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Teorie sulla mappa di Alola, nuovi Pokémon e megaevoluzioni in Pokémon Sole e Luna

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Adesso, Frogadiersu ha scritto:

Se deve essere malvagio diventa Buio-Lotta, il Tupo Buio si chiama Malvagio in originale...
Se diventasse uno spettro vuol dire che sarebbe legato alla morte e non alla malvagità! ^^
In poche parole per diventare Spettro-Lotta dovrebbe praticamente morire! XD 

non fa una grinza il tuo discorso!!! una evo tipo cosi mi piacerebbe


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1 minuto fa, Keeper of the Seven Keys ha scritto:

La cosa certa è che presso la scuola Allenatori di turno ci saranno molti Pedopoké,

Beh anche Drampa è fissato coi bambini perciò faranno a gare fra lui e PedoPandaBear! XD 


Adesso, 31AnniPokemon ha scritto:

ahahahha vabbe dai ci starebbe ahahahha boo vedemo cosa succede abbiamo tanti pokemon rilevati e poke evo mostrate

Sì, praticamente solo Charjabug e Vikavolt...

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Una cosa che mi spiace un po' è il fatto che a quanto pare il personaggio di sesso opposto al nostro questa volta non sarà in alcun modo presente nel gioco, soprattutto considerando che Hau prende pure lo starter svantaggiato e non so se lo starter rimanente andrà a Lylia.

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Nuovi presunti leak da 4chan per chi li vuole, potrebbero essere solo una trollata


Will keep my identity unknown so I don't get taken to court... but:

Kecleon has an "Ability 2" called False Colors.

There is a Chocolate Pokemon that almost looks like Ditto, with Gooey ability. Alola residents report that its edible, but Trainers that get a taste of its body no
longer desire to eat.

Pancham has a split evolution line. At level 32 it can evolve into Pangoro with a Dark type in your party, or you can evolve it into Pancare
at level 32 by trading it with any Pokemon that has False Colors ability. At the moment only 2 of them have it that I can recall, a little fairy and Kecleon.

Synchro Evolution enables certain Pokemon to use a special 5th move during battle. This move is interchangable, and STAB benefited. Not every Pokemon has a Synchro Move.
Example's of this I've seen were Electric Beam Pikachu and Monster Ball Snorlax.

Synchro Mega Evolution (SME) is when your Pokemon bonds with both Synchro Gem + Mega Stone, enabling them to Mega Evolve and use their special 5th move. Example's of
this I've seen were Sludge Wave Gengar, Draco Meteor Ampharos, and Seed Flare Venusaur.




There are 17 new mega evolutions. Six of them will be revealed in the September issue of Corocoro (Greninja, Hydreigon, Weavile, Slowking, Bellossom, & Golurk) whilst
2 of them will be revealed at this year's World's ceremony (Mega Lanturn, exclusive to Moon, and Mega Sunflora, exclusive to Sun).

No Kalos post game, and no new eeveelutions.

Pokemon Kanaka is a feature that allows you to traverse through a particular island quicker using a Tauros, Arcanine, Scolipede, Stoutland, Rhyhorn, Donphan, and Gogoat.

Several Pokemon have surfing models, including Sharpedo + Wailord.

Soaring makes a return but is limited to only both Lati's + Rayquaza.



S.S. Constellation helps us to traverse to different islands. Post-game we can board it to go to the Kalola District, where strong trainers + a battle maison await us.
On this particular island there is a Statue of a huge man (AZ) that visited Alola before.

Eternal Flower Floette will be an event Pokemon and triggered to battle in-game through an event item.

Tapu Koko is Electric/Fairy type and the guardian of Melemele Island, it's ability Electric Surge creates an Electric Terrain on the battlefield.
Tapu Coalo Fire/Fairy type and the guardian of Ula Ula Island, it's ability Humid Surge creates a field of small embers, This Pokemon was depicted in XY from
the Strange Souvenir item.
Tapu Milo Fairy/Flying type and the guardian of Akala Island Pixie Surge, creates a Misty Terrain
Tapu Lolo is Grass/Fairy and the guardian of Oma Oma Island, Grassy Surge creates a Grassy Terrain
Magearna is Steel/Fairy and the guardian of Opuni Puni Island, an articial island that an ancient civilization created. Magearna only appears on this island through scanning
it's event QR code, which will be released WW for 30 days day of launch.

If you place all 5 guardians in your party in a particular order, they will fuse to make a new legendary called Gigareki, a Ghost/Rock type with Bulletproof ability and monstrous

Marshadow is has a unique Normal/Ghost typing. Although it lives in the sea (and is clearly a dolphin), it's not water type. When the Sun and Moon cross at a certain point
of the year, they cast a brilliant shadow on the huge waters of Alola. It's depicted as the Emissary of the Sea.

July 17th a video will be released showcasing Synchro Mega Volcanion, which can only be obtained in S/M.


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Il fatto che il tizio abbia puntualizzato quanto visto nel trailer di oggi non mi fa ben sperare. Anche se qualcosa (nel caso avesse sparato cose a caso) la potrebbe indovinare. Una cosa che mette in dubbio quanto detto sulle Mega in SL proviene dalla puntata del 3 aprile dove masuda disse scherzandò che avremmo avuto più di 10 pokemon. Chiesero anche se ci fossero state nuove mega e lui non rispose... non so voi ma ho paura di perdere le Mega, a me piacciono...

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Ma non è questione di gusti

-Magearna non ha niente a che vedere coi Totem e per il leaker è uno dei cinque guardiani

-per evocare il grande guardiano di Alola servono tutti e cinque o guardiani del gioco

-ha visto solo poche mosse synchro ma giustamente sa già quali pokemon avranno la cavalcabilità e quali no su 800+ bestie

-cerca di rendersi verosimile "leakando" postumo l'assenza di eevolution

-la Battle Maison di nuovo nel post lega non ci credo manco se lo vedo

-Pancham ha un'evoluzione legata a Kecleon che con lui non c'entra nulla

-Keckleon con un'altra abilità dopo che con Mutatipo è cambiato del tutto

-Mega che possono preformare anche la quinta mossa, quindi inutile


Ecc ecc

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1 ora fa, Venom85 ha scritto:

Nuovi presunti leak da 4chan per chi li vuole, potrebbero essere solo una trollata

  Nascondi contenuto

Will keep my identity unknown so I don't get taken to court... but:

Kecleon has an "Ability 2" called False Colors.

There is a Chocolate Pokemon that almost looks like Ditto, with Gooey ability. Alola residents report that its edible, but Trainers that get a taste of its body no
longer desire to eat.

Pancham has a split evolution line. At level 32 it can evolve into Pangoro with a Dark type in your party, or you can evolve it into Pancare
at level 32 by trading it with any Pokemon that has False Colors ability. At the moment only 2 of them have it that I can recall, a little fairy and Kecleon.

Synchro Evolution enables certain Pokemon to use a special 5th move during battle. This move is interchangable, and STAB benefited. Not every Pokemon has a Synchro Move.
Example's of this I've seen were Electric Beam Pikachu and Monster Ball Snorlax.

Synchro Mega Evolution (SME) is when your Pokemon bonds with both Synchro Gem + Mega Stone, enabling them to Mega Evolve and use their special 5th move. Example's of
this I've seen were Sludge Wave Gengar, Draco Meteor Ampharos, and Seed Flare Venusaur.




There are 17 new mega evolutions. Six of them will be revealed in the September issue of Corocoro (Greninja, Hydreigon, Weavile, Slowking, Bellossom, & Golurk) whilst
2 of them will be revealed at this year's World's ceremony (Mega Lanturn, exclusive to Moon, and Mega Sunflora, exclusive to Sun).

No Kalos post game, and no new eeveelutions.

Pokemon Kanaka is a feature that allows you to traverse through a particular island quicker using a Tauros, Arcanine, Scolipede, Stoutland, Rhyhorn, Donphan, and Gogoat.

Several Pokemon have surfing models, including Sharpedo + Wailord.

Soaring makes a return but is limited to only both Lati's + Rayquaza.



S.S. Constellation helps us to traverse to different islands. Post-game we can board it to go to the Kalola District, where strong trainers + a battle maison await us.
On this particular island there is a Statue of a huge man (AZ) that visited Alola before.

Eternal Flower Floette will be an event Pokemon and triggered to battle in-game through an event item.

Tapu Koko is Electric/Fairy type and the guardian of Melemele Island, it's ability Electric Surge creates an Electric Terrain on the battlefield.
Tapu Coalo Fire/Fairy type and the guardian of Ula Ula Island, it's ability Humid Surge creates a field of small embers, This Pokemon was depicted in XY from
the Strange Souvenir item.
Tapu Milo Fairy/Flying type and the guardian of Akala Island Pixie Surge, creates a Misty Terrain
Tapu Lolo is Grass/Fairy and the guardian of Oma Oma Island, Grassy Surge creates a Grassy Terrain
Magearna is Steel/Fairy and the guardian of Opuni Puni Island, an articial island that an ancient civilization created. Magearna only appears on this island through scanning
it's event QR code, which will be released WW for 30 days day of launch.

If you place all 5 guardians in your party in a particular order, they will fuse to make a new legendary called Gigareki, a Ghost/Rock type with Bulletproof ability and monstrous

Marshadow is has a unique Normal/Ghost typing. Although it lives in the sea (and is clearly a dolphin), it's not water type. When the Sun and Moon cross at a certain point
of the year, they cast a brilliant shadow on the huge waters of Alola. It's depicted as the Emissary of the Sea.

July 17th a video will be released showcasing Synchro Mega Volcanion, which can only be obtained in S/M.


Sembrano plausibili, anche per il modo in cui sono scritti ma





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Non c'è alcun modo che quest'ultimo leak sia vero. In primo luogo perché un'altra fonte diversa da quella che ha mandato in preda al panico tutti, dovrebbe leakare informazioni palesemente copiate dal trailer? Sarebbe spuntato fuori prima se fosse stato un vero leak.

In secondo luogo non ci voglio credere perché questa fonte non si é minimamente sforzata di rendere la soffiata credibile.


E Serpeverde perde 20 punti. Ritenta e sarai più fortunato.


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6 ore fa, -Snow ha scritto:

Mancano 2 giorni al film di Volcanion in Jp, chissà cosa faranno vedere dopo il film, l'anno scorso mi ricordo che avevano fatto vedere Zygarde nucleo e il web impazzì

Già infatti vedremo se mostrano un nuovo trailer dopo la proiezione


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6 ore fa, Venom85 ha scritto:

Nuovi presunti leak da 4chan per chi li vuole, potrebbero essere solo una trollata

  Nascondi contenuto

Will keep my identity unknown so I don't get taken to court... but:

Kecleon has an "Ability 2" called False Colors.

There is a Chocolate Pokemon that almost looks like Ditto, with Gooey ability. Alola residents report that its edible, but Trainers that get a taste of its body no
longer desire to eat.

Pancham has a split evolution line. At level 32 it can evolve into Pangoro with a Dark type in your party, or you can evolve it into Pancare
at level 32 by trading it with any Pokemon that has False Colors ability. At the moment only 2 of them have it that I can recall, a little fairy and Kecleon.

Synchro Evolution enables certain Pokemon to use a special 5th move during battle. This move is interchangable, and STAB benefited. Not every Pokemon has a Synchro Move.
Example's of this I've seen were Electric Beam Pikachu and Monster Ball Snorlax.

Synchro Mega Evolution (SME) is when your Pokemon bonds with both Synchro Gem + Mega Stone, enabling them to Mega Evolve and use their special 5th move. Example's of
this I've seen were Sludge Wave Gengar, Draco Meteor Ampharos, and Seed Flare Venusaur.




There are 17 new mega evolutions. Six of them will be revealed in the September issue of Corocoro (Greninja, Hydreigon, Weavile, Slowking, Bellossom, & Golurk) whilst
2 of them will be revealed at this year's World's ceremony (Mega Lanturn, exclusive to Moon, and Mega Sunflora, exclusive to Sun).

No Kalos post game, and no new eeveelutions.

Pokemon Kanaka is a feature that allows you to traverse through a particular island quicker using a Tauros, Arcanine, Scolipede, Stoutland, Rhyhorn, Donphan, and Gogoat.

Several Pokemon have surfing models, including Sharpedo + Wailord.

Soaring makes a return but is limited to only both Lati's + Rayquaza.



S.S. Constellation helps us to traverse to different islands. Post-game we can board it to go to the Kalola District, where strong trainers + a battle maison await us.
On this particular island there is a Statue of a huge man (AZ) that visited Alola before.

Eternal Flower Floette will be an event Pokemon and triggered to battle in-game through an event item.

Tapu Koko is Electric/Fairy type and the guardian of Melemele Island, it's ability Electric Surge creates an Electric Terrain on the battlefield.
Tapu Coalo Fire/Fairy type and the guardian of Ula Ula Island, it's ability Humid Surge creates a field of small embers, This Pokemon was depicted in XY from
the Strange Souvenir item.
Tapu Milo Fairy/Flying type and the guardian of Akala Island Pixie Surge, creates a Misty Terrain
Tapu Lolo is Grass/Fairy and the guardian of Oma Oma Island, Grassy Surge creates a Grassy Terrain
Magearna is Steel/Fairy and the guardian of Opuni Puni Island, an articial island that an ancient civilization created. Magearna only appears on this island through scanning
it's event QR code, which will be released WW for 30 days day of launch.

If you place all 5 guardians in your party in a particular order, they will fuse to make a new legendary called Gigareki, a Ghost/Rock type with Bulletproof ability and monstrous

Marshadow is has a unique Normal/Ghost typing. Although it lives in the sea (and is clearly a dolphin), it's not water type. When the Sun and Moon cross at a certain point
of the year, they cast a brilliant shadow on the huge waters of Alola. It's depicted as the Emissary of the Sea.

July 17th a video will be released showcasing Synchro Mega Volcanion, which can only be obtained in S/M.


Concordo su una marea di boiate.... mmmh Normal ghost? Un delfino? Le mega evoluzioni di greninja? Magearna come guardiano? mmmmh.... non so non mi convice molto

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Adesso, MoonlightUmbreon ha scritto:

Già infatti vedremo se mostrano un nuovo trailer dopo la proiezione

Se ci fanno vedere Marshadow una buona parte del leak cinese potrebbe essere vero... 

Ma Volcanion ha una forma alternativa che si vedrà nel film o proprio non ce l'ha? In quanto ha statistiche bassine eh

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6 ore fa, Willinskie ha scritto:

Concordo su una marea di boiate.... mmmh Normal ghost? Un delfino? Le mega evoluzioni di greninja? Magearna come guardiano? mmmmh.... non so non mi convice molto

Anche a me non convince molto comunque ti ho mandato un mp

6 ore fa, -Snow ha scritto:

Se ci fanno vedere Marshadow una buona parte del leak cinese potrebbe essere vero... 

Ma Volcanion ha una forma alternativa che si vedrà nel film o proprio non ce l'ha? In quanto ha statistiche bassine eh

Speriamo che volcanion abbia un potenziamento di sorta altrimenti diancie e hoopa lo arano senza pietà

6 ore fa, -Snow ha scritto:

Se ci fanno vedere Marshadow una buona parte del leak cinese potrebbe essere vero... 

Ma Volcanion ha una forma alternativa che si vedrà nel film o proprio non ce l'ha? In quanto ha statistiche bassine eh

Beh però anche la rivelazione di marshadow confermerebbe unicamente quella parte, e c'è parecchia roba da passare al microscopio


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