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Scan Coro Coro 11/09/13


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The next batch of CoroCoro information has been posted to Japanese forums and this batch showcases more information on the upcoming games Pokémon X & Y. We have the cover that showcases a new Mega Evolution of Mewtwo as well as Mega Garchomp in the bottom right
Edit @ 10;36:The user with the same ID also posted that the starter evolutions are Gerogashira, Teerunaa, Hariboogu. They're all single typed and Teerunaa, the evolution of Fennekin, stands up. He also lists two fossil Pokémon, Chigorasu which is Rock/Dragon and Amarusu which is Rock/Ice. There is a white dog called Torimian which is Normal-type and a Psychic-type cat called Nyaonikusu which has male and female appearances. It also states that Mewtwo is version exclusive. He also listed the Fairy-type chart. According to this, Fairy is Super Effective on Fighting, Dark and Dragon and not effective on Fire, Poison or Steel. It also states that it is weak to Poison and Steel while resists Fighting, Dark and Bug. It is immune to Dragon. However, as this is not pictured yet, don't take this information as 100% confirmed.
10:46: This Mega Mewtwo is apparently Psychic/Fighting-type and has the ability Steadfast. Mega Garchomp's ability is Sand Force.
10:49: Chigorasu hasa new ability 'Hard Chin' that increases attack power. Amarusu has Freeze Skin is the Ice version of Normalize. Torimian has Fur Coat which reduces physical damage and apparently with "trimming" you can change its appearance. Nyaonikusu has Keen Eye or Infiltrator
10:53: Change your hair and clothes at a Boutique and Salon, reflected in the graphics, with a famous actress called Karune. Team Flare has five scientists, Kuseroshiki, Momiji, Bara, Akebi, Corea
10:59: Gerogashira knows Jump, Chespin's evo knows Mud Shot and Fennekin's evo knows Psycho Cut and has a twig in its tail
11:06: According to the leaker, Steel has lost its resistance to Dark and Ghost. Like the rest of this information this is unconfirmed until we get a picture. 
10:45: In addition to this, some anime details were shown. Mega Blaziken was shown on the new anime poster, alongside Clemont and a new female. Like the above, this isn't 100% confirmed but comes from the same person as the cover, so don't count it as 100% confirmed yet

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Vediamo troppo poco e troppo male per dare dei pareri definitivi ma.. a me fanno abbastanza schifo entrambi ed il tipo Psico/Lotta di Mewtwo non giustifica quella specie di giubbotto salvagente che si ritrova addosso...


Curiosa di vedere le evoluzioni (sembrerebbe che quella di Fennekin sia piuttosto bella, secondo quanto riportato :love_emote:)...


Interessanti i Fossili, almeno per questa generazione non vedremo il solito Roccia/Acqua sfigato, benvenuti ai nuovissimi Roccia/Drago e Roccia/Ghiaccio (che però ha un'abilità  orripilante)!


Le resistenze/debolezze del tipo Fata si sono rivelate tutte azzeccate dai rumors, potere ai Veleno, a Metagross, a Jirachi e a Scizor :tf:!

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