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Turn 1


Pinsir has Mega Evolved into Mega Pinsir!


Garchomp used Fire Fang!

It's super effective! The opposing Pinsir lost 72% of its health!


The opposing Pinsir used Swords Dance!

The opposing Pinsir's Attack sharply rose!

Turn 2


The opposing Pinsir used Quick Attack!

Garchomp lost 71.5% of its health!

The opposing Pinsir is hurt by Garchomp's Rough Skin!


Garchomp used Fire Fang!

It's super effective! The opposing Pinsir lost 16% of its health!


The opposing Pinsir fainted!


blue1995 sent out Vaporeon!

Turn 3


Garchomp, come back!


Go! Venusaur!


The opposing Vaporeon used Scald!

It's not very effective... Venusaur lost 21.3% of its health!

Turn 4


Venusaur used Giga Drain!

It's super effective! The opposing Vaporeon lost 63% of its health!

The opposing Vaporeon had its energy drained!

Venusaur lost some of its HP!


The opposing Vaporeon used Toxic!

But it failed!


The opposing Vaporeon restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 5


blue1995 withdrew Vaporeon!


blue1995 sent out Gliscor!


Venusaur used Giga Drain!

The opposing Gliscor lost 64% of its health!

The opposing Gliscor had its energy drained!

Venusaur lost some of its HP!


The opposing Gliscor restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 6


blue1995 withdrew Gliscor!


blue1995 sent out Metagross!


Venusaur used Giga Drain!

It's not very effective... The opposing Metagross lost 27% of its health!

The opposing Metagross had its energy drained!

Venusaur lost some of its HP!


The opposing Metagross restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 7


Venusaur used Giga Drain!

It's not very effective... The opposing Metagross lost 23% of its health!

The opposing Metagross had its energy drained!

Venusaur lost some of its HP!


The opposing Metagross used Zen Headbutt!

It's super effective! Venusaur lost 90.3% of its health!


Venusaur fainted!


The opposing Metagross restored HP using its Leftovers!


Go! Carracosta!

Turn 8


The opposing Metagross used Earthquake!

It's super effective! Carracosta lost 50.7% of its health!


Carracosta used Waterfall!

The opposing Metagross lost 47% of its health!

Carracosta lost some of its HP!


The opposing Metagross restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 9


The opposing Metagross used Earthquake!

It's super effective! Carracosta lost 39.3% of its health!


Carracosta fainted!


The opposing Metagross restored HP using its Leftovers!


Go! Aggron!

Turn 10


The opposing Metagross used Earthquake!

It's super effective! Aggron lost 96.8% of its health!


Aggron used Fire Punch!

It's super effective! The opposing Metagross lost 27% of its health!


The opposing Metagross fainted!


blue1995 sent out Conkeldurr!

Turn 11

GengarMaster2000: 4%


Aggron used Fire Punch!

The opposing Conkeldurr lost 29.0% of its health!


The opposing Conkeldurr used Earthquake!

It's super effective! Aggron lost 3.2% of its health!


Aggron fainted!


Go! Cofagrigus!

Turn 12

blue1995: che fortuna!


The opposing Conkeldurr used Earthquake!

Cofagrigus lost 22.6% of its health!


Cofagrigus used Shadow Ball!

The opposing Conkeldurr lost 23% of its health!


Cofagrigus restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 13


blue1995 withdrew Conkeldurr!


blue1995 sent out Vaporeon!


Cofagrigus used Shadow Ball!

The opposing Vaporeon lost 19% of its health!


The opposing Vaporeon restored HP using its Leftovers!

Cofagrigus restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 14


The opposing Vaporeon used Wish!


Cofagrigus used Shadow Ball!

The opposing Vaporeon lost 19% of its health!


The opposing Vaporeon restored HP using its Leftovers!

Cofagrigus restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 15


The opposing Vaporeon used Protect!

The opposing Vaporeon protected itself!


Cofagrigus used Shadow Ball!

The opposing Vaporeon protected itself!


Vaporeon's wish came true!

The opposing Vaporeon restored HP using its Leftovers!

Cofagrigus restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 16


The opposing Vaporeon used Toxic!

Cofagrigus was badly poisoned!


Cofagrigus used Shadow Ball!

The opposing Vaporeon lost 17% of its health!

The opposing Vaporeon's Special Defense fell!


The opposing Vaporeon restored HP using its Leftovers!

Cofagrigus was hurt by poison!

Turn 17


The opposing Vaporeon used Wish!


Cofagrigus used Will-O-Wisp!

The opposing Vaporeon was burned!


The opposing Vaporeon restored HP using its Leftovers!

Cofagrigus restored HP using its Leftovers!

The opposing Vaporeon was hurt by its burn!

Cofagrigus was hurt by poison!

Turn 18


The opposing Vaporeon used Protect!

The opposing Vaporeon protected itself!


Cofagrigus used Shadow Ball!

The opposing Vaporeon protected itself!


Vaporeon's wish came true!

Cofagrigus restored HP using its Leftovers!

The opposing Vaporeon was hurt by its burn!

Cofagrigus was hurt by poison!

Turn 19


The opposing Vaporeon used Wish!


Cofagrigus used Shadow Ball!

The opposing Vaporeon lost 29.0% of its health!

The opposing Vaporeon's Special Defense fell!


The opposing Vaporeon restored HP using its Leftovers!

Cofagrigus restored HP using its Leftovers!

The opposing Vaporeon was hurt by its burn!

Cofagrigus was hurt by poison!

Turn 20


The opposing Vaporeon used Protect!

The opposing Vaporeon protected itself!


Cofagrigus used Shadow Ball!

The opposing Vaporeon protected itself!


Vaporeon's wish came true!

Cofagrigus restored HP using its Leftovers!

The opposing Vaporeon was hurt by its burn!

Cofagrigus was hurt by poison!

Turn 21


The opposing Vaporeon used Wish!


Cofagrigus used Pain Split!

The battlers shared their pain!


The opposing Vaporeon restored HP using its Leftovers!

Cofagrigus restored HP using its Leftovers!

The opposing Vaporeon was hurt by its burn!

Cofagrigus was hurt by poison!

Turn 22


The opposing Vaporeon used Scald!

Cofagrigus lost 40.4% of its health!


Cofagrigus used Shadow Ball!

The opposing Vaporeon lost 37% of its health!


Vaporeon's wish came true!

The opposing Vaporeon restored HP using its Leftovers!

Cofagrigus restored HP using its Leftovers!

The opposing Vaporeon was hurt by its burn!

Cofagrigus was hurt by poison!


Cofagrigus fainted!


Go! Garchomp!

Turn 23


Garchomp used Outrage!

A critical hit! The opposing Vaporeon lost 56.0% of its health!


The opposing Vaporeon fainted!


blue1995 sent out Conkeldurr!

Turn 24


The opposing Conkeldurr used Mach Punch!

Garchomp lost 27.4% of its health!

The opposing Conkeldurr is hurt by Garchomp's Rough Skin!


Garchomp used Outrage!

The opposing Conkeldurr lost 36% of its health!


The opposing Conkeldurr fainted!


Garchomp's rampage ended!

Garchomp became confused!


blue1995 sent out Venusaur!

Turn 25


Garchomp is confused!


Garchomp used Outrage!

The opposing Venusaur lost 100% of its health!


The opposing Venusaur fainted!


blue1995 sent out Gliscor!

Turn 26


The opposing Gliscor used Protect!

The opposing Gliscor protected itself!

Garchomp is confused!

It hurt itself in its confusion!


Garchomp fainted!


The opposing Gliscor restored HP using its Leftovers!


Go! Bronzong!

Turn 27

blue1995: 1vs1


The opposing Gliscor used Cross Poison!

It doesn't affect Bronzong...


Bronzong used Earthquake!

It doesn't affect the opposing Gliscor...


The opposing Gliscor restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 28


The opposing Gliscor used Earthquake!

It doesn't affect Bronzong...


Bronzong used Reflect!

Reflect raised your team's Defense!


The opposing Gliscor restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 29

White-Mirko-Kyurem: vediamo come finiscce


The opposing Gliscor used Protect!

The opposing Gliscor protected itself!


Bronzong used Light Screen!

Light Screen raised your team's Special Defense!


The opposing Gliscor restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 30


Bronzong used Protect!

Bronzong protected itself!


The opposing Gliscor used Toxic!

Bronzong protected itself!


The opposing Gliscor restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 31

blue1995: non possiamo toccarci!


Bronzong used Protect!

But it failed!


The opposing Gliscor used Toxic!

Bronzong avoided the attack!


The opposing Gliscor restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 32


Bronzong used Protect!

Bronzong protected itself!


The opposing Gliscor used Toxic!

Bronzong protected itself!


The opposing Gliscor restored HP using its Leftovers!

Your team's Reflect wore off!

Turn 33


Bronzong used Protect!

But it failed!


The opposing Gliscor used Toxic!

But it failed!


The opposing Gliscor restored HP using its Leftovers!

Your team's Light Screen wore off!

Turn 34

artemisia joined.


The opposing Gliscor used Toxic!

But it failed!


Bronzong used Reflect!

Reflect raised your team's Defense!


The opposing Gliscor restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 35

GengarMaster2000: non finirà 

artemisia left.

White-Mirko-Kyurem: finirà  quando nessuno avra pp


The opposing Gliscor used Cross Poison!

It doesn't affect Bronzong...


Bronzong used Reflect!

But it failed!


The opposing Gliscor restored HP using its Leftovers!

Turn 36

White-Mirko-Kyurem: il primo che resta senza pp vincera


The opposing Gliscor used Cross Poison!

It doesn't affect Bronzong...


Bronzong used Reflect!

But it failed!

Turn 37

GengarMaster2000: vinco io allora

blue1995: non è detto perchè c'è anche il contracolpo


The opposing Gliscor used Toxic!

Bronzong avoided the attack!


Bronzong used Light Screen!

Light Screen raised your team's Special Defense!

Turn 38

White-Mirko-Kyurem: è vero

GengarMaster2000: boh vediamo


The opposing Gliscor used Cross Poison!

It doesn't affect Bronzong...


Bronzong used Earthquake!

It doesn't affect the opposing Gliscor...


Your team's Reflect wore off!

Turn 39

White-Mirko-Kyurem: ma le probabilità  sono più a favore del primo che termina i pp


The opposing Gliscor used Cross Poison!

It doesn't affect Bronzong...


Bronzong used Reflect!

Reflect raised your team's Defense!

Turn 40


Bronzong used Protect!

Bronzong protected itself!


The opposing Gliscor used Cross Poison!

It doesn't affect Bronzong...

Turn 41

artemisia joined.


The opposing Gliscor used Cross Poison!

It doesn't affect Bronzong...


Bronzong used Earthquake!

It doesn't affect the opposing Gliscor...


Your team's Light Screen wore off!

Turn 42

artemisia left.


The opposing Gliscor used Toxic!

But it failed!


Bronzong used Light Screen!

Light Screen raised your team's Special Defense!

Turn 43


The opposing Gliscor used Cross Poison!

It doesn't affect Bronzong...


Bronzong used Earthquake!

It doesn't affect the opposing Gliscor...


Your team's Reflect wore off!

Turn 44


The opposing Gliscor used Toxic!

But it failed!


Bronzong used Reflect!

Reflect raised your team's Defense!

Turn 45


The opposing Gliscor used Toxic!

But it failed!


Bronzong used Earthquake!

It doesn't affect the opposing Gliscor...

Turn 46


The opposing Gliscor used Toxic!

But it failed!


Bronzong used Reflect!

But it failed!


Your team's Light Screen wore off!

Turn 47


The opposing Gliscor used Toxic!

But it failed!


Bronzong used Reflect!

But it failed!

Turn 48


The opposing Gliscor used Toxic!

But it failed!


Bronzong used Light Screen!

Light Screen raised your team's Special Defense!


Your team's Reflect wore off!

Turn 49


The opposing Gliscor used Toxic!

But it failed!


Bronzong used Reflect!

Reflect raised your team's Defense!

Turn 50

artemisia joined.


The opposing Gliscor used Toxic!

But it failed!


Bronzong used Earthquake!

It doesn't affect the opposing Gliscor...

Turn 51

blue1995: è la lotta pi lunga della mia vita


The opposing Gliscor used Toxic!

But it failed!


Bronzong used Earthquake!

It doesn't affect the opposing Gliscor...

Turn 52

GengarMaster2000: vale anche per me


The opposing Gliscor used Toxic!

But it failed!


Bronzong used Earthquake!

It doesn't affect the opposing Gliscor...


Your team's Light Screen wore off!

Turn 53


The opposing Gliscor used Cross Poison!

It doesn't affect Bronzong...


Bronzong used Light Screen!

Light Screen raised your team's Special Defense!


Your team's Reflect wore off!

Turn 54


The opposing Gliscor used Cross Poison!

It doesn't affect Bronzong...


Bronzong used Reflect!

Reflect raised your team's Defense!

Turn 55

artemisia left.


The opposing Gliscor used Cross Poison!

It doesn't affect Bronzong...


Bronzong used Earthquake!

It doesn't affect the opposing Gliscor...

Turn 56

White-Mirko-Kyurem: due pokemon ognuno con 4 mosse che sono inefficaci contro l'altro


Bronzong used Protect!

Bronzong protected itself!


The opposing Gliscor used Cross Poison!

It doesn't affect Bronzong...

Turn 57

GengarMaster2000: lol

White-Mirko-Kyurem: dopo mettetela su millennium lol


Bronzong used Protect!

But it failed!


The opposing Gliscor used Cross Poison!

It doesn't affect Bronzong...


Your team's Light Screen wore off!

Turn 58


The opposing Gliscor used Cross Poison!

It doesn't affect Bronzong...


Bronzong used Light Screen!

Light Screen raised your team's Special Defense!


Your team's Reflect wore off!

Turn 59


The opposing Gliscor used Cross Poison!

It doesn't affect Bronzong...


Bronzong used Reflect!

Reflect raised your team's Defense!


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