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Hi ^^


hai fatto un FF? *^*

ci sto lavorando eeeeeed...è in inglese *badabm-tss*


ti dò il primo chap, la Fanfic si chiama Ellen * Magica A Gunshot to the Truth 


A ray of light entered trough the glassless window of the abandoned flat,meeting the ruby irises of a black-haired girl who was laying on her bed,made only of a mattress,a pillow and a blanket.

Still sleepy and not totally awake,Ellen’s brain could barely think :â€It’s morning. I’m hungryâ€.

She sat for a minute on her bed sheets,the morning breeze caressing her semi-nude body was giving her the chills and a complete mental awakeness.

She quickly dressed up with her school uniform,a pair of clean black stockings and had breakfast with the bread and butter she bought the day before at the grocery store.

Quickly,she took her schoolbag and went down the falling stairs.

It’s been a week since she escaped from her parents,now she was alone.

Before she was rich and now she was poor,but you know, “Better alone that with bad companyâ€.

Her parents weren’t loving people.

When they got out,they were smiling and joyful,they seemed to love each other very much.

All lies:Ellen’s father was a buisnessman and her mother had no job at all;in fact,he maybe married her just for sex,while she…well,for she,money was everything.

Her father wasn’t at home for long time periods,but her mother was always at home,always frustrated beacuse she had a girl instead of a boy. Abortion wasn’t in thought:that wouldn’t have been good for their image.

Her mother was a monster.

And she had bruises to prove it.

She tried to avoid the thoughts of her parents and focusing on the road to the school,barely keeping away the tears. Instinctively,her hand got to her right ear,only to found her red thunder-shaped earring,he only thing she kept from her jailbreak:too pretty to be left in such a bad place.

Surely,the people there were terrible…but the food was delicious!

"Urgh…how I’d love an omelette with cheese…no,stop thinking about food! Damn it… how can I break for just an omelette?! Uff…" and she kicked a can on the pavement.

The school was right after the corner. Good.

"Study will keep my mind without thoughts on food."

And she started to run only knowing that if she could last until lunchtime,then she had a steel want.

Ciao candeloro.

Ciao noel.

Ciao Doux

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Ciao candeloro.

Ciao noel.


HI *^*


ci sto lavorando eeeeeed...è in inglese *badabm-tss*


ti dò il primo chap, la Fanfic si chiama Ellen * Magica A Gunshot to the Truth 


A ray of light entered trough the glassless window of the abandoned flat,meeting the ruby irises of a black-haired girl who was laying on her bed,made only of a mattress,a pillow and a blanket.

Still sleepy and not totally awake,Ellen’s brain could barely think :â€It’s morning. I’m hungryâ€.

She sat for a minute on her bed sheets,the morning breeze caressing her semi-nude body was giving her the chills and a complete mental awakeness.

She quickly dressed up with her school uniform,a pair of clean black stockings and had breakfast with the bread and butter she bought the day before at the grocery store.

Quickly,she took her schoolbag and went down the falling stairs.

It’s been a week since she escaped from her parents,now she was alone.

Before she was rich and now she was poor,but you know, “Better alone that with bad companyâ€.

Her parents weren’t loving people.

When they got out,they were smiling and joyful,they seemed to love each other very much.

All lies:Ellen’s father was a buisnessman and her mother had no job at all;in fact,he maybe married her just for sex,while she…well,for she,money was everything.

Her father wasn’t at home for long time periods,but her mother was always at home,always frustrated beacuse she had a girl instead of a boy. Abortion wasn’t in thought:that wouldn’t have been good for their image.

Her mother was a monster.

And she had bruises to prove it.

She tried to avoid the thoughts of her parents and focusing on the road to the school,barely keeping away the tears. Instinctively,her hand got to her right ear,only to found her red thunder-shaped earring,he only thing she kept from her jailbreak:too pretty to be left in such a bad place.

Surely,the people there were terrible…but the food was delicious!

"Urgh…how I’d love an omelette with cheese…no,stop thinking about food! Damn it… how can I break for just an omelette?! Uff…" and she kicked a can on the pavement.

The school was right after the corner. Good.

"Study will keep my mind without thoughts on food."

And she started to run only knowing that if she could last until lunchtime,then she had a steel want.

Ciao Doux


In inglese WOW

Ma non posso darti molti consigli ><

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