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TABELLONE sempre in aggiornamento, mancano ancora diverse lotte del primo turno!


Ora mi piacerebbe fornire delle delucidazioni:


  • Ogni turno dura un solo giorno. Ci si deve obbligatoriamente contattare in mp per organizzarsi di incontro in incontro, messaggi del genere sono presi come una totale mancanza di rispetto sia per il torneo che in primis per il proprio avversario. Noi non promuoviamo e cerchiamo di insegnare ciò:

"No, ma è responsabilità  sua entrare in arena"

  • "Torneo a eliminazione singola" non ha nulla a che vedere con la tipologia di chall. Il tipo di sfida può essere secca (dove vince chi vince la singola lotta) o bo3 (dove vince chi ottiene il risultato migliore in tre lotte). 
  • Se i due giocatori interessati ad una lotta non si presenteranno rispettando il limite di tempo prestabilito verranno squalificati entrambi. 
  • Si possono usare anche pokémon appartenenti a tier inferiori a quella UU, quali NU e RU.
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Vinta secca contro Passion Fire(4-0)



AshachuPM joined.
PassionPM joined.
Sleep Clause Mod: Limit one foe put to sleep
Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokemon
OHKO Clause: OHKO moves are banned
Moody Clause: Moody is banned
Evasion Moves Clause: Evasion moves are banned
HP Percentage Mod: HP is reported as percentages
Evasion Abilities Clause: Evasion abilities are banned
AshachuPM's team:Mew / Heracross / Nidoking / Porygon2 / Suicune / Chandelure
PassionPM's team:Abomasnow / Chandelure / Bronzong / Crobat / Flygon / Suicune
InuAway joined.
AshachuPM: Gl! :)
PassionPM: Gl pure a te ^^
Battle between AshachuPM and PassionPM started!
Go! Mew!
PassionPM sent out l'uomo delle nevi (Abomasnow)!
The foe's l'uomo delle nevi's Snow Warning whipped up a hailstorm!
Turn 1
InuAway left.
TD Wonder joined.
PassionPM withdrew l'uomo delle nevi (Abomasnow)!
PassionPM sent out lampadina (Chandelure)!
Mew used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around the foe's team!
The hail crashes down.
Mew is buffeted by the hail!
The foe's lampadina is buffeted by the hail!
Mew restored HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's lampadina restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 2
Mew, come back!
Go! Suicune!
Suicune is exerting its pressure!
The foe's lampadina used Shadow Ball!
Suicune lost 40.3% of its health!
Suicune's Special Defense fell!
The hail crashes down.
Suicune is buffeted by the hail!
The foe's lampadina is buffeted by the hail!
Suicune restored HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's lampadina restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 3
AshachuPM: Scusa se ci metto tempo per le mosse ^^
PassionPM withdrew lampadina (Chandelure)!
PassionPM sent out l'uomo delle nevi (Abomasnow)!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's l'uomo delle nevi!
Suicune used Scald!
It's not very effective... The foe's l'uomo delle nevi lost 13% of its health!
The hail crashes down.
Suicune is buffeted by the hail!
Suicune restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 4
PassionPM: no nn fa nnt
Suicune, come back!
Go! Heracross!
The foe's l'uomo delle nevi used Giga Drain!
It's not very effective... Heracross lost 19.2% of its health!
Heracross had its energy drained!
The hail crashes down.
Heracross is buffeted by the hail!
Turn 5
PassionPM withdrew l'uomo delle nevi (Abomasnow)!
PassionPM sent out pipistrello (Crobat)!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's pipistrello!
Heracross used Stone Edge!
It's super effective! The foe's pipistrello lost 76% of its health!
The foe's pipistrello fainted!
The hail crashes down.
Heracross is buffeted by the hail!
PassionPM sent out dragone (Flygon)!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's dragone!
Turn 6
Heracross, come back!
Go! Porygon2!
Porygon2 traced the foe's dragone's Levitate!
The foe's dragone used Outrage!
Porygon2 lost 39.3% of its health!
The hail crashes down.
The foe's dragone is buffeted by the hail!
Porygon2 is buffeted by the hail!
Turn 7
The foe's dragone used Outrage!
Porygon2 lost 42.5% of its health!
Porygon2 used Ice Beam!
It's super effective! The foe's dragone lost 89% of its health!
The foe's dragone fainted!
The hail crashes down.
Porygon2 is buffeted by the hail!
PassionPM sent out l'uomo delle nevi (Abomasnow)!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's l'uomo delle nevi!
Turn 8
PassionPM: vabbhò non sono la migliore
AshachuPM: Non è ancora detto nulla ^^
PassionPM: :)
Porygon2, come back!
Go! Heracross!
The foe's l'uomo delle nevi used Focus Blast!
It's not very effective... Heracross lost 21.5% of its health!
The hail crashes down.
Heracross is buffeted by the hail!
Turn 9
Heracross used Stone Edge!
It's super effective! The foe's l'uomo delle nevi lost 45% of its health!
The foe's l'uomo delle nevi fainted!
The hail crashes down.
Heracross is buffeted by the hail!
PassionPM: speriamo
PassionPM sent out campanile (Bronzong)!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's campanile!
The foe's campanile floats in the air with its Air Balloon!
Turn 10
Heracross, come back!
Go! Mew!
The foe's campanile used Earthquake!
Mew lost 25.7% of its health!
The hail crashes down.
Mew is buffeted by the hail!
The foe's campanile is buffeted by the hail!
Mew restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 11
PassionPM withdrew campanile (Bronzong)!
PassionPM sent out lampadina (Chandelure)!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's lampadina!
Mew used Will-O-Wisp!
The power of the foe's lampadina's Fire-type moves rose!
The hail crashes down.
Mew is buffeted by the hail!
The foe's lampadina is buffeted by the hail!
Mew restored HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's lampadina restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 12
Mew, come back!
Go! Heracross!
The foe's lampadina used Shadow Ball!
Heracross lost 35.4% of its health!
Heracross fainted!
The hail crashes down.
The foe's lampadina is buffeted by the hail!
The foe's lampadina restored HP using its Leftovers!
PassionPM: almeno uno
Go! Nidoking!
Turn 13
PassionPM withdrew lampadina (Chandelure)!
PassionPM sent out dio dell'acqua (Suicune)!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's dio dell'acqua!
The foe's dio dell'acqua is exerting its pressure!
Nidoking used Thunderbolt!
A critical hit! It's super effective! The foe's dio dell'acqua lost 88% of its health!
The foe's dio dell'acqua fainted!
The hail crashes down.
Nidoking is buffeted by the hail!
PassionPM sent out campanile (Bronzong)!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's campanile!
The foe's campanile floats in the air with its Air Balloon!
Turn 14
Nidoking used Fire Blast!
The foe's campanile avoided the attack!
The foe's campanile used Explosion!
Nidoking lost 93.8% of its health!
Nidoking fainted!
The foe's campanile fainted!
The hail crashes down.
Go! Suicune!
PassionPM sent out lampadina (Chandelure)!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's lampadina!
Suicune is exerting its pressure!
Turn 15
The foe's lampadina used Protect!
The foe's lampadina protected itself!
Suicune used Scald!
The foe's lampadina protected itself!
The hail crashes down.
Suicune is buffeted by the hail!
The foe's lampadina is buffeted by the hail!
Suicune restored HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's lampadina restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 16
Suicune used Scald!
It's super effective! The foe's lampadina lost 50% of its health!
The foe's lampadina fainted!
AshachuPM won the battle!
AshachuPM: gg ^^
PassionPM: :)
PassionPM left.
AshachuPM: :)
TD Wonder left.

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Claimo il mio avversario : ci eravamo organizzati per le 21 / 21:30 . Lui entra in arena , lo challo e subito dopo esce. Ci siamo messi d' accordo in arena per l' orario (controllate i log se non ci credete). Ecco il log che spiega che è scappato

GuglioM joined; 00Solar00 left

Roxas0000: Alleluja eccoti GUGLIO

Terry00: ma entro che ora devono lottare?

Roxas0000: entro le 23:59

Roxas0000: giuglio bo3 , challami ora oppure ti claimo.

Heathcliff PM: e se non si presenta più Jirah

Heathcliff PM: ?

Roxas0000: lo devi claimare

Terry00: vabbè allora ho perso probabilmente

Heathcliff PM: ok

Roxas0000: (Private to GuglioM) accetta o ti claimo.

Terry00: forse domani ci provo

Heathcliff PM: quindi dico che ho vinto 1-0

Heathcliff PM: e basta

Heathcliff PM: ?

GuglioM left

Attendo fino alle 21:40 , poi me ne vado. Richiedo la vittoria a tavolino se non torna.


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Vorrei clamare il mio avversario( Lio Tiranno), sono disposto ad aspettare fino alle 22, poi avvisatelo pure che è finita la mia pazienza.

Ho inviato mp alle 3

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Perso contro Delicio. 5-0



AshachuPM joined.
RK BuD1n0 joined.
Sleep Clause Mod: Limit one foe put to sleep
Species Clause: Limit one of each Pokemon
OHKO Clause: OHKO moves are banned
Moody Clause: Moody is banned
Evasion Moves Clause: Evasion moves are banned
HP Percentage Mod: HP is reported as percentages
Evasion Abilities Clause: Evasion abilities are banned
AshachuPM's team:Mew / Heracross / Nidoking / Porygon2 / Suicune / Chandelure
RK BuD1n0's team:Darmanitan / Azelf / Shaymin / Cobalion / Mew / Nidoking
Darknine2 joined.
RK BuD1n0: gl
Darknine2 left.
AshachuPM: gl! :)
Battle between AshachuPM and RK BuD1n0 started!
Go! Mew!
RK BuD1n0 sent out Azelf!
Turn 1
Mew, come back!
Go! Heracross!
The foe's Azelf used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around your team!
Turn 2
RK BuD1n0: ah, le SR <3
Heracross used Pursuit!
It's super effective! The foe's Azelf lost 92% of its health!
RK BuD1n0 withdrew Azelf!
RK BuD1n0 sent out Nidoking!
Turn 3
Heracross, come back!
Go! Porygon2!
Pointed stones dug into Porygon2!
Porygon2 traced the foe's Nidoking's Sheer Force!
The foe's Nidoking used Substitute!
The foe's Nidoking put in a substitute!
The foe's Nidoking lost 25% of its health!
Turn 4
The foe's Nidoking used Earth Power!
Porygon2 lost 25.1% of its health!
Porygon2 used Ice Beam!
It's super effective! The foe's Nidoking's substitute faded!
Turn 5
RK BuD1n0 withdrew Nidoking!
RK BuD1n0 sent out Cobalion!
Porygon2 used Ice Beam!
It's not very effective... The foe's Cobalion lost 20% of its health!
Turn 6
Porygon2, come back!
Go! Chandelure!
Pointed stones dug into Chandelure!
The foe's Cobalion used Stone Edge!
It's super effective! Chandelure lost 66.3% of its health!
Chandelure restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 7
RK BuD1n0: SI
Chandelure, come back!
Go! Nidoking!
Pointed stones dug into Nidoking!
The foe's Cobalion used Iron Head!
Nidoking lost 45.7% of its health!
Turn 8
Darknine2 joined.
RK BuD1n0: à à à à à à à à 
RK BuD1n0 withdrew Cobalion!
RK BuD1n0 sent out Azelf!
Nidoking used Fire Blast!
The foe's Azelf lost 8% of its health!
The foe's Azelf fainted!
RK BuD1n0 sent out TeozZ (Mew)!
Turn 9
Nidoking, come back!
Go! Mew!
Pointed stones dug into Mew!
The foe's TeozZ used Psychic!
It's not very effective... Mew lost 26.2% of its health!
Mew restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 10
RK BuD1n0 withdrew TeozZ (Mew)!
RK BuD1n0 sent out Snowcristal (Shaymin)!
Mew used Stealth Rock!
Pointed stones float in the air around the foe's team!
Mew restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 11
RK BuD1n0: ... ci sei?
AshachuPM: si, dammi tempo :)
RK BuD1n0: :O
AshachuPM: sono mosse cruciali :P
Roxas0000 joined.
Roxas0000 left.
Mew used Will-O-Wisp!
The foe's Snowcristal was burned!
The foe's Snowcristal used Substitute!
The foe's Snowcristal put in a substitute!
The foe's Snowcristal lost 24% of its health!
Mew restored HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Snowcristal restored HP using its Leftovers!
The foe's Snowcristal was hurt by its burn!
Turn 12
Mew, come back!
Go! Suicune!
Pointed stones dug into Suicune!
Suicune is exerting its pressure!
The foe's Snowcristal used Aromatherapy!
A soothing aroma wafted through the area!
The foe's Snowcristal restored HP using its Leftovers!
Suicune restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 13
Suicune, come back!
Go! Porygon2!
Pointed stones dug into Porygon2!
Porygon2 traced the foe's Snowcristal's Natural Cure!
The foe's Snowcristal used Seed Flare!
Porygon2 lost 21.9% of its health!
Porygon2's Special Defense harshly fell!
The foe's Snowcristal restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 14
The foe's Snowcristal used Seed Flare!
Porygon2 lost 28.3% of its health!
Porygon2 fainted!
The foe's Snowcristal restored HP using its Leftovers!
Go! Heracross!
Pointed stones dug into Heracross!
Turn 15
Heracross used Stone Edge!
The foe's Snowcristal's substitute faded!
The foe's Snowcristal used Air Slash!
It's super effective! Heracross lost 87.7% of its health!
Heracross fainted!
The foe's Snowcristal restored HP using its Leftovers!
RK BuD1n0: fufufu.. fuahahahHAHAH
AshachuPM: ...?
Go! Nidoking!
Pointed stones dug into Nidoking!
Turn 16
RK BuD1n0: *roberto ride in modo perverso e sghignazza
The foe's Snowcristal used Seed Flare!
Nidoking lost 41.8% of its health!
Nidoking fainted!
The foe's Snowcristal restored HP using its Leftovers!
AshachuPM: gg
RK BuD1n0: non è ancora detto
AshachuPM: si.
AshachuPM: Non c'è minima possibilità  di vincere. ^^
AshachuPM: Per me.
Go! Suicune!
Pointed stones dug into Suicune!
Suicune is exerting its pressure!
Turn 17
RK BuD1n0: ... non ho parole
The foe's Snowcristal used Seed Flare!
It's super effective! Suicune lost 72.8% of its health!
Suicune used Roar!
Whisper (Darmanitan) was dragged out!
Pointed stones dug into the foe's Whisper!
Suicune restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 18
AshachuPM: Non mi sto arrendendo, caro.
AshachuPM: Ti pare...?
RK BuD1n0: tsè
AshachuPM: ...
The foe's Whisper used Earthquake!
Suicune lost 14.9% of its health!
Suicune fainted!
RK BuD1n0: molto bene
Go! Chandelure!
Pointed stones dug into Chandelure!
Chandelure fainted!
Go! Mew!
Pointed stones dug into Mew!
Turn 19
The foe's Whisper used Earthquake!
Mew lost 35.6% of its health!
Mew used Will-O-Wisp!
But it failed!
Mew restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 20
AshachuPM: Non ho mosse d'attacco. ^^
The foe's Whisper used Earthquake!
Mew lost 36.4% of its health!
Mew used Will-O-Wisp!
But it failed!
Mew restored HP using its Leftovers!
Turn 21
RK BuD1n0: lol
RK BuD1n0: dai continuiamo
The foe's Whisper used Earthquake!
Mew lost 7.9% of its health!
Mew fainted!
RK BuD1n0 won the battle!
AshachuPM: -.-
RK BuD1n0: gg
Hackuo23 PM joined.
RK BuD1n0 left.
Hackuo23 PM left.


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