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Si beh, è una delle (poche) cose fighe della loro discografia, in effetti :D

A me invece piacciono molto come gruppo, e Master of the Wind è solo una delle tante canzoni che preferisco della loro discografia. ;)


A me invece piacciono molto come gruppo, e Master of the Wind è solo una delle tante canzoni che preferisco della loro discografia. ;)

Io ho provato ad ascoltarli, ma puntualmente mi annoiavo. In ambito Epic, i Virgin Steele dettano legge.

Uno dei pochi meriti che riconosco ai Manowar, però, è un'invidiabile coerenza e una fedeltà  assoluta al genere. Oltre ad aver scritto Achilles, che musicalmente mi lascia indifferente, ma ha un gran bel testo


Io ho provato ad ascoltarli, ma puntualmente mi annoiavo. In ambito Epic, i Virgin Steele dettano legge.

Uno dei pochi meriti che riconosco ai Manowar, però, è un'invidiabile coerenza e una fedeltà  assoluta al genere. Oltre ad aver scritto Achilles, che musicalmente mi lascia indifferente, ma ha un gran bel testo

Anche a me annoiavano all'inizio, ma una volta "capiti" me ne sono innamorata. Specialmente della voce di Eric Adams. :)

You're guilty all the same,

Too sick to be ashamed.

You want to point your finger,

But there's no one else to blame.


[Linkin Park - Guilty All The Same]


Anche a me annoiavano all'inizio, ma una volta "capiti" me ne sono innamorata. Specialmente della voce di Eric Adams. :)

Adams non è male, e neppure Ross... Ma deMaio andrebbe gambizzato


Pochi versi spaiati che fanno pensare...


Non è la fede che ha cambiato la mia vita, ma l'inchiostro 
che guida le mie dita, la mia mano, il polso. 


Solo l'inchiostro cavalca il mio stato d'animo, 

chiamalo Ippotalamo, 
lo immagino magico tipo Dynamo 
altro che Freud, un foglio bianco, 
per volare alto lo marchio come le ali di un Albatros. 


Vado dagli Appennini alle Ande, 

nello zaino i miei pennini e le carte, 
dormo nella tenda come uno scout, 
scrivo appunti in un diario senza web lay-out.


Il luogo non è molto distante, 

l'inchiostro scorre al posto del sangue, 
basta una penna e rido come fa un clown, 
a volte la felicità  costa meno di un pound. stanza si accende, è quasi mattino, 

c'è sempre una penna sul comodino. 


Caparezza - China Town


P.S. Vi sputo in un occhio se pensate che parli di Ciaina Town  :asduj1: <3


I have been caught in this cage of despair

My heart as monk's cell - so empty and bear

But no holy water can make me forget you again


Time's telling to say farewell                            no farewell

but i knew that I would fight hell                    could be the

and I know: we will                                         last one

Go for another time we can see                       if you 

in another time we'll be free                            long

for no more farewell                                        to meet again





[Avantasia - Farewell]


We should bring salvation, Oh...

not give in to his temptation – no! What have I done?

Read and preach the holy world I have been led by the smelling one,

and no forbidden lies that hurt. Lucifer - fallen light

I remember words of “seven†Tell me stranger:

Set me free – sanity! what have I done?

What is going on?!

Reach out for the light

Far beyond confines

You have read the magic lines

Leading to the light

In your mind...

Avantasia - Reach out for the light


Perché fare roba nuova se la gente già  t'adora

E alla fine si innamora solo della novità 

Quasi come se dicessero sei vecchio, fuori moda

Questa roba non funziona se la fanno alla tua età 


Ho pagato sono uscito come al bar

La penale coi risparmi di una vita

Al prezzo della libertà 


Avevo chiuso in pari e mi chiedevo ma che senso ha

Allora perché non sei morto giovane vent'anni fa.


When you walk away, I count the steps that you take, do you see how much I need you right now? When you're gone...

-Avril Lavigne


Sucking too hard on your lollipop

Oh, love's gonna get you down

Say love, say love

Oh, love's gonna get you down


Sucking too hard on your lollipop

Oh, love's gonna get you down

Say love, say love

Oh, love's gonna get you down

awww *.*

Take me to the magic of the moment on a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow share their dreams with you and me
Take me to the magic of the moment on a glory night
Where the children of tomorrow dream away in the wind of change


Scorpions - Wind of Change


When you walk away, I count the steps that you take, do you see how much I need you right now? When you're gone...

-Avril Lavigne


I always needed time on my own, I nevet thought I'd, need you there when I cried...

Sempre Avril Lavigne - When you're gone


I close my eyes and dream about a sunny holiday

I wish that I was beachin' down on Saint Tropez

Or sitting in the lobby at the fabulous Pierre

With diamonds on my fingers and not a single care

Instead I'm on the Avenue where nobody goes

With fields of green that wilted like a last summer rose

Some people call it paradise but I call it pain

Baby, take me anywhere but not here again

Stuck-caro Emerald


Mah, tra tutti i cantanti/band che ascolto ce ne sono tante che mi colpiscono, ma principalmente dei Mumford, Hozier o di Bon Iver. Ultimamente amo questa frase btw, mi ci è voluto un po' per capirla appieno, ma una volta compresa mi ci sono rispecchiato assai:


"If only I had an enemy bigger than my apathy I could have won" - I Gave you all, Mumford & Sons


È la natura umana: il più grande cacciatore

Sopravviverà  su tutti

Senza nessuno da amare.

Muse-The Globalist


Big girls cry when their hearts are breaking

Big girls cry~ Sia

Yesterday is gone and you'll be Ok

Place your past into a book

Burn the pages let them cook

Burn the pages~ Sia

Torna nel tuo paese sei diverso

Impossibile, vengo dall'Universo!

Io vengo dalla Luna~ Caparezza

Per tutta la vita

andare avanti

cercare i tuoi occhi

negli occhi degli altri

Per tutta la vita~ Noemi

I feel

emotional landscapes

they puzzle me

Joga~ Bjork


Voices are calling, from somewhere below...

Melting on the eastern shore...

Rain is falling down on me,

been waiting for eternity...

I'll be there!!


Freedom for us all!


By the moonlight there's way... For rebellion!

Here the world has gone astray... Revolution!

Now the time has come to pray: Halleluja!

Deep inside our minds we wait... For rebellion!

Here in Dreamland we will not obey the masters!
[Gamma Ray - Rebellion in Dreamland]


High above, at the edge of the world
we're searching for glory and peace.
When the time has come, you will see
our return to the Land of the free!!

[Gamma Ray - Land of the free]


Before you know the crime it's all too late
[iron Maiden - Out of the silent planet]


As we kill them all so God will know his own,
the innocents die for the Pope on his throne.
Catholic greed and his paranoid zeal,
Curse of the Grail and the blood of the Cross!

Templar believers with blood in their hands
joined the chorus to kill on command.
Burned at the stake for their souls' liberty,
still burning heretics under our skies!

As we kill them all so God will know his own,
laugh at the darkness, and in God we trust!
The Eye in the Triangle smilin' with sin,
no passover feast for the curse within!

Facing the sun as they went to their graves,
burn like a dog or you'll live like a slave.
Death is the price for your soul's liberty,
to stay with the Cathars, to die and be free!

At the gates, at the walls of Montsegur!
Blood on the stones of the citadel!!

[iron Maiden - Montsegur]


By the flicking of my thumbs,
something wicked this way comes

[bruce Dickinson - Book of Thel]


Conjuring the ghost of Cain,
He won't left you fall again!
Return your soul to sleep again,
conjuring the ghost of Cain!

[bruce Dickinson - Ghost of Cain]


The road to Hell is full of good intentions.
Say farewell: we will never meet again!

[bruce Dickinson - Road to Hell]


People are in big confusion,

they don't like their constitutions,

every day the draw conclusions

and they're still prepared... for what?

Some can say what's ineffective

and make up themselves attractive

build up things they call "protective"

well, your life seems quite... bizarre!

In the sky a mighty eagle

doesn't care of what's illegal

on its wings' the rainbow's light,

and flies into eternity.

Eagle fly free,

let people see:

just make it on your way!

Leave time behind,

follow the sign:

together we'll fly someday!

Hey, we'll be so supersonic

and we make our bombs atomic,

or the better quite neutronic,

but the poors don't see a dime

Nowadays the air's polluted,

ancient people persecuted:

that's what mankind contributed

to create a "better time"

Helloween - Eagle fly free (1987)

All those years I've travelled around this world

now I am standing here

to make you sing these tunes and know

they'll never let you go!

We've got the power, we are divine,

we have the guts to follow the sign.

Extracting tension from forces unknown:

we are the ones to cover the throne!

Helloween - Power (1996)

Resurrecting Paradise, cry for freedom!

Killing pain, a million lies:

dethrone Tyranny!

Gamma Ray - Dethrone Tyranny (2001)

There's something wrong with the world today,

only the people that are fighting for

a better place in the world today,

they don't believe they've gone too far,

they're falling down!

By moonlight there's a way... For rebellion!

Here the world has gone astray... Revolution!

Now the time has come to pray: Hallelujah!

Deep inside our minds we wait... For rebellion!

Here in Dreamland we will not obey the Masters!

Gamma Ray - Rebellion in Dreamland (1995)

Out in the cold, so long forgotten

leaving the past behind.

So timeless we're here, and we will reappear

to find God!

From the Land of Make-Believe

comes the faith of the unbeliever,

and the eyes of God have turn away

from Avalon!

And belief is the Holy Grail

of the fool and the mass deceiver

turning good into evil deeds, so rise

from Avalon!

Gamma Ray - Avalon (2014)

And as they search to find

the bodies in the sand

they find it’s ashes that are

scattered across the land.

And as their spirits seem

to whistle on the wind

a shot is fired somewhere

another war begins!

And all because of it you’d think

that we would learn,

but still the body count

the city fires burn.

Somewhere there’s someone dying

in a foreign land:

meanwhile the world is crying

stupidity of man

Tell me why, tell me why

Iron Maiden - For the greater good of God (2006)


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