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I vostri Epic Sweeps

Angry Birds99

Post raccomandati



ash1 joined.

Skie98 joined.
Rated battle
Evasion Abilities Clause: Evasion abilities are banned
Sleep Clause: Limit one foe put to sleep
Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokemon
OHKO Clause: OHKO moves are banned
Moody Clause: Moody is banned
Evasion Moves Clause: Evasion moves are banned
ash1's team:Politoed / Gyarados / Tornadus / Toxicroak / Thundurus-Therian / Lucario
Skie98's team:Luxray / Musharna / Eelektross / Blissey / Reuniclus / Lucario
Battle between ash1 and Skie98 started!

Go! Politoed!

Skie98 sent out Luxray!
Politoed's Drizzle made it rain!
Turn 1
Skie98: gb
Skie98: :)
ash1: gl

Politoed, come back!

Go! Thundurus-Therian!

The foe's Luxray used Superpower!
It's not very effective... Thundurus-Therian lost 21% of its health!
The foe's Luxray's Attack fell!
The foe's Luxray's Defense fell!
Turn 2
M27 joined.

Thundurus-Therian used Nasty Plot!
Thundurus-Therian's Special Attack sharply rose!

The foe's Luxray used Ice Fang!
It's super effective! Thundurus-Therian lost 31% of its health!
Turn 3

Thundurus-Therian used Thunder!
It's not very effective... The foe's Luxray lost 100% of its health!
Thundurus-Therian lost some of its HP!

The foe's Luxray fainted!
ash1: ohko
Skie98: ma ._.

Skie98 sent out Musharna!
The foe's Musharna's Forewarn alerted it to Focus Blast,p1a: Thundurus-Therian!
Turn 4

Thundurus-Therian used Thunder!
The foe's Musharna lost 100% of its health!
Thundurus-Therian lost some of its HP!

The foe's Musharna fainted!
Skie98: di nuovo?

Skie98 sent out Lucario!
Turn 5

Thundurus-Therian used Thunder!
The foe's Lucario lost 100% of its health!
Thundurus-Therian lost some of its HP!

The foe's Lucario fainted!
Skie98: .-.

Skie98 sent out Eelektross!
Turn 6

Thundurus-Therian used Thunder!
It's not very effective... The foe's Eelektross lost 92% of its health!
Thundurus-Therian lost some of its HP!

The foe's Eelektross used Wild Charge!
Thundurus-Therian restored HP using its Volt Absorb!

The foe's Eelektross restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 7
Skie98: D:

Thundurus-Therian used Hidden Power!
The foe's Eelektross lost 15% of its health!
Thundurus-Therian lost some of its HP!

The foe's Eelektross fainted!
ash1: volt absorb
Skie98: Non l'avevo pensato
Skie98: XD

Skie98 sent out Reuniclus!
Turn 8

Thundurus-Therian used Thunder!
The foe's Reuniclus lost 100% of its health!
Thundurus-Therian lost some of its HP!

The foe's Reuniclus fainted!
ash1: gg

Skie98 sent out Blissey!
Turn 9
ash1: 1 solo pike

Thundurus-Therian used Thunder!
The foe's Blissey lost 56.0% of its health!
The foe's Blissey is paralyzed! It may be unable to move!
Thundurus-Therian lost some of its HP!

The foe's Blissey used Return!
Thundurus-Therian lost 2% of its health!

Thundurus-Therian fainted!

The foe's Blissey restored HP using its Leftovers!

Go! Lucario!
Lucario floats in the air with its Air Balloon!
Turn 10
Skie98: :D
ash1: cavolo

The foe's Blissey is paralyzed! It can't move!

Lucario used Nasty Plot!
Lucario's Special Attack sharply rose!

The foe's Blissey restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 11
ash1: stupido blissey

The foe's Blissey used Protect!
The foe's Blissey protected itself!

Lucario used Nasty Plot!
Lucario's Special Attack sharply rose!

The foe's Blissey restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 12

Lucario used Nasty Plot!
Lucario's Special Attack sharply rose!

The foe's Blissey is paralyzed! It can't move!

The foe's Blissey restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 13

Lucario used Aura Sphere!
It's super effective! The foe's Blissey lost 69% of its health!

The foe's Blissey fainted!

ash1 won the battle!
Ladder updating...
ash1's rating: 1363 → 1375
(+12 for winning)
Skie98's rating: 1026 → 996
(-30 for losing)

ash1 sono io


Praise the helix

BananitoTime joined.

ArgusVitor joined.



Rated battle

Sleep Clause Mod: Limit one foe put to sleep

Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokemon

OHKO Clause: OHKO moves are banned

Moody Clause: Moody is banned

Evasion Moves Clause: Evasion moves are banned

Endless Battle Clause: Forcing endless battles is banned.

HP Percentage Mod: HP is reported as percentages

BananitoTime's team:Omastar / Venomoth / Pidgeot / Nidoking / Lapras / Zapdos

ArgusVitor's team:Gardevoir / Exploud / Machamp / Ninetales / Galvantula / Cloyster

Battle between BananitoTime and ArgusVitor started!

Go! aaabaaajss (Pidgeot)!

ArgusVitor sent out Exploud!

Turn 1

aaabaaajss used Return!

The opposing Exploud lost 82% of its health!

The opposing Exploud used Blizzard!

aaabaaajss avoided the attack!

Turn 2

aaabaaajss used Return!

The opposing Exploud lost 18% of its health!

The opposing Exploud fainted!

ArgusVitor sent out Cloyster!

Turn 3

aaabaaajss used Return!

The opposing Cloyster lost 48% of its health!

The opposing Cloyster used Icicle Spear!

It's super effective! aaabaaajss lost 33.1% of its health!

It's super effective! aaabaaajss lost 35.4% of its health!

It's super effective! aaabaaajss lost 31.2% of its health!

Hit 3 times!

aaabaaajss fainted!

Go! HELIX (Omastar)!

Turn 4

ArgusVitor withdrew Cloyster!

ArgusVitor sent out Galvantula!

HELIX used Hidden Power!

It's not very effective... The opposing Galvantula lost 20% of its health!

Turn 5

The opposing Galvantula used Sticky Web!

A sticky web spreads out beneath your team's feet!

HELIX used Shell Smash!

HELIX's Attack sharply rose!

HELIX's Special Attack sharply rose!

HELIX's Speed sharply rose!

HELIX's Defense fell!

HELIX's Special Defense fell!

Turn 6

HELIX used Ice Beam!

The opposing Galvantula lost 80% of its health!

The opposing Galvantula fainted!

ArgusVitor sent out Machamp!

Turn 7

HELIX used Hydro Pump!

The opposing Machamp lost 100% of its health!

The opposing Machamp fainted!

ArgusVitor sent out Gardevoir!

Turn 8

Gardevoir has Mega Evolved into Mega Gardevoir!

HELIX used Hydro Pump!

The opposing Gardevoir lost 100% of its health!

The opposing Gardevoir fainted!

ArgusVitor sent out Cloyster!

Turn 9

HELIX used Hidden Power!

It's super effective! The opposing Cloyster lost 52% of its health!

The opposing Cloyster fainted!

ArgusVitor sent out Ninetales!

The sunlight turned harsh!

Turn 10

HELIX used Hydro Pump!

A critical hit! It's super effective! The opposing Ninetales lost 100% of its health!

The opposing Ninetales fainted!

BananitoTime won the battle!


Metto solo la parte interessata dato che non ha ucciso l'intero team

Gabis: Voglio il 6-0

The foe's Vileplume restored HP using its Black Sludge!
Turn 16
White-Mirko-Kyurem: giammai
Mr. Mime used Psychic!
It's super effective! The foe's Vileplume lost 92% of its health!
The foe's Vileplume fainted!
Mr. Mime restored HP using its Leftovers!
Gabis: 5-1
White-Mirko-Kyurem: wow
White-Mirko-Kyurem: ha funzionato
Gabis: 6-1
Gabis sent out Combee!
Turn 17
White-Mirko-Kyurem: riprovo
White-Mirko-Kyurem: giammai
Mr. Mime used Psychic!
The foe's Combee lost 100% of its health!
The foe's Combee fainted!
Mr. Mime restored HP using its Leftovers!
Gabis: -.-
Gabis sent out Oddish!
Turn 18
White-Mirko-Kyurem: giammai
Mr. Mime used Psychic!
It's super effective! The foe's Oddish lost 50% of its health!
The foe's Oddish fainted!
Mr. Mime restored HP using its Leftovers!
Gabis sent out Kyurem-Black!
The foe's Kyurem-Black is radiating a bursting aura!
Turn 19
White-Mirko-Kyurem: giammai
Mr. Mime used Psychic!
The foe's Kyurem-Black lost 100% of its health!
The foe's Kyurem-Black fainted!
Gabis: che palle
Gabis sent out Palkia!
The foe's Palkia is exerting its pressure!
Turn 20
White-Mirko-Kyurem: il potere del giammai
White-Mirko-Kyurem: GIAMMAI
Mr. Mime used Psychic!
The foe's Palkia lost 100% of its health!

The foe's Palkia fainted!

Poi è stato ucciso da un altro Mr.Mime


Una volta ho usato lead shell smash Cloyster contro un tipo che sembrava non avere priority e nel primo turno ha switchato.

Risultato? Due shell smash nei primi due turni e battaglia vinta in 8 turni totali.


Un piccolo esperimento che sto facendo, vincere usando solo 3 pokemon. Ecco l'Epic Sweep di Mega Ampharos, guardatelo:

*Voce di Croix*

COSA? Quel tizio sta aumentando a dismisura le statistiche protetto da riflesso con una squadra di soli tre pokémon di cui uno con una mega e quello in campo con sostituto + baton pass?



No ma parlando seriamente: Solo a me sembrava un nabbo a far così? :v


*Voce di Croix*

COSA? Quel tizio sta aumentando a dismisura le statistiche protetto da riflesso con una squadra di soli tre pokémon di cui uno con una mega e quello in campo con sostituto + baton pass?



No ma parlando seriamente: Solo a me sembrava un nabbo a far così? :v

Gia mi chiedo cosa stesse facendo con quel Pineco e soprattutto perche al Lv 1? :sweat: , comunque ne ho fatta piu di una è ho vinto, ma molte le ho perse.  :XD:


__Comunque era un "team" (chiamamolo cosi) solo per cazzeggiamento.


Gia mi chiedo cosa stesse facendo con quel Pineco e soprattutto perche al Lv 1? :sweat: , comunque ne ho fatta piu di una è ho vinto, ma molte le ho perse.  :XD:


__Comunque era un "team" (chiamamolo cosi) solo per cazzeggiamento.

Pineco al livello 1 si usa in modo semplice

Abilità  Vigore, e Berry Juice per ricaricarsi al primo colpo e usare Toxic o piazzare le rocks

Poi il nemico lo colpirà , lui resiste con Vigore e poi userà  Pain Split per toglierti un po' di PS e lui si ricaricherà  tutti i PS

Il nemico morirà  lentamente

Perfetto per le 1v1

C'è anche una strategia con Cottonee livello 1 con Prankster, Substutute, Leech Seed e il Focus Sash

Per non parlare di Magnemite livello 1 con Toxic, Recychle, strumento Berry Juice e Sturdy


Cioè, praticamente, senza rompiforma quel coso sarebbe rimasto in campo un bel po' di tempo a far danni! O.o


La discussione è ora archiviata e chiusa ad ulteriori risposte.

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