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Cerco cloning (urgente!!!)

Nathan Swift

Post raccomandati


a si devo clonare un volcarona (evento coreano) ecco le info

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons Cherish_Ball_summary_IV.png ë¶ˆì¹´ëª¨ìŠ¤ â™‚ Dex No. 637 Random nature. Bug Quiver Dance Classic_Ribbon.png Lv. 100 Type   Bug Bug Buzz Spr_5b_637_s.png 8px-ShinyVStar.png Bug Fire Pokémon Event Fire Fiery Dance OT선발전12 Apparently had a Normal Morning Sun ID No. 06092 fateful encounter at This Pokémon was available in South Korea 
from June 9 to 10, 2012.
 Item Ability Lv. 100. Bag_Focus_Sash_Sprite.png Focus Sash Flame Body   The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when the Wonder Card is received.


a si devo clonare un volcarona (evento coreano) ecco le info

Pokémon Info Trainer Memo Battle Moves Ribbons Cherish_Ball_summary_IV.png ë¶ˆì¹´ëª¨ìŠ¤ â™‚ Dex No. 637 Random nature. Bug Quiver Dance Classic_Ribbon.png Lv. 100 Type   Bug Bug Buzz Spr_5b_637_s.png 8px-ShinyVStar.png Bug Fire Pokémon Event Fire Fiery Dance OT선발전12 Apparently had a Normal Morning Sun ID No. 06092 fateful encounter at This Pokémon was available in South Korea 

from June 9 to 10, 2012.

 Item Ability Lv. 100. Bag_Focus_Sash_Sprite.png Focus Sash Flame Body   The date this Pokémon was received is determined by the date on the DS when the Wonder Card is received.


Non sono personalmente interessato, perciò chiedo se hai sfkb o legend flaw da offrire.(?) :D


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