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Che pokemon sei?


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Dal Pokédex di Rubino: "Milotic is said to be the most beautiful of all the Pokémon. It has the power to becalm such emotions as anger and hostility to quell bitter feuding."

Dal Pokédex di Rosso Fuoco e Verde Foglia: "Milotic is breathtakingly beautiful. Those that see it are said to forget their combative spirits."

Dal Pokédex di Perla: "It is the world's most beautiful Pokémon. There are many works of art featuring Milotic."


Da Bulbapedia: "Milotic may be a combination of aquatic or melodic and Milo (as in the sculpture Venus de Milo, which is known for being an example of beauty and, like Milotic, possesses no arms). It may also involve mitotic (the healing process of a body part through mitosis), as Milotic has a wide range of healing and defensive moves.


Potrà  non piacere a tutti, è una questione soggettiva, ma è oggettivamente riconosciuto come il Pokemon bello per eccellenza :innocent:

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Sono Sunflora. Mortacci vostra.

Mia sorella è una Spheal. Mio padre un Linoone. Mia madre una Furret (che coppia azzeccata però).

Mio nonno uno Scrafty (e per la pelle è giustissimo).


Siamo stati adottati, mo vado a svegliare mio padre urlando

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