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Swampert@ Leftovers
Relaxed Nature
Ability: Torrent
252 HP / 252 Def / 6 SAtk
- Stealth Rock
- Protect
- Ice Beam
- Earthquake
Your standard Mixpert. Lays down stealth rock, Ice Beam hits dragons and Celebi switch-ins for SE damage. EQ for STAB and Protect scouts for Explosion and Choice'd attacks as well as allowing a free turn of Leftovers recovery. I've never used him before so I'm going to this time.​

Celebi@ Leftovers
Modest Nature
Ability: Natural Cure
252 HP / 226 SAtk / 32 Spd
- Earth Power
- Nasty Plot
- Recover
- Grass Knot
Yes this is the new RNG abused Celebi that's going around. The goal of this is a Bulky special sweeper as is seen with the EVs and Recover. Nasty Plot doubles her SAtk, Grass Knot for STAB and does big damage to T-Tar switch ins. Earth Power over HP Fire due to another member already covering Scizor and it nails Heatran on the switch. Recover to recover health.​

Zapdos@ Leftovers
Timid Nature
Ability: Pressure
252 HP / 180 Spd / 78 SAtk
- Thunderbolt
- HP Ice 70
- Heat Wave
- Roost
Serves as my Lucario, Scizor, and Gyarados checks. 252 HP allows Zapdos to take hits while still mainting its offensive nature. 180 Spd gives my 308 speed in order to outrun Lucario. Heat Wave for Scizor and Lucario, HP Ice for dragons, and TBolt for STAB and everything else. Roost heals HP.​

Blissey@ Leftovers
Bold Nature
Ability: Natural Cure
212 HP / 252 Def / 46 SDef
- Aromatherapy
- Ice Beam
- Softboiled
- Seismic Toss
Special Wall and cleric. Softboiled to heal, and ice Beam and seismic toss to attack. Counters the special threats that the others cannot. Heals team's status with aromatherapy.

Tentacruel@ Leftovers
Calm Nature
Ability: Clear Body
252 HP / 120 Def / 136 SDef
- Toxic Spikes
- Ice Beam
- Rapid Spin
- Surf
Spinner, Spiker, and MixApe counter. Sets up Toxic Spikes on my opponents side of the field in order to help wear them down. Rapid Spin is staple in all my teams in order to rid of entry hazards. Surf for STAB and to do damage . Knock Off to rid of the opponent's item and disrupt their strategy. Also absorbs Toxic Spikes.

Tyranitar@ Leftovers
Quiet Nature
Ability: Sandstream
252 HP / 188 SAtk / 70 Spd
- Ice Beam
- Focus Punch
- Crunch
- Substitute
Tyraniboah. This is my favorite set for T-Tar as he hits very hard and is bulky. He is excellent at clearing Blissey away for Celebi to set up and sweep. Substitute to create 101 HP subs that can't be broken by Seismic Toss, Ice Beam for dragons, Crunch+Focus Punch 2HKOs Blissey.

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Swampert@ Leftovers

Relaxed Nature

Ability: Torrent

252 HP / 252 Def / 6 SAtk

- Stealth Rock

- Protect

- Ice Beam

- Earthquake

Your standard Mixpert. Lays down stealth rock, Ice Beam hits dragons and Celebi switch-ins for SE damage. EQ for STAB and Protect scouts for Explosion and Choice'd attacks as well as allowing a free turn of Leftovers recovery. I've never used him before so I'm going to this time.​


Celebi@ Leftovers

Modest Nature

Ability: Natural Cure

252 HP / 226 SAtk / 32 Spd

- Earth Power

- Nasty Plot

- Recover

- Grass Knot

Yes this is the new RNG abused Celebi that's going around. The goal of this is a Bulky special sweeper as is seen with the EVs and Recover. Nasty Plot doubles her SAtk, Grass Knot for STAB and does big damage to T-Tar switch ins. Earth Power over HP Fire due to another member already covering Scizor and it nails Heatran on the switch. Recover to recover health.​


Zapdos@ Leftovers

Timid Nature

Ability: Pressure

252 HP / 180 Spd / 78 SAtk

- Thunderbolt

- HP Ice 70

- Heat Wave

- Roost

Serves as my Lucario, Scizor, and Gyarados checks. 252 HP allows Zapdos to take hits while still mainting its offensive nature. 180 Spd gives my 308 speed in order to outrun Lucario. Heat Wave for Scizor and Lucario, HP Ice for dragons, and TBolt for STAB and everything else. Roost heals HP.​


Blissey@ Leftovers

Bold Nature

Ability: Natural Cure

212 HP / 252 Def / 46 SDef

- Aromatherapy

- Ice Beam

- Softboiled

- Seismic Toss

Special Wall and cleric. Softboiled to heal, and ice Beam and seismic toss to attack. Counters the special threats that the others cannot. Heals team's status with aromatherapy.


Tentacruel@ Leftovers

Calm Nature

Ability: Clear Body

252 HP / 120 Def / 136 SDef

- Toxic Spikes

- Ice Beam

- Rapid Spin

- Surf

Spinner, Spiker, and MixApe counter. Sets up Toxic Spikes on my opponents side of the field in order to help wear them down. Rapid Spin is staple in all my teams in order to rid of entry hazards. Surf for STAB and to do damage . Knock Off to rid of the opponent's item and disrupt their strategy. Also absorbs Toxic Spikes.


Tyranitar@ Leftovers

Quiet Nature

Ability: Sandstream

252 HP / 188 SAtk / 70 Spd

- Ice Beam

- Focus Punch

- Crunch

- Substitute

Tyraniboah. This is my favorite set for T-Tar as he hits very hard and is bulky. He is excellent at clearing Blissey away for Celebi to set up and sweep. Substitute to create 101 HP subs that can't be broken by Seismic Toss, Ice Beam for dragons, Crunch+Focus Punch 2HKOs Blissey.



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Hai tolto quel bianco che metti di solito, FINALMENTE. \ò/

Comunque, non hai recolorato i bordi. 

c'è l'ho fatta


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