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Post raccomandati

18 ore fa, Keeper of the Seven Keys ha scritto:

@Jambojet. visto che apprezzavi l'accoppiata Pirati + Metal :D 


"My last words? Ha ha!! Who do you think you are?!
What right have you to judge over my destiny?!
Take your pompous words and stick 'em where the sun don't shine
I swear we'll meet again, bye"

Dite questo di me al mio funerale :')

Inviato (modificato)
5 ore fa, Jambojet. ha scritto:

"My last words? Ha ha!! Who do you think you are?!
What right have you to judge over my destiny?!
Take your pompous words and stick 'em where the sun don't shine
I swear we'll meet again, bye"

Dite questo di me al mio funerale :')

E poi inizia una parte magnifica!




Modificato da Keeper of the Seven Keys
Guest Ravenblack


So già che mi fisserò con questa canzone. 


You got your change going down the rain... you're dumping!

The catch of the century!


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