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[CHIUSO] Mercatino di Sheldon! FAB, SFAB UT&UC (con proofs!), SFKB, strumenti, megapietre & tanti altri servizi!


Post raccomandati


Mercatino in PAUSA - Gli scambi già accordati verranno effettuati come previsto, per nuovi scambi attendere la riapertura.


Salve a tutti e benvenuti nel mio mercatino qui su Pokémon Millennium.


Qualche info su di me:


IGN: Sheldon - Pokémon X - ID: 38264 - TSV: 1946

IGN: Andrea - Pokémon Zaffiro Alfa - ID: 60318 - TSV: 2909

IGN: Andrea - Pokémon Sole - ID: 848552 - TSV: 3977


NEWMy SVExchange [3977] on RedditCLICK




Prima di fare una richiesta di scambio, assicuratevi di aver già aggiunto il mio codice amico.
Troppe volte si perde tempo per queste piccole dimenticanze.

Grazie mille a tutti per la pazienza.



  • TUTTI i Pokémon proposti sono 100% LEGIT. Non scambio Pokémon non Legit; *
  • Di TUTTI i Pokémon SFAB con il mio AO e ID, nonché quelli schiusi con TSV method, dispongo di proof (schermata RNG, permalink e così via);
  • Tutti coloro che offriranno Pokémon non legit (o comunque con caratteristiche non confacenti alla sua legittimità), avranno la possibilità di rimediare (Errare humanum est!, anche da parte mia ovviamente). Se ciò non avverrà, tali persone possono dimenticarsi di scambiare in futuro con me;
  • Tutti i Pokémon flawless/ 6 IVs / shiny flawless / shiny 6 IVs appartenenti alla VI generazione sono stati ottenuti da me medesimo con TSV abuse;
  • Tutti i Pokémon flawless / 6 IVs / shiny flawless / shiny 6 IVs appartenenti alla VII generazione sono stati ottenuti da me medesimo tramite Masuda (egg switch)/ TSV abuse / RNG abuse
  • Gli IVs sono elencati nell'ordine standard: Hp / Atk / Def / S. Atk / S. Def / Speed;
  • Le offerte potete farle pervenire tranquillamente in questo topic (leggete la sezione Cerco);
  • Le successive trattative verranno discusse esclusivamente via PM;
  • Quando fate la vostra offerta, indicate Natura, Abilità, Moveset, IVs ed eventuali EVs dei Pokémon che offrite;
  • I dati potete farli pervenire via PM. I dati sono essenziali affinché la trattativa vada a buon fine;
  • Tutti i miei Pokémon sono redistribuibili. In caso contrario verrà indicato sul singolo Pokémon;
  • Tutti i miei Pokémon, prima di essere scambiati, saranno clonati;
  • Scambio su cartuccia di VII Generazione e, in casi speciali, in VI Generazione.


*Info sulle clonazioni / EVsamento


Tenendo conto delle richieste di informazione sulle clonazioni pervenutemi, chiarisco qui il metodo di clonazione: non edito in alcun modo il salvataggio. Utilizzo il Save Data Manager per effettuare il cloning del SAV, attraverso l'Homebrew del mio 3DS. Per quanto riguarda l'EVsamento dei Pokémon, uso il classico metodo delle S.O.S. chain in unione ai Vigorstrumenti, oppure sfrutto il Poké Resort. NON UTILIZZO nessun Pokérus hack. Difatti, i miei Pokémon non risulteranno infettati.


Legenda delle sezioni:

  • FAB (Flawless Alola-born);
  • Tapu&more (Tapus, UC, leggendari);
  • SFAB (Shiny Flawless Alola-born;
  • Baby (FAB e SFAB);
  • SFBP (Shiny Flawless Blue Pentagon - Kalos e Hoenn-born);
  • FBP (Flawless Blue Pentagon);
  • SFAB UT&UC (untouched&uncloned) ed Aste Attive
  • Prezzi;
  • Cerco.


Prima sezione: FAB


#003DecidueyePoké BallDecidueye, Careful, Overgrow, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Moveset: Defog, U-turn, Roost, Spirit Shackle, EVs: 252 Hp, 252 Spe, 4 Def

#006 727.png Poké Ball Incineroar, Adamant, Blaze, 31/31/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Fake Out, Flare Blitz, Darkest Lariat, U-turn, EVs: 252 Atk, 220 Hp, 4 Def, 12 SpD, 20 Spe

#009PrimarinaPoké Ball Primarina, Timid, Torrent, 31/x/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Hydro Pump, Moonblast, Psychic, Ice Beam, EVs: 252 SpAtk, 196 Hp, 60 Spe

#012 733MS.pngLevel_Ball_Sprite_Zaino.pngToucannon, Jolly, Skill Link, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Moveset: Drill Peck, Swords Dance, Substitute, Roost, EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 Hp

#016 020-a.png Chic_Ball_Sprite_Zaino.png Raticate-Alola, Jolly, Hustle, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Moveset: Crunch, Return, U-Turn, Switcheroo, EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 SpD

#031185MS.pngLevel_Ball_Sprite_Zaino.png Sudowoodo, Jolly, Sturdy, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Moveset: Sucker Punch, Stone Edge, Wood Hammer, Stealth Rock, EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 Def

#046053-a.png Peso_Ball_Sprite_Zaino.png Persian-Alola, Timid, Fur Coat, 31/x/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Foul Play, Taunt, Parting Shot, Toxic, EVs: 252 Spe, 228 Hp, 28 Def

#051 Alola FormScuro Ball Muk, Adamant, Gluttony, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Moveset: Shadow Sneak, Curse (o Protect), Poison Jab, Knock Off, EVs: 252 Hp, 164 Atk, 44 Def, 44 SpDef

#053ArcanineLevel Ball Arcanine, Adamant, Intimidate, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Moveset: Flamethrower, Will-O-Wisp, Snarl, Protect, EVs: 252 Hp, 92 SpA, 164 Spe

#057297MS.pngLevel_Ball_Sprite_Zaino.png Hariyama, Adamant, Thick Fat 31/31/31/x/31/31, Moveset: Close Combat, Knock Off, Heavy Slam, Fake Out, EVs: 220 Atk, 152 Def, 136 SpD

#065DrifblimLove Ball/Velox Ball Drifblim, Modest, Unburden, 31/31/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Tailwind, Destiny Bond, Shadow Ball, Will-O-Wisp, EVs: 4 Hp, 180 Def, 76 SpA, 236 SpD, 12 Spe

#072 Alola FormRapid Ball Dugtrio, Jolly, Sand Force, 31/31/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Earthquake, Protect, Rock Slide, Iron Head, EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 Def

#084743MS.pngLove_Ball_Sprite_Zaino.png Ribombee, Timid, Shield Dust, 31/x/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Quiver Dance, Psychic, Bug Buzz, Moonblast, EVs: 252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4 SpD

#092GyaradosSub Ball Gyarados, Adamant, Intimidate, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Moveset: Ice Fang, Protect, Waterfall, Dragon Dance, EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 Def

#094340MS.pngSub_Ball_Sprite_Zaino.png Whiscash, Jolly, Hydration, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Moveset: Dragon Dance, Earthquake, Waterfall, Stone Edge, EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 Def

#110746MS.pngSub_Ball_Sprite_Zaino.png Wishiwashi, Quiet, Schooling, 31/31/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Hydro Pump, Ice Beam, Earthquake, Rest, EVs: 252 Spa, 248 Hp, 8 Atk

#116CloysterPeso Ball Cloyster, Jolly, Skill Link, 31/31/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Rock Blast, Toxic Spikes, Shell Smash, Icicle Spear, EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 Def

#133MudsdaleLevel Ball Mudsdale, Adamant, Stamina, 31/31/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Close Combat, Earthquake, Rock Slide, Heavy Slam, EVs: 252 Atk, 204 Spe, 52 Hp

#136040MS.pngLove_Ball_Sprite_Zaino.png Wigglytuff, Timid, Competitive, 31/x/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Focus Blast, Hyper Voice, Protect, Dazzling Gleam, EVs: 252 Spa, 252 Spe, 4 SpD

#137128MS.pngLevel_Ball_Sprite_Zaino.png Tauros, Naive, Sheer Force, 31/31/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Stone Edge, Earthquake, Protect, Zen Headbutt, EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 SpA

#142AraquanidVelox Ball Araquanid, Adamant, Water Bubble, 31/31/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Liquidation, Wide Guard, Protect, Leech Life, EVs: 220 Hp, 248 Atk, 20 Def, 20 Spe

#144LurantisCura Ball Lurantis, Modest, Contrary, 31/x/31/31/31/31, Moveset [NO DEFOG]: Synthesis, Leaf Storm, Aromatherapy, Protect, EVs: 252 Hp, 252 SpA, 4 Spe

#146 ShiinoticMinor Ball Shiinotic, Calm, Rain Dish, 31/x/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Leech Seed, Strenght Sap, Moonblast, Spore, EVs: 252 Hp, 252 SpD, 4 SpA

#151 062MS.pngUC_Ball_Sprite_Zaino.png Poliwrath, Relaxed, Water Absorb, 31/x/31/31/31/31, Moveset : Riposo, Sonnolalia, Protezione, Idrovampata, EVs: 252 Hp, 252 Def, 4 Spe

#164 Alola Form Rete Ball Marowak, Adamant, Lightningrod, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Moveset: Flare Blitz, Shadow Bone, Bonemerang, Protect, EVs: 252 Hp, 244 Atk, 12 Spe

#167126MS.pngRapid_Ball_Sprite_Zaino.png Magmar, Timid, Vital Spirit, 31/31/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Fire Blast, Focus Blast, Protect, Mach Punch, EVs: 252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4 Atk

#170BewearBag_Love_Ball_Sprite.png Bewear, Adamant, Fluffy, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Moveset: Superpower, Return, Ice Punch, Shadow Claw, EVs: 252 Atk, 164 Spe, 92 Hp

#173 TsareenaMinor Ball Tsareena, Adamant, Queenly Majesty, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Moveset: Play Rough, Trop Kick, High Jump Kick, U-turn, EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 SpD

#177766MS.pngMinor_Ball_Sprite_Zaino.png Passimian, Jolly, Receiver, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Moveset: Close Combat, Earthquake, U-turn, Iron Head, EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 SpD

#183 GolisopodRete Ball Golisopod, Adamant, Emergency Exit, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Moveset: Aqua Jet, First Impression, Leech Life, Sucker Punch, EVs: 252 Hp, 252 Atk, 4 SpD

#187PalossandLevel Ball Palossand, Bold, Water Compaction, 31/x/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Amnesia, Shore Up, Earth Power, Shadow Ball, EVs: 252 Hp, 252 Def, 4 SpAtk

#207569MS.pngFriend_Ball_Sprite_Zaino.png Garbodor, Impish, Aftermath, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Moveset: Spikes, Toxic Spikes, Gunk Shot, Toxic, EVs: 252 Hp, 164 Def, 92 SpD

#213MiniorBag_Luxury_Ball_Sprite.png Minior, Jolly, Shields Down, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Moveset: Stealth Rock, Stone Edge, Explosion, U-Turn, EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 Hp

#218Porygon2Poké Ball Porygon2, Sassy, Download, 31/0/31/31/31/0, Moveset: Ice Beam, Tri attack, Recover, Trick Room, EVs: 252 Hp, 84 Def, 172 SpDef

#222775MS.pngPeso_Ball_Sprite_Zaino.png Komala, Careful, Comatose, 31/x/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Bulk Up, Return, Shadow Claw, Wish, EVs: 252 SpD, 248 Hp, 8 Def

#225TogedemaruChic Ball Togedemaru, Jolly, Sturdy, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Moveset: Fake Out, Spiky Shield, Poison Jab, Zing Zap, EVs: 252 Atk, 44 Def, 212 SpD

#225TogedemaruChic Ball Togedemaru, Adamant, Sturdy, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Moveset: Fake Out, Spiky Shield, U-turn, Zing Zap, EVs: 252 Atk, 44 Def, 212 SpD

#225TogedemaruChic Ball Togedemaru, Adamant, Lightningrod, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Moveset: Fake Out, Spiky Shield, Zing Zap, Gyro Ball, EVs: 252 Atk, 44 Def, 196 SpD, 4 Hp, 12 Spe

#225TogedemaruChic Ball Togedemaru, Adamant, Lightningrod, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Moveset: Fake Out, Nuzzle, Zing Zap, Gyro Ball, EVs: 252 Atk, 44 Def, 196 SpD, 4 Hp, 12 Spe

#225TogedemaruChic Ball Togedemaru, Adamant, Lightningrod, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Moveset: Fake Out, Spiky Shield, Zing Zap, Gyro Ball, EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Hp, 4 Def

#240GarchompUC Ball Garchomp, Jolly, Rough Skin, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Moveset: Fire Fang, Rock Slide, Poison Jab, Earthquake, EVs: 252 Spe, 172 Atk, 84 SpD

#242Mimikyu Scuro Ball Mimikyu, Adamant, Disguise, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Moveset: Swords Dance, Play Rough, Shadow Sneak, Will-O-Wisp, EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 Hp

#242Mimikyu Luna Ball Mimikyu, Jolly, Disguise, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Moveset: Destiny Bond, Swords Dance, Shadow Sneak, Play Rough, EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 Def

#244DrampaFriend Ball Drampa, Quiet, Cloud Nine, 31/0/31/31/31/0, EM: Hurricane, Mist, Dragon Rush, EVs: 252 Hp, 252 SpA, 4 Def

#244DrampaPremier Ball Drampa, Quiet, Berserk, 31/0/31/31/31/0, Moveset: Ice Beam, Draco Meteor, Flamethrower, Hyper Voice, EVs: 252 Hp, 252 SpAtk, 4 Def

#252  Alola Form Sub Ball Sandslash (Alola form), Adamant, Slush Rush, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Moveset: Iron Head, Swords Dance, Earthquake, Icicle Crash, EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 SpD

#254  Alola Form Premier Ball Ninetales (Alola form), Timid, Snow Warning, 31/31/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Moonblast, Freeze-Dry, Encore, Aurora Veil, EVs: 252 SpAtk, 252 Spe, 4 SpDef

#261GastrodonLuna Ball Gastrodon, Relaxed, Storm Drain, 31/x/31/31/31/0, Moveset: Scald, Toxic, Recover, Ice Beam, EVs: 252 Hp, 48 Def, 76 SpAtk, 132 SpDef

#263DhelmiseBag_Dive_Ball_Sprite.png Dhelmise, Adamant, Steelworker, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Moveset: Swords Dance, Power Whip, Anchor Shot, Shadow Claw, EVs: 252 Hp, 252 Atk, 4 SpDef

#263DhelmiseBag_Dive_Ball_Sprite.png Dhelmise, Brave, Steelworker, 31/31/31/x/31/0, Moveset: Power Whip, Gyro Ball, Earthquake, Rapid Spin, EVs: 252 Hp, 252 Atk, 4 SpDef

#267321MS.pngSub_Ball_Sprite_Zaino.png Wailord, Calm, Pressure, 31/x/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Substitute, Aqua Ring, Protect, Scald, EVs: 252 SpD, 252 Def, 4 SpA

#283DragonitePoké Ball Dragonite, Adamant, Multiscale, 31/31/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Extreme Speed, Dragon Rush, Protect, Dragon Dance, EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 Def

#xxx112MS.pngPeso_Ball_Sprite_Zaino.png Rhydon, Adamant, Lightningrod, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Moveset: Earthquake, Stone Edge, Rock Slide, Protect, EVs: 200 Atk, 184 Hp, 124 SpD

#xxx MamoswineVelox Ball Mamoswine, Jolly, Oblivious, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Moveset: Earthquake, Stealth Rock, Icicle Crash, Freeze-DryEVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 SpD


Seconda sezione: Tapu&more


#285Tapu KokoRapid Ball Tapu Koko, Timid, Electric Surge, 31/x/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Thunderbolt, Discharge, Dazzling Gleam, Protect, EVs: 252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4 Def

#286Tapu LeleLove Ball Tapu Lele, Modest, Psychic Surge, 31/x/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Psychic, Protect, Energy Ball, Dazzling Gleam, EVs: 164 Hp, 92 Def, 252 SpA

#287Tapu BuluLevel Ball Tapu Bulu (Wolfe Glick's Bulu), Adamant, Grassy Surge, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Moveset: Wood Hammer, Horn Leech, Superpower, Stone Edge, EVs: 252 Hp, 36 Atk, 60 Def, 140 SpD, 20 Spe

#288Tapu FiniUltra Ball Tapu Fini, Calm, Misty Surge, 31/x/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Protect, Moonblast, Scald, Muddy Water, EVs: 252 Hp, 100 Def, 84 SpA, 44 SpD, 28 Spe

#288Tapu FiniUltra Ball Tapu Fini, Timid, Misty Surge, 31/31/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Substitute, Moonblast, Scald, Calm Mind, EVs: 252 Hp, 252 SpA, 4 SpD*

#291SolgaleoTimer Ball Solgaleo, Adamant, Full Metal Body, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Moveset: Sunsteel Strike, Toxic, Flare Blitz, Earthquake, EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 SpD

#292792MS.pngLuna_Ball_Sprite_Zaino.png Lunala, Timid, Shadow Shield, 31/x/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Moongeist Beam, Psyshock, Calm Mind, Ice Beam, EVs: 252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4 Hp*

#294794MS.pngChic_Ball_Sprite_Zaino.png Buzzwole, Jolly, Beast Boost, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Moveset: Lunge, Superpower, Ice Punch, Stone Edge, EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 Def*

#296796MS.pngTimer_Ball_Sprite_Zaino.pngXurkitree, Timid, Beast Boost, 31/31/31/31/31/30, HP Ice, Moveset: Thunderbolt, Hidden Power Ice, Grass Knot, Volt Switch, EVs: 252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4 SpD*

#297 CelesteelaUC Ball Celesteela, Careful, Beast Boost, 31/31/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Heavy Slam, Substitute, Leech Seed, Protect, EVs: 188 Hp, 60 Def, 180 SpD, 76 Spe*

#298KartanaRapid Ball Kartana, Jolly, Beast Boost, 31/31/31/30/31/31, Moveset: Leaf Blade, Sacred Sword, Smart Strike, Protect, EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 Hp

#301MagearnaPregio Ball Magearna, Modest, Soul-Heart, 31/x/31/31/31/31 (Def-Spe tappate), Moveset: Fleur Cannon, Flash Cannon, Aura Sphere, Volt Switch, EVs: 252 SpAtk, 248 Hp, 8 Spe


Terza sezione: SFAB


#003DecidueyePoké Ball Decidueye , Careful, Overgrow, 31/31/x/31/31/31 - SpDef tappata, Moveset: Defog, Leaf Blade, Spirit Shackle, Roost, EVs: 252 Hp, 252 SpDef, 4 Def - Masuda method

#006 727.png Poké Ball Incineroar , Adamant, Blaze, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Moveset: Fake Out, Flare Blitz, Darkest Lariat, U-turn, EVs: 252 Atk, 220 Hp, 4 Def, 12 SpD, 20 Spe* (Assault Vest Incineroar Spread) - Masuda method

#009PrimarinaPoké Ball Primarina , Timid, Torrent, 31/x/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Hydro Pump, Moonblast, Psychic, Ice Beam, EVs: 252 SpAtk, 196 Hp, 60 Spe - Masuda method (Sheldon)

#026 Alola Form Ultra Ball Raichu (Alola form) , Modest, Surge Surfer, 31/31/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Psyshock, Protect, EVs: 252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4 Hp - Scambio (no proof)

#029VikavoltPremier Ball Vikavolt , Bold, Levitate, 31/0/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Electroweb, Thunderbolt, Bug Buzz, Protect, EVs: 252 Hp, 184 Def, 60 SpDef, 12 Spe - RNG abuse

#041PelipperFriend Ball Pelipper , Modest, Drizzle, 31/0/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Tailwind, Scald, Hurricane, Protect, EVs: 252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4 Hp - RNG abuse

#060 CrabominablePremier Ball Crabominable , Brave, Hyper Cutter, 31/31/31/26/31/0, Moveset: Superpower, Crabhammer, Ice Hammer, Earthquake, EVs: 252 Hp, 252 Atk, 4 SpDef - TSV method

#063GengarPeso Ball Gengar , Timid, Cursed Body, 31/0/31/30/31/30, Hp Fire, Moveset: Sludge Bomb, Hidden Power Fire, Shadow Ball, Protect, EVs: 252 SpA, 168 Spe, 84 Hp, 4 SpD - RNG abuse

#070CrobatLove Ball Crobat , Timid, Inner Focus, 31/0/31/0/31/31, Moveset: Venom Drench, Quick Guard, Defog, Taunt, EVs: 252 Hp, 252 Spe, 4 Def - RNG abuse

#078MandibuzzLove Ball Mandibuzz , Impish, Overcoat, 31/31/31/0/31/31, Moveset: Taunt, Roost, Foul Play, Tailwind, EVs: 248 Hp, 136 Def, 108 SpD, 16 Spe - RNG abuse

#100GigalithPeso Ball Gigalith , Brave, Sand Stream, 31/31/31/x/31/0, Moveset: Gravity/Protect, Stealth Rock, Rock Slide, Earthquake, EVs: 252 Hp, 128 Atk, 128 SpD TSV method

#114 ToxapexSub Ball Toxapex , Bold, Regenerator, 31/x/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Haze, Baneful Bunker, Scald, Recover, EVs: 252 Hp, 176 Def, 80 SpD - Masuda method (Sheldon)

#104 Midnight Form Luna_Ball_Sprite_Zaino.png Lycanroc-Midnight , Adamant, No Guard, 31/31/31/0/31/31, Moveset: Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Sucker Punch, Stone Edge, EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 Def - RNG abuse

#156MiloticRete_Ball_Sprite_Zaino.png Milotic , Calm, Competitive, 31/31/31/31/16-29/31 - SpDef tappata, Moveset: Scald, Ice Beam, Recover, Protect, EVs: 252 Hp, 128 Def, 128 SpDef - Masuda method

#156MiloticSub Ball Milotic , Calm, Competitive, 31/0/31/30/31/30Hp Fire, Moveset: Hidden Power Fire, Haze, Scald, ProtectEVs: 244 Hp, 180 Def, 68 SpA, 6 SpD, 12 Spe - RNG abuse

#162SalazzleLuna_Ball_Sprite_Zaino.png Salazzle (Elegance) , Modest, Oblivious, 14/6/31/31/31/29 - IVs tappate, Moveset: Fire Blast, Sludge Bomb, Substitute, Toxic, EVs: 252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4 Def- Reddit GA

#164 Alola Form Luna_Ball_Sprite_Zaino.png Marowak-Alola , Brave, Lightning Rod, 31/31/31/0/31/0, Moveset: Perish Song, Flare Blitz, Shadow Bone, Protect, EVs: 252 Hp, 180 Atk, 4 Def, 72 SpD - RNG abuse

#164 Alola Form Luna_Ball_Sprite_Zaino.png Marowak-Alola , Adamant, Lightning Rod, 31/31/31/0/31/31, Moveset: Perish Song, Flare Blitz, Shadow Bone, Protect, EVs: 252 Hp, 180 Atk, 60 SpD, 12 Spe - RNG abuse

#176OranguruPoké Ball Oranguru , Sassy, Telepathy, 31/31/31/31/31/0, Moveset: Trick Room, Psychic, Instruct, Protect, EVs: 252 Hp, 140 Def, 20 SpAtk, 96 SpDef - Scambio (no proof)

#187PalossandChic Ball Palossand , Quiet, Water Compaction, 31/1/31/31/31/0, HP Ice, Moveset: Shore Up, Giga Drain, Shadow Ball, Earth Power, EVs: 86 Hp, 140 Def, 252 SpA, 32 SpD - RNG abuse

#223 TorkoalRapid Ball Torkoal , Quiet, Drought, 31/3/31/31/31/2, HP Ice, Moveset: Eruption, Hidden Power Ice, Solar Beam, Protect, EVs: 252 Hp, 252 Spa, 4 Def - RNG abuse

#224  776.png Ultra BallTurtonator , Modest, Shell Armor, 31/2/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Shell Trap, Draco Meteor, Focus Blast, Flash Cannon, EVs: 252 Hp, 252 SpAtk, 4 SpDef - TSV method

#231 Alola Form Peso Ball Golem , Brave, Galvanize, 31/31/31/8/31/0, Moveset: Curse, Earthquake, Gyro Ball, Stone Edge, EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 Def - Reddit GA

#234 KrookodileChic Ball Krookodile , Jolly, Intimidate, 31/23/13/14/31/31 - IVs tappate, Moveset: Protect, Taunt, Rock Slide, Earthquake, EVs: 52 Hp, 230 Atk, 44 Def, 180 Spe - Scambio con utente (no proof)

#242MimikyuChic Ball Mimikyu , Jolly, Disguise, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Moveset: Swords Dance, Play Rough, Shadow Sneak, Will-O-Wisp, EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 Hp - Masuda method

#243BruxishFriend Ball Bruxish , Adamant, Dazzling/Strong Jaw, 31/31/31/11/31/31, Moveset: Psychic Fangs, Ice Fang, Poison Fang, Crunch, EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 Hp - RNG abuse

#244DrampaPremier Ball Drampa , Quiet, Berserk, 31/x/31/31/31/0, Moveset: Ice Beam, Draco Meteor, Flamethrower, Hyper Voice, EVs: 252 Hp, 252 SpA, 4 Def Masuda method

#263DhelmiseLevel Ball Dhelmise , Relaxed, Steelworker, 31/31/31/1/31/0, Moveset: Rapid Spin, Power Whip, Gyro Ball, Earthquake, EVs: 252 Hp, 148 Atk, 110 SpDef - Masuda method

#273 Kommo-o  Bis Ball Jangmo-o , Jolly, Bulletproof, 31/31/31/x/31/31, Moveset: Sky Uppercut, Swords Dance, Dragon Claw, Earthquake, EVs: 252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 Def - Masuda method

#xxx MeowsticPremier Ball Meowstic-M , Bold, Prankster, 31/11/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Yawn, Fake Out, Light Screen, Reflect, EVs: 252 Hp, 252 Def, 4 SpD - RNG abuse

#xxxHitmontopDream Ball Hitmontop , Careful, Intimidate, 31/31/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Fake Out, Feint, Close Combat, Quick Guard, EVs: 252 Hp, 252 Atk, 4 Def - RNG abuse

#xxxZoroarkChic Ball Zoroark , Timid, Illusion, 31/0/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Dark Pulse, Flamethrower, Grass Knot, Focus Blast, EVs: 252 SpA, 252 Spe, 4 SpD - RNG abuse

#xxxAmpharosLove Ball Ampharos , Quiet, Static, 31/1/31/31/31/0, Moveset: Thunder, Dragon Pulse, Focus Blast, Protect, EVs: 252 Hp, 44 Def, 96 SpA, 116 SpD - RNG abuse

#xxx DunsparceLove Ball Dunsparce , Careful, Serene Grace, 31/31/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Magic Coat, Headbutt, Rock Slide, Roost - RNG abuse

#xxx ShiftrySafari Ball Shiftry , Quiet, Chlorophyll, 31/31/31/31/31/0, Moveset: Defog, Leech Seed, Dark Pulse, Leaf Storm - RNG abuse

#xxx MagcargoLove Ball Magcargo , Calm, Flame Body, 31/31/31/31/31/31, Moveset: Ancient Power, Recover, Stockpile, Flamethrower - RNG abuse - UNCLONED


Quarta sezione: BABY (FAB e SFAB new born ed UT)




#001RowletPoké BallRowlet, Careful, Overgrow, 31/31/31/x/31/31, EM: Baton Pass, Confuse Ray, Defog, Haze

#004LittenPoké BallLitten, Adamant, Blaze, 31/31/31/31/31/31, EM: Fake Out, Crunch, Heat Wave, Nasty Plot

#007Popplio Poké Ball Popplio, Timid, Torrent, 31/x/31/31/31/31

#052GrowlitheLevel BallGrowlithe, Adamant, Intimidate, 31/31/31/x/31/31, EM: Close Combat, Crunch, Flare Blitz, Morning Sun

#091MagikarpSub Ball Magikarp, Adamant, Swift Swim, 31/31/31/x/31/31

#113Mareanie Sub Ball / Esca Ball Mareanie, Bold, Regenerator, 31/x/31/31/31/31, EM: Haze, Spit Up, Stockpile, Swallow

#113Mareanie Sub Ball / Esca Ball Mareanie, Calm, Regenerator, 31/x/31/31/31/31, EM: Haze, Spit Up, Stockpile, Swallow

#115ShellderPeso Ball Shellder, Jolly, Skill Link, 31/31/31/31/31/31, EM: Rock Blast

#132MudbrayLevel Ball Mudbray, Adamant, Stamina, 31/31/31/31/31/31, EM: Close Combat

#143FomantisCura Ball Fomantis, Modest, Contrary, 31/x/31/31/31/31, EM: Leaf Storm, Aromatherapy, Giga Drain  

#145MorelullMinor BallMorelull, Calm, Rain Dish, 31/x/31/31/31/31, EM: Growth, Leech Seed, Poison Powder, Stun Spore

#169StuffulBag_Love_Ball_Sprite.png Stufful, Adamant, Fluffy, 31/31/31/x/31/31, EM: Thunder Punch, Ice Punch, Mega Kick, Stomping Tantrum

#182 WimpodRete Ball Wimpod, Adamant, Wimp Out, 31/31/31/x/31/31, EM: Spikes, Metal Claw, Wide Guard, Aqua Jet

#186SandygastLevel Ball Sandygast, Bold, Water Compaction, 31/x/31/31/31/31, EM: Destiny Bond, Spit Up, Stockpile, Amnesia

#217PorygonPoké Ball Porygon, Timid/Sassy, Download, 31/0/31/31/31/31 oppure 31/0/31/31/31/0

#225TogedemaruChic Ball Togedemaru, Jolly/Adamant, Sturdy/Lightingrod, 31/31/31/x/31/31, EM: Fake Out, Encore

#238GibleUC Ball Gible, Jolly, Rough Skin, 31/31/31/x/31/31, EM: Outrage

#242Mimikyu Luna Ball Mimikyu, Jolly, Disguise, 31/31/31/x/31/31, EM: Curse, Nightmare, Destiny Bond, Grudge

#244DrampaPremier Ball Drampa, Quiet, Berserk, 31/0/31/31/31/0, EM: Hurricane, Mist, Dragon Rush

#251 SandshrewSub Ball Sandshrew (Alola form), Adamant, Slush Rush, 31/31/31/x/31/31, EM: Counter, Crash Claw, Flail, Night Slash

#253Vulpix Premier Ball Vulpix (Alola form), Timid, Snow Warning, 31/31/31/31/31/31, EM: Moonblast, Freeze-Dry, Encore

#271Jangmo-o Bis Ball Jangmo-o, Jolly, Bulletproof/Soundproof, 31/31/31/x/31/31, 31/31/31/31/31/31




#004LittenPoké Ball Litten , Adamant, Blaze, 31/31/31/24/31/31, EM: Fake Out, Crunch, Heat Wave, Nasty Plot - TSV method

#059CrabrawlerPremier Ball Crabrawler , Brave, Hyper Cutter, 31/31/31/26/31/0, EM: Superpower, Bodyguard, Endeavor - TSV method

#070ZubatLove Ball Zubat , Timid, Inner Focus, 31/0/31/0/31/31, EM: Venom Drench, Hypnosis, Defog, Brave Bird - RNG abuse

#077VullabyLove Ball Vullaby , Impish, Overcoat, 31/31/31/0/31/31, EM: Fake Tears, Roost, Foul Play, Knock Off - RNG abuse

#082 Pom-Pom StylePremier Ball Oricorio , Timid, Dancer, 31/0/31/31/31/31, EM: Captivate, Pluck, Safeguard, Tailwind - RNG abuse

#098RoggenrolaPeso Ball Roggenrola , Brave, Weak Armor, 31/31/31/x/31/0, EM: Gravity, Heavy Slam, Wide Guard, Rock Tomb - TSV method

#104RockruffLuna_Ball_Sprite_Zaino.png Rockruff , Adamant, Steadfast, 31/31/31/0/31/31, EM: Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Sucker Punch, Thrash - RNG abuse

#141DewpiderVelox Ball Dewpider , Adamant, Water Bubble, 31/31/31/31/31/29, EM: -, - RNG abuse

#155FeebasSub Ball Feebas , Calm, Swift Swim, 31/0/31/30/31/30, HP Fire, EM: Confuse Ray, Haze, Mist, Dragon Pulse - RNG abuse

#161SalanditLuna_Ball_Sprite_Zaino.png Salandit (Elegance) , Modest, Oblivious, 14/6/31/31/31/29 - Reddit GA

#223 TorkoalRapid Ball Torkoal , Quiet, Drought, 31/3/31/31/31/2, EM: Clear Smog, Fissure, Eruption, Yawn - HP Ice - RNG abuse

#224  776.png Ultra BallTurtonator , Modest, Shell Armor, 31/2/31/31/31/31, EM: Fire Spin, Head Smash, Bodyguard - TSV method

#229 Alola Form Peso Ball Geodude , Brave, Galvanize, 31/31/31/8/31/0, EM: Curse, Flail, Magnet Rise, Rock Climb - Reddit GA

#243BruxishFriend Ball Bruxish , Adamant, Dazzling/Strong Jaw, 31/31/31/11/31/31, EM: Ice Fang, Poison Fang, Rage, Water Pulse - RNG abuse

#244DrampaPremier Ball Drampa , Quiet, Berserk, 31/x/31/31/31/0, Moveset: Ice Beam, Draco Meteor, Flamethrower, Hyper Voice - Masuda method

#xxx MeowsticPremier Ball Meowstic-M , Bold, Prankster, 31/11/31/31/31/31, EM: Yawn, Barrier, Trick, Assist - RNG abuse

#xxxTyrogueDream Ball Tyrogue , Careful, Guts, 31/31/31/31/31/31, EM: Feint, Bullet Punch, Vacuum Wave, Rapid Spin - RNG abuse

#xxxMareepLove Ball Mareep , Quiet, Static, 31/1/31/31/31/0HP Ice EM: Eerie Impulse, Electric Terrain, Sand Attack, After You - RNG abuse

#xxxZoruaChic Ball Zorua , Timid, Illusion, 31/0/31/31/31/31, EM: Dark Pulse, Extrasensory, Memento, Sucker Punch - RNG abuse

#xxx DunsparceLove Ball Dunsparce , Careful, Serene Grace, 31/31/31/31/31/31, EM: Magic Coat, Headbutt, Curse, Ancient Power - RNG abuse

#xxx SeedotSafari Ball Seedot , Quiet, Chlorophyll, 31/31/31/31/31/0, EM: Amnesia, Defog, Grassy Terrain, Leech Seed - RNG abuse



Quinta sezione: SFBP
Ordinati alfabaticamente e descritti nella seguente maniera: Species|Nature|Gender|TSV|HP_Type|Ability|Move1|Move2|Move3|Move4|Ball
Utilizzare il cerca (CTRL+F) per trovare il Pokémon desiderato. Non sono indicate le EM. Per qualsiasi info specifica, fate PM.


1.    Absol|Adamant|♂|2948|Dark|Pressure|Knock Off|Fire Blast|Iron Tail|Sucker Punch|Luxury Ball

2.    Aegislash|Adamant|♀|2914|Electric|Stance Change|King’s Shield|Swords Dance|Shadow Sneak|Sacred Sword|Poké Ball

3.    Alakazam|Timid|♂|3508|Fire|Magic Guard|Focus Blast|Psychic|Shadow Ball|Hidden Power|Poké Ball

4.    Altaria|Careful|♂|0393|Electric|Natural Cure|Dragon Rush|Haze|Power Swap|Roost|Dive Ball

5.    Amoonguss|Relaxed|♀|1827|Dark|Regenerator|Spore|Rage Powder|Protect|Giga Drain|Poké Ball

6.    Audino|Careful|♂|4065|Electric|Regenerator|Protect|Double-Edge|Heal Bell|Wish|Ultra Ball

7.    Banette|Adamant|♂|1239|Electric|Insomnia|Knock Off|Taunt|Shadow Claw|Will-O-Wisp|Poké Ball

8.    Bisharp|Adamant|♀|2060|Dark|Defiant|Pursuit|Swords Dance|Sucker Punch|Low Sweep|Quick Ball

9.    Blastoise|Timid|♂|3726|Dragon|Rain Dish|Protect|Aura Sphere|Dragon Pulse|Aqua Tail|Poké Ball

10.  Blaziken|Adamant|♂|3820|Dark|Speed Boost|Fire Punch|Night Slash|Power-Up Punch|Mirror Move|Poké Ball

11.  Camerupt|Modest|♂|3725|Dragon|Solid Rock|Heat Wave|Swallow|Eruption|Stockpile|Poké Ball

12.  Carbink|Impish|-|3672|Dark|Sturdy|Stone Edge|Trick Room|Explosion|Moonblast|Poké Ball

13.  Chansey|Bold|♀|3040|Dark|Natural Cure|Thunder Wave|Soft-Boiled|Aromatherapy|Seismic Toss|Premier Ball

14.  Chatot|Timid|♀|1944|Dark|Tangled Feet|Boomburst|Chatter|Nasty Plot|Encore|Poké Ball

15.  Chesnaught|Impish|♂|2940|Electric|Bulletproof|Drain Punch|Spiky Shield|Leech Seed|Wood Hammer|Poké Ball

16.  Chimecho|Calm|♂|1138|Dark|Levitate|Heal Bell|Recover|Stored Power|Cosmic Power|Poké Ball

17.  Clawitzer|Modest|♀|0878|Dark|Mega Launcher|Aqua Jet|Aura Sphere|Dragon Pulse|Dark Pulse|Poké Ball

18.  Cloyster|Jolly|♀|2074|Dark|Skill Link|Rapid Spin|Toxic Spikes|Icicle Spear|Shell Smash|Moon Ball

19.  Cradily|Sassy|♂|3697|Ice|Storm Drain|Ancient Power|Giga Drain|Recover|Stealth Rock|Dream Ball

20.  Cradily|Sassy|♂|3697|Ice|Storm Drain|Mirror Coat|Barrier|Recover|Stealth Rock|Dream Ball

21.  Crobat|Timid|♂|1258|Electric|Infiltrator|Quick Guard|Super Fang|Tailwind|Taunt|Poké Ball

22.  Dedenne|Timid|♂|2840|Dragon|Cheek Pouch|Substitute|Grass Knot|Thunderbolt|Recycle|Poké Ball

23.  Delphox|Modest|♂|2219|Dark|Magician|Psychic|Heat Wave|Hypnosis|Dream Eater|Poké Ball

24.  Dialga|Calm|-|2909|Dark|Pressure|Stealth Rock|Draco Meteor|Fire Blast|Roar|Dive Ball

25.  Diggersby|Adamant|♂|3424|Dark|Huge Power|Earthquake|Wild Charge|Bounce|Power-Up Punch|Luxury Ball

26.  Dragalge|Quiet|♂|2272|Dragon|Poison Point|Protect|Focus Blast|Dragon Pulse|Sludge Bomb|Poké Ball

27.  Espeon|Modest|♂|2966|Dark|Magic Bounce|Psychic|Dazzling Gleam|Shadow Ball|Trick|Dive Ball

28.  Espeon|Timid|♀|1669|Dragon|Magic Bounce|Psychic|Dazzling Gleam|Shadow Ball|Substitute|Premier Ball

29.  Feraligatr|Jolly|♂|2481|Dark|Torrent|Waterfall|Crunch|Dragon Dance|Ice Punch|Poké Ball

30.  Florges-Blue|Bold|♀|1946|Dragon|Flower Veil|Calm Mind|Moonblast|Synthesis|Aromatherapy|Dive Ball

31.  Florges-Orange|Bold|♀|1946|Dragon|Flower Veil|Calm Mind|Moonblast|Synthesis|Aromatherapy|Repeat Ball

32.  Florges-Red|Bold|♀|1946|Dragon|Flower Veil|Calm Mind|Moonblast|Synthesis|Aromatherapy|Heal Ball

33.  Florges-White|Bold|♀|1946|Dragon|Flower Veil|Calm Mind|Moonblast|Synthesis|Aromatherapy|Premier Ball

34.  Furfrou|Naughty|♀|3104|Dark|Fur Coat|U-turn|Cotton Guard|Facade|Wild Charge|Timer Ball

35.  Gallade|Adamant|♂|0268|Electric|Justified|Psycho Cut|Leaf Blade|Close Combat|Shadow Sneak|Premier Ball

36.  Garchomp|Jolly|♂|0435|Electric|Rough Skin|Earthquake|Dragon Claw|Shadow Claw|Poison Jab|Luxury Ball

37.  Giratina|Adamant|-|0233|Dark|Pressure|Shadow Claw|Energy Ball|Dragon Tail|Shadow Force|Dusk Ball

38.  Glaceon|Modest|♂|2966|Dark|Ice Body|Protect|Shadow Ball|Ice Beam|Yawn|Dive Ball

39.  Goodra|Modest|♂|3648|Dark|Gooey|Dragon Pulse|Flamethrower|Ice Beam|Thunderbolt|Poké Ball

40.  Greninja|Timid|♂|3274|Dragon|Protean|Ice Beam|Hydro Pump|Grass Knot|Extrasensory|Ultra Ball

41.  Haxorus|Jolly|♂|3831|Dark|Rivalry|Dragon Dance|Earthquake|Outrage|Shadow Claw|Dive Ball

42.  Illumise|Bold|♀|3225|Dragon|Prankster|Encore|Substitute|Baton Pass|Thunder Wave|Quick Ball

43.  Jolteon|Modest|♂|2966|Dark|Quick Feet|Wish|Substitute|Thunderbolt|Baton Pass|Dive Ball

44.  Jynx|Timid|♀|3273|Dark|Dry Skin|Ice Beam|Psyshock|Lovely Kiss|Focus Blast|Poké Ball

45.  Kangaskhan|Jolly|♀|3133|Electric|Scrappy|Fake Out|Return|Sucker Punch|Power-Up Punch|Poké Ball

46.  Kingdra|Quirky|♂|2401|Dark|Sniper|Hydro Pump|Draco Meteor|Ice Beam|Dragon Pulse|Ultra Ball

47.  Klefki|Bold|♀|2171|Dark|Prankster|Thunder Wave|Reflect|Foul Play|Light Screen|Poké Ball

48.  Landorus|Jolly|♂|0350|Dark|Intimidate|Earthquake|U-turn|Knock Off|Stone Edge|Poké Ball

49.  Liepard|Jolly|♂|2092|Dark|Prankster|Thunder Wave|Swagger|Encore|U-turn|Poké Ball

50.  Lilligant|Timid|♀|2987|Ice|Chlorophyll|Giga Drain|Quiver Dance|Protect|Hidden Power|Quick Ball

51.  Luxray|Jolly|♀|1702|Dark|Intimidate|Thunderbolt|Thunder Fang|Ice Fang|Night Slash|Poké Ball

52.  Magnezone|Modest|-|2649|Dark|Analytic|Flash Cannon|Magnet Rise|Lock-On|Zap Cannon|Great Ball

53.  Magnezone|Modest|-|3983|Ice|Analytic|Flash Cannon|Hidden Power|Discharge|Thunderbolt|Poké Ball

54.  Malamar|Jolly|♂|1946|Dark|Contrary|Knock Off|Sleep Talk|Rest|Superpower|Ultra Ball

55.  Medicham|Jolly|♂|3888|Dark|Pure Power|High Jump Kick|Psycho Cut|Ice Punch|Fake Out|Poké Ball

56.  Mewtwo|Timid|-|0258|Dragon|Unnerve|Psystrike|Focus Blast|Shadow Ball|Calm Mind|Cherish Ball

57.  Mightyena|Adamant|♀|1640|Electric|Quick Feet|Play Rough|Crunch|Sucker Punch|Iron Tail|Poké Ball

58.  Noivern|Timid|♂|4022|Dark|Infiltrator|Hurricane|Dragon Pulse|Flamethrower|Boomburst|Poké Ball

59.  Pachirisu|Impish|♀|3180|Electric|Volt Absorb|Hyper Fang|Nuzzle|Follow Me|Protect|Heal Ball

60.  Pinsir|Jolly|♂|0893|Dark|Moxie|Close Combat|X-Scissor|Facade|Earthquake|Net Ball

61.  Poliwrath|Relaxed|♂|0337|Dark|Damp|Protect|Toxic|Circle Throw|Scald|Poké Ball

62.  Porygon2|Bold|-|1625|Dragon|Trace|Thunderbolt|Recover|Toxic|Ice Beam|Poké Ball

63.  Pyroar|Jolly|♀|1280|Dark|Moxie|Crunch|Fire Fang|Wild Charge|Return|Ultra Ball

64.  Quagsire|Relaxed|♀|0400|Dark|Unaware|Earth Power|Recover|Scald|Curse|Dive Ball

65.  Rhyperior|Brave|♀|0787|Ice|Solid Rock|Thief|Earthquake|Hammer Arm|Megahorn|Poké Ball

66.  Rotom|Modest|-|3407|Dark|Levitate|Thunderbolt|Rest|Will-O-Wisp|Hydro Pump|Poké Ball

67.  Sableye|Calm|♂|0678|Dragon|Prankster|Taunt|Will-O-Wisp|Knock Off|Recover|Poké Ball

68.  Sawsbuck|Jolly|♂|1207|Electric|Sap Sipper|Swords Dance|Double-Edge|Horn Leech|Jump Kick|Nest Ball

69.  Scizor|Impish|♂|3838|Dark|Technician|Defog|U-turn|Roost|Bullet Punch|Quick Ball

70.  Serperior|Timid|♀|1544|Fire|Contrary|Dragon Pulse|Leaf Storm|Hidden Power|Giga Drain|Poké Ball

71.  Slowbro|Bold|♂|1814|Dark|Regenerator|Psyshock|Scald|Slack Off|Thunder Wave|Dream Ball

72.  Slurpuff|Adamant|♂|0410|Dark|Unburden|Play Rough|Substitute|Belly Drum|Return|Poké Ball

73.  Smeargle|Jolly|♂|0578|Electric|Technician|Spiky Shield|Dark Void|Fake Out|Follow Me|Premier Ball

74.  Spiritomb|Naive|♂|3165|Electric|Pressure|Will-O-Wisp|Taunt|Sucker Punch|Foul Play|Poké Ball

75.  Starmie|Timid|-|0178|Dragon|Natural Cure|Rapid Spin|Psychic|Scald|Ice Beam|Poké Ball

76.  Talonflame|Adamant|♀|3344|Dark|Gale Wings|Flare Blitz|Steel Wing|U-turn|Brave Bird|Poké Ball

77.  Talonflame|Adamant|♂|0634|Electric|Gale Wings|Flare Blitz|Brave Bird|U-turn|Aerial Ace|Poké Ball

78.  Torterra|Adamant|♂|1904|Dark|Shell Armor|Seed Bomb|Earthquake|Crunch|Superpower|Poké Ball

79.  Trevenant|Impish|♀|2737|Electric|Harvest|Leech Seed|Will-O-Wisp|Horn Leech|Rest|Poké Ball

80.  Tyranitar|Adamant|♀|1657|Dark|Sand Stream|Outrage|Rock Slide|Crunch|Dragon Dance|Safari Ball

81.  Tyrantrum|Jolly|♂|2381|Steel|Strong Jaw|Thunder Fang|Ice Fang|Fire Fang|Stone Edge|Poké Ball

82.  Vivillon|Timid|♀|2755|Dark|Compound Eyes|Quiver Dance|Bug Buzz|Hurricane|Sleep Powder|Poké Ball

83.  Weavile|Jolly|♂|2061|Electric|Pressure|Swords Dance|Poison Jab|Night Slash|Icicle Crash|Poké Ball

84.  Wobbuffet|Calm|♂|0449|Dark|Shadow Tag|Counter|Mirror Coat|Safeguard|Destiny Bond|Luxury Ball

85.  Xerneas|Timid|-|0645|Dragon|Fairy Aura|Geomancy|Moonblast|Protect|Dazzling Gleam|Cherish Ball


Sesta sezione: FBP
Ordinati alfabaticamente e descritti nella seguente maniera: Species|Nature|Gender|TSV|HP_Type|Ability|Move1|Move2|Move3|Move4|Ball
Utilizzare il cerca (CTRL+F) per trovare il Pokémon desiderato. Non sono indicate le EM. Per qualsiasi info specifica, fate PM.


1.      Ampharos|Calm||0862|Dark|Static|Volt Switch|Rest|Thunderbolt|Dragon Pulse|Premier Ball

2.      Avalugg|Careful|♂|0901|Dark|Sturdy|Rapid Spin|Earthquake|Avalanche|Recover|Net Ball

3.      Azumarill|Adamant|♀|1587|Dark|Huge Power|Play Rough|Protect|Aqua Jet|Belly Drum|Poké Ball

4.      Blaziken|Adamant|♂|2379|Dark|Speed Boost|Swords Dance|Low Sweep|Protect|Blaze Kick|Poké Ball

5.      Clefable|Calm|♀|3818|Dark|Magic Guard|Cosmic Power|Moonlight|Moonblast|Flamethrower|Heal Ball

6.      Emolga|Jolly|♀|0122|Electric|Motor Drive|Roost|Taunt|U-turn|Encore|Nest Ball

7.      Emolga|Timid|♂|3271|Dark|Motor Drive|Roost|Taunt|U-turn|Thunderbolt|Nest Ball

8.      Feraligatr|Adamant|♂|3657|Electric|Sheer Force|Crunch|Waterfall|Dragon Dance|Ice Punch|Poké Ball

9.      Groudon|Adamant|-|3028|Dark|Drought|Fire Punch|Rock Polish|Dragon Claw|Precipice Blades|Premier Ball

10.  Hawlucha|Jolly|♀|1219|Dark|Unburden|Sky Attack|Acrobatics|Swords Dance|High Jump Kick|Poké Ball

11.  Heracross|Adamant|♂|2907|Electric|Guts|Earthquake|Pin Missile|Close Combat|Rock Blast|Poké Ball

12.  Houndoom|Timid|♂|0509|Ice|Flash Fire|Fire Blast|Will-O-Wisp|Dark Pulse|Taunt|Poké Ball

13.  Kingdra|Modest|♂|2029|Dragon|Swift Swim|Hydro Pump|Ice Beam|Scald|Draco Meteor|Poké Ball

14.  Kyogre|Modest|-|2651|Dragon|Drizzle|Origin Pulse|Ice Beam|Thunder|Protect|Great Ball

15.  Lanturn|Calm|♀|1854|Dark|Volt Absorb|Ice Beam|Scald|Volt Switch|Heal Bell|Poké Ball

16.  Lickilicky|Careful|♂|3977|Electric|Oblivious|Body Slam|Belly Drum|Knock Off|Protect|Dream Ball

17.  Lucario|Jolly|♂|1257|Dark|Justified|Drain Punch|Ice Punch|Blaze Kick|Shadow Claw|Poké Ball

18.  Malamar|Adamant|♂|0915|Dark|Contrary|Knock Off|Sleep Talk|Rest|Superpower|Poké Ball

19.  Mandibuzz|Impish|♀|2147|Ice|Overcoat|Defog|Roost|Foul Play|Toxic|Dusk Ball

20.  Mawile|Adamant|♂|1457|Dark|Intimidate|Swords Dance|Sucker Punch|Play Rough|Iron Head|Poké Ball

21.  Milotic|Timid|♂|3270|Dragon|Marvel Scale|Ice Beam|Recover|Scald|Dragon Tail|Poké Ball

22.  Nidoqueen|Modest|♀|1953|Dark|Sheer Force|Thunderbolt|Ice Beam|Earth Power|Toxic Spikes|Dive Ball

23.  Pangoro|Adamant|♀|0585|Electric|Iron Fist|Hammer Arm|Parting Shot|Poison Jab|Knock Off|Quick Ball

24.  Pidgeot|Timid|♂|0849|Ground|Big Pecks|Hurricane|Heat Wave|Air Cutter|Defog|Dream Ball

25.  Regice|Modest|-|1161|Dark|Ice Body|Thunderbolt|Toxic|Ice Beam|Focus Blast|Poké Ball

26.  Regirock|Impish|-|2461|Dark|Sturdy|Stealth Rock|Thunder Wave|Stone Edge|Earthquake|Poké Ball

27.  Scolipede|Jolly|♂|3618|Dark|Speed Boost|Swords Dance|Protect|Baton Pass|Megahorn|Repeat Ball

28.  Seaking|Jolly|♀|2717|Electric|Lightning Rod|Megahorn|Waterfall|Facade|Knock Off|Dream Ball

29.  Slowking|Bold|♀|2294|Dark|Regenerator|Psychic|Fire Blast|Ice Beam|Scald|Heal Ball

30.  Snorlax|Careful|♀|3033|Water|Thick Fat|Rest|Body Slam|Curse|Double-Edge|Heavy Ball

31.  Sylveon|Calm|♂|0804|Dragon|Cute Charm|Toxic|Moonblast|Wish|Protect|Poké Ball

32.  Trevenant|Careful|♂|3764|Dark|Natural Cure|Rest|Will-O-Wisp|Leech Seed|Shadow Claw|Premier Ball

33.  Vileplume|Bold|♀|1685|Dark|Chlorophyll|Sleep Powder|Moonlight|Sludge Bomb|Giga Drain|Net Ball


Settima sezione: SFAB uncloned&untouched ed aste attive


Non più disponibili:

#736 - Grubbin 
     736.png>738.pngPremier Ball
OT: Riccardo | ID: 736602 TSV: 0566
Nature: Bold (+Def, -Atk) | Ability: Swarm (2)
IV: 31 - 5 - 31 - 31 - 31 - 31
Egg Moves: Vice Grip, Endure, Mud Shot, Electroweb
Proof: click
#551 - Sandile 
     551.png>553.pngUltra Ball
OT: Matteo | ID: 266934 TSV: 2414
Nature: Jolly (+Spe, -SpA) | Ability: Intimidate (1) | Level: 1 (UT and UC)
IV: 31 - 31 - 31 - 31 - 31 - 31
Egg Moves: Fire Fang, Thunder Fang, Beat Up, Double-Edge
Proof: click
#425 - Drifloon 
     425.png>426.pngVelox Ball
OT: Mattia | ID: 509877 TSV: 1419
Nature: Modest (+SpA, -Atk) | Ability: Unburden (2) | Level: 1 (UT and UC)
IV: 31 - 0 - 31 - 31 - 31 - 31
Egg Moves: Defog, Hypnosis, Tailwind, Destiny Bond
Proof: click
#129 - Magikarp 
     129.png>130.pngLevel Ball
OT: Yuki (COR) | ID: 850496 TSV: 3700
Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -SpA) | Ability: Swift Swim | Level: 1 (UT and UC)
IV: 31 - 31 - 31 - 31 - 31 - 31
Egg Moves: -
Proof: click
#226 - Taillow 
     276.png>277.pngScuro Ball
OT: Teresa | ID: 528803 TSV: 0999
Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -SpA) | Ability: Guts | Level: 1 (UT and UC)
IV: 31 - 31 - 31 - 31 - 31 - 31
Egg Moves: Defog, Roost, Sky Attack, Steel Wing
Proof: click
#336 - Seviper 
     336.pngChic Ball
OT: Teresa | ID: 528803 TSV: 0999
Nature: Rash (+SpA, -SpD) | Ability: Shed Skin | Level: 1 (UT and UC)
IV: 31 - 31 - 31 - 31 - 31 - 31
Egg Moves: Night Slash, Iron Tail, Assurance, Final Gambit
Proof: click


Aste attive:

Al momento non ci sono aste attive.


SFAB uncloned&untouched disponibili:

#081 - Magnemite 
[TSV method - Schiuso su questo forum]
     081.png>462.pngPeso Ball
OT: M a t t i a | ID: 573104 TSV: 1827
Nature: Modest (+SpA, -Atk) | Ability: Sturdy (2) | Level: 1 (UT and UC)
IV: 31 - 1 - 31 - 31 - 31 - 30 [HP Ice]
Egg Moves: -
Proof: click
#133 - Gastly 
[RNG abuse]
  092.png>094.pngPeso Ball
OT: Andrea | ID: 848552 TSV: 3977
Nature: Timid (+Spe, -Atk) | Ability: Levitate | Level: 1 (UT and UC)
IV: 31 - 0 - 31 - 30 - 31 - 30 [HP Fire]
Egg Moves: -
Proofs: click1 - click2
#219 - Magcargo 
[RNG abuse]
  218.png>219.pngLove Ball
OT: Andrea | ID: 848552 TSV: 3977
Nature: Calm (+SpD, -SpA) | Ability: Flame Body (2) | Level: 50 (only UC)
IV: 31 - 31 - 31 - 31 - 31 - 31
Egg Moves: Acid Armor, Curse, Stockpile, Memento
Moveset: Stockpile, Ancient Power, Recover, Flamethrower
Proofs: click1 - click2 - click3
#627 - Rufflet 
[RNG abuse]
  627.png>628.pngLuna Ball
OT: Andrea | ID: 848552 TSV: 3977
Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -SpA) | Ability: Hustle (H)
IV: 31 - 31 - 31 - 0 - 31 - 31
Egg Moves: -
Proofs: click1 - click2 - click3
#069 - Bellsprout 
[TSV method - Schiuso su questo forum]
  069.png>071.pngFriend Ball
OT: Andrea | ID: 848552 TSV: 3340
Nature: Modest (+SpA, -Atk) | Ability: Gluttony (H)
IV: [HP Fire]
Egg Moves: Synthesis, Ingrain, Belch, Clear Smog
Proof: click
#774 - Minior 
[TSV method]
OT: ArnoldPalmer | ID: 190331 TSV: 1091
Nature: Adamant (+Atk, -SpA) | Ability: Shields Down
Egg Moves: -
Proof: reddit
#102 - Exeggcute 
[TSV method - Schiuso su questo forum]
OT: Anthony | ID: 995437 TSV: 1062
Nature: Modest (+SpA, -Atk) | Ability: Chlorophyll (1)
Egg Moves: Ancient Power, Giga Grain, Lucky Chant, Moonlight
Proof: click



Servizi che offro:

- Livellamento Pokémon con Caramelle Rare;
- Inserimento movesets desiderati;
- Massimizzazione PP mosse Pokémon.


Strumenti che offro:

- Caramelle Rare;
- PP-Max;
- Tappi d'oro / tappi d'argento;
- Tutti gli strumenti dell'Albero Lotta / Stadio Royale (Avanzi, strumenti evolutivi, Destincomune, Benda/stola/lentiscelta e tanto altro).




- 0.02PP per ogni FAB New Born;

0.03PP per ogni FAB Battle Ready non leggendario;

- 0.04PP per ogni FAB Battle Ready con spread IV particolare (es. 0 in Spe o HP dedicata);

- 0.04PP per ogni FAB Battle Ready leggendario (es. UC o Tapu);

- 0.05PP per ogni SFAB New Born senza spread IV particolare;

- 0.06PP per ogni SFAB New Born con spread IV particolare;

- 0.07PP per ogni SFAB Battle Ready senza spread IV particolare;

- 0.08PP per ogni SFAB Battle Ready con spread IV particolare;

- Prezzo da definire in PM per richieste singole e per i Pokémon SFAB Uncloned&Untouched.




  • Pokémon di qualunque generazione con Ball abbinata alla loro versione shiny (preferibilmente Apricorn Ball, qualora possibile), rigorosamente, qualora possibile, con 4 EM (le più utili al competitivo);
  • FAB Battle Ready che non possiedo, in Ball abbinata;
  • SFAB New Born, untouched, sia clonati che non. Per gli uncloned, dovrete fornirmi un valido permalink dell'hatch, dopodiché potremo metterci d'accordo sul prezzo.



Saluti a tutti. :D

3 minuti fa, Sheldon ha scritto:


Questa cosa dei PP mi è nuova perché sono iscritto da poco su questo forum. Anyway, va bene entrambi. Se hai Poké interessanti, preferisco scambiare.

i PP sono la moneta di scambio del forum con cui puoi "comprare" altri SFAB o FAB, strumenti ecc.

3 minuti fa, Sheldon ha scritto:


Questa cosa dei PP mi è nuova perché sono iscritto da poco su questo forum. Anyway, va bene entrambi. Se hai Poké interessanti, preferisco scambiare.

di solito il listine è per i FAB 0.03pp l'uno e per gli SFAB 0.05pp l'uno, puoi deciderli tu i prezzi cmq, visto che è il tuo mercatino

4 minuti fa, Sheldon ha scritto:


Questa cosa dei PP mi è nuova perché sono iscritto da poco su questo forum. Anyway, va bene entrambi. Se hai Poké interessanti, preferisco scambiare.

cmq prenoto gli SFAB toxapex, dhelmise, Decidueye e bruxish

7 minuti fa, Korin ha scritto:

i PP sono la moneta di scambio del forum con cui puoi "comprare" altri SFAB o FAB, strumenti ecc.

di solito il listine è per i FAB 0.03pp l'uno e per gli SFAB 0.05pp l'uno, puoi deciderli tu i prezzi cmq, visto che è il tuo mercatino

cmq prenoto gli SFAB toxapex, dhelmise, Decidueye e bruxish


Ok, inviami un PM con le stringhe dei Pokémon incollate, così rammento e appena sono disponibile ti scrivo! Comunque sì, la tariffa (ho appena venduto dei Pokémon) è di 0.05pp. Aumenta leggermente se il Poké in questione ha HP dedicata. :) 


Scusa vorrei sapere come cloni i pokemon e in che modo li evsi

Sprite by Alemat                                                                                 Sprites by Freedom                                                                         

RoseRed-Malefica       Rosered.png.f29b5bcbb0ca41d1b98cbbd7a3b2406e.png    IMG-1534.jpg   image.pngxkKdcYU.png4h66HLf.pngkKF7Xik.pngYAFEBYe.pngimage.png















Aggiunti nuovi SFAB, corretto alcune informazioni sui FAB, aggiunto sezione "Aste" con link di rimando al thread della sezione. Aggiunti i link del mio FlairHQ e del mio nuovo subreddit per Pokémon Sole (SVExchange).


EDIT: Aggiunte anche le tariffe generali.





- 0.02PP per ogni FAB New Born

0.03PP per ogni FAB Battle Ready non leggendario (es. UC o Tapus)

- 0.04PP per ogni FAB Battle Ready leggendario (es. UC o Tapus)

- 0.05PP per ogni SFAB New Born senza spread IV particolare (es. 0 in Spe o HP dedicata)

- 0.06PP per ogni SFAB New Born con spread IV particolare (es. 0 in Spe o HP dedicata)

- 0.07PP per ogni SFAB Battle Ready senza spread IV particolare

- 0.08PP per ogni SFAB Battle Ready con spread IV particolare

- Prezzo da definire in PM per richieste singole e per Pokémon FAB/SFAB Uncloned&Untouched



Info sulle clonazioni / EVsamento


Tenendo conto delle richieste di informazione sulle clonazioni pervenutemi, chiarisco qui il metodo di clonazione: non edito in alcun modo il salvataggio. Utilizzo il PS per effettuare il Backup del SAV, dopodiché scambio, deposito in Banca ciò che mi è stato dato (nel caso di baratto) e faccio un Restore del SAV. Per quanto riguarda l'EVsamento dei Pokémon, uso il classico metodo delle S.O.S. chain in unione ai Vigorstrumenti, oppure sfrutto il Poké Resort. NON UTILIZZO nessun Pokérus hack. Difatti, i miei Pokémon non risulteranno infettati.

8 minuti fa, Superyle99 ha scritto:


Clonare col PS (anche estraendo il salvataggio) è vietato dal regolamento, in quanto l'uso in generale del Powersave in questo forum è vietato.

Non potrai più offrire servizio di cloning se dovrai usare quel dispositivo :x



credevo che il metodo del backup e restore fosse legittimo, dato che non agisco in alcun modo sul salvataggio.


Ho riletto questa parte del regolamento: "clonazione del salvataggio (es. Save Data Manager)".


Consentimi, ma il processo è praticamente identico. Anche dal punto di vista informatico. Quindi... la cosa non ha molto senso xD


Tuttavia, rispetto quello che mi hai detto, pertanto da ora in poi utilizzerò il Save Data Manager del mio Homebrew per oN3DSXL per fornire il servizio. Tutte le successive clonazioni saranno effettuate tramite clonazione del suddetto salvataggio.


Ti ringrazio per l'osservazione. :)

47 minuti fa, Korin ha scritto:

#xxx MeowsticPremier Ball Meowstic-M , Bold, Prankster, 31/11/31/31/31/31, EM: Yawn, Barrier, Trick, Assist - RNG abuse

#xxxMareepLove Ball Mareep , Quiet, Static, 31/1/31/31/31/0, EM: Eerie Impulse, Electric Terrain, Sand Attack, After You - RNG abuse

vorrei questi


Ora ti mando PM. Ho dimenticato di scriverlo, ma è ovvio che la spread didi Mareep è per l'HP Ice. :)


La discussione è ora archiviata e chiusa ad ulteriori risposte.

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