura!

Politoed's Drizzle made it rain!

Turn 1

00Solar00: Yle,dl è nabbo :c

TogeOnix: no y blak koorim

dragon lucario pm: nn del tutto

00Solar00: lo batti facilmente :c

SuperStyle99: Io sto testanndo :C

SuperStyle99: *Testando

SuperStyle99: lol

dragon lucario pm: magari ti stupisco

00Solar00: dl,dopo Ou?

00Solar00: OuO

TogeOnix: Serperior non con Contrary pls :C

The foe's Kyurem-Black used Fusion Bolt!

It's super effective! Politoed ate its Wacan Berry!

Politoed lost 47.0% of its health!

Politoed used Perish Song!

All Pokémon hearing the song will faint in three turns!

The foe's Kyurem-Black's perish count fell to 3.

Politoed's perish count fell to 3.

Turn 2

TogeOnix: Lo hai evsato bene bene C:

Politoed, come back!

Go! Serperior!

The foe's Kyurem-Black used Fusion Bolt!

It's not very effective... Serperior lost 19.8% of its health!

The foe's Kyurem-Black's perish count fell to 2.

Serperior restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 3

Battle timer is now ON: inactive players will automatically lose when time's up. (requested by SuperStyle99)

TogeOnix: ke krudele

dragon lucario pm: nn capisco, qualcuno deve avermi fatto scarfare kyurem a tradimento

The foe's Kyurem-Black used Fusion Bolt!

It's not very effective... Serperior lost 18.8% of its health!

Serperior used Glare!

The foe's Kyurem-Black is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

The foe's Kyurem-Black's perish count fell to 1.

Serperior restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 4

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

00Solar00: cambia pokémon.

dragon lucario pm: shhh

TogeOnix: No non suggerire :C

Dial joined.

00Solar00: u.u

dragon lucario pm withdrew Kyurem-Black!

dragon lucario pm sent out Dragonite!

Serperior used Leech Seed!

The foe's Dragonite was seeded!

Serperior restored HP using its Leftovers!

The foe's Dragonite's health is sapped by Leech Seed!

Turn 5

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

TogeOnix: Se non glielo dicessi non lo farebbe

TogeOnix: Sicuro

dragon lucario pm: mi suggerisco da solo

The foe's Dragonite used Hurricane!

It's super effective! Serperior lost 67.5% of its health!

Serperior used Glare!

The foe's Dragonite is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!

Serperior restored HP using its Leftovers!

The foe's Dragonite's health is sapped by Leech Seed!

Turn 6

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

00Solar00: Dragon,dopo facciamo Ou?

00Solar00: .-.

TogeOnix: Qualcuno ha un team NU? :C

dragon lucario pm: mm,nn so

Serperior used Calm Mind!

Serperior's Special Attack rose!

Serperior's Special Defense rose!

The foe's Dragonite used Hurricane!

It's super effective! Serperior lost 42.6% of its health!

Serperior fainted!

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Go! Lapras!

Turn 7

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

00Solar00: yle

SuperStyle99: Si Stella?

00Solar00: hurricane ha il 100% sotto la pioggia

Lapras used Block!

The foe's Dragonite used Outrage!

Lapras lost 45.9% of its health!

Lapras restored HP using its Leftovers!

The foe's Dragonite's health is sapped by Leech Seed!

Turn 8

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

00Solar00: ._..

SuperStyle99: Pensavo che rimanesse Paralizzato D:

00Solar00: ah lol

Lapras used Perish Song!

All Pokémon hearing the song will faint in three turns!

The foe's Dragonite used Outrage!

Lapras lost 45.6% of its health!

Lapras's perish count fell to 3.

The foe's Dragonite's rampage ended!

The foe's Dragonite became confused!

The foe's Dragonite's perish count fell to 3.

Lapras restored HP using its Leftovers!

The foe's Dragonite's health is sapped by Leech Seed!

Turn 9

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

TogeOnix: Par Hax :C

M27 joined.

Lapras used Rest!

Lapras fell asleep!

Lapras slept and became healthy!

The foe's Dragonite is paralyzed! It can't move!

Lapras's perish count fell to 2.

The foe's Dragonite's perish count fell to 2.

Lapras woke up!

The foe's Dragonite's health is sapped by Leech Seed!

Turn 10

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

00Solar00: dragonite ha tutti gli statu possibili,LOL

M27: Dai Dragon, mostrale la tua classe sublime

00Solar00: status*

00Solar00: quasi

SuperStyle99: lol

00Solar00: .-.

TogeOnix: Manca l'infatuazione e siamo al completo :C

00Solar00: già 

dragon lucario pm: lol

dragon lucario pm has 120 seconds left.

SuperStyle99: Sono Maleficah hi hi hi (?)

TogeOnix: ke kativa

00Solar00: ih ih ih*

00Solar00: iu.u

SuperStyle99: E' una risata sadica :C

TogeOnix: Nessuno ordunque ha un team NU? :C

00Solar00: \|° ^ °|/

dragon lucario pm has 90 seconds left.

M27: Toge, challo io

Lapras used Surf!

It's not very effective... The foe's Dragonite lost 20% of its health!

The foe's Dragonite is confused!

The foe's Dragonite lost 18% of its health!

Lapras's perish count fell to 1.

The foe's Dragonite's perish count fell to 1.

The foe's Dragonite's health is sapped by Leech Seed!

The foe's Dragonite fainted!

TogeOnix: \ °^°7

TogeOnix: Oke

SuperStyle99: lol

dragon lucario pm sent out Latios!

Turn 11

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

00Solar00: \ [ #_# ] /

SuperStyle99: A che serviva ultimo canto asd

dragon lucario pm has 120 seconds left.

Lapras, come back!

Go! Politoed!

The foe's Latios used Thunderbolt!

It's super effective! Politoed lost 52.6% of its health!

Politoed fainted!

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

00Solar00: \ ^ _ ^ /

Go! Latios!

Turn 12

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

00Solar00: / / °^° ° / /

00Solar00: XD

SuperStyle99: Stella, non Floodare :C

The foe's Latios used Draco Meteor!

It's super effective! Latios lost 100% of its health!

The foe's Latios's Special Attack harshly fell!

Latios fainted!

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

• SuperStyle99 Kicka Stella <3

Dial: che nabba

Go! Sigilyph!

Turn 13

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Dial: fg

SuperStyle99: ZITTO DIAL

00Solar00: \|^°^|/

• SuperStyle99 Picchia Dial <3

dragon lucario pm: dai ke vinco

The foe's Latios used Thunderbolt!

It's super effective! Sigilyph lost 30.5% of its health!

Sigilyph used Cosmic Power!

Sigilyph's Defense rose!

Sigilyph's Special Defense rose!

Sigilyph's Flame Orb activated!

Sigilyph was burned!

Turn 14

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

SuperStyle99: L'ha fatto? VERAMENTE?

Dial: o cristo

Dial: mo si condanna da solo

Dial: fg

00Solar00: cosa?

SuperStyle99: lol

00Solar00: WHAT?

dragon lucario pm has 120 seconds left.

00Solar00: che ha fatto

00Solar00: fg

dragon lucario pm: cosa ho fatto????

00Solar00: ha usato fulmine,quindi?

The foe's Latios used Thunderbolt!

It's super effective! Sigilyph lost 21.4% of its health!

Sigilyph used Cosmic Power!

Sigilyph's Defense rose!

Sigilyph's Special Defense rose!

Turn 15

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Dial: quindi mo se lo piglia nel sedere

Dial: fg

SuperStyle99: Yep

dragon lucario pm: mi sfugge sto concetto

dragon lucario pm has 120 seconds left.

dragon lucario pm: ke ho fatto????

The foe's Latios used Thunderbolt!

It's super effective! Sigilyph lost 15.6% of its health!

Sigilyph used Roost!

Sigilyph regained health!

Turn 16

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Dial: dovevi switchare

SuperStyle99: SUBITO

Dial: finchè eri in tempo

dragon lucario pm: ????

dragon lucario pm has 120 seconds left.

Dial: ora o fai un critical o hai perso

dragon lucario pm: xk????

Dial: ora guarda

The foe's Latios used Thunderbolt!

It's super effective! Sigilyph lost 16.2% of its health!

Sigilyph used Cosmic Power!

Sigilyph's Defense rose!

Sigilyph's Special Defense rose!

Turn 17

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Dial: vai, continua

00Solar00: hydreigon ?

00Solar00: .-.

SuperStyle99: Sighy FOR PRESIDENT!1!1!1!

dragon lucario pm: nn comprendo, se qualcuno volesse spiegarmi....

The foe's Latios used Thunderbolt!

It's super effective! Sigilyph lost 13.0% of its health!

Sigilyph used Cosmic Power!

Sigilyph's Defense rose!

Sigilyph's Special Defense rose!

Turn 18

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Dial: le stai dando il tempo di far diventare quel sigilyph

Dial: una belva

Dial: fg


SuperStyle99: Lol

dragon lucario pm withdrew Latios!

dragon lucario pm sent out Hydreigon!

Sigilyph used Roost!

Sigilyph regained health!

Turn 19

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

The foe's Hydreigon used Dark Pulse!

The Dark Gem strengthened Dark Pulse's power!

It's super effective! Sigilyph lost 37.0% of its health!

Sigilyph used Cosmic Power!

Sigilyph's Defense rose!

Sigilyph's Special Defense rose!

Turn 20

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

00Solar00: comic coso non ha effetto è.é

dragon lucario pm: ahhhh

00Solar00: cosmic*

dragon lucario pm: forse mo ho compreso

SuperStyle99: C'è la bruciatura C:

The foe's Hydreigon used Dark Pulse!

It's super effective! Sigilyph lost 24.0% of its health!

Sigilyph used Roost!

Sigilyph regained health!

Turn 21

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

The foe's Hydreigon used Dark Pulse!

It's super effective! Sigilyph lost 21.4% of its health!

Sigilyph used Psycho Shift!

The foe's Hydreigon was burned!

Sigilyph's burn was healed.

The foe's Hydreigon was hurt by its burn!

Sigilyph's Flame Orb activated!

Sigilyph was burned!

Turn 22

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

The foe's Hydreigon used Dark Pulse!

It's super effective! Sigilyph lost 22.1% of its health!

Sigilyph used Cosmic Power!

Sigilyph's Defense rose!

Sigilyph's Special Defense rose!

The foe's Hydreigon was hurt by its burn!

Turn 23

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

The foe's Hydreigon used Dark Pulse!

It's super effective! Sigilyph lost 20.1% of its health!

Sigilyph used Roost!

Sigilyph regained health!

The foe's Hydreigon was hurt by its burn!

Turn 24

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Dial: che *censura* lol

The foe's Hydreigon used Dark Pulse!

It's super effective! Sigilyph lost 21.4% of its health!

Sigilyph used Roost!

Sigilyph regained health!

The foe's Hydreigon was hurt by its burn!

Turn 25

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Dial: manco un critical

SuperStyle99: Infatti

The foe's Hydreigon used Dark Pulse!

It's super effective! Sigilyph lost 21.4% of its health!

Sigilyph used Roost!

Sigilyph regained health!

The foe's Hydreigon was hurt by its burn!

Turn 26

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Dial: hai ancora 4 turni

The foe's Hydreigon used Dark Pulse!

It's super effective! Sigilyph lost 21.4% of its health!

Sigilyph flinched and couldn't move!

The foe's Hydreigon was hurt by its burn!

Turn 27

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Dial: per sperare nel critical

Dial: lol

SuperStyle99: XD

The foe's Hydreigon used Dark Pulse!

It's super effective! Sigilyph lost 20.1% of its health!

Sigilyph used Roost!

Sigilyph regained health!

The foe's Hydreigon was hurt by its burn!

Turn 28

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

The foe's Hydreigon used Dark Pulse!

It's super effective! Sigilyph lost 22.1% of its health!

Sigilyph used Psycho Shift!

But it failed!

The foe's Hydreigon was hurt by its burn!

Turn 29

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

SuperStyle99: ULTIMO

00Solar00: critical

00Solar00: ORA

The foe's Hydreigon used Dark Pulse!

It's super effective! Sigilyph lost 20.1% of its health!

Sigilyph used Roost!

Sigilyph regained health!

The foe's Hydreigon was hurt by its burn!

The foe's Hydreigon fainted!

00Solar00: :O

SuperStyle99: NOPE

00Solar00: Ll

SuperStyle99: *_*

00Solar00: LOL

dragon lucario pm sent out Kyurem-Black!

The foe's Kyurem-Black is radiating a bursting aura!

Turn 30

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Sigilyph used Stored Power!

The foe's Kyurem-Black lost 80% of its health!

The foe's Kyurem-Black used Ice Beam!

It's super effective! Sigilyph lost 17.5% of its health!

Turn 31

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Dial: manco ohko?

Dial: che schifo

Dial: fg

SuperStyle99: Non è Evsato in att.sp :C

00Solar00: fg

00Solar00: fg

00Solar00: fg

00Solar00: .-.

Sigilyph used Stored Power!

The foe's Kyurem-Black lost 20% of its health!

The foe's Kyurem-Black fainted!

dragon lucario pm: vabbe,gg

dragon lucario pm sent out Latios!

Turn 32

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

The foe's Latios used Thunderbolt!

It's super effective! Sigilyph lost 16.2% of its health!

Sigilyph used Psycho Shift!

The foe's Latios was burned!

Sigilyph's burn was healed.

The foe's Latios was hurt by its burn!

Sigilyph's Flame Orb activated!

Sigilyph was burned!

Turn 33

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

00Solar00: \|_ °^°_|/

The foe's Latios used Draco Meteor!

Sigilyph lost 16.6% of its health!

The foe's Latios's Special Attack harshly fell!

Sigilyph used Roost!

Sigilyph regained health!

The foe's Latios restored HP using its Leftovers!

The foe's Latios was hurt by its burn!

Turn 34

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

00Solar00: ||à§^à§|/

Dial: fg dovevi continuare con thunderbolt

SuperStyle99: E sperare nel critical lol

Dial: ^

dragon lucario pm has 120 seconds left.

The foe's Latios used Thunderbolt!

It's super effective! Sigilyph lost 7.8% of its health!

Sigilyph used Stored Power!

It's not very effective... The foe's Latios lost 50% of its health!

The foe's Latios restored HP using its Leftovers!

The foe's Latios was hurt by its burn!

Turn 35

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

dragon lucario pm: BASTAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

The foe's Latios used Thunderbolt!

It's super effective! Sigilyph lost 8.4% of its health!

Sigilyph used Stored Power!

A critical hit! It's not very effective... The foe's Latios lost 25% of its health!

The foe's Latios fainted!

SuperStyle99: Lol

Dial: io l' avevo detto che avevi firmato la condanna a morte

SuperStyle99: Ecco il vostro Critical (?)

dragon lucario pm: mi ritiro

Dial: fg

SuperStyle99: Infatti

dragon lucario pm sent out Lucario!

Turn 36

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

SuperStyle99: XD

The foe's Lucario used Crunch!

It's super effective! Sigilyph lost 18.5% of its health!

Sigilyph's Defense fell!

The foe's Lucario lost some of its HP!

Sigilyph used Stored Power!

The foe's Lucario lost 91% of its health!

The foe's Lucario fainted!

dragon lucario pm sent out Garchomp!

Turn 37

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

dragon lucario pm: giggibibbi

The foe's Garchomp used Stone Edge!

It's super effective! Sigilyph lost 22.1% of its health!

Sigilyph used Stored Power!

The foe's Garchomp lost 94% of its health!

Turn 38

You have 150 seconds to make your decision.

Dial: se all' ultimo fa il critical rotolo

SuperStyle99: Gl

The foe's Garchomp used Stone Edge!

It's super effective! Sigilyph lost 22.1% of its health!

Sigilyph used Stored Power!

The foe's Garchomp lost 6% of its health!

The foe's Garchomp fainted!

SuperStyle99 won the battle!

Ladder updating...

SuperStyle99's rating: 946 → 1022
(+76 for winning)

dragon lucario pm's rating: 984 → 915
(-69 for losing)



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