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Il riscatto di Drifblim nel mondo delle lotte competitive Pokémon


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6 ore fa, Spyro190 ha scritto:

La differenza fra un regolamento stilato da due chicchessia e la community online più importante esistente è proprio la più evidente. Dov'è il gusto della competizione se ci si ritrova sempre contro lo stesso avversario? Dove sono la varietà, la possibilità di migliorare e di elaborare sempre nuove strategie?


Ti consiglio di aprire il link che ho postato precedentemente, perché sembra che tu non abbia la più pallida idea di cosa ci sia dietro ad un suspect e come si svolga. Si tratta di un sistema meritocratico dove in seguito alla valutazione di esperti riconosciuti viene data la possibilità a chiunque di esprimere il proprio parere se in grado di dimostrarne l'affidabilità, non un brainstorming in cui chicchessia propone quel che gli passa per la testa.


Il discorso è ben più ampio. Citando la pagina linkata:

  Apri contenuto nascosto

I.) Skill - the subjective metric we use to judge player worth in competitive Pokemon

A.) Team Building Skill - the part of skill that is involved in the preparation for a battle
1.) Assessing threats - ability to recognize major threats in the metagame and identify how they both individually and in tandem deal with your team
a.) Involves having metagame knowledge through playing and observing
b.) Involves the ability to think beyond individual Pokemon threats and into the realm of threatening strategies and concepts
2.) Dealing with threats - ability to maximize the 6 Pokemon slots, 24 move slots, and 6 item slots to handle metagame threats
a.) Ability to recognize which slots are not serving maximum utility
b.) Ability to replace low efficiency slots with higher efficiency options
3.) Building Towards a Strategy (or strategies) - ability to build a team that is "greater than the sum of the individual parts"
a.) Having the 6 Pokemon work together to cover weaknesses and emphasize strengths instead of just having 6 Pokemon with no cohesive strategy
* The most basic and common examples for covering weaknesses include combinations like CeleTran (Celebi and Heatran) or GyaraZone (Gyarados and Magnezone) in DPP
* One of the most basic and common example for emphasizing strengths includes a combination like DoubleDragon (using two Dragon Dancers to punch holes for each other).
b.) Obviously isn't limited to combinations or trios; can refer to overall team strategies (think BP chains before outlawed or simple stall cores that work to cover each other's flaws)
4.) Creativity - ability to come up with unique strategies or sets to swing momentum in your favor
a.) This means being able to surprise the opponent with a unique set or strategy without losing on general utility (too much)
b.) Doesn't just mean creating new sets, but also being able to use existing sets in a creative manner
5.) Catering to Metagame / Opponents - ability to predict opponent trends, patterns, and tendencies
a.) Involves knowing the percentages of what you'll encounter on ladder and being able to build accordingly.
b.) Involves knowing your opponents in tournaments and take note of their common trends in building and prepare accordingly.
B.) Battling Skill - the part of skill involved in actually battling
1.) Picking the Right Lead - ability to look at your team and your opponent's Pokemon and make an intelligent determination of what your win condition is and which Pokemon will best promote that in the beginning
2.) Recognizing the Win Condition - ability to look at your opponent's team in addition to the information gathered during a battle to recognize viable win conditions
3.) Picking the Right Move - ability to pick the best move in a discrete moment in time
a.) Encompasses ability to judge the opponent's potential moves
b.) Encompasses ability to choose between short and long term benefits and choose accordingly
4.) Smart Switching - ability to switch intelligently to swing momentum in your favor
a.) Encompasses the ability to predict an opponent's moves and switch for the best scenario
b.) Encompasses the ability to continuously switch (double or triple switching) if necessary
5.) Gathering Information and Making Assumptions
a.) The ability to predict or assume opponent sets in order to better plan a win condition
b.) The ability to to set probabilities for what the opponent has based on his actions in order to maximize predictions
6.) Long Term vs. Short Term Goals
a.) The ability to weigh when to bring in a potential win condition
b.) The ability to judge whether an immediate benefit, such a revenge kill, is worth showing your hand or bringing out the win condition too early.
7.) Assessing Risk
a.) Knowing when to sacrifice for a greater position later
b.) Knowing when and how to make a high risk, high reward move
8.) Probability Management
a.) The ability to take into account the numerous probability factors that are in the game, including accuracy, secondary effects, and critical hits, and consider the best strategy
b.) Knowing how to minimize the risk presenting by probability factors
9.) Prediction
a.) The ability to take into account all of the opponent's potential actions, apply weights to them, and move accordingly
b.) The ability to double or triple switch based on opponent tendencies to move momentum back in your favor


92 minuti di applausi :)


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4 minuti fa, KingDom ha scritto:

In ORAS la usavo :look:..

Sicuro non fosse AG? Tutte le tier da PU a Uber condividono queste Clauses da RBY a SM.*





*Obvly ci sono stati aggiornamenti nel corso delle generazioni, ma si tratta solo di aggiunte

Modificato da Spyro190
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3 minuti fa, Spyro190 ha scritto:

Sicuro non fosse AG? Tutte le tier da PU a Uber condividono queste Clauses da RBY a SM.*





*Obvly ci sono stati aggiornamenti nel corso delle generazioni, ma si tratta solo di aggiunte

MH.. allora credo fosse AG, il team era composto da Drifblim, Greninja, ΩGroudon, Arceus Rock, e altri due che non ricordo, girava davvero bene, 3 su 4 erano spesso vinte.. 

(Sottolineo che non giocavo su SD ma lottavo in game con gente conosciuta nel PSS).

Modificato da KingDom

Tooru Amuro by Chube





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3 ore fa, KingDom ha scritto:

MH.. allora credo fosse AG, il team era composto da Drifblim, Greninja, ΩGroudon, Arceus Rock, e altri due che non ricordo, girava davvero bene, 3 su 4 erano spesso vinte.. 

(Sottolineo che non giocavo su SD ma lottavo in game con gente conosciuta nel PSS).

L'Evasion Clause è comune a qualsiasi tier eccetto AG, quindi Uber non era di sicuro. Poi essendo lotte sul PSS casuali chiaro che se il tuo oppo non sapeva della cosa, potevi usare minimize quanto volevi, ma stavi trassando.


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